Friday, May 23, 2008

Your Weight Loss Success - Why Writing Down Your Victories Will Help You Lose Weight Faster

Some days, you may feel losing weight is like fighting Goliath. It taunts you like a giant you can't ever imagine beating. In those moments of discouragement, you can draw on your past successes and find hope.

What have been some of your victories? They can be large or small; every victory counts. Maybe you:

-Skipped cake at a friend's birthday party

-Exercised 2 times this week

-Ate only half your entree at a restaurant

-Had tea instead of a caloric coffee drink

-Dropped a dress size

Give yourself credit for the things you do right. Celebrate small positive changes like choosing the stairs instead of the elevator or passing up a dessert. You are taking baby steps in the right direction.

While you are trying to lose weight, set mini-goals you can reach. Plan one extra workout this week. Don't eat anything sweet for three days in a row. Lose a pound or two per week (research shows that dropping weight gradually is the best way to keep it off). Reaching mini-goals will keep you motivated to continue and give you reasons to celebrate along the way.

Keep a log of your victories. When you start sliding back into some bad eating or exercise habits, you can read your past victories. If you did it once, you can do it again. When you think about your successes, you'll become extremely motivated to move to the next level instead of losing ground.

Remembering your victories isn't about being preoccupied with the past. It's about using the past as a springboard into the future. A victory log fills your heart with hope. And that hope will keep you going on the days you feel like giving up.

Today's action step: Begin your victory log. Write down one thing you did well this week with eating or exercise.

Arlene Pellicane, mother of a toddler and infant, helps women lose their baby weight and thrive as wives and mothers. Her weekly podcast "Losing Weight After Baby" is full of practical ideas that work for busy moms. An everyday mom herself, you can visit Arlene's website for free articles and exercises at

10 Healthy Snack Ideas to Help With Your Weight Loss Program

To eat better, try to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, and lean meat, poultry, and fish. Also, try to limit the amount of fat, sugar, and salt you eat. Try these tips to eat better, save time, and stretch your food budget. The following 10 healthy snack ideas will assist you with your weight loss program.

1) Low-fat yogurt sprinkled with low-fat granola

2) Oatmeal with low-fat or fat-free milk, or soy-based beverage

3) A slice of whole-wheat toast with a thin spread of peanut butter

4) Fruit smoothie made with frozen fruit, low-fat yogurt, and juice

5) High-fiber, low-sugar cereal with soy-based beverage or low-fat milk

6) Low-fat or fat-free yogurt

7 ) Rice cakes

8) Fresh or frozen fruits

9) Sliced vegetables or baby carrots

10) Air-popped popcorn

Healthy snack ideas can help with any weight loss program. It is important to not let sweets like cookies, candy, or soda crowd out healthy foods. Dairy is important but if your body has a hard time with the lactose in dairy you can also get calcium from calcium-fortified juices, soy-based beverages, and cereals. Eating dark leafy vegetables like collard greens and kale, and canned fish with soft bones like salmon, can also help you meet your body's calcium needs.

Of course other foods can also be used as healthy snack ideas. You can use salads, whole grain foods, dried fruits and nuts. The thing with these, as well as the others, is to watch your portion size. It is always best to plan ahead and have have low-fat, low-sugar snacks on hand.

Check Out The Web's #1 Diet & Weight Loss Review Site - Top Fat Loss Diets! You Can Begin To Lose Weight Now with Instant Downloads from Today's Top Diets! Easy To Follow Muscle Building, Weight Losing, Body Toning, and Fat Loss Programs Will Show You The Best Way To Get Rid of Fat Forever. Here You Will Discover The Truth About Diets So You Can Decide For Yourself Which Diet or Weight Loss Program Fits Your Personality & Lifestyle The Best In Order For You To Begin To Lose Weight Now! Lose Fat Forever with Your Choice of Ultimate Weight Loss Programs. Visit Top Fat Loss Diets Today!

High Metabolism Loses Belly Fat Fast

One of the keys to losing belly fat fast is to increase your metabolism. This is really a simple concept. But some people have taken this to extremes and resorted to medication. It is not necessary.

If you are already on a sensible diet and have an exercise program in place, what you need to know is how to get your body to burn the fat fast. Belly fat is no different from any other fat in your body. To burn belly fat fast, you must burn calories fast.

We all know that metabolism burns up body fats. But strength training, one of the most effective ways to keep metabolism up, can be misleading. Just because you are on a strength training program, it does not mean that you are maximizing your metabolism and thus, your fat burn rate.

Many trainers acknowledge that the intensity of the strength training plays an important role in increasing your metabolic rate. If you want to burn fat, you need to increase the intensity of your strength training. A high intensity work out will not only have the benefit of burning more fat during the exercise, but it will have the added benefit of keeping the calories burning for hours after the exercise. This effect is commonly known as the afterburn.

So, together with your cardio program, you must make sure that you incorporate strength training and intensive work out sessions into your overall exercise regime. If you can do this, you will be able to sustain a very high calorie burn over a sustained period. This is the best and most effective way to lose belly fat fast.

Set a resolution to make Year 2008 to lose those belly fats, find the fastest way to lose belly fat and challenge yourself to lose weight in our 60 days challenge. Let's all set our sights on throwing those oversize clothing away.

We are giving away 3 power-packed reports here for you to set your 2008 resolution to lose those belly fats in motion.

The Weight Loss Secret - How To Use Exercises For Weight Loss!

The often neglected but crucial aspect of every weight loss program is exercise. While assisting with the rate of weight loss, exercise primarily trains the body to release and burn fats for energy and adds a good muscle tone.

Modifying the diet with the addition of exercise to the regimen works wonders for people following various weight loss programs.

Exercise helps control blood sugar levels without bringing insulin into play. Exercise also helps the body develop the ability to mobilize fat stores for energy. It raises the metabolic rate for a sustained period of time and also helps in increasing the production of enzymes that pull fat out from storage. The positive effects of exercise are many. Maintenance of lean tissues and raised basal metabolic rate continues long after exercise is discontinued.

In fact, many experts believe that achieving weight loss through exercising is much more effective when compared to dieting.

People who diet without exercising mostly lose water and some muscle too. What happens is, when you are on a diet and not eating enough food, your body fights back. However, if you exercise for at least 30 minutes daily, you will burn fat and retain muscle. You may not even have to cut down on food, fat is burned through exercise at a fast rate and quick weight loss is achieved.

Powerful exercises, such as workouts and turbulence training (details can be checked out at the turbulence training membership site) combined with a good diet, encourage your body to burn calories while adding lean muscle tissue.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn

fat at the same time, visit

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

Lose 10 Pounds Fast By Shifting Calories

Fat Loss 4 Idiots has introduced a new method of dieting which will help you to lose 10 pounds fast. Unlike other diets available that claim to help with fast weight loss this one has continuous results rather than just short term results and this is because it is based around shifting calories.

The diet is based around an 11 day cycle during which you will eat foods of every type in a constantly changing pattern to fool your metabolism into working at a high rate. Once the 11 day cycle is at an end you then receive 3 full days to eat whatever foods you want, these are commonly known as cheat days.

Here are a few tips which make using Fat Loss 4 Idiots shifting calories diet more effective.


Because many dieters are so desperate to lose weight they decide to ignore the 3 cheat days and continue to diet but this should be avoided. Cheat days have several benefits and they have been put there for a reason, so use them, enjoy them and then start the cycle over again.


The diet provides a menu generator which will be based on a list of foods you have told it you like so once you get the menu don't ignore it. The weight loss program gives you 4 meals a day and this is what you should try to follow. Some feel that by leaving one out if they don't feel hungry that they will lose weight faster but this isn't the case. Leaving longer periods between meals gives your metabolism time to work at a slower rate and increases the chances of binging.


Most dieters are in the need to lose weight because they have never gotten enough exercise so the last thing they need is a diet program that requires them to put in a super human effort. Instead try to walk more often, a simple walk to the shops each day can make a massive difference. The program this diet uses doesn't actually require any exercise but this will increase the amount you do lose.


Anyone that has ever dieted will know the habit we have of jumping on the scales each and every morning to see what weight we have lost but this should be avoided. This diet is based around an 11 day cycle so I would suggest you only weigh yourself at the end of each 11 day cycle. This will help prevent a loss in motivation if one day goes extremely well and the next day has poor results.

By using the calorie shifting diet and following this advice you will lose 10 pounds fast without fail.

To read more about how you can lose 10 pounds fast then visit this webpage Shifting Calories Diet.

Katie Turner has lost 34 lbs since the birth of her twins. To find out more on fast weight loss Click Here

3 Keys To Washboard Abs

While my primary focus (and recommendation) is strength training for the sake of gaining functional strength, there's no denying that a majority of people want to know how to get washboard abs. Male or female, washboard abs are often a big fitness goal.

So, here's a basic overview of how to get washboard abs, broken down into three elements: Nutrition, strength training, and cardio. Now before you take off, this won't be all the same stuff you've already read a hundred times - and will offer some tips you can use now.


The first and most important element in losing the fat covering your abs is your diet. You have to eat well. It's not as difficult as you may think, and you don't have to starve yourself. Even a simple change resulting in 300 fewer calories a day will make a difference when combined with the other two elements discussed below.

For a simple start, here are a few (simplified) tips:

  • Stop drinking your calories (cut out soft drinks)
  • Eat less white food (cut back on processed carbs)
  • Eat more fruits & veggies
  • Eat enough lean protein (aim for 1 gram per two pounds of bodyweight)

Just remember, it's much easier to NOT eat that piece of cheesecake than it is to burn it off later!

Strength Training

The absence of strength training is a major problem with a lot of weight loss programs. In addition to building strength, strength training also firms, tones, and builds your muscles. By building muscle, you naturally raise your metabolism. Muscle uses more calories than fat, so more muscle means more fat burning - even at rest. And don't worry ladies, you won't bulk up. For the average female, washboard abs often aren't the goal - just a slim tummy. That's OK, the process is the same.

For a strength training workout, stick with mulit-joint full-body exercises when possible. I recommend circuit training. Circuit training allows you to get a great strength workout in a short period of time, while burning calories very effectively. It's perfect if your goal is to firm up. However, it's not optimal if you're really trying to gain strength or muscle mass, which would call for more specified programs.

On to some exercises for washboard abs. You don't need to do crunches 'til the cows come home. That's not how to get washboard abs. In fact, don't do crunches or situps. Start with simple drills like the plank, side plank (and their variations), bird dog, etc. If you train with kettlebells, the Turkish Get-Up and windmill are excellent exercises.


Last but not least is the cardio element. I don't like that terminology, but we all know what it means. Basically, it involves getting your heart rate up for a period of time, exercising the heart and lungs, and burning fat.

However, forget about hanging out on the treadmill or stationary bike for an hour. There's a better way - interval training. Interval training consists of mixing brief high-intensity activity with brief periods of rest. Tests have shown that interval training can be up to TWICE as effective as traditional cardio.

Here's a sample interval training workout:

  • Warmup (5 minutes)
  • Jog on treadmill (2 minutes)
  • Sprint on treadmill (1 minute)
  • Repeat Jog/Sprint set 3-5 times
  • Cooldown (walk for 5 minutes)

Your sprint time should be very intense, where your jog time should be a very relaxed pace. The idea is to put out an all-out effort (for your fitness level) for a short period, followed by an active rest period until you've just about caught your breath, then back to the all-out effort. A great deal of the effectiveness of interval training comes from repeatedly shocking your system in this way.

It's the combination of these three elements that will help you meet your goal of washboard abs. Good abs come from firm muscle and low body fat. The strength training aspect offers the muscle, while the nutrition and cardio work together to control your calories, dropping your body fat. In addition, the strength and cardio elements can often be combined, making for shorter workouts than traditional programs - and they can be done at home.

Finally, keep in mind that a nice-looking body will come naturally from a lifestyle of good nutrition and exercise. In other words, if you make your goal health and strength, the looks will be a natural, welcome side effect!

Sign up for the free newsletter and get your FREE COPY of the original Turbulence Training 4-Week Program at my Benefits of Interval Training blog.

Jason Casey has had an interest in functional strength and fitness for over 20 years. Find books, DVDs and product reviews on kettlebell training, functional strength, circuit training, interval training, and weight loss at - for regular folks who like to work out at home.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is one subject that never seems to go out of style. There are many ways to lose weight. Many people choose basic quick ways method even though they know that the pounds creep back on for a few reasons. The drive to lose weight fast is strong but the need to keep the pounds off is even stronger.

One of the easiest is by cleansing your system. I don't mean that this is simply by any stretch of the imagination but it is pretty effective. Extra pounds hold extra toxins in our systems.

These approach take`s quite bit of the will power and you basic will also find that there are many more things that you can't eat than there are things that you can. In order to lose weight fast fast you also really want to start basic cut out all those breads, pastas, all the junk stuff and also even the fruit. You may be surprised by the elimination of fruit but bear with me.

Fruit contains a lot of sugar. The sugar is also very natural and also usually very good if you start burn off. If you start cut these source of the sugar out the diet you will start quick to lose weight fast. This means you may also want to cut out vegetables that have lot sugar include peas, corn, carrot. These type of food can be reintroduced basic in a few days.

You might be wondering what on earth is left for you to eat. Your lose weight fast diet is strict and consists of lean proteins, preferably the soy protein. If you take inside 25 grams of all soy proteins each and every day and also keep sugars at bay you will lose weight fast. In addition you want to consume lots of green leafy vegetables.

Water and exercise should be a regular part of your daily routine. If you stomach eating and lean protein for 1 week or 2 week along with getting in at least 64 ounces water and also plenty of the good exercise wee will definitely lose the weight quick. This doesn't sound very appealing it works extremely well if now want drop pounds quickly.

The initial quick weight loss will not be a maintained if you now start go back into your old ways fast away but you basic can start your diet off with a real kick if you choose this method. Of course, you want to consult your doctor if you want to lose weight fast. This is the first step in any weight reduction program.

About author Sindre

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Weight loss more here

Green Tea Diets - The Benefits of Green Tea

The Chinese have used green tea to treat ailments for several centuries. Nowadays, Western culture is beginning to understand the benefits of green tea. Recent research has revealed some of the health benefits of using green tea including the possible prevention of arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cataracts and also cancer.

Besides the disease-fighting benefits, Diet green tea also aids weight loss programs. Studies have shown that drinking green tea helps you burn more calories. So what makes green tea so beneficial?

Green tea is the most popular types of Chinese tea. Many people, consider it as the best drink for hot summers. The main reason for this claim is the fact that green tea is cool and fights off irritation. Many have even claimed that it relieves fever.

The health benefits of Diet green tea have been known throughout the world, and are appreciated a lot more these days. The Chinese have known about these medicinal benefits since ancient times, as they have been using green tea to treat everything from headaches to depression, and a long list of other ailments.

Today there are numerous scientific researches conducted both in Asia and the West is providing hard evidences for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. A good example is the Journal of the National Cancer Institute which published the results of an epidemiological study in 1994, indicating that drinking Diet green tea lowers the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly 60%. The University of Purdue just recently reported its findings that a compound in green tea can help fight cancer.

Diet green tea is also reported to be beneficial in fighting against cardiovascular disease, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, impaired immune function, and even high cholesterol levels; thus keeping the body healthy.

Why is Diet green tea so special? Diet green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly the said epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is basically an anti-oxidant that has the power to fight and kill cancer cells without harming healthy tissue in the body.

Studies also revealed that this anti-oxidant has been effective in lowering cholesterol levels, and hampering the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter benefit takes on added importance for the fact that the formation of abnormal blood clots, medically known as thrombosis, is the main factor that causes stroke and heart attacks, thus making Diet green tea very beneficial for one's health and well being.

In recent years, some studies have revealed new evidences about other benefits of Diet green tea. It is claimed that Diet green tea can help dieters. Diet green tea is also said to prevent tooth decay. Now, several skin preparations containing green tea, from deodorants to creams, are also starting to appear on the market. This is for the reason that Diet green tea is found out to be powerful in fighting bacteria that cause skin problems.

Considering the many benefits which Diet green tea has, it is recommended that you drink not only for the purposes of losing weight but also keeping healthy.

Do you want to learn more about a proven, natural green tea weight loss product? My review of Avatrim can answer some questions.

How To Follow Your Most Cost Effective Weight Loss System?

Even if you have researched the most effective weight loss system. The most important part towards achieving your goal of weight loss is taking your first successful step towards your goal.

If until now you were not taking your doing something then you need to take your first step towards your goal of weight loss.

Here I am listing my top 3 strategies which I use personally.

1. What other's will think strategy

Imagine yourself slimmer in view of others like your husband or wife. Imagine that they are telling you that you are looking good these days. Be an example for your family members or your children. Tell yourself that you will look good so that your friends and relatives can proud of you. You can share your weight loss target with dates and pounds.

2. Do it for yourself strategy

Even you know that you are doing for yourself, It will be very beneficial for you use a factor of your liking to motivate yourself to get your weight loss goal. You can attach anything of your most valued wish like having a beautiful girlfriend or a handsome boyfriend.

3. Competition strategy

If you know any friend or relative who is also suffering from this same problem and he or she also have the same goal as you have of weight loss then you can use competition in your advantage. Share your weight loss system with him or her and your own goal and have a competition with him or her. You should also share your progress with him or her and if you are making more progress than your competitor then you will feel like motivated and achieve your goal with ease and if you are behind your competitor then learn from him or her, what they have done better than you. It is definitely a win-win situation for you and your friend.

However, In this method as per my experience you should stick to only 2 to 3 members for competition.

Wishing You success,

177 Ways to Burn Those Calories!
Download Now

Fad Diets That Work - Is There Such a Thing?

There are many fad diets constantly getting promoted with huge advertising campaigns and it seems that not a week goes by when somebody hasn't released the latest and greatest weight loss program onto the market.

Unfortunately the majority of these weight loss programs don't work for most people because they are simply too hard to maintain or alternatively they are detrimental to your overall health.

There is not one diet that is perfect for everyone but there are some very good programs available that will give most people very positive results and these are all based on the same foundation of sound nutrition, good exercise and realistic expectations.

Realistic expectations will get you a long way to achieving your goals so do take the time to consider what you can do, and what you can maintain over the long term.

Once again using good quality supplements can help considerably by maintaining balanced nutrition and reducing hunger that comes about from your body telling you that something is missing in your nutrition.

Having the support of those people around you will increase your chances of success and can help to give you the opportunity to set higher expectations and achieve your goals a lot sooner.

Support for your goals is a huge factor in achieving them even if you don't need other people to remain motivated so accept all and any help that comes your way.

The fact that you are considering a weight loss program only proves that you know what is good for you and all that is required now is for you to take action and make the necessary changes to your lifestyle that are overdue.

The first step is always the hardest and the further you go the easier the journey becomes provided of course that you have chosen the right path to follow.

Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and learned easy ways to change routines and habits to keep weight.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of calorie shifting, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of diets and books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

Weight Loss Diets with Negative Calorie Foods

Negative calorie foods are said to use more calories to digest than the calorie content of the foods themselves, resulting in a negative calorie balance. It is therefore natural to consider a diet containing these foods for weight loss.

A diet is a combination of a balanced selection of foods designed for medical or nutritional reasons. A good diet should include all major food groups. The weight loss diets (with or without negative calorie foods) are made to reduce body fat and weight. Some of the popular weight loss diets are: Atkin's diet, cabbage soup diet, grapefruit diet, Hollywood diet, negative calorie foods diet, Pritikin diet, the South beach diet and the zone diet.

Most of the weight loss diets promote to eat a particular food group and restrict other food groups. Such diets may show temporary results. If you follow these restricted diets for a long time, you may develop some health problems at later stage as these diets do not contain all the necessary nutrients needed for your body.

The secret to losing weight is to eat and drink the right kind of foods until you are satisfied. Skipping of meals is not the answer for weight loss, it can rather deteriorate your health. A healthy weight loss diet plan should include vegetables, fruits, grains, lentils and beans in your diet. Following is a sample daily diet plan that is good for keeping healthy weight and good health, irrespective of whether you follow a diet plan with negative calorie foods or not.

- Skim milk and skim yogurt.
- Salads or boiled vegetables or vegetable soup as starter.
- Whole-wheat bread/tortila, whole grain cereal and rice.
- Whole grains like kidney beans, chick peas and lentils.
- Lightly cooked green vegetables.
- Any dessert with minimum sugar.
- Lean variety of meat (it is better to avoid).
- The dinner should be light. If you had bread for lunch then have rice for dinner.

Include as much negative calorie foods as possible in the above diet plan. If you are meat eater, choose from a lean variety and restrict to one serving in a day.

A diet with negative calorie foods as main ingredients can include foods that are loaded with carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers necessary for keeping you fit. The diet with negative calorie foods can be tailored for fast or gradual weight loss. The fast weight loss diet that can lower the weight up to two pounds per day, is not recommended for long term. The gradual weight loss diet can reduce one pound in a week and can be followed until desired weight is achieved. The diet can be made according to ones needs. The negative calorie foods will not give you much benefit if you are eating foods loaded with fats and sugars. If you eat a serving of potato fries, don't think that you can reduce the calories gained from fries by simply eating some negative calorie celery.

Copyright 2004,

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For more information on negative calorie foods, negative calorie recipes and diets, visit the web site: Negative Calorie Foods, Recipes, Diet.


The Three Simple Steps To Fat Loss

Its unbelievable but being overweight has now moved from a social nuisance and domestic embarrassment to an official disease.

The American Heart Association has announced obesity a dangerous epidemic and a major risk for heart disease. More than 70% of US adults are overweight and that figure is rapidly increasing.

But by following three simple steps in your everyday life you do not have to become one of the above statistics. They are easy to follow without time constraints and don't require a complete lifestyle change. These three steps are:

1. Strength Training - Nowadays you do not have to live in a gym to put on functional muscle. Short High Intensity sessions performed once a week is all that is required to elevate the metabolism for total fat burning.

2. A Small Decrease in Daily Calories - Diets don't work (everybody knows this by now) but by decreasing your daily calories by a small amount, the weight loss is body fat alone and not lean tissue and water that is associated with crash diets.

Remember fat accumulates on the body over a long period of time so it must come off slowly.

3. More Incidental Activity - Instead of driving try walking, walk instead of taking elevators or escalators; take the stairs and so on. Just keep moving through out the day.

Lets have a look at the Three Steps in more detail below:

Strength Training

Between the ages of 20 and 70 the average person loses one quarter of their muscle mass. Running, cycling or other aerobic sports will not prevent this loss.

This is very disturbing because the muscles are the engines of the body and every pound of muscle burns 100 calories every day.

By adding just 10 pounds of functional muscle to your body, you will burn off 60 pounds of fat over the next year.

Providing you take in the same amount of calories, it will keep burning those extra pounds year after year! The amount of fat the body can burn is directly related to the lean muscle your body has.

If you don't perform weight training to maintain your muscle tissue, you will lose half a pound of the fat burning tissue per year after the age of 20 years. In simpler terms the more functional muscle you have on your body the more fat you will burn up.

Small Decrease in Daily Calories

For years now, we have been told to use dieting to rid the excess fat from our bodies.

The trouble with this concept is that the low calorie restricted diet would throw the body into starvation mode, with the body holding onto the fat and using precious muscle tissue for energy.

This would then lower the metabolism causing greater muscle loss and when the diet is broken the unwanted fat would not only return but actually increase because to the lowered metabolism.

The way around this is to cut your daily calorie intake by a small amount of calories only. This will stop any starvation mechanisms from clicking in.

You can do this by making up a seven day eating plan and writing down every thing you eat for the week, and then work out the calories you have eaten with a calorie counter. Divide this figure by seven and you have your daily calorie value.

Decrease daily calorie value by a couple of hundred calories per day and no more. This will generate slow weight loss and the majority will be fat loss only. The daily calories should be consumed during the day with small frequent meals.

The calories should come from a balanced diet (no fad diets please) with the required amount of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. As well as containing the required amounts of fibre, fat, protein and carbohydrates.

More Incidental Activity

Fat is burned from the body when cells oxidize to release energy in the form of exercise. When the exercise is done slowly to moderately then the majority of energy is taken from the fat stores.

The key to effective aerobic training that burns off maximum fat is long-term consistency not intensity. It doesn't matter if you run a mile, jog a mile or walk a mile you will burn exactly the same amount of calories.

The best exercise by far for the purpose of fat-loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. Other aerobic activities are the treadmill, bike, climber or any other training gear found in or out of the Gym.

Start with 100 minutes of controlled incidental activity per week increasing this to 200 minutes a week or more. In all other activities try to move, move, move.

Try parking the car further away from your destination so you can walk the extra distance, hide all your remote controls so you have to get up and change the channels manually. These all help burn those extra calories and body fat from your frame.

So go ahead, by incorporating these three simple fat loss steps into your everyday life you will not have to change your lifestyle or be subject to time constraints.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.

Fat Loss Diets - Why Most Diets Fail To Lose Your Fat

Many diets can result in weight loss but whether that is good weight loss is another matter all together. A good diet is one which will help you to lose fat but sadly a large number do no such thing.

Different diets result in the loss of weight but very few actually get rid of fat. Numerous diets seem to work in the initial stages but then seem to stop all together and there is a good reason for this.

Basically all these diets help you to lose is fluid, they have no benefit when it comes to losing fat which if where honest is what we all really want to get rid off.

Another negative of the many low calorie diets available is that they cause your body to falsely assume you are starving yourself. This makes your metabolism store fat instead of getting rid of it and instead burn muscle. It also makes the metabolism work at a slower rate.

The metabolism working at a slower rate means you will burn your calories at a far lower rate result in very little weight loss - unless you really are starving yourself.

Fat loss diets are, in general, the weight loss programs which bring in results slowly over time rather than quickly so it tends to be a choice of either fast weight loss which doesn't get rid of fat or doing it steadily over time.

The only diet that provides relatively fast weight loss and gets rid of fat is one based around the idea of shifting calories but other than that you will after decide which is more important to you - Fast weight loss or getting rid of fat.

Calorie shifting is the only diet that currently results in fast fat loss and you can find out more about it at

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

Another Scam or Not - The Hoodia Gordonii Side Effects

Okay before we get started I would really appreciate it if all of the people who have no business loosing weight please leave. I mean seriously. I get the most ridiculous emails at times from people who could hide behind me when I am standing sideways. This is for people like me. I am a mother of 6 and I actually need to eat in order to live. No, I am not talking about the 1 carrot stick a day meal plan, I am talking about real food. So if this isn't you get going.

On to our topic. I was so excited when I heard about the newest miracle in weight lose. I told my husband as soon as he got home and I had even found a few places to purchase it from. Then the worst thing happened. First, always make sure you know your husbands mood before you spring any money item on him. Second, make sure you always get rid of failed products before you ask him about a new one. That's right, not only did he say no. He actually pointed out various failed products.

I did the usual. I told him this time was different. I told him, I saw it on the news. I told him lots of sites were caring it. I told him I could find it on sale. It didn't work. He said no. The days went by and he still said no. Well it was time to change tactics. You ladies no what I am talking about. Find the problem and get around it. So I kept asking but now I was listened to why. This is what I heard. He was worried last time I jumped on a diet product. He felt this was just another scam. He loved me.

So I decided to take action. I found out that although Hoodia is still being researched it is a relatively safe product. It has been being studied for quite sometime and no side effects have been found to date. Although there is one thing to be careful about. Most of the Hoodia products currently on the market won't do a thing for you though. You see, they don't have enough Hoodia in them. The percentage of Hoodia is so low you think it would be illegal for them to put Hoodia on the bottle.

My best advice get informed. Find out not only what needs to be in the product but also how much. As much as 80% of the current products on the market are junk so please be like me and do your research. Hoodia can and will work but only if you are getting a high quality product, with a good source of Hoodia. This also helps with skeptical husbands. Good luck in your weight battle. I myself will battle on.

Janet Moore
Need More Info About Hoodia?

For Successful Weight Loss, Become A Patient Person

What does it feel like when your weight isn't reducing as quickly as you would like? I imagine it feels frustrating. I bet you even experience a sense of failure on your part.

Most of us want to lose weight quickly, perhaps by tomorrow, even though we know that realistically this won't happen. Because we want the weight loss to happen much more quickly than it's going to, we put undue pressure on ourselves.

We want to achieve more in a shorter space of time. This is because your expectations are too high and generally not achievable. When these expectations aren't reached, you feel disappointed.

I've found that the inability to handle this disappointment is one of the things which throws people off track. They lose sight of the goal they're looking to achieve. Setting these high expectations and then not reaching them, is like setting yourself up for failure.

Setting your target at a lower, yet achievable level allows for a successful weight loss. Part of setting lower expectations is for you to develop your patience. You'll then appreciate weight loss won't happen overnight and you need to embark on a longer process.

We all want to see speedy results and there are so many companies promoting quick fixes for weight loss that it's all too easy to feel that it can happen quickly. Healthy weight loss will take some time. The habits which caused you to gain weight, which you've built up over the years, will take some time to change. To ensure these changes happen permanently requires patience on your part.

Generally we as human beings don't make changes easily or quickly. By developing your patience you can take some of the pressure off and this allows you to see that changes do happen over time. Steady, slower progress tends to achieve results in the long term.

I encourage you to determine for yourself what having patience means for you. It may be that you set yourself a goal to handle just one habit at a time. Perhaps it's discarding one habit which causes weight gain and replacing it with a healthier habit which promotes weight loss.

It may be useful to consider which aspect of losing weight causes you most pressure and then see what having patience with this will mean. What reminders can you create for yourself to be patient? Perhaps it's a sticker on your kitchen wall or your bathroom mirror.

Have the patience to take your weight loss one day at a time. We live in an age where we expect most things to happen much more quickly than they did before.

Although many things do happen instantly, for instance, communications, the same cannot be said for weight loss. Weight loss is achievable when you are patient and work at a more natural pace. The cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter still take a complete year! Weight loss is similar.

I suggest one of the first steps is to accept that weight loss will take some time. Then, I encourage you to set some realistic goals and time scales for yourself. Most things in life which are worth having take time. Feeling healthy and fit is worth the commitment but you must be patient along the way.

What I want for you is to be patient and take steady, measured steps towards your weight loss.

Wendy helps and motivates people to lose weight. Click to her site to read more weight loss articles.

How to Reduce fat?

It is very obvious for anybody to gain pounds of weight during the holiday time. But holidays can be spent constructively too. Turbulence program is a course designed for the purpose of loosing maximum fat and gaining strength. There are 6 ways to improve your overall physic and make a promising resolution on the New Years Day.

Strength training is a different exercise from the rest where you perform a workout within a short duration. If you are performing about three repetitions per day of a particular workout, you will be performing it only one here. But you will reap the same advantages here too. You will be maintaining your average strength but at the same time saving your time.

During the program schedule do not consume anything junk but only concentrate on the efficiency of the exercise.

Before beginning any workout you need to spend some time doing warm-up exercises and then start your workout on a treadmill. Even in weekends do not let your time for lame enjoyment but spend at least some bit of time for performing the workouts. This maintains the strength in your body.

When you exercise remember that your abdominal cavity is being exercised. The sit-ups are simply an ache to the lower back. Therefore all the standing exercises, pushups or squats are extremely workable.

Before entering into the gym remember to bring the turbulence training templete with you. It should not merely happen that you do not even understand how to start the workouts. It provides a table for systematically performing the workouts.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

Weight Loss Motivation - Losing Weight Quickly Can Be Simple

Sometimes it's hard to get motivated to lose weight. However, the weight can come off quickly with just a few changes. These changes don't have to be hard. Here are a few simple tips that could help you make big leaps in your weight loss goals!

Post a sign on your fridge saying "more food than you need equals more weight than you need". Make sure you read the sign every time before you open the refrigerator door. A simple reminder can make a world of difference in helping you achieve self-control.

Only allow yourself to watch TV while you are riding a stationary bike or working on another piece of exercise equipment. This does not have to be a big investment, but can make a huge impact in your fat rolls! Simply head down to the local second hand store (thrift shop) and you'll find plenty of exercise equipment for very low cost. You'll be benefiting from those people who simply decided it was easier to stay fat than to lose weight. You can prove them wrong!

Make it a game in the parking lots to find the furthest parking spot from the door -- then park there. You'll find it's always empty and you never have to worry about where to park again. Besides, more distance means more exercise! More exercise means more calories burned. More calories burned means more fat lost. More fat lost means you're closer to your thin body goals!

Do arm raises while sitting on the potty. No one will see you, but you'll burn calories, helping you lose weight quicker. Just moving your body around burns fat, so you might as well take advantage of those few quiet moments on the toilet and get in a round of exercise. Even doing this in a public restroom is easily doable and well worth the benefits.

Move around while you're standing. Don't just stand there -- do something! While your boss is talking to you, fidget. Wring your hands, stomp your feet, swing your arms! Oh, ok, maybe not while your boss is talking to you, but you get the idea. The more you move your body, the healthier it will be and it doesn't have to just be moved during an organized exercise time at the gym!

Use a short 11-day diet to lose weight quickly - approximately 6-9 pounds GONE in 11 days! Visit for a brief overview NOW! It's a diet that actually works - short, sweet, easy. I've checked it out myself and have found that it is not just a fad diet. Losing weight quick is great motivation!

7 Great Tips on Losing Weight Fast

Here are some 7 great tips on losing weight fast. Some people get stress out when they begin trying to change their bodies and their lifestyle. They believe some fancy diet a Hollywood star invented will be their savior. In reality, they end up gaining more weight back than what they originally weighed.

  1. Cut back on the bad carbs. Carbs come in two main forms, high glycemic and low glycemic. Your new lifestyle should include the low glycemic type of carbs. These keep your insulin levels on an even keel throughout the day. You can also eat all the green carbohydrates you would like, green beans, broccoli and lettuce are great for you and include fiber.
  2. Increase your fiber intake, but make sure you do this slowly. I seem to never get enough fiber throughout the day. So I add a fiber supplement in the morning. A high fiber diet not only makes you feel better, but also helps push fat out the body quicker.
  3. Start consuming 6 small meals a day. This may be the most important tip on losing weight fast. You need to keep your metabolism lit. People, who eat three large meals a day, are usually obese and sluggish. Keeping the metabolism burning helps burn fat and increase energy level.
  4. Start an exercise regimen which includes lifting weights and a cardiovascular workout. In order to remove excess fat, you need to gain lean muscle mass. The lean muscle mass you gain replaces fat cells. Shoot for thirty minutes of cardio with your heartbeat elevated at a consistent level.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids; it's essential to make proper hydration levels. Your body needs water to survive and dehydrating yourself slows down your metabolism. Plus, you will not get a recurring hunger feeling. You will feel fuller throughout the day.
  6. Add 10-15 grams of protein to every meal. Protein helps build lean muscle mass and is an essential part of any tip on losing weight. Just picture a stack of cards, try and eat an amount equal to a deck of cards with every meal.
  7. Maintain a log on everything you eat. A log is great way to understand just how much food you intake. Make sure you log every morsel you consume. Do not cheat yourself and forget to note the Snickers bar you scarfed down from the vending machine.

Keep in mind, you are not dieting you are changing your lifestyle. Give yourself a break, no one can eat clean every day. You should allow a day every week when you can eat whatever the heck you want. The cheat day should be included in tips on losing weight fast. Stay focused and have a planned goal and we will be seeing a better looking you soon!

You can discover more amazing information at Get Rid Of Belly Fat

8 Naturally Proven Weight Loss Tips

These days people are looking for natural weight loss diets that are proven to work. So many crash diets promise so much, but deliver so little. Losing weight has become a craving for average people who may have gotten caught in overeating or just indiscipline in their food intake.

My experience with weight loss diet pills are the temporary results and frustration of having the weight come back after getting off the diet just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are not something that will work with your body.

If you seriously want to lose weight and keep it off, you cannot follow these fad diets and their ridiculous claim of proven weight loss tips.

The ineffectiveness of these diets is always revealed in a short time and people are starting to get wise about these particular diets, and will head off in search of a new craze to satisfy their urge for weight loss success.

The real truth is that people are always searching for new weight loss tips because they want to lose pounds quickly, naturally and safely and they want immediate results.

To lose weight permanently and effectively it may be a rather slow progress for some people depending on metabolic rate and how much weight loss is needed.

Manufacturers today are bridging the gap between fact and fiction and are providing unique and easy ways for consumers to lose weight. One such product is the weight loss patch, which is determined to be safer than most weight loss products and provides a natural way to lose weight.

Weight Loss Tip 1
Never skip breakfast because you will be prone to binge on nonessential foods throughout the day.

Weight Loss Tip 2
Never eat anything for an hour before you go to bed.

Weight Loss Tip 3
Snacking while watching TV is not a healthy choice. This can become a habit and a bad on that will keep the weight on.

Weight Loss Tip 4
Instead of sugary treats like cookies and candy, substitute them with fruits like bananas, apples, watermelon, plums, peaches, and oranges.

Weight Loss Tip 5
Use honey for sweetener instead of sugar, and carob powder for chocolate in all recipes. They taste just as good if not better when used in moderation.

Weight Loss Tip 6
Eat your vegetables. Raw vegetables can take the place of cookies. A raw carrot is a good snack food. Eat a salad for dinner sometimes. This can even be very enjoyable.

Weight Loss Tip 7
Stay away from excessive high calorie foods. Instead of a high calorie salad dressing replace it with cottage cheese or yogurt to improve the salads taste and drop the pounds.

Weight Loss Tip 8
Exercise is the best tip of them all. Make sure you exercise at least twenty minutes each day for three to five days out of the week. Find something you like to do like biking or roller blading.

There is nothing between you and your weight loss goals except you. You owe it to yourself not to give up trying. If you want to lose weight and keep it off visit Cheryline Lawsons website at to learn about weight loss secrets revealed.

How To Stop Emotional Eating

For many people overeating is simply a habit and a strong focus and change of behavior will be key to weight loss success in these cases. But to say that people who are overweight just eat too much, is not always true.

Sometimes people eat more, for any number of psychological reasons. In a letter that I recently got from a subscriber there is the following line: "I find myself eating sweets when i get frustrated or sad".

Stress, frustration, sadness and depression are just a few emotional triggers which can make a person want to eat more. Eating is then usually associated with these emotions and for this reason they choose to eat more to comfort themselves.

Certain chemicals in the brain are linked to both mood and hunger.

For example, one of the most likely culprits that lurks behind the act of emotional binges is cortisol -- a stress hormone that tends to make people crave sweet and salty food. So, if you experience more stress than is natural, higher quantities of cortisol is produced, leading you to crave for unhealthy foods, and this in turn leads to other health related problems. It's the domino effect.

In cases like these it is wise to resolve your emotional issues first, even if you need to consult a specialist, rather than trying to attack the eating problem first.

And for your own good, try to cope in healthy ways --

  • Exercising has the effect of letting the dominoes and the dice fall in your favor. It is the foundation of feeling good and eating healthy. Get your endorphins going, instead of cortisol.
  • Eliminate any temptations by not actually buying foods that are going to cause you a problem. This will encourage you to eat better foods and in doing so change your behavior patterns.
  • Social support can go a long way toward helping you process your feelings. Put your trust in your family, a close friend, or once again - by seeing a specialist if necessary.
  • Keep a diary. This has proven time and time again to have many health benefits beyond mere stress management. This is successfully used to set goals, keep track of daily consumption and to chart progress. Even when failures arise, these are noted, and used constructively, eventually just becoming a bad day between more and more successes. So when you feel like reaching for unhealthy food, reach for a pen and your journal instead.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!

Lose Weight Quick With This Exceptional Weight Loss Advice - Just 3 Simple Steps!

Lose weight quick, what everyone with weight problems wants to achieve. The quickest way to do this in a healthy and maintainable fashion is to speed up your metabolism to the point that your body simply cannot hold onto your fat reserves. This is exactly what I'm going to show you. It's so quick you'll have lost a couple of pounds by the end of this article.

What is your metabolism?

Your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body uses up the energy it creates. Ideally, you want a high metabolism so that your using the energy faster than your body is creating it. This prevents fat storage and causes you to lose weight quick.

Speeding up your metabolism so you lose weight quick can be done in the following ways. Listed in order of precedence:

  1. Build muscle through a weight training or resistance program
  2. Eat small meals regular
  3. Eat foods that take longer to digest

Building muscle

This is the most important aspect of speeding up your metabolism. The goal is to create a high muscle to fat ratio. This means your body is comprised of significantly more muscle than fat.

Weight and resistance training are the best methods of building muscle. I recommend you do a 20 minute intensive session every other day.

Eat small meals regular

Overloading your stomach is one of the best ways to put on weight quick. In contrast, eating small amounts regular is a great way to speed up your metabolism and lose weight quick. Therefore, you should try to eat 5-6 small meals per day. The more often you eat smaller meals the better.

You might think, well, isn't a calorie a calorie no matter what time I eat it. This is traditional thinking and is simplified to the point that it's plain wrong. You see, calories are used up in the digestion process so the longer you keep your digestion running the more energy you use and weight you lose. This is called the thermic effect of food and leads nicely into point 3.

Eat foods that take longer to digest

Foods that take longer to digest and use up more energy in the digestion process have a high thermic effect of food. Eating more foods with a high thermic effect and less food with a low thermic effect will speed up your metabolism and help with weight loss.

Protein burns 25% of the calories consumed in the digestion process and fibre burns a little less. Carbs burn 15% of calories in the digestion process and fat burns hardly any. Therefore, you should consume more fibre and protein, a moderate amount of carbs and virtually no fat, to get maximum effect.

3 relatively simple alterations to your lifestyle and you'll begin to lose weight quick with very little effort. So In black and white you should:

  • Weight train for 20 minutes every other day
  • Eat 5-6 small meals every day
  • Eat more protein and fibre

Follow this advice and you'll lose weight quick and keep the weight off for life.

Why You May NOT Want To Lose Weight

Let's say you are stressed, frustrated, angry, sad, lonely, tired or depressed. You want to feel better and you find yourself mindlessly reaching for food. You eat quickly, paying little attention to the type of food or how much you're eating. At some point, what you've just done registers physically, mentally and emotionally. You feel disgusted, angry, guilty, upset and discouraged with yourself and resign yourself to believing that this unhealthy habit will never change.

There are a few things happening here. First, you're trying to find a fast, easy way to self soothe which doesn't require any thought or pre planning. It's easy, it temporarily numbs the pain, calms the anxiety, reduces the anger, keeps the fear down and provides a temporary distraction so you don't have to evaluate, fix or solve your problem. Yes it keeps you overweight, but it also provides an opportunity to remove yourself from feeling, thinking and dealing with your fears, doubts and insecurities. You may even be unaware that you do this or you may not know why you've chosen this coping strategy. What you do know however is that eating emotionally leaves you overweight and unhappy.

There are many reasons why we may eat emotionally, ranging from staying with conditioned behaviors we were taught to having poor coping skills or outlets to help us handle our problems and ourselves in a more effective way. While it seems natural to want to kick the emotional eating habit in order to lose weight, many of us may need to consider why we may feel the need to keep the weight on.

Weight provides a protective barrier. Remember when you would hide behind your mom's leg when you were scared? Our extra layers of weight may be providing that same security. For many, losing weight may leave us feeling insecure or uncertain because our role may change once the weight is lost. Expectations by others and ourselves may change as a result of weight loss success and we may feel that we are expected to accomplish more, perform or behave differently as a result. This feeling can generate fear and it may seem easier to stay with what is familiar than to venture into the unknown.

The extra weight also keeps us out of the game of life, giving us an excuse to avoid something rather than risk failure. With the weight, you may justify being rejected, overlooked or disregarded as being a result of the excess weight rather than deal with the pain of not being liked, wanted or valued.

Yet another reason why we may keep the weight on is to punish someone or to test someone's love for us. Maybe you dislike your husband's, partner's, parent's or coworker's comments, criticism or judgment about your weight. Keeping the weight on may be your passive/aggressive way of talking back.

Finally, for some of us, keeping the weight on is a way to test our spouse's love for us and we use it to see if the relationship will withstand the weight. When you're overweight yet confident, loving and supportive, relationships can survive almost anything. When you're negative, pessimistic and using your weight as a testing tool, you may want to consider what the real reason is that you're putting your relationship through this test.

It takes some real soul searching to look deep within and try to understand what the excess weight provides. Does it provide security, protection, an excuse to avoid a perceived failure? Whatever the reason, it's important to discover and understand why you've chosen to keep the weight on. Now try to see if you're trying to punish anyone other than yourself, if it's rational and worthy of continuing. If you discover something traumatizing or it feels too difficult for you to handle alone, get the help and support you need to get you through. By uncovering the reason for your weight, you're taking the first step to doing anything to change it.

Very often, excess weight is an outward sign that something is going on inside. For many moms, excess weight provides nothing more than a lack of energy, frustration and larger clothes. For others however, the excess weight provides much more. It's up to you to determine what the extra weight is giving you and what price you're willing to pay to keep it there.

Debi Silber, MS, RD, WHC is a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Whole Health Coach, President of Lifestyle Fitness, Inc and busy Mom of four. She is a Lifestyle Expert just for Moms and has been working exclusively with Moms for nearly twenty years inspiring and empowering them to become physically fit and emotionally strong through gradual, realistic lifestyle changes. For more on the Lifestyle Fitness Program, please visit

Weight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes

With the obesity epidemic we are experiencing today in the Western World, there has been a proliferation of programs and associated websites dedicated to weight loss.

Some of these products work and some of them don't. There is no denying that weight loss is hard, and requires some work. The trouble is finding the supplement that will help you with your weight loss goals.

Some of the options include diet pills and diet supplements. The problem with this is that you have to have extensive knowledge of your body type and fat content.

There are also many meal replacement shakes available but many of these can be very expensive. Often times, these shakes can also be high in sodium and preservatives which can cause other health problems.

With all this confusion, many people just give up. Some people wish to lose weight but do not want a high chemical diet to achieve their goals. Many people may be worried about side-effects attached to some high chemical supplements.

The answer for these people is an all natural supplement such as Flex Protex or Rice N Shine.

Throughout history, civilizations have used herbal remedies for weight loss and other medical ailments. If you are looking to lose weight with a herbal remedy, you need something that s a specially designed nutritional formula which delivers high quality protein, is low in active carbohydrates, high in good quality fiber and vital fats, including the omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids along with phytosterols, which support heart health.

There are herbal weight loss nutritional supplements on the market today that naturally suppress hunger and cravings for all the foods that have made some people gain weight.

However, with a diet replacement shake or supplement, you need to ensure it contains all the requirements mentioned above to ensure a healthy body and you have fulfilled your daily vitamin and mineral requirements.

As well as the possibility of using meal replacement shakes, there are many other herbal options you can consider.

Green tea has been used in Asian cultures for centuries for its health benefits and has many weight loss benefits as part of a healthy diet. It also tastes great.

If you do a search on weight loss through any internet search engine, you will get millions of results. Many of sites will have testimonials from people that this may have worked for.

However, you should not buy the first product you come across, you should do extensive research and pick a product that is full of natural ingredients that will help with weight loss but still help you maintain a healthy diet.

Consider a natural supplement such as Rice N Shine for increasing your brain power. Lambert Klein is the owner of Think Healthy Supplements

Heels And Jeans - 3 Tips To Make Your Legs Look Great For The Best Look

If you want your legs to look great to create the best look possible when you wear heels and jeans then consider using some of the techniques which figure competitors employ to sculpt their legs to become as shapely as possible. Assuming that you have picked out appropriate heels and jeans to match your body type and wardrobe, all you have to do is add these few extra steps.

First, consider using compound leg exercises when you weight train. A "compound" exercise is one which uses more than one muscle group at a time and an "isolation" exercise is one which targets only one muscle. For example, the leg press machine is a compound exercise because it targets all the muscles of your legs and your glutes. The leg extension machine is an isolation exercise because it primarily targets your quadriceps muscles on the front of your thighs. If you add at least one compound exercise to your leg training and train with sufficient intensity then you will stimulate your lean muscle growth faster than just using isolation exercises. If you don't weight train you can do body weight squats, hike, backpack, or any other exercise in which you use all of your leg muscles.

Second, make sure that you are drinking adequate amounts of water. There are several studies which show that many women do not drink enough water to meet their daily minimum needs. This is especially true if you happen to drink lots of coffee, tea, or sodas. These drinks tend to dehydrate you due to the caffeine levels in them. Most government websites recommend that you drink at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water throughout the day. While you can get some of the water in the form of watery fruits and vegetables, the majority should come from pure water. Improved muscle in your legs will go a long way to accentuating the look you want in your heels and jeans.

Adequate water levels prevent dehydration. One of the negatives of dehydration is that your body tends to hold onto water under the skin when it is dehydrated as a preventative measure. This stored water (called subcutaneous water) may look like fat to you, especially in traditionally problem areas for women like the hips and back of your thighs. When you are properly hydrated, however, the body will start to release some of that stored water. This means that just by drinking enough water every day you should begin to become slightly leaner. Leaner legs will help you achieve the look you want in your heels and jeans.

Finally, if you know that you cannot stop yourself from eating junk food when you are sad or angry, then make sure that you prepare your comfort food ahead of time. If you love eating a combination of sugar, salt, and crunch when stressed then have fun when you are feeling to good to make some less-damaging choice ahead of time. Try out different recipes and control what goes into your body by choosing tasty, yet healthier alternatives. One example is to bake your own chips and control the amount of salt you put on them; this way you cut down on the calories from the cooking oils and excess salt found in some brands. Reducing excess salt and saturated fat will help you stay leaner.

These three simple steps used by figure competitors can help you improve the look you want when you wear your favorite heels and jeans in just a few short weeks.

If you are frustrated that you can't fit into those jeans hanging in your closet or the ones you saw at the store, don't despair! Learn several, easy-to-use techniques to help you look better in your Heels And Jeans.