Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Logical Approach To Losing Weight

Are you looking into the different ways that can help you to lose weight? Have you tried a number of different diets in the past but still find yourself being overweight? Are you fed up with being fat? Do you yearn the day when you can buy the type of clothes that you really want? If you have answered yes to any of these questions then this article could well prove to be of benefit to you.

I am somebody who until a few years ago would have answered yes to all of the above questions. I had tried many forms of diet, I would buy clothes that suited my size rather than the clothes I actually wanted to wear. I was without doubt fed up with being fat and was desperate to find a way of losing weight which would last.

In my opinion the answer to all of weight problems was quite simple. I do not need any fancy diet, what I needed to do was to think in a logical way. I first of all had to ask myself a number of questions:

Question. Why are you overweight?

Answer: I eat far too much food and drink far too much alcohol. The food that I do eat is basically fat food such as crisps, chocolate, takeaways and microwave food. I also do very little exercise, therefore I do not give my body a chance to burn off some of this fat. I tend to rarely walk anywhere, I prefer to drive.

Question. Why have you been unsuccessful with your past dieting attempts?

Answer: I did not really follow the program. I may have done for the short term but certainly did not over the longer term. I also gave into temptations by eating food types which I was not really supposed to.

Question. How much do you want to lose this excess weight?

Answer. A huge amount.

Question. So why do you not follow the dieting programs to the letter?

Answer. I am weak, I suppose.

As you can see, the answers to my weight issues are in the answers to these questions. Quite simply I need to:

Be more disciplined

Be more determined

Be stronger

Walk and exercise a lot more

Eat in a much more healthy way

Cut down my intake of alcohol

Stick to the above for the long term

A couple of years ago I started to implement my new logical form of diet and I am happy to report that I am now at a size that I am happy with.

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Green Tea, Weight Loss and You

An ever increasing number of people are choosing to add green tea to their weight loss program. This affordable product packs a punch you'll appreciate. Green tea is a great beverage to drink if you are on a weight loss program because it can help you live a healthier life. Some common beverage choices for people are:

  • coffee and cream which are high in calories - Some of the specialty coffees are very high in calories; caffeine or both and these little vises or pleasures can quickly add up and destroy your weight loss efforts.
  • soda - either diet or regular - Regular sodas add about 120 empty calories to your intake for every 12 ounce can you consume. Diet sodas are sweet and make your body think it is being given sugar which it gears up to digest but nothing is encountered but a chemical compound it does not know how to handle. The debate still rages on about the long term effects of diet soda but many believe this artificial concoction does not help with weight loss and may actually promote weight gain because your body was geared up for sugar it cannot find.
  • sports drinks - These beverages DO add electrolytes and vital fluid replacement but they are also very high in sugar and other alternatives might serve the average person better.

  • Green tea is a beverage substitute that helps you avoid unwanted calories and it also contains healthful substances like polyphenols and flavonoids. Green tea also contains a small amount of caffeine which may help you lose weight because it serves as a mild appetite suppressant.

    If you regularly drink green tea or take green tea supplements, you will be helping your body's thermogenesis process (increase your metabolic rate). This is the process by which the body burns fat and releases calories. The thermogenesis process is activated by the interaction of the caffeine and catechin polyphenols present in this tea. The standard advice of burning more calories than you consume still applies but this tea has been extensively studied and used and has proven that it can help increase your metabolic rate without increasing you heart rate as other plant based products can. No beverage or supplement is going to be a magic pill when it comes to weight loss. There is several thousand years of use and many scientific studies that show your overall health and your weight loss program may benefit from green tea.

    The article Green Tea and Weight Loss offers a little more information on this topic and Natural Remedies Products has other weight loss articles you may enjoy.

    At Last! the Master Cleanser Recipe For Mothers Who Want to Lose Weight But Can't

    I stumbled upon the master cleanser recipe by chance. I was looking for a detox and weight loss diet, and found the lemon cleanse diet with 50 years of success stories to back up the formula.

    After given birth to my baby, I gained a hefty 10 pounds. I wasn't prepared to remain this way, yet I was too busy with my newborn to engage in any form of workout. I'm sure mothers out there can relate to this.

    Neither was I prepared to risk my health with weight loss pills. There were numerous reports where those on pills got themselves into serious health issue.

    The original master cleanser recipe by Stanley Burroughs wasn't design for weight loss. It was only meant to be a safe detox diet, but I found the revised lemonade cleanse diet, which is design to be a detox and weight loss diet.

    Why is the new master cleanse recipe preferred over Stanley Burroughs master cleanse formula, particularly for weight loss?

    In short, the new master cleanse recipe makes weight loss an easy affair. It's focus on the ingredients used, get you prepared mentally, and tackle any discomfort you may encounter along the way.

    Here are what the new master cleanse formula offers over the original one:

    • Introduce you to more effective ingredients and alternatives (and where to find them) including,Quality Water - This is the most overlook ingredient in the lemon cleanse diet. You need water free from living impurities (bacteria & viruses) and the non-living impurities (chlorine, lead, and other chemicals). If you are thinking of using bottled water. You are in for a big surprise, because that's a wrong move.Salt Water Flush Alternative - Many people turn nauseous with the salt water flush. You can now replace the salt water flush with this alternative if you want.Protein - Lack of protein is one of the biggest downsides to the traditional master cleanse, but in the new master cleanser recipe, you will know what kind of protein you can consume without interfering with the cleansing process. This protein can even help you minimize the side effects that you may encounter during the master cleanse.Tea - Certain type of flavored tea may be used to help away from the monotonous detox and weight loss diet.Plant Extracts and Fiber Rich Laxatives - It may sound counter intuitive but addition of these 2 can effectively curb your hunger pangs. You no longer need a steel discipline to survive the 10 days master cleanse program.
    • How to overcome the hunger pangs, but if you really cannot hold on any longer, you will be glad that there is a list of "safe food" you can eat while on the master cleanse diet without interfering your weight loss plan. Conservatively, at least 80% of people give up because they cannot stand the hunger.
    • How to stay focus and motivated.
    • How to ease the side effects (like aches and pains) you may develop during the session.
    • What you should avoid doing while on the master cleanse.
    • How to use the master cleanse diet as a long term dieting strategy for weight control.
    • Help to keep track of your progress.

    Together with the revised recipe, you will know why you should not stay in the cleanse for than 10 days, and why extended lemon cleanse diet can result in more weight gain than loss.

    Just to let you know upfront: You can suffer from fatigue, lack of concentration, irritability and decreased mental function if you are in the master cleanse for longer than usual.

    Don't get turn off by what you have just read in the last paragraph. As long as you follow the given detox and weight loss diet, you will be fine. The problem is a lot of people like to sail into uncharted water, and turn workable formula into dangerous ones, by staying in the lemon cleanse diet for more than 30 over days.

    If you follow the revised recipe and advises given, at the end of the cleanse you will not only loss weight, but together with it, you will have cleanse your body of harmful toxins. You will also find an increased in you energy levels with a stronger metabolism rate. There are also reported cases of people with stronger immune system after the lemon cleanse diet.

    In short, you feel renewed, just like how Robin Quiver felt after losing 70 pounds. Is this new detox and weight loss diet for you? Don't have to decide now, but don't shortchange yourself either. Find out more before deciding. But if you ask me, I will say go for the new master cleanser recipe and experience the weight loss you have always wanted. The choice is yours.

    For mothers who want a detox and weight loss diet check out the new master cleanser recipe at http://www.desperate-to-lose-weight-quickly.com

    It works for me, and it can work for you too. Now, losing up to 20 pounds in 10 days can be your reality.

    From Sherlyn Ling, the executive turned work at home mother who loss 11.5 pounds after 8 days of master cleansing.

    Best Weight Loss with Hypnosis

    Over-eating is of then the result of years of poor eating habits, and bad habits are difficult to break on your own. Most people who are overweight have been able to lose weight at one time or another in their lives, yet for no apparent reason they may gain it back. And no wonder! When you try to make changes through dieting or "willpower," you are only using the conscious part of your mind. A full 88% of your mind is in the area of your subconscious. No wonder when you try to make a big change through "willpower," you find it difficult or impossible--only 12% of your mind power is working for you!

    Hypnotism is a way to get 100% of your brain power working WITH YOU, to achieve the goals you desire!

    Through the use of hypnosis, suggestions are given that will cancel out your negative patterns--those "bad habits." Once the negative habit has been removed, suggestions are then given that will start a new positive habit of health eating and enjoying exercise. With hypnosis, you will be able to keep the weight off even after the initial weight loss. Hypnosis, when practiced by a legitimate provider, is approved for clinical use by the American Medical Association.

    Most importantly for you, there is proof of the effectiveness of adding hypnotherapy to your weight loss efforts. Clinical studies showing how hypnosis helps with weight loss are irrefutable:

    In a 9-week study of two weight management groups (one using hypnosis and one not using hypnosis), the hypnosis group continued to get results in the two-year follow-up, while the non-hypnosis group showed no further results (Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1985).

    In a study of 60 women separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups, the groups using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, while the non-hypnosis group lost an average of only .5 pounds (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986).

    A study comparing the results of adding hypnosis to weight loss treatment showed that adding hypnosis increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment, and even more importantly increased the effectiveness POST TREATMENT by over 146%. This shows that hypnosis works even better over time (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1996).

    Weight loss doesn't have to be a battle. Get 100% of the power of your mind working FOR you by adding hypnosis or hypnotherapy to your weight loss program today!

    Cindy Locher is a Certified Hypnotist and expert in the use of hypnotherapy for weight loss, smoking cessation, and stress relief. Find out more about how hypnosis can help you live a better and more fulfilling life at http://www.MN-Hypnosis.com

    Things You Should Know About the South Beach Diet Method to Lose Weight

    The South Beach diet is a popular diet plan designed to help you lose weight. The South Beach diet will teach you how to change the balance of the way you eat that puts emphasis on helping you to lose weight and start eating healthy. The South Beach diet is not a low-carb or low-fat way to lose weight, but teaches you what good fats and carbohydrates are.

    The idea is that you chose foods with a low Glycemic Index (GI). This is a measure in the raise in blood sugar after eating a particular food. Lower GI foods cause a gradual raise in blood sugar making it easier on the body. Whereas high GI foods make blood sugar as well as insulin levels rise quickly. Making the right choices and choosing the lower GI variety will lead to a much healthier body.

    When you eat so called bad carbohydrates, because they have a high (GI) they get absorbed quickly, causing your body to feel hungry and encouraging you to eat more and gain weight. Good Carbohydrates on the other hand get digested and absorbed slowly .

    The South Beach diet began when a Miami cardiologist named Arthur Agatson was trying to find a method for his heart patients to lose weight in a way that was healthy and easy to maintain the weight loss. The foundation for the South Beach diet plan to lose weight was researched at Mount Sinai Medical Center, and has become quite a phenomenon especially in the home of South Florida.

    The South Beach Diet is a three phase plan. The first two for a specific timeframe and the third phase for life

    Phase one is during the initial two weeks of the South Beach diet, you will learn how to eat in a completely new way. Whether you only want to lose a few pounds or more, the South Beach diet will help you to lose weight in a realistic and tasty way.

    For the initial fourteen days you will eliminate most carbs including bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and even fruit, this is so that your body can adjust to eating a low carbohydrate diet. However, during this period they are absolutely forbidden. There will be no cake, cookies, ice cream, or any type of sugar. Beer or alcohol is not permitted either

    This may sound almost impossible to do in order to lose weight, but you will be surprised at how quickly one can adjust to the changes. The first two or three days of the South Beach diet is the hardest part of the diet when you are getting used to cutting out the carbohydrates, fats and sugars.

    Phase 2 is when you start to reintroduce dairy products and healthy carbs, such as whole grain foods and fruits. However processed carbs such as cookies, bagels, corn flakes, etc must be restricted until you reach your target weight.

    Phase 3 is when you have reached your target weight and learnt to make the right food choices to maintain a healthy life style. Hopefully after a while, it will seem natural to eat this way.

    On the South Beach diet you will eat regular sized servings of chicken, beef fish and shrimp with lots of vegetables, eggs, cheese and nuts. You will be able to eat salads with real olive oil and you will eat three balanced meals a day. You should eat fiber and good fats which are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, especially those with
    Omega-3 fatty acids, these help slow the digestion of the carbohydrates.

    It is thought that it is possible to lose eight to thirteen pounds during the initial phase, then one to two pounds weekly thereafter.

    The South Beach diet helps you to get rid of cravings and the feeling that you want more food. The South Beach diet allows for two snacks a day and even dessert after dinner. You are allowed to drink diet soda and you can still eat out and lose weight.

    The South Beach diet plan has been around for several years and it has helped literally thousands of people lose weight and reach their goals by making the right choices and maintaining a healthy eating regime.

    Mary Lewis, director of
    M and L Promotions Ltd.

    website: http://www.losingweighteasily.com/sb.php

    Three Ways Hoodia Helps You Lose Weight

    Hoodia comes in three forms. You can take a pill, use a powder, or drink a liquid. The three different ways all help you to lose weight. Of the three, the liquid works the fastest. It does not need to be digested, but it is absorbed by the body directly. This is much faster, and easier on the body. Some people have problems digesting food, much less plant stems.

    If you get a product that is not pure, you will also be trying to digest the roots, sticks, flower parts, and who knows what else. Fillers, additives, and bulk material are a sign of a useless product that will not do as claimed.

    When you purchase Hoodia Gordonii, make sure it is 100% pure. It will need to be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity also. Hoodia will not help you to lose weight unless it is the variety of hoodia that contains the active appetite suppressant ingredient, now known as P57. All hoodia plants are not the same, only the Hoodia Gordonii plant has the P57. P57 was isolated by a British company, Phytopharm. Phytopharm is now trying to manufacture a synthetic molecule that will do as P57 does. In this way it can be massed produced, otherwise the supply will always lag behind the demand. Due to the five or so years for the plant to mature, to flower, thus producing the suppressant ingredient, products with 100% Hoodia Gordonii can not be manufactured quick enough.

    This has led to the phony products being produced. It is giving the Hoodia Gordonii a bad name, unfairly. Studies by Phytopharm have shown that it does work. It worked well enough on several severely obese individuals. By duplicating the effect of glucose on the hypothalamus, P57 is detected and fools the brain into thinking the body has eaten and no longer needs to. Glucose, blood sugar, works the same way. When levels of blood sugar reach an optimum level, the hypothalamus signals the brain to tell the body to stop eating. More intense than glucose, P57 shuts down all needs to eat. Hunger cravings are immediately suppressed. Thirst is also suppressed.

    Not wanting to eat anymore, the body uses the fat that is stored for it's energy supply, and body mass is used, weight is lost and there is no apparent side effects. With the fresh memory of Ephedra, people may be a bit cautious to use hoodia, but the pure hoodia does work. Studies will determine if there are any negative feedback on using hoodia. Not enough people have been using it to determine any long term effects. The only people that have are the San Bushmen of South Africa. Although they have been using it for decades, their culture and lifestyles are vastly different than ours, and though no adverse effects have been revealed in studying them, the difference in culture and lifestyles may make it necessary to look into long term use by people in a fast paced, stressed out society.

    No study has been done if hoodia is mixed with anything. Alcohol may alter it, drugs may render it useless. No one knows at this time. Only one thing is definite. Hoodia Gordonii in it's pure state will help you to lose weight. Use it correctly, and the pounds will fall off.

    Related Articles:

    Best Hoodia Gordonii Products


    Lose Inches & Burn Fat Fast - The 3 C's of Weight Loss Success

    Ready to lose inches and burn off fast? Great! In this article, I would like to talk about the 3 C's of weight loss success.

    1. Commitment: In order to succeed with starting a healthy lifestyle, you must be willing to commit. Changing your life around to live more healthier is demanding and requires a total commitment in order to see results, and see them fast.

    2. Core Principles: Success begins with the basic core principles to lose inches and burn fat fast. Those principles are proper nutrition (protein, healthy fats, fiber, complex carbohydrates, and vitamins/minerals), drinking plenty of water every day (1/2 - 1 gallon), getting plenty of sleep every night (7-9 hours), cardio exercise (In moderation to avoid losing muscle), and weight training exercise.

    3. Consistency: Once you have made the commitment, and you understand the core principles, you must now stay consistent with it all. You can not begin a healthy lifestyle and only focus on trying to drop a few pounds for a particular event, for summer, to fit in a certain outfit, etc., and then quit. You need to live healthier for life. As I always say, a healthy lifestyle is a journey....not a short trip around the corner!

    Now that you know the three C's, it's time to get up and get out there and do something about improving your body. Don't make excuses, don't procrastinate, just do it. Your body deserves better, and once you give your body what it is supposed to have (proper nutrition & fitness), it will repay you with a new lean, sexy, and very healthy body that will turn heads and give you an overwhelming sense of achievement and well being.

    Are you you ready to burn fat and build lean muscle now? I recommend for you to take a look at these powerful fat burning programs. These programs are straight to the point and are not your typical "low calorie", "no carb", "don't eat anything all day" type of diets.

    I wish you the best of success in getting yourself in better health! Good Luck!

    Most Powerful Way To Lose 10 Pounds Fast

    The most powerful way to lose 10 pounds fast is through a dieting technique called calorie shifting. Calorie shifting has become the most popular way for people to lose weight because it breaks nearly every dieting rule ever created, is very flexible and the weight loss results are safe and long term. Many people can lose 10 or more pounds in less than 2 weeks with this dieting technique.

    Here's why calorie shifting is so amazing: It's a method of eating in mixed routines to throw your body's routine check off. The human body adapts to eating routines and this causes it to burn a fixed amount of calories. But because calorie shifting (basically changing your eating routines) keeps on tricking it, it cannot adapt and naturally forces itself to burn more fat and keep metabolism high as a fail-safe.

    So what happens as a result? You lose weight fast! This can even occur when you sleep, eat and go about your life. This is one of the most ideal diets for people who need fast and safe results and especially for those who live busy lives and cannot devote time to conventional dieting methods.

    Another benefit of calorie shifting is that you can eat just about anything you wish. Though low-carb foods get the best results, you're not just limited to them. In addition to a few other steps to this technique, calorie shifting becomes the most powerful way to lose 10 pounds for absolutely anyone regardless of age, gender, or gene history.

    To find out more information on calorie shifting including how to get started, get helpful resources, how to accomplish it and get the best results, click here!

    Surefire Ways to Drop Weight Using Medifast - Super Keys to Fantastic Fat Loss

    In this article I'd like to quickly point out some surefire ways to drop weight while using the medifast diet. True, for many people, simply following the plan itself is MORE than sufficient for reaching or surpassing all of their weight loss goals. But the truth is, if you REALLY want to amplify your outcome and optimize your efforts like I do, you sometimes need to reach a little bit deeper into the proverbial bag of tips and tricks to get the best results possible. So continue reading as I shine a bright light on the techniques that work best for ME, and others who are reporting phenomenal results as well. Read on..:-)

    Filed Under: The Magic is in the Motion

    If you aren't exercising, I've got to ask....why NOT? Simply stated, I don't care how much weight you are losing, or how averse you THINK you may be to working out, NO program for long term weight loss will work without some form of cardiovascular exercise. Of course you can lose LOTS of weight without it...but if you TRULY want to revolutionize your body, mind and spirit long term, you need to integrate some form of cardiovascular motion into your lifestyle. Yoga, Pilates, walking and even some of your favorite hobbies can make for a great workout. (think gardening, playing with your kids, and MORE...be creative!)

    Filed Under: A Lean and Green Lifestyle

    Everyone knows about the lean and green element of Medifast - it's the 6th meal (yes, 6 meals a day!) and the ONLY one you will be preparing. But the key to long term health and vitality is incorporating this sort of meal planning AFTER you've lost the weight you've wanted on Medifast...and moved BACK into the world of everyday meal selection on your own. Lots of us, of course, keep using a "light" version of Medifast for maintenance WELL after we've reached our target weight, but I always recommend that the lean and green approach you integrate into your LONG term lifestyle as a HABIT. Not only does it taste great, no matter WHAT changes in the wild and wooly world of dieting advice, you can rest assured that veggies and protein will ALWAYS stay in style! Just as your new KILLER bod does as well..:-)

    I Feel GREAT! No More Chubby Tummy I told My Hubby!

    Read on...to discover how you can lose weight, feel great, and turn heads on the beach, in the boardroom and in the bedroom...guaranteed!

    (Even if you've never lost a pound on ANY diet ever before!)

    Discover How To Lose More Fat And Gain Muscle While Spending Less Time In The Gym

    Can't seem to find enough time in a day to fit in a 45 minute cardio workout and
    another 30-45 minute of weight training?

    Unfortunately, 'lack of time' is the main reason why people find excuse to 'not
    want' to lose fat and gain muscle! Actually training to lose fat (and gain
    muscle) is not easy, and can be boring!

    However, the days of long, slow, boring cardio workouts are not necessary
    to loss fat only. In fact, a university study has found that trainees who used
    'High Intensity Interval Training' lost more fat and gained more muscle than those
    who trained the traditional ways.

    What the results shows is that in order to lose fat and gain muscle more efficiently,
    a combination of high intensity interval training and strength training can skyrocket
    your metabolism.

    The best part about this workout is, it can be done in less time to
    lose fat and gain muscle! It's a great motivating factor to
    try to gain the best of worlds to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time!

    The reason why a high intensity interval training is successful is:

    1) You lose fat by burning more total calories per pound of body weight;

    2) High intensity workouts such as weight training and Interval training helps boost growth
    hormone levels which benefits in gain of muscle;

    3) It has a greater metabolic stress on the muscle, and you will continue to burn
    more calories during the time your body is resting. As the muscle rests, it works harded to recover, grow and replenish the energy that was used during a workout, which helps to lose more fat and gain muscle.

    Therefore, a high intensity interval training is more important than just doing steady cardio and isolation weight workouts. It burns more calories in a day, lose fat and gain muscle, all at the same time.

    Best of all it gets more results in less time!

    So there's no more excuses for the 'lack of time' to lose fat and gain muscle.

    Even if you do not have the desire to lose fat or gain muscle, a high intensity interval training
    is for you.

    Another benefit of the program is, it combats boredom as you are working in cycles of high and low intensity work instead of a long period of one activity.

    with this program, not only will you lose fat and gain muscle, your cardiovascular endurance, raw speed and explosiveness will improve. A better athlete!

    By mixing bursts of high intensity workout with low intensity periods of recovery, you will burn more calories, lose fat and gain muscle with less time in the gym.

    And there's no reason to get stressed over how many calories you need to burn during a training session. What's more important is how many calories you can burn during the day.

    With a high intensity interval training, you will lose fat, gain muscle and save time! However,
    remember to get the right nutrition into your body to keep your metabolism up and running.

    -Want To Build Muscle And Lose Fat At the Same Time?

    -Discover A Time Efficient, Research Proven Workouts To Boost Muscle Growth And Blowtorch Body Fat For Good.

    Lose Fat, Build Muscle Now!

    8 Ways To Lose Facial Fat

    Want to lose fat in your face? Unhappy with that fat chin? Feel like those fat cheeks are making you look "chipmunky?"

    First, let's acknowledge that spot reduction of fat, through exercise or dieting anyway, is not possible. It would be nice if we could target our problem areas -- thighs, a spare tire, flabby arms, or in this case a chubby face -- and concentrate our efforts on melting the fat from those specific places. Nice, but not realistic.

    That doesn't mean the situation is hopeless. Here are all the ways that I am aware of for helping to get rid of a fat face, or at least diminish its plump appearance.

    1. Exercise and diet to lose overall body fat.

    When we lose weight we tend to lose fat from over our whole bodies. If you are overweight, then sensible dieting along with a regular cardiovascular workout will burn fat from all areas, including your face. For some people the difference will be dramatic, for others less so, but all should enjoy some improvement in facial appearance. Remember: Spot fat loss through exercise isn't possible, but fat loss is.

    2. Drink more water.

    Drinking eight big glasses of water a day has been proven to aid in weight loss. Sometimes when we think we're hungry, our body is actually just thirsty. Drinking lots of water can take the edge off our "hunger" and keep us from overeating, thus helping us to lose fat.

    There's another reason to drink water, though. Sometimes a fat looking (or puffy) face is caused by bloating, the body's retention of fluid as a response to being water deprived. If you're a woman--especially if you've just come through a pregnancy or are experiencing menopause--this could be part of the problem. So drink up! Good ol' H20, that is.

    3. Firm up your face.

    Some people swear by facial exercise; others consider it silly and question it effectiveness. It won't hurt to try it for a few weeks or a couple of months to see if it works for you. Remember, your aim here is to tighten and firm your skin, not to try to spot-reduce the underlying fat (since that's impossible anyhow).

    Here's an old one for firming up a double chin: Using the back (top) of your hand, slap/tap the bottom of your chin rapidly yet firmly. Do this often, whenever you think of it.

    For cheeks: Sit. Relax. Smile, keeping your lips closed. Now suck in your cheeks and hold them in while you count 8 seconds. Relax and repeat at least ten times. This is a good one to do while driving, as it requires no hands to perform. Another exercise for your cheeks is simply to smile as wide as you can (lips closed) as you imagine you are trying to touch your ears with the corners of your mouth.

    4. Get older.

    This is the easiest way of all to lose fat from the face -- it only requires patience!

    If you're in your teens, twenties or even thirties, your roundish face might be caused by baby fat that has yet to melt. Give it some time, and meanwhile be sure to work on reducing your overall body fat if need be. As people age they tend to lose a lot of their facial fat. The drawback to this natural process is that by their fifties, some people end up with excessively gaunt looking faces. That's a problem to tackle another day, though.

    5. Lose face fat the magician's way.

    Magicians use misdirection to deceive. You can "lose" the fat in your face the same way -- by misdirecting the viewer's attention and by disguising the roundness.

    Sorry, guys -- these are women-only subterfuges ... unless you are into makeup or have long hair. And so, ladies ...

    If you have a double chin you want to camouflage, I'm told that adding some blush along your jaw line will do the trick. Start from just below your ears and brush it all the way to your chin, making sure to blend. If you also put a spot of white powder on the tip of the chin for a highlight, the overall effect will be dramatically slimming.

    Similarly, to make your face look thinner, just brush bronzer over your cheekbones and temples, as well as under your chin. Boost the effect with white-powder highlights on chin tip, cheeks, forehead and the bridge or your nose.

    Finally, ask your hairdresser for a style that will either hide or draw attention away from a round face. Hairdressers are experts in knowing which styles are best for which face shapes.

    6. One word: Ultrasound.

    Ultrasound is increasingly being used for cosmetic purposes. A special ultrasound machine can be employed to send energy deep beneath the skin, where it liquifies underlying fat cells without harming tissue or nerve cells. The liquified fat is then expelled naturally by the body--or at least that's what proponents and practitioners of ultrasound therapy claim.

    7. One other word: Liposuction.

    Liposuction is more invasive than ultrasound therapy by itself. It can also be combined with ultrasound. As you probably know, liposuction involves making one or more small incisions in the skin, inserting tiny "vacuum hoses" and suctioning out the fat. It works particularly well on double chins and jowls, and can be used to "deflate" fat cheeks, too.

    8. Two words: Cosmetic surgery.

    Celebs do it. Average people do it. For some, results are stupendous. For a few, they're a nightmare. Botched jobs do happen. And in any case, facelifts and similar cosmetic procedures are expensive.

    This article on ways to lose fat from the face wouldn't have been complete without mentioning ultrasound, liposuction and cosmetic surgery. I deliberately did not go into detail about them.

    If you are considering having any costly or invasive procedure to reduce facial fat (or for any other purpose), you need to do your own due diligence. Talk to people who've had the same procedure. Research it through the Internet. Get your doctor's opinion, advice and perhaps a referral. Learn about costs, side effects, recovery time and possible complications. Most importantly, gain a realistic understanding of what the procedure can and cannot do for your appearance. That way you'll avoid disappointment.

    Denny Waldarmo is a fitness coach who writes on exercise and diet topics. For the Solid Gold Info web site, he reviews books and other products related to these topics. His recent review of one of the top downloadable e-books on burning fat and replacing it with muscle is now online: http://www.Solid-Gold.info/burn-the-fat.html

    8 Best Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly

    The best exercises to lose weight quickly are not secrets at all, but they are overlooked by many people. Actually, you probably already participate in some of these exercises.

    For instance, if you walk or climb stairs, you are utilizing the best exercise to lose weight right now. Whichever exercise you choose, make sure you put all your energy into it.

    You want to keep your heart rate up and your blood pumping throughout the exercise period, with a proper cool down afterwards. Make sure your drink lots of water while exercising to replenish your reserves and to help prevent cramping.

    Now let's take a look at 8 best exercises to lose weight quickly.

    1. Squats: Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart and squat down and then up 10-20 times through two or three sets.

    2. Jumping Jacks: This is the best for whole body workout. Do four or five set of 20 jumping jacks for best results.

    3. Stepping: It is great to burn calories, boost heart rate. You can use your stairs for this exercise. Step up and down 20 times, rest and repeat two or three times.

    4. Walking: Fast walking is better than slow walking. Walk briskly for half and hour and you can burn up to 180 calories.

    5. Bicycling: If you apply the right amount of resistance at the right speed, you can lose between 250 and 500 calories in half and hour.

    6. Swimming: This is great exercise for many people. Doing the breast stroke for half and hour can burn 400 calories.

    7. Cross Country Skiing: It has the same benefit as swimming. It provides an excellent cardio workout to your entire body.

    8. Jump Rope: This isn't just a kids' game. Adults can get terrific benefits by jumping rope for as little as 15 to 20 minutes

    To find out more how you can lose weight naturally and effortlessly, please go to http://www.bestweightlossreview.info

    Lose Weight While Eating Candy?

    If you are trying to lose weight then it is generally wise to avoid sweet in-between-meal snacks such as candy. However a new kind of lollipop, filled with a natural appetite suppressor and vitamins, could make candy snacks an integral part of a serious weight loss program.

    The appetite suppressant that forms the main ingredient of these weight-loss lollipops, sold under trade names such as Power Pops, comes from the Hoodia Gordonii plant. The Bushmen of South Africas Kalahari Desert have been eating Hoodia Gordonii for thousands of years. They would eat the plant while going out on long hunting expeditions in order to decrease their appetite and increase their energy.

    During the 1960s medical researchers found that the active ingredient of the plant does indeed suppress appetite. Journalists from CBS and BBC too have tried Hoodia and their reports on the appetite suppressing qualities of the South African plant have made Hoodia the latest thing for people anxious to do something about their weight problems.

    But Hoodia cannot be effectively taken like a simple weight loss pill. The Bushmen of the Kalahari didnt take capsules or pills rather they chewed on the plant slowly. It is a slow and gradual release of the plants appetite suppressing ingredient that provides the most effective way to get the benefits of Hoodia.

    Sucking on a Hoodia-laden lollipop provides a good way to take Hoodia in a way that is similar to the successful use of the plant by the Bushmen. The nutrients are released slowly as you suck on the candy. In addition, holding the lollipop in your hand keeps you from reaching for other munchies.

    Makers of the Hoodia lollipops say that they can be taken in between meals instead of other snacks or can be used in connection with a weight reduction meal plan.

    For example they say that you can take a Hoodia lollipop with an eight ounce glass of water just thirty minutes before eating breakfast. They advise eating a well-balanced meal that includes fresh fruits.

    When lunch time comes you can take another Hoodia lollipop with a glass of water thirty minutes before eating and then eat a balanced meal with protein, vegetables and carbohydrates. And the lollipop again is taken 30 minutes before dinner. Once again the dinner should be a balanced meal, and it should be eaten three hours before bedtime.

    There are only two ways to lose weight, either you reduce your intake of food and calories or you must increase your exercise. If you have been struggling to reduce your calorie level due to uncontrollable hunger and continual snacking, then the new Hoodia products, combined with balanced meals and exercise may be just what you need to lose weight in a natural and enjoyable way.

    Mike Vincent is a frequent writer on health matters and manages the websites http://www.Hoodia-diet-pops.com and http://www.healthy4life.com/powerpops.php , both of which provide more information about Hoodia Gordonii

    Winsor Pilates Weight Loss: A Fallacy?

    Have you ever thought to undergo some methods to lose weight or you just dont care? Well, mine here is just simple speculations on the truth about Winsor Pilates weight loss.

    As we approached the ever fast changing societies, many infomercials are advertising the new trend in fitness industry which is the Winsor Pilates weight loss workout. Because of those infomercials, the Winsor Pilates weight loss exercise becomes the most popular topic surrounding weight loss.

    For everybodys information, the Winsor Pilates weight loss program is first designed by Mari Winsor for those who wanted to sculpt their bodies and to lose weight. Many claimed that the Winsor Pilates weight loss program really works. However, when we talk about the Winsor Pilates weight loss program that supposed to tone your body and help you get lean and shapely, we cannot deny the fact that there is really no such thing as a weight loss program like the Winsor Pilates weight loss workout that can totally shape your body. This fact is supported by the reason that the only way to burn fat and lose weight is to undergo methods with the use of good fat burning diet.

    The truth about Winsor Pilates weight loss workout is also denied by most people because the Winsor Pilates accordingly is just a slow form of exercise and does not really burn fats.

    Let us accept the fact which sometimes becomes a fallacy in the world of infomercials that many infomercials just present those claims that Winsor Pilates weight loss really works by presenting models and personalities that are really lean and shapely. With such perspective, the Winsor Pilates weight loss is therefore designed to look effective on the infomercials because everybody shown performing it is lean and shapely. Those infomercials about Winsor Pilates weight loss dont tell you that those particular personas were already lean and shapely before the Winsor Pilates weight loss was designed as a weight loss exercise. It therefore shows that those Winsor Pilates weight loss workout personalities did not attain their fat loss and weight loss by merely using the Winsor Pilates weight loss workout. Oh, what a fallacy! But even though that method works, let us bear in mind that it still remains a fallacy.

    To further support the claim that Winsor Pilates weight loss workout will not help you get any leaner and the Winsor Pilates weight loss workout will not help you in your weight loss efforts, some supporting opinions about Winsor Pilates weight loss workout is given. Accordingly, in most opinions I have researched, the Winsor Pilates weight loss workout is not really designed to lose weight but only to sculpt the muscles, especially the abdominal muscles. And to better gain a result, if someone is serious with losing weight, an additional fat burning diet is applied aside from the Winsor Pilates weight loss workout. Therefore it is understandable that the Winsor Pilates weight loss program must be coupled with healthy diet and good routines. Because of that the Winsor Pilates weight loss program designed some of the supporting kits for better results. So, if you are really interested to achieve great results on losing weight, you can try Winsor Pilates weight loss workout and at the same time couple it with a healthy diet and routine.

    Gellert Varga is a Winsor Pilates expert. His articles can be found on Winsor Pilates.