2 Tricks To Lose 5 Pounds Fast
If you want to lose 5 pounds fast then you must learn the 2 simple tricks talked about in this article, they will help you accelerate your weight loss. Just about everybody wants to lose weight, there are a plethora of diets out there designed to help you lose fat quicker than ever.
The truth is though, most of them are simply a quick fix - you'll tend to lose a massive amount of weight at the beginning and then the weight loss reaches a plateau and comes to a grinding halt. So you don't want only to lose 5 pounds fast, you want to make sure those pounds stay off - permanently.
Before I touch on the 2 most important aspects of any weight loss program I want to emphasize how important it is that you do this for yourself, nobody else. You must have laser like focus if you are to achieve your goals. Get committed, take action and things start to happen!
Here's the first trick:
1. Begin a regular exercise program.
Even adhering to the best diet (which you can read about here at the end of this article) will not get you the body you've always dreamed of.
You MUST compliment great nutrition with regular exercise in order to see the most optimal results. A high quality exercise program will tone and define your body ready for when the fat comes off, so you can look your very best at the beach!
I thoroughly recommend utilizing high intensity interval training. This type of cardio has been shown to increase the body's metabolism significantly, which results in fat being burnt throughout the day, even hours after your workout.
Weight training is also a great tool to help maximize your metabolism and burn more fat. Lean muscle mass has been shown to burn calories throughout the day even at rest - in fact some studies suggest as many as 50 calories are burnt each day per pound of lean muscle! Knowing that should make anyone want to pump iron!
I must just mention, whilst on the subject of weight training and muscle mass - muscle weighs more than fat so don't focus on the scales! I know you want to lose 5 pounds fast but let's focus on losing 5 pounds of fat rather than 5 pounds of muscle/fat/water or any combination of those!
2. Change your nutrition and stick to it!
This trick is probably the most important step in helping your body lose 5 pounds fast. It is time to throw away your old diets that focussed on consuming a ridiculously low amount of calories each day and begin eating a balanced healthy diet consistently.
Look to eat smaller portions more regularly, this helps keep your metabolism high throughout the day and also staves off the murderous appetite associated with low calories diets that so often lead to over-indulgence. You don not have to give up all your favourite foods!
Just be sure to eat them at the correct times, for example, during and right after training is the best time to consume candy bars - your body will use the sugar to replenish energy stores and it will unlikely be stored as fat.
If you want to lose 5 pounds fast and keep it off you really must incorporate both of these keys into your lifestyle. Earlier I talked about the best diet routine available right now, you can check that out by clicking the following link: Lose 5 Pounds Fast. There are no short-cuts, despite what some weight loss marketers may tell you. It is a hard road but if you have the commitment you WILL achieve all of your weight loss goals.
If you want more 'inside' knowledge into how to transform your body visit Secrets To Fat Loss which uncovers the little known secrets to rapid and permanent fat loss. With help and motivation you too can lose 5 pounds fast and burn more fat!
Daniel Depp is a health and fitness fanatic. He is a former professional athlete who, since retiring found himself over-eating and piling on weight. He decided that enough was enough and embarked on a mission to gather as much infomation about weight-loss and fitness as he possibly could and then impliment these in his own life. He has since lost over 20 pounds of body fat, lives a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and is committed to helping others do the same. Visit his website at Secrets To Fat-loss to learn the '7 Forbidden Secrets' to ultimate fat-loss which will help you achieve the body you always wanted, permanently.
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