Monday, May 26, 2008

Weight Loss And Setting Up A Weight Loss Plan

When you are looking to loose weight there are a few ways you can do it. I here in this article am going to give you some key vital tips to success when trying to loose weight.

Ok, rule number one. You must create a diet and exercise plan that you can stay focused on and keep up with. This is very important, many times people are looking to loose weight but then they feel or become distracted. There can be many reasons why a person becomes distracted.

Other personal arrangements.

What ever the case may be people become distracted it happens. Many time a person will say or set out a diet and exercise plan but then there is no follow through. There must be a call to action.

Now if you are overweight or if you are looking to loose a few pounds before this coming summer, you must get into a routine and stick to it.

Some things that you will need to keep track of when you are looking to loose weight and create a weight loss plan would be:

Daily calorie intake
Est. amount of time exercised
Food consumption chart (this chart will tally all of your food intake *all the specifics*)

These would be some of the things you will need to target and keep up with. Loosing weight is simple and 79% is all mental. There are some situations where loosing weight is not mental but for the most part loosing weight has to do with your state of mind.

Please see my resource box and visit the site below.

Access a step by step informational weight loss system that will have you shedding the pounds overnight (this report is free)

How to Lose Weight Easily, Quickly and Effectively!

How to lose weight easily and quickly has become one of the most discussed topics in the world. In the United States alone, 58 million people are overweight, 40 million obese and 3 million morbidly obese. Weight lose is not something hard to accomplish - yet people think differently.

Our passive style of life and the lack of time are the two main causes. We do not walk to work - we take our car. Most of us work at the office - sitting down 8 hours of the day - then we are so tired mentally that a physical exercise is out of question - besides we need to spend some quality time with our family and/or friends. The food. The 15-30 minutes lunch break at work is certainly not enough time to eat properly. We don't only eat fast, which causes overeating; we also eat low quality food, mostly fast food and snacks, such as chips and chocolate bars.

So How To Lose Weight Easily?

You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.

You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself.

You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan. Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.

Losing weight and staying in shape is very important for our health. Did you know that:

-80% of type II diabetes related to obesity
-70% of cardiovascular disease related to obesity
-42% breast and colon cancer diagnosed among obese individuals
-30% of gall bladder surgery related to obesity
-26% of obese people having high blood pressure

Lose 9 lbs. every 11 days - You could lose 35 lbs. by Christmas!

How To Lose Stomach Fat And Love Handles

Have you tried without fail to remove that stomach fat and love handles with more and more crunches and other ab exercises? Do you remove them by completely cutting out fat from your diet? No, that won't make it work.

Love handles and stomach fat is quite a common concern amongst men, especially if you would like to see your six pack abs or just lower your chances of heart disease. Unfortunately, as we age our metabolism starts to slow down and we end up storing excessive fat around the waist. Combine that with the fact that we become more sedentary the older we get, it would seem like a surefire way to gain love handles, stomach fat, a pot belly, and even a spare tire. Okay, I think you get the picture about how we get love handles and excessive abdominal fat, but how do we minimize it?

Unfortunately spot reduction training does not work, i.e. you cannot target a specific area in your body, like your love handles, for fat loss. Stored fat on your body, no matter where it is, belongs to the whole body and can therefore only be reduced by an overall body exercise routine. The best way would be a combination of cardiovascular (aerobics) and weight training exercises, especially if you alternate them on every other day. Obviously, there is no quick fix method to remove excessive fat around your waist - not even all the crunches and sit-ups will achieve this. Abdominal exercises will only strengthen your midsection, but will not magically burn off the fat around your waist.

Common ways on how to lose stomach fat and love handles include:

  • a) reduce sodium intake - it aids water retention in the body

  • b) drink plenty of ice-cold water - it helps to metabolize stored fat

  • c) reduce alcohol intake - it contains a lot of 'empty calories'

  • d) eat healthy - lots of fresh, green vegetables and fruit

  • e) exercise regularly - why park close by when you can walk?

Losing stomach fat and love handles will only happen over time, but is definitely worth the effort and time. Get all the free information and help to aid you in seeing your six pack abs at Natural Weight Loss.

Francisco M. Lakay is the author of the site Natural Weight Loss (Natural Weight Loss), where free information on living healthy and natural weight loss can be found.

Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercising

Many of us would love to find ways to lose weight without exercising and although this is possible there aren't many ways of doing this. One diet however that allows us to achieve this is a diet based around calorie shifting.

Calorie shifting is a relatively new idea but it certainly is very effective and many are losing weight using the method without doing any exercise at all. Here is a quick brief of how the diet works.

The majority of diets are based around a low calorie diet and the emission of a food group from our diet. Although these can provide results for a very short period they don't continue to work and usually end up with you weighing more than you did when you started.

The reason for this is that by combining low calorie intake and the loss of a food group your body senses it is been starved and slows down your metabolism, which is of course what helps us to burn calories. It also stops your metabolism from burning fat as it wants to store this as an energy reserve. Instead our body burns lean muscle which apart from being unhealthy will also increase your appetite.

An increase in your appetite will usually result in a failed diet. The problem with that is when you start to eat as you used to you will gain weight faster because your metabolism is still working at a slower rate.

Shifting calories instead allows us to eat each food type but rotates when we eat them. This confuses the body and fools it into believing you are not on a diet and so keeps the metabolism working at a higher rate.

This results in fast and safe weight loss, which isn't something you come across often. If your looking for ways to lose weight without exercising you will also be pleased to know that the diet only suggests a brisk walk each day but even without this the diet still works just as well.

To read more about ways to lose weight without exercising visit this webpage shifting calories.

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

How To Burn Fat Fast - Easy Weight Loss Tips

Summer is round the corner and it's time to get out those bikinis. This is definitely not the time to have that extra fat hanging around. Want to get rid of it but don't know how?

These ten tips will not only help you get rid of that unwanted fat, but will keep it from coming back:

1. Eat a good breakfast. It helps raise your metabolism and gets your calories burning bright and early in the day

2. Drink plenty of water. This also helps raise your metabolism and gives you energy. Moreover, it helps you stay full so you do not feel the need to eat all the time.

3. Eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet. Foods high in sugar offer you nothing but fat. Get rid of them when dieting and eat them sparingly when off the diet.

4. Avoid all fast foods. The French fries that you so love are loaded with trans fats, sodium and cholesterol, carbohydrates and calories and offer little by way of real nutrition.

5. Eliminate soda from your diet. It just fills you up with empty calories. Drink water instead; it's calorie free and good for the system

6. Exercise. Do sit ups or jumping jacks, take a walk; go for a swim. Doing something you love will ensure that you stick with it longer

7. Have a support group of friends who will continue to encourage you in your endeavor to lose weight.

8. Count the calories of every morsel you put into your mouth. Make notes if you must, it helps make you aware of how much extra you eat everyday without realizing it

9. Get rid of fried foods. They are filled with fat and no good for you. They do not help you lose weight, they hinder the process.

10. Above all, do not give up. If you binge, forgive yourself and get right back on track. Remember that your desire to lose weight is the strongest aspect of your diet.

Doesn't sound so drastic, does it? It's definitely do-able.

Do you want to get rid of those extra pounds you packed on? Although they sure did not pile on overnight, you'd like to get rid of them overnight, wouldn't you? Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! Click Here to get started! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at

Russian Kettlebells For Rapid Weight Loss

"Enough is enough!" you say while scrutinizing image in the mirror one smiling Sunday morning.

Make a decision to improve health, wellness, as well as appearance and you are half way done. Next question that you may want to ask yourself is what fitness tool do I use that will help me to get to the outcomes that I desire quickly and safely?

There are many fitness toys and tools that claim that they are the one. How to decide? Which path should you take?

I will share with you a fitness tool that was known for centuries and now it is conquering United States with it's simplicity and effectiveness. Russian Kettlebells!

Today, Russian Kettlebell is the fitness tool of choice for many. And for a good reason.

Used by ancient Greeks for strength development, Kettlebells were then adopted by Turkish and Slavik people. Russians truly embraced the Kettlebell because of it's versatility and ability to produce explosive results.

Kettlebells are so effective in producing muscle tone, strength, and fat loss because classical kettlebell exercise use ALL muscles. Every single muscle is engaged and doing it's part - now that's efficient calorie burning!

Enjoy kettlebell training 3 times a week. Each workout should be 60 to 70 minutes.

Do a warm-up for 10 minutes.

Cool-down at the end of the workout for 10 more minutes.

Actual Kettlebell Workout should last 40 to 50 minutes.

Warm-up is a must
Use intervals(30 sec on, 30 sec off)
Train outside
If in trouble - DROP the Kettlebell!
Listen to your body (if something feels wrong, it probably is)
Stop well before muscle failure
Sample Kettlebell workout for weight loss (use the same pair of kettlebells through out the workout)

How to read exercise format: First you see the exercise: Sw for Swing, Sn for Snatch, Cl for cleans, Cl&P for Cleans and Power Presses. Next comes the weight of the kettlebell 8kg, 16kg, 24kg or 32kg. Then you will see a number or reps, usually as a percent of your maximum. Next is rest in seconds. Last number is the number of sets that you need to do.

Example: Sw16: 50%(+1) / 90 sec /5

means that you need to do Swings with 16kg kettlebell. Do 50% of your maximum. Add (+1) repetition to each next set. Rest 90 seconds between sets. Do a total of 5 sets.

The workout:

Warm up, 10 minutes: light jog / walk, light obstacle course

Cn&P: 30%(+1) / 45sec / 5
Cn&P: 40%(+1) / 45-60 sec / 4
Cn&P 50%(+1) / 60 sec / 3
Cn&P 80%(-2) / 60 sec / 4
Cn&P 30%(+2) / 60 sec / 4
Cn&P 50%(+2) / 60 sec / 3
Cool down, 10 minutes: light jog / walk, light obstacle course

enjoy the results! Remember to be consistent in your training and to think happy thought!

Denis Kanygin, CPT, Postural Therapist, owner of Workout IQ specializes in weight loss, postural therapy and fitness.

How to Lose Weight Fast Before Your Wedding

Well, your big day is coming up. And, you're feeling fat. After all, you have to be a beautiful bride, right? Check out these tips to get looking hot for your big wedding day.

Detoxify Your Fat Cells

If you really want to lose weight fast before your wedding, you are going to need to shrink the fat cells in your stomach. Each day, your body encounters millions of toxins and impurities in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the sugary beverages we drink. And, our stomach works hard as damage control to capture the toxins. But, when our stomach captures the toxins, it needs somewhere to store them, and it chooses our stomach. This damage control is essential, but it also makes it terribly hard to lose weight.

So, are you wondering how you can get rid of these toxins and lose weight fast before your wedding?


Get a body wrap. The right body wrap will incite lymphatic drainage, and cause you to immediately lose several inches.

Lymphatic drainage is essentially a fancy name meaning your stored fat will be dumped into your blood stream to be removed as waste, which will allow you to lose lots of weight before your wedding.

Use a Fiber Based Colon Cleanser

Using a fiber based colon cleanser is essential in losing that weight fast before your big wedding day. The fiber will cling to the toxins in your digestive track and help you to rid them as waste.

Did you know that the average person holds between 2 and 7 meals in their digestive tract at any given time? That means that you are carrying around several pounds of waste that is not necessary. Get on a good fiber supplement and watch those extra pounds fall right off you!

If your big day is coming up and you are looking for a body wrap or fiber supplement that works, check out: Lose Inches Fast.

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living.

3 Easy and Fast Ways to Lose Weight

There is not one person in this world that does not have any problems. Sure everyone has their own problems. For a lot of people there is a huge problem that could be very important to their health. Tons of people have the huge problem of being overweight. Everyone that has a weight problem would love to find some easy ways to help them lose it. There are three easy ways that I know of they are to drink water daily, make sure that you eat portions, and do physical activity everyday.

The first easy way that will help you with that terrible problem that you can't get off of your back is to drink water daily. This will help you keep your body cool. Also if you drink water every day you are going to be draining out fluids all day long and this will cleanse your body. While you are exercising you will be sweating bullets because of the extra water that you are going to be taking in but that is ok because the more that you sweat the more water weight you are going to be losing.

The next easy way to help you lose weight is to make sure that you eat portions this will help you shed even more of the weight. If you cut out a lot of the extra food that you didn't need to eat that day then you will see a lot of weight come off. I tend to eat three portion meals a day and I try to spread them out through the day. If you do not see the results that you like then try to cut your portions just a little bit more and then you will really see the results that you want.

The final easy way to help you lose the extra weight that you have all throughout your body is to do something physical daily because exercising is the key to losing weight. The more that you tend to exercise then the more weight that you are going to lose. Doing something physical can be as easy as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or you could go walking around a mall. Also you can go out and go roller-blading, bike riding, or you could jump rope.

These are the easy ways to that I know of which will be able to help you lose some weight.

For more information, you can check out: Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

If you are wondering what Fat Loss 4 Idiots is, it has said to be a diet plan specialized to help people lose 9 lbs in 11 days.

Weight Loss - It's in Your Head

When you truly consider the weight-loss process, the battle waged is mostly in your mind. Should I eat the corn muffin with butter or would it be better for me to have margarine or better yet, have jelly? What am I doing eating this muffin anyway? Its so caloric and filled with saturated fat. Im such a pig. I have absolutely zero willpower. Its no wonder youll eat that muffin with the butter and slather jelly on top to quiet that negative self-talk.

What you need more than a diet is a way to shift those negative self-defeating thoughts to more adaptive, positive self-statements. As with most things worth doing, this requires a bit of practice. First, become aware when youre using a negative statement, then determine what about that thought is faulty and finally, replace it with a self-defense response or coping thought. In the corn muffin example, instead of listening to Im such a pig which clearly mislabels who you are, respond with Pigs are animals and I am human. I dont have to be perfect.

Many people cannot change their eating habits until they change their thoughts about food, eating and drinking. By shedding distorted thoughts and replacing them with productive ones, eating habits can be changed. It is possible to rid yourself from many self-critical thoughts, but like any ingrained habit, it takes vigor and vigilance to change. Here are some other thinking distortions to challenge:

Shoulds. Should statements are more about other peoples values, not ones chosen by the person who wants to lose weight. Additionally, should statements reflect an attempt by the dieter to motivate herself without really believing in the value. Better to determine what works for you. I will eat up to two Hershey kisses daily and thoroughly enjoy them.

All-or-Nothing. This kind of reasoning is the foundation for perfectionism. An all-or-nothing individual views the world as black or white. Since there is no allowance for gray areas, the behavior is either perfect or a failure. Ive ruined my diet by eating all that pizza. I cant stay on a diet and Ill just always be fat. Maybe the problem does not arise from the behavior maybe the problem is with the diet that does not allow for pizza. I do not want to give pizza up for the rest of my life, so what I need is a way to include pizza in my diet without feeling like a failure. Let me try having a salad (dressing on the side) before the pizza to take the edge off my hunger.

Good Foods/ Bad Foods. If the truth be told, foods do not misbehave. Foods are not good or bad. While it is true that some foods have more nutrients or are more fiber-dense than others, all foods can be enjoyed. How we think about food colors what we eat and how much we eat. If a food is labeled as bad (such as fries), then for many individuals that food is taboo. When one eventually succumbs to eating the forbidden, French fries, bingeing may result. Rather than continue with dichotomous thinking of good food/bad food, shift to allow space for all foods you like without judgement. Instead of I ate those fries which are so bad for me to I really enjoyed that small portion of fries. They really satisfied me.

Body Distortions. Rather than dwelling on how fat or thin you think your body is, it is extremely helpful to view your body in terms of what it can do for you. For example, when you look in the mirror, instead of zooming in on your stomach which looks five months pregnant, although your last baby was nine years ago tell yourself my body has given life or my body enables me to go where I want to and allows me to have fun.

The conversations that are going on inside your head cannot be stopped. However, what you can do is to be aware of negative self-talk and understand that it has little to do with actual reality. When you believe this, you can respond to the critical voice with a more objective, coping thought. Although negative thoughts may not be stopped entirely, they can be quieted by listening to your compassionate, caring voice. In much the same way you would sympathize and listen to a close friend, listen to yourself. Be your own best friend and chances are youll have greater weight loss success.

Helene Haber

Holistic Nutrition Coach

Helene Haber, HHC is a board certified health counselor. She designs personalized wellness solutions for women of all ages looking to enhance their lives, get their bodies back in shape and their health back on track. Email:

Fastest Weight Loss Method

Would you believe me if I said the fastest weight loss method available actually involves eating more food? Of course you wouldn't, but amazingly this isn't a joke or a scam. So what is this diet that sounds too good to be true.

The diet in question is called calorie shifting and yes it really does work by eating more. Calorie shifting works by increasing your metabolism to work at a higher rate which brings on faster weight loss.

It does this by mixing up the foods you eat and the calories you in take each day. This stops the body from figuring out any sort of routine and sensing you are on a diet. Thanks to the confusion it causes your body will actually burn calories faster.

You eat 4 meals a day on the program and the only thing you really need to make sure of is that each of the meals consist of different calorie amounts and you will soon see results. A menu generator can also be attained for those that want an extra level of help with an eating plan.

By eating 4 meals a day or more if you like you will keep the metabolism working constantly throughout the day meaning calories are being burned all day. This is why eating more really can help you to lose weight.

Calorie shifting diet users tend to report losses of between 8 to 15 pounds in the first 2 week and since the diet works on a continuous cycle the results will keep coming for as long as you use the diet.

You can get more information about the calorie shifting diet if you visit here.

Exercise For Weight Loss And Fitness!

The market for weight loss and fitness programs in today's climate is vast. The choice can be a discouragement to the many people who are seeking a way to a healthier life. The fact is a program which works brilliantly for one, may be doomed for failure when attempted by others.

Which Path To Follow?

The reason why there are so many failures has nothing to do with people, but usually with the programs themselves, so it becomes a case of who to trust. Ultimately, you have to look for a program whose foundation is a balance of supportive nutrition and exercise.

Many people starting out on a new weight loss program have probably heard the various myths over and over again. One of them being, that if you want to lose weight, you have to lots of cardio, this is not exactly true. Doing twenty minutes of cardiovascular exercise in your Target Heart Zone (THZ), will give your body all the chance of burning fat it needs. I think that most people could fit 20 minutes of exercise into their hectic lives.

You Need Guidance And Support!

Where a lot of these programs fail to deliver, is the lack of help and support, which in my opinion is an important factor for someone who is starting on the weight loss and fitness road. People have questions that need to be answered, we all have needs. The problem is finding the right program to suit those needs. Many programs are run by so called 'experts' who in reality, have no experience of what it actually feels like to be over-weight, or what it takes to successfully lose it.

Knowledge about what is happening inside your body when you exercise is important, and the more you have, the less chance there will be of falling pray to these so called gurus promises.

The Truth About Weight Loss!

The fact of the matter is, weight loss will only occur when your energy output is higher the your calorie intake. There are no exceptions. Sometimes when you start working out, the pounds seem to go up instead of down on the scale. But don't worry, this is because lean muscle mass weighs more then fat. Although you should be able to tell by the way that your clothes fit you, that you're actually starting to lose body fat.

The Advantages Of A Healthy Lifestyle.

To be active is so important for you health. And the relationship between any form of exercise and fat loss goes hand in hand. In this day and age, we're all aware of the health risks of being overweight, as well as personal feelings of tiredness, lethargy and unattractiveness. That's why so many are claiming their health back and starting to exercise.

The more you exercise, the more benefits become apparent. Then you can start to take control of your life again.

Did you find the article useful? You can learn a lot more at you can also download a free report packed full of info.

Weight Loss Diets For Losing Weight

Diet is one of the deciding factors of weight. You can easily control and reduce your weight using the diet that you consume and the exercise that you do. Different type of food comprise of different quantity of nutrients. The nutritional value is one of the most important things that are to be considered to judge the goodness of a food, however most of the times we simply consider the taste. There is a lot of difference between dieting ad a weight loss diet. Dieting is a general term that is associated with monitored diet. This simply indicates that you are consuming a specific diet for a specific purpose. Dieting and food for dieting not necessarily means the food that is meant for weight loss.

The food that specifically targets weight loss is known as weight loss diet. Most of the doctor's advice a low carbohydrate and a low fat food for controlling weight. Carbohydrate is easily accumulated in the body in the form of calories. The carbohydrates that we consume is easily converted to sugar and hence to energy. The energy that we get by consuming the carbohydrate is referred to as calories. The calorie content of a particular food hence refers to the amount of energy that you can get with a particular food. You can control the calories intake and hence reduce weight gain.

The weight loss food is the food that comprise of the nutrients in just the right quantity to allow you to reduce weight more easily. The weigh loss diet may comprise of a low carbohydrate diet or a low fat diet so as to reduce the fat content in the body. The intake of salts is also a deciding factor that we forget most of the times. The more salt we intake in our diet, the more would be the body's requirement of water in our body. The salt that is contained in our body is kept in a non toxic form in our body with the help of water. When we consume a lot of salt, we have to consume a lot of water as well to keep the salt in a non toxic form. The increased water consumption would ultimately lead to weight gain. Hence the weight loss diet keeps a check on the different nutrients to allow you to lose weight more easily. You can get additional information on the weight loss food online.

Get more information on weight loss

Is It Possible To Lose Weight Fast?

Want to slim down fast? While there are many things you can do to shed pounds, losing weight to quickly, like any sudden change to your body, can be dangerous. While fad diets, diets pills, and fasting may indeed induce rapid weight loss, these methods can cause you to lose muscles and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly. The best solution? Don't go overnight miracle.

It's been hilarious when people talk wildly about how they're on a diet. In reality, we're all on diets. If you eat, you're on some kind of diet. Obviously folks of diets plans they most likely want to talk about the aid in dropping a few pounds. They want a diet plan that allows them to lose weight quickly, and not have to put much effort fourth. Well, it's a great idea and good luck with that! If you really intend to get the weight off and keep it that way, you might have to put some elbow grease into the process. A successful weight loss strategy based on reducing calorie intake and increasing activity can be adjusted to maintain your desired weight once you reach it. In addition, weight training, no matter what your age, prevents muscle atrophy and can help stave off osteoporosisis.

Losing weight is simply a matter of expending more calories, through exercise and your daily activities, than you take in. Exercise alone won't make you lose weight if you're still taking in more calories that you burn. Therefore you should exercise harder and eat more protein dense, clean foods; making your calories burned not too far off from your calories taken in well raise your metabolism and allow you to burn fat effortlessly.

Losing weight fast is not an easy as you think. The most effective way to lose weight is to diet and exercise. I've even tried weight loss with hypnosis for a while with pretty good results. Making good decisions about what you eat and how much you eat will go a long way in losing weight. Having an exercise routine that you can keep up with will ensure that you keep the weight off. Remember, you can lose weight either by decreasing your calorie intake or increasing the number of calories you burn. Any strategy should include both, but if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential. You need to consult on your doctor if you want to use a diet pills in order to lose weight fast because this kind too dangerous decision.

My wife and teenage daughter is an example and they are both on diet plans that will apparently help them shed body fat. These are eating plans that they both invented on their own. Even though my wife's is literally practical, since she sticks to a low-fat, low-sugar meal plan consisting of small portions at a time; my daughter's is not so realistic. She has cut fast food and sugary desserts out of her daily food consumption, but she eats too large of portions. Losing weight goal quickly is a terrible idea. She incorporates way too many carbs and condiments into her meals. It's like she can't eat without ketchup, pickle relish, mayonnaise and salad dressing. Oh, and let's not forget bread. She has white bread with every meal. I keep on telling her that condiments are not good for the body because it loaded with sugar and sodium. And the bread consists of bad carbs, which will break down into sugar and most likely get stored as fat. And she hasn't listen to me and no progress happened to her in losing her weight. In order to successfully lose weight quickly you have to adopt a healthy diet, consisting of smaller portions.

Several people look for diets that will help them lose weight fast. The truth it is that there is no diet out there that will help you lose weight fast. The goal is too lose weight fast, not just weight in general, if you are doing in strength training during your weight loss, you might actually see an initial gain in weight. Don't worry you have probably lost fat and gained muscle, which is denser than fat and it much healthier. The reality is that most people will fail if trying to follow these diets because they are not based on realistic and practical methods.

One day when I wake up I found out that vigorous exercise routine in hopes that will help you lose weight fast is not a good idea. If you are seriously overweight or not in very good shape, there is a very good chance that you will overdo it physically. Generally, you want to - with a combination of calorie reduction and increased activity - reduce and burn a certain number of calories a day, causing a net loss of calories so your body is forced to use its own stores of fat. How much aerobic exercise you need to perform depends on what you eat, how fast you'd like to lose weight, and how much muscle you gain. With regard to weights, men and women differ on their goals with weight training. Women, don't worry, no amount of weight training will make you as bulky as a man; women just don't have enough testosterone to build large muscles. Just like diet, having a realistic exercise plan that you can follow every day for the rest of your life is the only way to lose weight and keep it off for good.

On the other, hand quick fixes of surgical procedures are very risky so you must ask yourself if you are willing to die to be skinny. And drastic measures such as gastric bypass surgery or the lap band surgery should be thought out for months before you seriously consider doing it. "Quick fix" is not healthy! if you're striving to lose weight quickly and many of them pull water from your muscles and organs so that it appears you've lost weight. It's common sense that this is NOT HEALTHY. The best way to lose weight quickly is still through healthy dieting and regular exercise.

No matter what the magazine article says, spot improving is a myth! When your body burns fat, it takes it from all over your body, even if all you do are crunches. Remember your body needs 'fuel' just like a car needs 'fuel'. Your body needs the 'right' kinds of food to lose weight effectively.

Crizza weight loss with hypnosis

Natural Ways to Lose Weight

Many of us are in a never ending staring contest with our bodies: watching our weight is a perpetual thing. But, unfortunately, this often involves a diet or - as many people like to call it - a "die with a t." Shakes, powders, herbs, even surgeries have inundated the market and spoken to the desires of so many of us. Still, when it comes down to it, there are no better ways to lose weight and keep it off than the natural ways. Doing what comes naturally may prove to work where other weight loss plans have failed.

Get Enough Sleep: Most of us love to sleep, curled up under the covers and letting our dreams whisk us away. Fortunately for snoozers, a 2004 study by researchers at Columbia University concluded that sleeping was a great way to manage weight. Theorizing that a lack of sleep alters metabolism, and affects the hormones which dictate appetite, researchers found that people who slept only two to four hours a night were 73 percent more likely to be overweight. Those who slept only five hours a night were 50 percent more likely and those who slept only six hours a night where 23 percent more likely. On the flip side, people who regularly got over ten hours of sleep a night were 11 percent less likely to have excess pounds.

Exercise: We know, we know: getting yourself out of bed in the morning to run five miles isn't your idea of a good time. But, for those who want to lose weight or even maintain weight, exercise is necessary. Not only does exercising burn calories, but it sky rockets your metabolism, burns fat, and builds muscle mass. It also gives you the ability to feel healthy overall, a feeling that helps you stick to your weight loss plans. If you can't bear the thought of running five miles, start with something easier: walk, ride a bike, or join an aerobics class. Keeping your exercise plan varied will increase your ability to stick with it.

Eat More During the Day: Sure, it sounds too good to be true: eating more to lose weight can't possibly work. But, it has been proven that those who graze over several small meals instead of two or three large ones have an easier time losing weight. The reasons behind this is that "grazers" keep themselves somewhat full throughout the day. Thus, they rarely sit down to a meal, half starved, and gorge themselves on a plate of ribs or a bucket of chicken. Simply, they aren't hungry enough to do that.

Drink Water: The easiest way to lose weight may be found in - of all places - a bottle of water. Drinking water helps a person feel full, curbs hunger cravings, and helps the body detoxify by eliminating excess waste. Oftentimes, a person's cravings for food can be met simply by drinking a bottle of water. Replacing other drinks - such as sodas and juices - with water is a sure fire way to cut calories and lose plenty of weight in the process.

Jennifer Jordan is an editor and staff writer for A fitness buff, she simply could not live without consuming a lot of water everyday. Yes, she prefers water even to wine.

Healthy Eating Plans Can Help You Lose Weight

Healthy eating plans 1) Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products 2) Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. 3) Are low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.

Tips for Healthy Eating Plans include eating breakfast every day. People who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat later in the day. Breakfast also gives you energy and helps you get your day off to a healthy start. Choose whole grains more often. Try whole-wheat breads and pastas, oatmeal, brown rice, or bulgur. Select a mix of colorful vegetables each day. Vegetables of different colors provide different nutrients. Choose dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, collards, and mustard greens, and reds and oranges such as carrots, sweet potatoes, red peppers, and tomatoes.

Healthy eating plans include choosing fresh, canned, or frozen fruit more often than fruit juice. Fruit juice has little or no fiber, and the calories may be high. Fresh, canned, or frozen fruit is often better for you. If you eat canned fruit, opt for fruit packed in water rather than syrup. Use fats and oils sparingly. Olive, canola, and peanut oils, avocados, nuts and nut butters, olives, and fish provide heart-healthy fat as well as vitamins and minerals. Eat sweets sparingly. Limit foods and beverages that are high in added sugars. Eat three meals every day. If you skip meals or replace a meal with a snack, you might overeat later on. Have low-fat, low-sugar snacks on hand.

Healthy eating plans can be easy to follow whether you are at home, at work, or on the go, healthy snacks may help to combat hunger and prevent overeating.

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How to Maintain Healthy Weight

There is nothing as frustrating as gaining weight after you worked so hard to lose it. It is a stab in the back, especially for those people who put so much time and effort to reach their goals but did not stick to a healthy lifestyle after attaining their desired weight. Once you have decided to take a big step and start living a healthy life, there is no turning back. Healthy habits should be part and parcel of your life.

Never skip your breakfast. Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and it gives you the energy you need to start the day. According to National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, people who do not skip their breakfast are less likely to snack during the day.

Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. "Slow but sure" should be your slogan. The faster you eat, the more likely you are to overeat. Your brain needs about twenty minutes to register that you have had enough, which is why you even need to take a break before going for seconds.

Be active. This is one of the best ways to help you maintain healthy weight. Choose exercises that you enjoy--for example, walking, jogging, cycling, and aerobics--and have fun. Avoid spending hours watching TV or playing computer games.

Pack your fridge with healthy foods. Vegetables and fruits are good low-fat snacks. In fact, about 2 cups of fruits and 2-3 cups of vegetables a day help you not only lose weight but also stay healthy (fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals).

Do not eat if you are not hungry. Find other ways of relieving your stress: you can meditate or do yoga, take a walk outside and have a breath of fresh air.

Recommended reading

Diet and Nutrition( Сlear tips for healthy eating.

This article is courtesy of Actabit Weight Loss Journal and may be freely used with proper credits and a link to the journal.

Actabit Weight Loss Journal ( provides weight loss, nutrition and fitness information, news and tips. Offers articles and recommendations on healthy eating tips and recipes for every day.

Weight Loss Surgery - Possible Complications and Risks

Any type of surgery comes with a certain degree of risk, and weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) is no different. But what are the potential complications of weight loss surgery, and how common are they? We will attempt to answer these questions here.

What is Weight Loss Surgery?
Before we talk about the possible complications of weight loss surgery, we need to define what this type of surgery entails, just so we are on the same page. Simply stated, bariatric surgery and weight loss surgery both refer to the same thing -- various types of surgery intended to help obese patients lose weight.

In her book The Patients Guide to Weight Loss Surgery, author April Hochstrasser defines bariatric surgery as "surgery on the stomach and/or intestines to help people lose weight by altering the normal digestive process."

Complications of Weight Loss Surgery
The complications associated with weight loss surgery vary, based on the type of surgery being performed. And, of course, the potential risks and complications of general surgery apply here as well.

Potential complications of general surgery:

  • Respiratory problems
  • Risk of infection (from incision area)
  • Excessive bleeding (internal or external)
  • Allergic reaction to medicines
  • Reactions to anesthesia

Potential complications of weight loss surgery:

  • Leaking of stomach acid or bacteria into the abdominal cavity
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies as a result of malabsorption
  • Hernia in the abdominal wall (with gastric bypass)
  • Dumping syndrome (heart palpitations, nausea, sweating, etc.)

The major risks of weight loss surgery:

  • Leaking of stomach content into other areas
  • Blood clots
  • Respiratory failure

According to the University of Iowa report "Mortality in Obesity Surgery," the majority of patients who die within a month of weight loss surgery suffer one of the three major complications above.

* You may republish this article online if you retain the author's byline and the active hyperlinks below.

Learn More
Brandon Cornett is the publisher of the Bariatric Learning Center. To learn more about the possible complications of bariatric surgery, and much more on this topic, visit the Learning Center at

Acupuncture and Weight Loss

Obesity is a state of being obese, or overweight due to excessive accumulation of fat. The love for junk food and lethargy has played a great part in spreading this disease. Nowadays, not only adults but also children are suffering from the problem of excessive weight.

Some of the effective remedies for weight loss include exercise, yoga, crash diet and acupuncture.

In the recent years, acupuncture has gained wide acclaim as an effective therapy to control and lose excess weight. Acupuncture is a healing system that was developed in china some 2,500 years ago. Acupuncture was introduced in America in the late 1800s. Since than it has been used as an alternative medicine to treat a wide range of diseases including depression, insomnia, drug abuse and weight loss. However, it did not come into popularity until President Nixon made his historical visit to China in 1972. That is the event that largely opened the door from East to West and vice-versa.

There are about 2,000 acupuncture points on the human body. Each point is associated with different healing attributes. Acupuncture points within the year are tapped for detoxification and weight loss. The organs treatable by ear acupuncture, for example, include the lung, kidneys, liver and nervous system.

But before deciding to go for acupuncture as a remedy for your weight loss, be sure to make sure you are using a reputable weight loss practitioner. If treated by an expert practitioner, acupuncture can be an easy way out to free you from the shackles of excessive fat accumulated in your body.

Acupuncture provides detailed information on Acupuncture, Acupuncture And Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture Schools, Acupuncture and Weight Loss and more. Acupuncture is affiliated with Aromatherapy Candles.

The UK Weight Loss Program That Is Sweeping The Nation

There is a weight loss program which is becoming increasingly popular here in the UK. Why is this weight loss plan so popular? Fact number one, it does not involve increasing your current level of exercise. Fact number two, it enables you to still eat take-away foods such as chips, pizza, a Chinese or a curry. Fact number three, it works. I will be revealing all in this article.

There is a belief among a number of the dietary experts in the UK that the main reason for obesity is the amount of food that people in between meals, they call them snack foods. These include items such as crisps, peanuts, chocolate and cakes. These snacks are full of calories however do little to fill you up. They also have the affect, possibly because they are so tasty of making you want to eat more and more of them.

These experts also believe that if people who were attempting to lose weight could some how be able to compete with other people in the same situation that this could be the catalyst to some successful results.

Here is the basis of the weight loss program:

1. A group of people sign up for the program and agree to be truthful about what they have eaten, at the end of the day they will only be deceiving themselves if they do in fact lie.
2. They then only eat the three main meals of the day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. This therefore means that they are not supposed to eat any food in between the meals. The three meals however can include take-away foods up to a maximum of twice a week.
3. They then e-mail each other at the start of each day, where possible, with a diary of what they ate the previous day.
4. In time they all see a major reduction in weight and a change in attitude towards food and the amount they need to eat.
5. They are all happy bunnies!

The way that it works is quite simple. I am currently on this program and it has to be said that the temptation to eat the snack type foods is immense. The mere fact that I have to write down everything I am eating and report it back to the other members of the group is usually enough for me to keep my discipline. I must admit that I have faltered a couple of times but I was honest enough to admit this to the group.

I am losing weight, slowly but surely and have to say that I am actually enjoying the whole experience, its kind of fun!

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:
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Attention Weight Loss Enthusiast - Eat, Drink, But Be Wary

If only we could lose weight by not doing anything differently. Unfortunately, if we want to be slimmer and healthier, changes must be made, and one of those changes on a weight loss program is saying goodbye to the booze.

But is alcohol really that bad for weight loss? Put simply: yes, but the good news is you don't have to completely eliminate alcohol from your life.

Alcohol is high in calories, it stimulates the appetite, inhibits quality sleep and the body's ability to burn fat efficiently. It also lowers testosterone levels for up to 24 hours after your last drink. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found when eight men were given two vodkas mixed with low calorie lemonade 30 minutes apart, their body lipid oxidation (ability to burn fat) dropped by a massive 73%.

The main problem with alcohol is that most of it is converted into a substance called acetate, which the body burns instead of burning fat as an energy source.

Alcohol also stimulates the appetite, not something that is conducive to weight loss. Researchers from Denmark's Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University found a group of men who ate a meal with alcohol, consumed many more calories of food, than the group who did not have alcohol.

Alcohol also reduced testosterone levels. One heavy drinking session will raise the level of the muscle wasting hormone, cortisol, which increases the breakdown of testosterone.

One gram of alcohol is seven calories, almost as high as fat, which is nine calories a gram. When you consider a gram of protein is only four calories, it is easy to see alcohol is not very good value if you're trying to control your appetite.

If you like a tipple, it's not all bad news though.

A 2004 study in the International Journal of Obesity compared two groups of dieters over three months

Both groups were limited to 1500 calories a day. One group had 150 calories of white wine a day, the other had 150 calories of grape juice a day.

The weight loss of the two groups was 4.7kg, and 3.7kg respectively.

Another US survey found that dieters who abstained from alcohol don't necessarily lose any more weight than those who take a moderate amount.

A small amount of alcohol, particularly red wine, is excellent for lowering stress levels and preventing heart disease.

It seems the role alcohol plays in your life, whether good or bad, boils down to the amount. While a glass is good for the heart, more than two and you'll be doing yourself damage.

If you are trying to lose weight, and would like to have the odd glass of alcohol, limit your intake to one or two glasses a week.

You will also benefit by changing to a lower calorie drink, like wine, or using diet mixers rather than high sugar ones.

Mix your wine with soda water and drink a glass of water in between glasses of alcohol. If you drink to unwind, as most people do, try something else like an easy walk, some meditation, a scented bath or phone a friend if you've had a difficult day.

Confused yet? The short of it is, if you are trying to lose weight don't drink alcohol. If this is too much to bear, limit yourself to one or two drinks a week.

Instead of dwelling on something you can't have, think about your new svelte body when all your hard work has paid off, and remember - it will be worth it!

Yours in health,

Leisa St Ledger

Want To Lose That Belly Fat Fast?

While belly fat can be stubborn that does not mean that it is impossible to get rid of. I am sure you are reading this article so that you can improve the shape of your body. While yes it will take effort the results can be far reaching and very rewarding.

To address belly fat you need to address your health as a whole. No one solution fits all. You will need to engage multiple techniques in order to achieve the best results. This will involve cardio, weight and resistance training along with addressing your eating habits.

As a result you will need to take a serious look at your lifestyle. I am sure you may have some bad habits as we all do. No fear habits like rules can be broken. The first thing you will need to do is cut down on refined carbohydrates.

Also cut down on sugar. Replace these with healthy foods. Eat lots of fruits first thing in the morning. Eat whole wheat toast and have porridge or grains for cereal.

Now while you may be inclined to think that ab exercises alone will get rid of belly fat you would be wrong. Cardio is essential. When doing cardio vary your routines and exercise times. Also vary the machines you use. You do not want your body to get used to any given exercise as you will reach a plateau. You want to use as mush energy as possible as this will help burn fat.

The bottom line is this, apply some common sense - take note of what you do on a day to day basis. Avoid foods that add to your belly fat problem. Do activities that you enjoy.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".

Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss. Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs.

Steps To Successful Weight Loss

The first step to losing weight and keeping it off forever is to set a goal.

This step is one of the hardest steps, not the easiest. If setting a goal were so simple everyone would be doing it.

Of course you make think that people make goals all the time. Sure they do. But they don't accomplish them. For those who do accomplish their goals, well, we consider them successful.

The secret to setting a goal is not simply to arrive at or state a particular thing that we wish to achieve. In other words, coming up with our ideal weight is not enough.

The secret to establishing a goal is commitment. That is, a single, concentrated and focused effort to achieve a desired outcome. A personal vow that is backed up by all the strength of your being. A dedicate effort that refuses to fail.

Easier said than done. The truth is that we have all done it at one time or another. At some point in your life you made up your mind that you were going to accomplish something. You made a focused effort, took action and probably made some sacrifices.

But, the point is, you did it.

Now, all you have to do is focus. Find that inner strength. Make up your mind. Take action.

You should, practically speaking, choose an ideal weight. Experience will probably be some indication.

If, however, you are obese or under medical supervision, consult your physician first.

This is perhaps this most difficult step and possibly the second most important one.

Another step that you should implement is changing your diet.

Theses steps are about life-style changes, not dieting. So, just to be clear, changing your diet is not the same as dieting. You diet to lose weight. You change your diet to transform yourself.

There are two steps to changing your diet.

The first is to eliminate the foods that aren't so good for you. These include processed food, junk food, artificial sweeteners and prepared foods.

The second is to change your diet to foods that are benefial for you. These include whole grains, vegetables and fruit.

Ideally, your meals should be cooked from scratch. I know, I know, a big pain in the neck. But the benefits are overwhelming. Losing weight is just the beginning. Whole, natural foods cooked from scratch leads to better health, calmer nerves and peace of mind. Believe it or not, children thrive and behave better.

Anyway, this is something to seriously consider. Simply ask yourself, "What are my priorities?" When you answer that then perhaps this step won't be so difficult.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

How to Burn Fat Fast - 4 Suggestions to Get You Started

There are many people successful in losing weight, while others have a tougher time. For example, many try fad diets and take weight loss pills with the hopes of dropping a ton of weight in a month. However, most drop out within a month. Why does that happen? It could be a couple of things. Some fad diets are too strict and weight loss pills are irritating because they are loaded with caffeine. Plus, the instant gratification in our society doesn't manage our expectations to well. We want to get results way too fast. Most of the time we set our goals way out of reach without learning the things we really need to do to lose weight. That could be a very big reason why we drop our weight loss programs so quickly after we start them. Losing weight starts with knowing the right things to do and using the knowledge you learned to keep up healthy habits for the rest of your life. If you want to know how to burn fat fast, here are four suggestions to help you get started.

Before you start any diet or exercise program, be sure to visit your doctor. Get a check up and some blood work done to make sure you're healthy. Also, get advisement from your doctor. The doctor may have nutrition information specific for your body type. Remember, there is not a "one size fits all" program to burn fat, so seeing your doctor is a good first step.

Next, crash dieting should be out of your plan. Remember, your body has its own survival mechanism. So if you decide to starve yourself. The body will work harder to sustain your life and keep itself from starving by trying to keep the stored fat on your body. So you need to eat and eat frequently (like every 3 hours).

Thirdly, you'll need to incorporate a fruits or a vegetable into most of your meals during the day. This helps you in several ways. For one, they are very nutritious foods and they provide antioxidants (which are very healthy for your body). They also fill you up more when you eat them with your meal.

Finally frequent exercise should be included in your fat loss efforts. You should try to exercise 2-3 days a week to start and build from there. Exercise will help you burn extra calories. However, exercise will be very effective in your weight loss efforts only if you have a good diet.

Using the four methods described above will help you get started on the road to burning fat and losing that extra weight. The main thing is that you start and stick with the basics.

Do you want to know how to burn fat fast? You can with the book, Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Read our review here:

Weight Loss Tips For 2008

The first thing that we have to know before we precede to the topic weight loss tips is that there are no short cut methods for you to shed excess weight over night. It requires will power and patience. Another thing to be remembered before you start acting upon the weight loss tips that you are getting is that shedding weight is some thing that is to be dealt with according to the physique and body nature of individuals. Make sure that the life style that you are going to adopt is suitable for you or not.

Like any other work, a programme to shed weight or the weight loss tip you are to follow should also have a target. You should be definite about how much pounds that you want to reduce and the time period within which you want to achieve that target. Make a fixed time schedule without attempting to drag it to an indefinite period. That will make you find excuses for not following the diet rules and routine exercise that you have to do every day.

Try to collect all available materials on the subject especially when you prepare a diet chart to know the impact of reducing food intake. Avoid vitamin deficiency by taking vitamin and mineral supplement to avoid problems arising out of malnutrition.

The first step to be taken by you is to observe quantity of food that you consume a day. Just observe what all food stuff, including the snacks that you consume while you are watching TV or a movie that you consume to know the exact amount of food that you take a day. It is essential to know what all things you have to quit to get rid of the over weight problem.

Never attempt to skip break fast. A good break fast is some thing that is essential for your body to remain healthy and strong. Avoiding break fast may make you eat more at lunch time.

Add a lot pulses and vegetables into your regular diet. Pulses are good to increase the metabolism of your body. Make it a habit to drink plenty of plain water a day. It will help you to lose weight faster than you think

Shift to four to five small meals instead of taking heavy meals three times a day. If you want to avoid excessive intake of food learn to eat slowly by chewing every bit of your food. Avoid all junk foods and fried items from your regular diet. Avoid occasions that tempts you to take too much food. Follow a regular exercise routine to make the weight shedding programme more effective and quick.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with your weight loss goals using simple and effective weight loss diets simply go to

Essential Tips To Lose Weight

For losing weight you have to follow some simple tips.These simple tips will make some small changes in your life and small changes will help you lose weight.So have a look on these tips to lose weight and start practicing them today.

If you want to lose weight you should live an active way of life.You should always move your body.For example you can have a walk after your meals it will help you burn your extra calories and it is a great way to breath in some fresh air.

Keep a check on your fat intake you can try fat free version of your favorite food.Fried food is root of obesity so avoid frying whenever you cook.You can try grilling,baking,steaming and boiling in place of frying.

You should visit a dietician before you start losing weight so that he can recommend you a healthy diet pattern and a weight loss program which suits your body.You should have a food journal in which you will keep account of whatever you eat every day.

Avoid high calorie drinks especially sodas.Stop drinking alcoholic beverages if you can as they are having lot of calories and they also work as appetite stimulator.Drink lot of water as water help a lot in losing weight.

It is a myth that skipping meals help you losing weight because skipping meals make you more hungry in the later part of the day.You diet should contain lot of fruit and vegetables as they contain water,fibre,vitamins and minerals.

Jitesh Arora.If you want to know more tips to lose weight visit