Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How To Exercise To Lose Belly Fat

You can have the most divinely shaped abdominal muscles in the world, but no one is going to see them if they are covered in a layer of belly fat.

By adding targeted resistance training exercises to your daily routine you can assist the muscles in those areas to support and tone your body. And by doing abdominal exercises you can firm and tighten your abdominal muscles where they will assist in better posture. This alone can help to flatten your stomach and give the appearance of weight loss through the better posture you will achieve.

How To Exercise To Lose Belly Fat:

The absolute best exercise to lose belly fat will involve more than one form of workout. You can try Resistance Training to help create a lean and toned body, Aerobic Exercises to elevate your heart rate over a sustainable period of time, and Stretching to extend your limbs and muscles to their full extent.

  • Start with a light warmup - To prepare your muscles for what is to come, warm up with light stretching and aerobic exercise, by walking, running or cycling. At least get to the point where you break out a sweat.

  • Continue your warmup with a few minutes of body weight exercises - Basic push ups, crunches, leg raises, squats - This will really get your body ready to work hard and burn belly fat, and in the meantime, you're working hard already, by having fun!

  • Strength Training by way of Circuit Training, where you have a predefined circuit or group of exercises that are repeated in a cycle. First you need to define both a primary and secondary muscle group to work out. Then decide two exercises each that will work these two muscle groups (so you have four separate workouts). The best exercise to lose belly fat are done with your body weight and a stability ball.

  • Cardiovascular Interval Training - Interval training can be described as short bursts of less-than-maximum work, alternating with shorter periods lowered intensity work, the idea being to work at high-intensity to push your pulse to its target for a short period with an interval of partial recovery before working again. A simple example is a 10 second sprint, followed by a minute of light jogging, and then repeating the sequence for several minutes. No other form of exercise is this effective in working the body, burning calories, and blowtorching body fat like interval training!

Take it easy at first and educate yourself!

Be aware of the fact that you'll end up making more progress in less time if you start slowly and make small improvements as time goes on.

Educating yourself about exercise and working out is critically important. You would do well to get the help of a personal trainer, at least for a while, in order to learn how to perform the exercises properly. Also, there are some great guides available on the internet, you might want to get yourself one of these.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at WeightLossDietSecrets.net, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!.

Learn 5 Fat Loss Techniques to Lose Weight Permanently

Are you tired & frustrated that none of the fat loss products help you to loss your stomach fat. In spite of your best efforts, more fats are getting stored at your tummy, hips and butt.

Being a professional dietician and fitness consultant, I successfully treated several of these types of cases where people failed to control their stubborn fat after several attempts and spending couple of hundreds of dollars.

In this article, I will share with you five common diet and exercise mistakes as fat loss tips for your benefit.

Most important fat loss tip is that you need to accept responsibility for your diet and exercise mistakes and need to follow a proper fat loss plan.

1. You never became obese in one day so you cannot reduce weight in one day. You need to follow a disciplined fat loss plans to get back in shape. Remember it's a life long process.

2. Fat Loss is a billion dollar industry. You will find several irresistible offers on quick fat loss promoted by celebrities. Remember offer may be good in general but it might not work for you. Before spending big money, on a new weight loss program think rationally. Instead of looking for a magic pill, take action and commit yourself to a proven diet and exercise program that you can stick to for life.

3. Please maintain food and exercise diary and record accurate portions and calories. Once you start following a fat loss program, do not bend it as per your wish. It is common mistake to eat more on Sunday feast with an understanding that you will exercise half an hour more next day. You need to create a daily calorie deficit daily and that can be achieve by taking less calorie and spend more calorie.

4. A consistent performer always wins. You need to continue to follow diet meal plan and exercise. Never go back to your old food habit or life style after initial success. Please do not watch TV while you are doing your fat burning workout.

5. You are overweight or obese because you have poor metabolism. Proper exercises as resistance training, fast walking, and swimming boost your metabolism and increase in metabolism triggers weight loss. You can take negative calorie food or hunger suppressant like natural hoodia for better result.

Fat loss industry is a growing industry. I wrote reviews on 2 top affordable weight loss product at my website. You can read review of fat loss 4 idiots and top secret fat loss secret review at my website fat loss tips.

Liver Detox Diet

You probably know by now that the liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. It's the body's natural filter that helps convert toxins into substances that can be discarded easily. Therefore, to have a healthy body, it is of vital importance that we keep this important organ in good condition. A healthy liver means a healthy body. One of the ways to help maintain your liver in good working condition is to go on a liver detox diet.

Since the liver is the first to receive toxins that enter the body, it has one of the highest toxin accumulations in the body. While the liver's main task is to clean the toxins and other wastes that are absorbed by the bloodstream in the body, the liver does not always able to discard hard substances such as heavy metals. Some of these toxins don't end up leaving the body and then what will happen is that there will be a type of toxin buildup throughout the body, especially the liver. Therefore, it is more important to detox the liver than detoxification of any other body system. The objective of a liver detox diet is to cleanse the liver of all the toxic wastes that have stagnated in the liver over the years.

A liver detox diet involves a person restricting oneself to organic foods such as raw vegetables, fruits and whole grains. The 2 ingredients that the liver needs in order to function properly are water and glucose. These ingredients aid the body's system to get rid of accumulated toxins. So, drinking a lot of water helps as it helps to flush toxins out of your system. A person on a liver detox diet must avoid foods that are not liver friendly such as fried and processed foods, sugar, coffee and saturated fats.

All in all, a complete liver detoxification will help to restore functionality to the liver as well as to the rest of the body. All of the body's organs are vitally important to maintaining a healthy body, but cleansing your liver will help the most! If you're experiencing poor health, aching body, tired most of the time, go on a liver detox diet.

For more information on how to detox your body and other free detox diet, check out detoxyourbodytoday.com .

Recipes For Detox Diet

Body Wraps & Weight Loss

Body wraps can help tone and tighten the skin, improve blood circulation, detoxify the body and help mobilize fat so it can be eliminated from the body naturally. You do not need any special equipment other than a mixing bowl, heating pot and wrapping sheets like thin towels.

Body wraps work in two stages: absorption and squeezing (compaction). In the absorption stage you apply a substance on your body by "wraps". Once the pores of skin are opened, the fluids are "extracted" or "absorbed" by the substance and the bandage.

There are several absorbents: sea clay, seaweed, herbal, mineral and aloe vera. The effect of the wrap is determined by the ingredients used.

Squeezing is simply compacting the tissues together after the "interstitial fluid" has been extracted. Once the fluids have been extracted, there are empty "pockets" between the cells. So if somehow we can squeeze them closer together, the end result should be a thinner and leaner looking body. The body bandages and body wraps squeeze the body part and squeezing together the empty "pockets".

A simple body wrap can be a mixture of a clay and some salt. A more complex wrap contains herbs, essential oils and nutritive ingredients. The exact proportions of ingredients are not important but the repeated use will be useful. You can add a small amount of nutrition oil (upto 2 tablespoons) if your skin is too dry.

Copyright 2005 P. Mehta http://www.fatfreekitchen.com

This article has been written by http://www.fatfreekitchen.com/

For more information on Body Wraps & Weight Loss visit Body Wraps

2 Tricks To Lose 5 Pounds Fast

If you want to lose 5 pounds fast then you must learn the 2 simple tricks talked about in this article, they will help you accelerate your weight loss. Just about everybody wants to lose weight, there are a plethora of diets out there designed to help you lose fat quicker than ever.

The truth is though, most of them are simply a quick fix - you'll tend to lose a massive amount of weight at the beginning and then the weight loss reaches a plateau and comes to a grinding halt. So you don't want only to lose 5 pounds fast, you want to make sure those pounds stay off - permanently.

Before I touch on the 2 most important aspects of any weight loss program I want to emphasize how important it is that you do this for yourself, nobody else. You must have laser like focus if you are to achieve your goals. Get committed, take action and things start to happen!

Here's the first trick:

1. Begin a regular exercise program.

Even adhering to the best diet (which you can read about here at the end of this article) will not get you the body you've always dreamed of.

You MUST compliment great nutrition with regular exercise in order to see the most optimal results. A high quality exercise program will tone and define your body ready for when the fat comes off, so you can look your very best at the beach!

I thoroughly recommend utilizing high intensity interval training. This type of cardio has been shown to increase the body's metabolism significantly, which results in fat being burnt throughout the day, even hours after your workout.

Weight training is also a great tool to help maximize your metabolism and burn more fat. Lean muscle mass has been shown to burn calories throughout the day even at rest - in fact some studies suggest as many as 50 calories are burnt each day per pound of lean muscle! Knowing that should make anyone want to pump iron!

I must just mention, whilst on the subject of weight training and muscle mass - muscle weighs more than fat so don't focus on the scales! I know you want to lose 5 pounds fast but let's focus on losing 5 pounds of fat rather than 5 pounds of muscle/fat/water or any combination of those!

2. Change your nutrition and stick to it!

This trick is probably the most important step in helping your body lose 5 pounds fast. It is time to throw away your old diets that focussed on consuming a ridiculously low amount of calories each day and begin eating a balanced healthy diet consistently.

Look to eat smaller portions more regularly, this helps keep your metabolism high throughout the day and also staves off the murderous appetite associated with low calories diets that so often lead to over-indulgence. You don not have to give up all your favourite foods!

Just be sure to eat them at the correct times, for example, during and right after training is the best time to consume candy bars - your body will use the sugar to replenish energy stores and it will unlikely be stored as fat.

If you want to lose 5 pounds fast and keep it off you really must incorporate both of these keys into your lifestyle. Earlier I talked about the best diet routine available right now, you can check that out by clicking the following link: Lose 5 Pounds Fast. There are no short-cuts, despite what some weight loss marketers may tell you. It is a hard road but if you have the commitment you WILL achieve all of your weight loss goals.

If you want more 'inside' knowledge into how to transform your body visit Secrets To Fat Loss which uncovers the little known secrets to rapid and permanent fat loss. With help and motivation you too can lose 5 pounds fast and burn more fat!

Daniel Depp is a health and fitness fanatic. He is a former professional athlete who, since retiring found himself over-eating and piling on weight. He decided that enough was enough and embarked on a mission to gather as much infomation about weight-loss and fitness as he possibly could and then impliment these in his own life. He has since lost over 20 pounds of body fat, lives a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and is committed to helping others do the same. Visit his website at Secrets To Fat-loss to learn the '7 Forbidden Secrets' to ultimate fat-loss which will help you achieve the body you always wanted, permanently.

How To Lose Belly Fat - and Sit-Ups Are Not The Answer

Are you trying to lose that annoying Belly Fat? I'm sure you have heard that sit-ups and crunches are the way to do it, because those exercises make use of the abdominal muscles. However while it is absolutely true that sit-ups will strengthen the abdominal muscles and make you stronger in that area, and you may look thinner because your improved muscles hold in the fat better, this does not actually reduce belly fat in itself.

For a complete and long lasting solution to how to lose belly fat, we need to look at how the body works and how it is able to actually lose weight. The simple fact is that if you are going to lose weight - from any part of your body - you need regular exercise. The fact that the most obvious and visible area of excess fat in your body is your belly does not alter this fact. When you do not exercise enough, or over-eat for a protracted period, one of the areas which naturally shows this excess more than others is the belly. Similarly if you start to exercise and lose weight, it will disappear quickest from the same belly area. So no special "belly exercises" are actually necessary - just healthy exercise!

In addition to exercise, diet plays a critical role in losing or gaining weight. You can exercise but still find you are gaining weight if you are eating very badly or in large quantities. So both exercise and diet are required to get the full effect. You need to adjust your diet so that you are burning more calories than you consume, at this point you start to "burn" the calories stored as fat in your body. Obviously changing your diet to reduce the amount of calories being consumed helps, as does reducing the actual quantities of food you eat if you have been eating excessive amounts.

The key to losing belly fat is actually quite simple, and there really is no secret or special program - exercise, and eat less (and eat well). So the two key action points are firstly to reduce the calories you eat, with smaller amounts of food or lower calorie foods. Secondly every day perform some physical exercise. Do this and you WILL lose that belly fat!

Learn how to Lose Body Fat Permanently without using drugs, supplements or crazy diets at BurnTheFat.Sites-Reviewed.com

Natural Weight Loss Tip - Eat Slower

You've heard for years that you should eat slower if you want to lose weight. But is this good advice? Yes, and I'll show you why.

Stress is so much a part of daily life that most of us don't even notice it even more, at least consciously. However, there are certainly parts of your body that do notice, and one important part is our digestive system.

Eating a meal on the run is a signal to many organs and glands in your body that you are under stress. Eating fast can mean chomping down a sandwich or burger during lunch, eating a bagel while driving to work, or just rushing through your evening meal so you can go watch your favorite TV show. Because you're in a hurry, your body will think you're under stress at the same time that the food hits the stomach.

So imagine that food sitting there in your tummy, while at the same time your heart rate is speeding up, your blood pressure is rising, and certain hormones that are released in response to stress begin coursing through your body.

In addition to the adrenaline, noradrenalin and cortisol that is now flooding your system, your blood flow is also redirected away from your digestive system to give more blood to your brain and muscles.

Why does all this happen? Because the physical parts of your body can't tell the difference between a real threat, (lion charging, bus running a red light, etc.), and a false threat (your class starts in five minutes so you grab a hot dog and eat it on the way to school).

Being late, not having enough time, and feeling under pressure to do something more important than eating are all real problems, no doubt about it. But they are not life-threatening problems.

Unfortunately, your body doesn't know that, so it shuts down your digestive processes to save energy for the all-important fight or flight response.

Of course, you aren't going to fight - or flee. However, you might end up with a high risk of heartburn or other digestive upset, and your metabolism is going to slow down.

And sadly for those of us who are trying to lose weight, the stress hormones we talked about earlier will make you fatter, even if you don't eat more.

One of the key stress hormones is cortisol. Cortisol is not a "bad" hormone - your body needs it for a variety of important functions, such as regulating your blood sugar level, keeping your energy level up and your immune system functioning well, and helping your body heal.

However, chronically high levels of this hormone, will tell the body to store more fat - especially around your middle. And many Americans complain of chronic stress. That's one of the reasons why there is such a strong connection between obesity and stress.

Chronic stress can also release higher levels of insulin than your body needs, and some diet authors believe this can also lead to more fat deposits, although this has not yet been proven.

Worrying about what you eat can also increase your stress level. It seems unfair, but a constant anxiety about what you should be eating - or whether or not you already ate too much, or about how "bad" you're being because you're now eating some potato chips or ice cream - will bring on all those metabolism-slowing stress hormones.

So if you do eat something that isn't "on your diet," be sure to enjoy it! Simple pleasure and taking your time will reduce the number of extra calories that end up on your butt.

So, if you want a quick way to get your body burning that extra fat, just slow down when you eat. Take some deep breaths before you begin eating and let go of any issues or problems that are plaguing you. Chew slowly, and pay attention to the flavors and textures of your food. Be sure to enjoy the process of eating. (Eating is supposed to be enjoyable, remember?) Then you won't have a stress response telling your digestive system to shut down, and your hormones won't be working against your weight loss goals.

If you learned something important from this natural weight loss tip, be sure to visit the author's website at http://howtothinkthin.com/blog/ - it's filled with informative articles about diet and health that you can use today.

The Real Secret to Long Term Weight Loss

In one of the world's largest diet studies, it appears that diets actually damage your health. The results and the problems diets can cause should give you reason to keep reading.

According to Miller Jones, a professor of nutrition and food science at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota...

4th graders are aware of the word diet, especially the girls.

Recently a massive worldwide study concluded that diets don't work long term for the majority of people on them and it might even put your life at risk.

This type of yo-yo behavior is linked to many health problems. Because of the strain on the body of repeated weight loss and weight gain, the researchers found that the dieters would have been better off not dieting at all.

Research has shown the repeated rapid weight gain and loss associated with dieting can double the risk of death from heart disease, including heart attacks, and the risk of premature death in general.

For starters...

When you think 'diet' you are actively engaging in short term thinking. When you start to think of it as something you go on and then off again, that's the wrong direction.

Some of the BEST resources on nutrition are not diets. They are eating plans. They are the basics of eating correctly for the rest of your life. Eating for everyday living is something you can be taught. There's nothing short term about them.

"The benefits of dieting are simply too small and the potential harms of dieting are too large for it to be recommended as a safe and effective treatment for obesity." -Dr Traci Mann

A quick test is to simply look at any given plan and immediately ask yourself...

Can I eat this way for the rest of my life and not fall prey to hunger cravings or temptations?


If you are overweight, then thinking in the short term is exactly why you could be doomed to fail! As you bounce from one plan to the next, you become more and more frustrated.

FACT: Many diets that use a severe calorie restriction just makes it harder to lose the weight the next time.

FACT: Some studies show that repeated weight loss and regain actually increase the changes you'll gain even more weight the next time.

FACT: It shouldn't come as a shock that people who exercise report the most long term weight loss.

Now with all this in mind...

No matter what eating plan you choose or what your goals, just drop the word 'diet' from your vocabulary and pick a plan you can stick with for life. That encourages slow weight loss or weight gain. That doesn't "demonize" foods but helps you pick and choose from healthy alternatives and explains the reasons why.

If you are always changing your eating habits for special events or every 8 weeks, you might be dieting. Before you start your next diet, that's the time to step back and ask yourself if you know all you can about proper, healthy nutrition. Learning how to eat correctly is something you can stick with for life and avoid the common frustrations.

Hurry and grab your own copy of Marc David's 6 Simple Steps to Success in creating your own personal nutrition plan. In just six days, you will learn exactly how to eat and train to burn fat for life without pills or fad diets. This is what you should have learned in the 5th grade but never did. Learn about fitness weight loss programs and the 6 Simple Steps to Successfully creating your personal nutrition plan.

It's True - I Eat Fat To Loose Weight

Many people believe that fat is bad and that they have to avoid it at any price. It is true that fat has the most calories and the more fat you eat the more fat you get. But let me tell you that you will benefit more from eating fat during a diet than avoiding fat by all means.

Let me explain. Fat is nothing bad. Your body needs fat together with proteins and carbohydrates. The right balance is the key to a healthy body. If you eat too many proteins you can get fat too. If you eat more than enough carbohydrates you will also get fat.

No reason to be fat-phobic. It is a myth that you become fat from eating fat. I bet you know many thin people who eat fat. I know many of them who eat pizza, hamburger or use oily salad dressing all time. For some reason they do not get fat.

Do not blame the fat. You could even achieve the opposite result when avoiding fat. You could become fat from avoiding fat. How comes?

Yes, fat has plenty of calories but beside the fact that good fat is very healthy it also gives you satiety which you do not have when you avoid fat. Without satiety you tend to eat more than you have to. It is true that many people on diet had more success with their diet after taking bit more fat back into their dietary plan.

So fat is no poison. It is all about the calories. You get fat when you consume more calories than your body needs. It is that easy. Give him less calories he needs you will loose weight. But the key is a well balanced and healthy diet which also includes fat. Otherwise your diet can lead to malnutrition or is just a very unpleasant experience each and every day.

There is no reason to starve. It is even contra-productive. The more you starve the more difficult it is to loose weight because your body switches into emergency mode. This means your body 'protects' his fatty assets because he believes there is some kind of emergency situation going on. There are also plenty of fat-soluble vitamins. Another reason not to avoid fat.

Again, the key is a balanced diet without starving including all the foods and nutrients the body needs. How much fat is enough? For the average man about 60 grams a day, for women about 50 grams. About 25% of calories can come from fat, 65% proteins and rest carbohydrates.

When you look for fat then go for 'good' fat. Good fat is fat from olive oil for example. It is perfect for making your salad of fresh vegetables or also cooking. If you feel very hungry, add some tasty olive oil and it gives you satiety, Vitamin E and more health benefits than avoiding fat.

Linda Lithony is the founder of http://myhealthiness.com, a health blog with many health articles about various health topics.

The Second Secret To Successful Healthy Weight-Loss

It is the power that can make the unsuccessful successful in the battle of life,.., it is the power by which difficulties can be overcome.

The disorder and trouble that afflict us, or the lack that restricts our life, can never be overcome, save by a change of mind, habit of thought, and mental attitude. - Henry Thomas Hamblin

The Power of Thought, YOUR Power to Success.

Do you remember the first secret to healthy weight loss?

Do you know the second secret to successful weight loss?

I shall give you a hint: Action and constructive thinking.

Do you believe you are doomed to be overweight?

Do you believe you must struggle with your weight for the rest of your life?

I dont think so. Actually I know for a fact that it can be completely different.

With the right thought, a constructive and happy thought, we can overcome any obstacle, especially our weight problem.

Do you believe you are not ready to deal with this weight problem?

Would you rather wait to be left with no choice?

Dont wait for the worries and the fears of illness to take the decision for you. You will feel so blessed and powerful if your decision comes from a place of love, the love you have for yourself.

Do something special for yourself, not because you are afraid of some disastrous outcome but because you really want the change in your life.

Because you love yourself, you respect your body.

You deserve a healthy body and a healthy body weight.

You deserve it NOW.

Do you need to change your beliefs and your inner thoughts? Do you need to re-align yourself with belief and thoughts of success, successful weight loss and easy weight management?

You know the saying: Everything starts with a thought in our mind. Why not have our personal thoughts on our side?

By consistently changing your thought of failure to thought of success you can gradually transform anything to success.

For a few minutes everyday, take the time to relax and draw a mental picture of yourself already managing a healthy natural weight.

Draw this image as vividly as you can; everyday.

Add as many details as you can think of: the way you look, your posture, your feelings, your confidence, the clothes you wear.

Write it down. Nothing will make the picture more believable, more real, than writing down all the details you can think of.

Everyday add some more details until you have the whole picture written down.

See how good you feel when you think of successful weight management. Feel the emotion associated with the thought of having finally and permanently managed your weight.

Remember the thought and the emotion; they are your powerful allies.

Read your written picture everyday and have a motivation boost.

Wow, what a great feeling!

To your health and your ideal weight,

Isabelle Epstein
Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style
"3 Easy Steps to Healthy Weight Loss and Healthy Weight management"

Weight Loss as Seen on TV - Which Ones Work?

This article explains a few things about low carb diets and low carb eating as seen on t.v, and if you're interested in losing weight, then this is worth reading. You can learn several effective ideas for long term weight loss. People who are overweight are engaging in low carb dieting for their better health and vitality not only weight loss. The safest and most effective approach is to acquire it naturally, perhaps the two most important factors are dieting and exercise.

Now, it is important to know that healing properties, not the calories, as most diet fads state, is the main factor for choosing a diet that is safe and effective. Although dieting may be only half the program when it comes to a safe weight loss regimen, the kind of program it is determines if the whole process will be successful. Regardless of the advice given there does exist a set of fundamental rules to achieve safe pound reduction.

Here is a piece of advice - As there is not strict law in US to check the quality of herbal weight loss supplements as seen on T.V, it is the duty of the customer to see that the product he/she buys is indeed the original one and not anything spurious. In the following paragraphs, we'll see about the need for weight loss supplements, some popular dietary supplements and a piece of advice on selecting the right supplement from the store near you. If you feel that you are not at the point of excellence where your efforts are concerned, you should know that smart diet selection comes with repetition and repetition comes with making a decision, and a decision is made on the hope that it will work for you.

I encourage you to find others who can help hold you accountable, but please recognize that one of the most important steps to weight loss is forgiving yourself for those post resolution moments when you might fall off of the wagon.

The main question you must answer is do you want to go all natural or implement the choice of artificial medications? Once you choose then you can and will find the best system to help you achieving your goals. For there are successful weight loss programs for either one. You just don't want ride the fence of both.

Mike DeJona is an expert on weight loss and has posted free reviews and tips at http://www.lossweightprogramsite.com/Weight-Loss-As-Seen-On-Tv.php

5 Steps To Lose Weight Fast

Want to slim down fast for a special occasion? Losing weight too quickly can be dangerous to your body. The best solution! Do not go for an overnight miracle.

Step one.

Determine your daily calorie intake. Exercise alone will not make you lose weight if you still taking more calories than you burn. What you should do is eat more protein dense, clean foods. Write down all the things you eat on a typical day. Do an itemized calorie count.

Step two

Decide which foods to cut out or reduce. Cutting calories is a lot easier than you might think. A pound of flab is roughly equivalent to 3500 calories. Replacing that rich beverage with a black coffee can help you lose a pound a week. Salad dressing is the number one source of fat in the average American diet. Reduce that and you could lose another pound a week.

Step three

Seek out alternatives to the unhealthy foods you've identified. Drink water, instead of soda. Choose lean meats, for example, salmon, sardines and fresh tuna. Replace high-calorie side dishes with healthier alternatives. Replace french fries or potato salad with fresh vegetables, and since.

Step four

Plan your meals. Look for healthy, delicious meals, online or in your cookbooks and create a menu for the week. Make absolutely sure that your menu reduces your calorie intake otherwise you will not lose weight.

Step five

Watch your portion sizes. Use a smaller bowl when eating. This will help you reduce your calorie intake, without even knowing. Losing weight can be difficult or easy, all depending on how you look at it.

Download the free report Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Stripping Off Belly Fat and learn the #1 ultimate hard-body exercise, the 55 fastest fat-burning foods, over 2 dozen unique workout ideas for a leaner, sexier body and the 2 worst types of food that stimulate more belly fat!

Getting in Shape For Lazy Bastards

Okay so let me get this straight... You dont feel like making exercise a daily habit, you dont like the feeling of being out-of-breath, and youd rather stay the way you are if it means being comfortable...even if you do become an even fatter and lazier bastard in the process?

Ladies and Gentlemen - what youve just read above is the exact mindset that most out-of-shape people have when attempting to get in shape. And when they fail, they actually ask the obvious question of why they have failed... Sad isnt it?

As opposed to those types of people, I have come in contact and trained people who did have the desire to change their daily habits with the goal of getting in shape and being healthier. Now this is the mindset of a few select people who want to get in shape - and its a good mindset to have. But again, Ive also seen people fail to get in shape with this wonderful mindset...

The reasons: Okay, for the lazy mindset - its obvious why they fail. If you go into any activity with the I dont feel like it mood, guess what, you most likely will fail and you wont get anywhere because all of your energy will be focused on not wanting to be there doing whatever is it youre doing. Or for some fat and lazy people, their energy will be focused on which flavored donut theyll purchase when the training is over. Whatever it is you focus on while physically training, if youre focus is not centered on progression and self-improvement - you are doomed to fail.

As for the pre-motivated types, the reason why some of them fail is because they lack consistency after they start training. To give you a more clear vision on what I mean, Ill tell you about a particular client I began to train recently...

A friend of mine heard about my fitness training services one day and decided that he wanted me to help him get in shape. He called me up and we met at a location. He was so worked up and was motivated to get in shape and have more daily energy - and with this mindset, he couldnt possibly fail, could he? Well, for the first few days he used my advice and trained really hard and actually started to make progress. However, one day, a day in which he scheduled physical training for himself, he decided to slack off and take a break. So he did take a break for that one day... And soon, that one day off turned into 5 days off!

Can you believe that? He quit training for one day and resumed back to his old habits...and all the progress he made from improving his stamina to increasing his muscle base all disappeared within a week. He basically threw every little progress he made out the window. And after that, he simply forgot about training.

Of course, being the persistent S.O.B. I am, I pushed him forward after hearing about his fall and he did achieve his fitness goals after about a month of consistent training (powered by me).

But the main lesson to learn here is this: No matter what shape, size, or physical state you are in, if you train consistently, you will succeed at getting in shape and achieving your goals in a reasonable amount of time.

Ryan Dodson - Personal Fitness Instructor

I guess you're wondering how I took an out-of-shape "couch-potato" like him and turned him into a living, breathing, fitness machine. Well, I've put all of my knowledge and exercise methods into one downloadable.pdf file and you can instantly download it from the *new and improved* InhumanStamina website (coming soon)

Are You 100% Sold Out On Weight Loss?

You decided to lose weight? How serious are you really about losing that weight, or is it just a nice thought you had? We'll see if you are really that dedicated or if you only going 20, maybe 40%. Do you try to get by with the least amount of effort? See what you are really doing and what you can improve on to make your weight loss successful.

For weight loss you need to drink plenty of water. No one argues on that but are you doing it? Are you drinking your eight glasses a day or did you have enough after six and call it quit? Did all that running to the bathroom become too annoying to you? If you really want to be serious about your weight loss, drink eight glasses of water a day. Space them out. Make sure you drink four glasses by noon and four before you go to bed. Only drink one glass at a time. How long can you keep this up? Don't just do it for a week or two, make it a habit! You should always be drinking this much.

Are you eating your fruits and vegetables? If you really want to see results you better pick this up. Unless you eat at least some fruit and vegetable every day, don't even tell me that you are on a weight loss program. If you want to tell me that you are in 100% you better be able to show me a list of fruits and vegetables eaten at the end of every day. Now, don't tell me this is for girls. If you are a guy and you are big, I guess you don't have any right to tell me what is the right diet for men. Hear me?!

Are you stepping on that scale regularly? Let me rephrase that. Are you stepping on the scale at least once a week? If you are not, you can not by any means be serious. Saying that you can not handle thinking about your weight does not mean much more, than saying that you can not handle the truth. If you are in 100% step on the scale every day, because every day matters. Every day your scale should be going down, unless you have a dang good reason for it not to.

Your weight loss is not going to come easy. If it was, many more people would be thin. At least don't lie to yourself about being on a weight loss program when you really are not. But when you decide to go on one, be on it 100% and have pride in that. You can do it, once you decide that you want to. Don't let other people fool you in that it is so easy and you just need to do this and that. Be serious, be responsible, and be a winner.

Alexa Cooper and 10 Steps to Weight Loss stand for weight loss that starts in your mind. By renewing your thoughts and emotions towards a healthy lifestyle, long lasting and efficient weight loss can be achieved. Receive the key to your own transformation and make it happen. http://www.10stepstoweightloss.com/blog

Medifast Diet and Fat-Burning State

The medifast diet is a very safe and effective diet and weight loss program. The main reason for this is because it gives enough nutrition while at the same time induces your body into a mild fat-burning state.

What is the Fat-Burning State?

When you are on the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan, your daily calorie intake is very low at around 800 to 1,000 calories. This causes your body to enter a fat-burning state - a "mild ketosis". In this state, your bodys fat releases free fatty acids, which are transformed by the liver to an energy source - the ketones. This mild fat-burning state helps the body achieve fast weight loss while preserving muscle tissue. It also helps eliminate physical hunger and provides sufficient levels of energy at the same time.

The fat-burning state is not harmful to your health. It is just a normal way that your body uses to manage energy. You get enough protein intake on the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan so that you are protected from losing muscle tissue. Regular exercise also helps in this area.

Are you in a fat-burning state?

You will know that you are in the fat-burning state if you feel less hungry and more energized, and start losing weight at a steady rate. It usually takes about 3-5 days, after you start the medifast diet, for you to move into the fat-burning state.

Do I need to use ketone test strips?

It is not recommended that you use ketone test strips while on the medifast 5 & 1 plan because:

1) With medifast program, you are only in a mild fat-burning state. The ketone test strips are meant to be used for a much stronger fat-burning state as you would be in a low carbohydrate diet.

2) The ketone test strips can give you inaccurate results if you are not using them consistently very day - the same way at the same time.

Jodi Thompson runs a few websites on weight loss and diet programs, including medifastworks.com To learn more about medifast diet program, tips, and stories, visit medifastworks.com

Benefits of Weight Lifting

Some of us simply underestimate the importance of weight lifting. Especially women underestimate the benefits of weight lifting. Here just several benefits:

-Weight lifting decreases your blood pressure thus making the risk of heart diseases lower.

-Weight lifting develop toned muscles in women.

-Weight lifting gives you more energy.

-Weight lifting raises your metabolism.

-Weight lifting reducing the risk of developing colon cancer.

-Weight lifting improves posture.

-Weight lifting elevates mood.

-Weight lifting improves coordination.

These are few benefits of weight lifting. All the benefits of weight lifting simply could not be mentioned on one page. But believe me weight lifting is the key to a healthier life and weight loss. Weight lifting and exercises can be considered the basics of a man's health life. Most of people who doing exercises and lifting weights are slim and have no excess body fat.

When people just hear the words "Weight Lifting" they are scared with the fact they should lift 20 kilos weights. But this is not so scary. Weights should be chose according to your gender, body mass and age. Women of all ages may lift 2-3 kilos weights. Young men can lift 5-8 kilos weights. Aged men should be careful and choose 2-5 kilos weights. This will be enough for you to start being a healthy person.

Good Luck!

Artem S. is a webmaster of Weight Loss Pills, a site dedicated to weight loss information.

Original Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe

The original cabbage soup diet recipe is known for its ability to allow users to lose at least ten pounds in 7 days. The diet consists of eating foods according to a 7-day plan, as well as consuming unlimited amounts of Cabbage Soup. The diet included in the diet plan contains very little calories and may be cooked using a variety of different spices and vegetables. Since the bulk of food consumed during the diet is the soup, it is important to choose a recipe that you find tasty, as you will be eating this for 7 days. Since everyone has different tastes and preferences, there are a number of different recipes that may be tried and used.

Here are some recipes used for the Cabbage Soup Diet.

1 bunch basil
3 tbsp. olive oil
1 small cabbage or pointed cabbage
3 carrots
5 stalks celery
1 young fennel
salt, ground pepper
5 cups vegetable stock
1 cup low-fat yoghurt
juice of 1 lemon
1 tbsp. pecorino

Step by step of the original cabbage soup diet recipe:

  1. Wash Basil, pick leaves and mix with 2 tbsp olive oil and a pinch salt. Let the basil composition freeze for ten minutes and mix it then superfine with a blender.
  2. Wash cabbage, carrots, celery and fennel and slit. Heat 1 tbsp. olive oil in a big pot. Add carrots, celery, and fennel and finally also the cabbage strip and sweats it all together. Season with salt and pepper and fill up with the vegetable stock.
  3. Boil up the soup for short (7-8 minutes) then take it away from your hot plate. Stir in the low-fat yoghurt. Taste with lemon juice, salt and pepper and let it brew 2-3 minutes on your hot plate (switched off). When serving, sprinkle some pecorino on your soup for a great tasty. The diet will help you lose 2-3 pounds a week if followed correctly. But as any diet eating the same repetition of food is boring and easy to give up on. One way to make it easier to stick to the diet is to try the diet with friends. That gives you more motivation not to give up.

You'll be enjoying the original diet if you adjust it to suit your tastes. Use your favorite type of cabbage, add seasonings you like and adjust the vet to suit. By having hot low calorie soup available all the time you'll be able to help yourself to a bowlful sot hat you're going to be full and not snack on more unhealthy things.

Besides the original cabbage soup diet recipe, some weight lose recipes info provides detailed information on Losing Weight Without Starving

Why Weight Loss Is A Side Effect Of Cleansing

When you mention cleansing in a group of people, most people immediately think of colon cleansing - where you're in the bathroom all day. The cleansing I am talking about is actually body cleansing. It cleanses the organs, lymph system, and blood.

We are always cleaning or maintaining something in our homes, garages or offices. We wash our bodies, change the filters in our furnaces, cars and vacuum cleaners. If the toilet backs up or the sink clogs we take care of it right away. Imagine what it would be like if you didn't change your vacuum cleaner bag for 40 years. Pretty gross! The fact is, we have filters in our bodies that get clogged, but we never think to clean the inside of our bodies. Or, if you're like me, you didn't know there was a way to do it.

One reason that weight loss is a side effect of cleansing is that cleansing gets to the root of the problem. When the filters in our bodies are not working properly, they don't work at optimal capacity and start storing impurities. Fat cells collect around those impurities and hold on to them because there is no place for them to go. When the filters get cleaned out and the body does what it is designed to do, weight is released. The liver is your key fat burning organ. If it is not working properly then fat will be stored instead of burned.

Another reason that weight loss is a side effect of cleansing is that cleansing reduces cravings and helps you desire good foods. Cleansing floods your body with nutrients that it needs so it can be satisfied. The body can then even cleanse itself because it has the enzymes and minerals that it needs to do the job.

Want to know more about weight loss and cleansing? Get a free copy of the book "How to Lose Weight When Nothing Else has Worked" click http://www.hjresources.com/loseit - Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Can I Exercise My Abs While Doing a Full Workout?

Why concentrate solely on your abs and thereby extend your workout time by more than it needs to be. We are all busy people, so fast but efficient is what we are all seeking when it comes to working out. What about some better options for high intensity, metabolism boosting workouts that work your entire body, while working the abs.

Here is an ab workout that doesn't include any direct ab exercises at all. It's in a tri-set format.

1. Dumbbell Rows: start in a pushup position with the hands on 2 dumbbells. You then row (lift) one dumbbell up while using the other arm to stabilise your. Return the dumbbell to the ground and alternate the rowing arm while stabilizing with the opposite arm. It is the stabilizing that creates incredible work for your entire midsection core area. Trust me... your abs will feel it!

2. Front Squats: put the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. You stabilize the barbell on your shoulders by crossing your arms and pushing your fists into the bar against your shoulders while keeping your elbows out in front of the body. You might want to seek some assistance with your form from a professional trainer at your gym. Due to the barbell weight being shifted to the front of the body instead of the back, Front squats require extreme stabilization strength from the abs. Even though this is mostly a leg exercise, you'll feel this one in the abs big time!

3. Floor Climbers: Start in a pushup position and then shuffe your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. You resemble climbing a mountain but you are flat on the floor. If that is too easy for you, shuffle your hands 8-10 inches forward and backward in addition to the leg movements. This really makes it a full body exercise and MUCH more difficult than standard mountain climbers.

Rest for about 30 seconds after each exercise. After each tri-set, rest for 1 to 2 minutes before repeating. Do 3 to 4 sets of each tri-set with 8 reps of each exercise.

Try it. You'll get the best ab workout you've ever had without actually doing any specific ab exercises and you'll cut time from your workout as you've actually exercised many different muscle groups at once.

If you want more information, have a look at http://www.bellyfatsecrets.com - heaps of tips and advice from experts in the field.

Sick of the gimmicks, fads and expensive exercise equipment? Check out the facts at Best Ab Exercises & Workouts for Abdominals

Greg Millican

Weight Loss

Weight loss is one subject that never seems to go out of style. There are many ways to lose weight. Many people choose basic quick ways method even though they know that the pounds creep back on for a few reasons. The drive to lose weight fast is strong but the need to keep the pounds off is even stronger.

One of the easiest is by cleansing your system. I don't mean that this is simply by any stretch of the imagination but it is pretty effective. Extra pounds hold extra toxins in our systems.

These approach take`s quite bit of the will power and you basic will also find that there are many more things that you can't eat than there are things that you can. In order to lose weight fast fast you also really want to start basic cut out all those breads, pastas, all the junk stuff and also even the fruit. You may be surprised by the elimination of fruit but bear with me.

Fruit contains a lot of sugar. The sugar is also very natural and also usually very good if you start burn off. If you start cut these source of the sugar out the diet you will start quick to lose weight fast. This means you may also want to cut out vegetables that have lot sugar include peas, corn, carrot. These type of food can be reintroduced basic in a few days.

You might be wondering what on earth is left for you to eat. Your lose weight fast diet is strict and consists of lean proteins, preferably the soy protein. If you take inside 25 grams of all soy proteins each and every day and also keep sugars at bay you will lose weight fast. In addition you want to consume lots of green leafy vegetables.

Water and exercise should be a regular part of your daily routine. If you stomach eating and lean protein for 1 week or 2 week along with getting in at least 64 ounces water and also plenty of the good exercise wee will definitely lose the weight quick. This doesn't sound very appealing it works extremely well if now want drop pounds quickly.

The initial quick weight loss will not be a maintained if you now start go back into your old ways fast away but you basic can start your diet off with a real kick if you choose this method. Of course, you want to consult your doctor if you want to lose weight fast. This is the first step in any weight reduction program.

About author Sindre

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Easy Weight Loss -- 5 Steps to Lose Weight

Is it easy to lose weight? Yes. Losing weight is easy. I see it everyday. Patients of mine come into the office as happy as can be because they lost 15 pounds on the newest easy weight loss plan.

It's easy but can you keep it off?

My patients may feel great but none of them keep the weight off. Just as quickly as they lost weight, my patients following easy weight loss plans, gain it back...fast!

Gaining weight, specifically re-gaining weight lost while dieting, should be the focus of weight loss programs. Other things, like easy weight loss, are distracting and costly for all of us. Every year thousands of obese and overweight people do not lose weight because of easy weight loss distractions.

Why are fast and easy diet plans so attractive? Well, what could be better than losing weight and looking good fast? How about lasting healthy weight loss?

Why do you think diet plans focus solely on losing weight and say very little about keeping it off? Because it's easy to lose weight and it's next to impossible to prevent weight re-gain.

Diet plans take the easy road and provide dieters a quick short lived solution.

From Atkins to the Zone, weight loss diets have perfected colorful ways to disguise one simple easy weight loss principle. All diets can lead to easy weight loss by following this one easy principle.

Low carbohydrate diets, low fat diets, negative calorie diets, low energy density diets--all apply this one principle. And this one principle leads to easy weight loss. Do you know what it is?

To experience easy weight loss...eat fewer calories.

Holding other things constant, like exercise, simply eat fewer calories and you will lose weight easily. Whether or not you keep the weight off depends on how easily you lost it.

The Easy Weight Loss Steps

1. Week One -- Cut calories by 100
2. Week Two -- Cut additional 150 calories (total=250)
3. Week Three -- Cut another 150 calories (total=400)
4. Week Four -- Final cut 100 calories (total=500)

First month weight loss total = 2-4 pounds 500 calories cut = 1-2 pounds/week of weight loss End of second month weight loss total = 6-12 pounds

The chance of keeping the weight off = 5%

To accelerate weight loss and weight re-gain, just cut more calories...fast. Or you can hold off on the weight loss plan above and learn more about weight re-gain and how to prevent it. Stay tuned for Weight Re-gain Prevention.

Until then, healthy living!

Michael Smith, MD
Chief Medical Consultant
Diet Basics Website

Dr. Michael Smith is the Chief Medical Consultant for Diet Basics, a content rich website dedicated to the online dieter. Dr. Smith and Mark Fugua, the Chief Editor and Wellness Leader, are moving the site forward into the second phase of content, "Keep Weight Off!"

Visit the site today and learn how to prevent Weight Re-gain and Diet Shock. Start with the Diet Basics Education page.

Effective Ways To Weight Loss

You're already trying hard to lose weight. You're exercising and eating right. You're drinking more water and less juice. So how about doing a couple extra things this year to lose a couple extra pounds? Let's take a look at a few things you could do to supplement your weight loss:

1. Eat a salad before every meal. If you eat a full salad without dressing before you order or make your main meal, you may not find yourself eating as much of the high calorie foods to get full. You may be able to cut as much as 100 to 200 calories from each meal, which could help you lose one to two pounds per week. More importantly, you'll be eating healthier.

2. Use cinnamon flavored gum as your only snack. Whenever you feel yourself getting hungry and it isn't meal time, try popping a piece of sugar free cinnamon gum in your mouth. We're not sure why, but cinnamon gum seems to provide a hunger satisfaction not received from fruit and mint flavors.

3. Take 20 to 30 minutes to relax before consuming meals. This relaxation time could be taking a walk or talking with friends. In the mornings you may want to have your devotional time before your meal. Water the plants in your house or read a newspaper. Don't watch TV, as contrary to what many think, this causes a physiological stress reaction in the body.

4. Try new types of fruits and vegetables whenever you see some you haven't eaten before. Every new healthy food that you discover a liking for is another variety of alternative low-calorie food for you to use in your weekly meal plans. Many diets feel because they lack variety of flavors, so the more healthy variety you add the less you'll crave a change in diet. You may even play in the kitchen and create two or three great new recipes out of each new food you find.

5. Almost never combine eating with other activities. The only exception are family meals when some healthy conversation at the dinner table may be of more value than weight loss. You will almost always eat more if you're entertained while you eat.

It is important to keep your family and friends close while you are working on your weight loss efforts. Keep your support system close and take time to talk with people. Isolating yourself can undermine your weight loss efforts. Reach out and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

There is more than one effective way of dieting; the question is which diet is the right one for you? To learn more about how to choose the right weight loss diet program check out these articles about weight loss plans in particular how to get fit through sustainable, but quick weight loss programs.

Arnold Press Guide

The Arnold Press, also known as the rotational shoulder press, isolates the deltoids with little other muscle emphasis, with exception of the triceps. Its a good idea to start out with a light weight when first attempting this exercise, until your muscles get used to the movements.

This exercise can be performed sitting or standing. It may be beneficial to perform this exercise sitting with adequate back support to reduce the chance of injury.

To begin, take a dumbbell in each hand and bring them up to your shoulders as if you had just curled them. Your back should be straight and your head should be facing straight forward. From this position you should begin rotating the arms out away from your body, while simultaneously lifting your arms up over your head. By the time you are halfway through the movement your elbows should be pointing away from your body.

At the top of the movement, the arms should be extended without locking the elbows. From this position, retaining a fluid movement, reverse the procedure and return to where the dumbbells are level with your shoulders in front of your body. Continue with the exercise until youve reached the designated rep completion for your set.

John Gibb manages http://www.weight-lifting-4u.com The site dedicated to weight lifting.

The Lemonade Diet, Lose Weight Fast

Lose weight and improve your health. Your body may not be functioning as best as it could. Our body is full of toxins and heavy metals. Thanks to all the process food and chemical that is added in today foods. It is important to cleanse out body. Tiredness, body aches, and obesity could be the result of these unwanted toxins we have put in our body over the years. Removing your body from toxins can add energy, unwanted pain and improve your overall health. The master cleanse cleans out your colon and organs. This help your body function better. Which can help reduce chances of cancer and pain. The master cleanse also help you lost a lot of weight, and its helps you keep it off. The master cleanse diet is use by many celebrities. And its known by the name of "The Lemonade Diet."

The lemonade diets takes 10 days total. The first 2-3 days you will have food craving. The rest of the days should be pretty easy. Many people who've done this diet said that their food craving has drastically reduced. The lemonade diet has many benefits. You can lose a lot of weight while improving your health at the same time with the cleanse. There are so many health benefits you can gain with the cleanse but its up to you to decide. The lemonade diet will give your body a fresh start and help you feel young again. This diet could be the first step to long lasing health.


Healthy Living With The Green Tea Diet

With the increasing focus on weight loss and healthy eating, we are subjected on a daily basis to an overwhelming amount of information. It seems that every day brings the advent of some new weight loss product that promises to help us shed pounds and get healthy in one fell swoop. Its no wonder that were all so confused. But those who understand the components of healthy weight loss know that a focus on natural, whole foods can increase your bodys health and bring you to a weight thats appropriate for you. Many natural food enthusiasts continue to tout the benefits of the green tea diet using the natural characteristics of green tea to speed the metabolism and achieve optimal health.

It seems that each study yields more benefits of the green tea diet. For instance, green tea a natural and aggressive antioxidant will cleanse your body of impurities and help keep your system balanced. The benefits of this are increased immunity against a variety of viruses and bacteria. In fact, some recent studies have shown the promise of a green tea diet in warding off such conditions as Alzheimers because of the teas ability to fight off certain chemicals that cause plaque build-up on the brain.

Additionally, a green tea diet will afford you a speedier metabolism as green tea has been shown to effectively raise metabolic levels. And if that werent enough, it has also been shown that a green tea diet will help your body burn fat, as the properties of green tea efficiently break down fat deposits.

However, for those who must stay away from caffeine, the green tea diet is not for you. Green tea does contain caffeine but is certainly a superlative choice to coffee in addressing your bodys overall health.

Participants in a green tea diet can sip the beverage after meals to help aid digestion and keep metabolic rates increased. Or try substituting your morning coffee with a cup of green tea.

The green diet is in no way a substitute for overall healthy eating and plenty of physical activity. But it can be a component of your new lifestyle of healthy living.

For easy to understand, in depth information about tea visit our ezGuide 2 Tea.

How To Lose Belly Fat In Only 10 Minutes

I have been doing this for years folks. One of the most common questions I get at the gym while I'm training someone is "How Do I Lose Belly Fat"? It's simple I tell them and it really is. You just have to be consistent. That is the key to anything you do in life. It's called ambition. Let's start:

Minutes 1-5

1. Interval training. This is a process which keeps your metabolism high and makes it higher. You can apply this method to any aerobic workout. One example is walking. Let's say you walk for 10 seconds, you run for 20 seconds. Repeat this over and over until you are satisfied. Those 10 seconds of walking in between the runs give you a chance to "rest", therefore letting the body regroup itself and get used to the idea of running. It's great for your metabolism.

Minute 6

2. Sit-ups! The key to having a slimmer looking belly is excersizing your mid-section. You want to work those abdominal muscles. Do 10 regular sit-ups, 10 side-to-side situps, and 10 sit-ups with your feet off the ground. Do this every day and you can have that six-pack you've always dreamed of!

Minute 7

3. Push-ups. I don't think I need to explain this one. Just remember to keep your body straight and off the ground.

Minutes 8-10

4. Jump rope! Sounds like fun? It really is once you get going. When you're jumping, think about your fat just falling off. Your belly is getting smaller. Have this mentality, it is great and once you see results, it is an excellent feeling.

Follow those 4 excersizes for 10 minutes every day. Just 10 minutes! You don't have that much time? Then why did you sit here and read this whole article. Go now and get started! I urge you!

Michael Porterlini is dedicated to the health and well-being of others. Please visit my website for an excellent review on a very popular fat loss program. I highly recommend it and it's a great program.