Saturday, June 28, 2008

Weight Loss: The Key to Discipline

Recently, two co-workers of mine were discussing their weight loss efforts and part of that conversation stuck with me. One of them said, "It sure is a lot harder to lose weight than it is to gain it." The other one answered, "Yeah, thats because gaining weight is fun." I laughed with them, because there is some truth to that statement.

Yes, it can be fun to eat with abandonment and not think about whether what you are eating is healthy or not; it is only the consequences that are painful. Examples of shorter term consequences are pain in your stomach, indigestion, and sluggishness. The longer term consequences are high blood pressure, heart disease, and shortness of breath. Seeing your appearance change for the worse is painful too. Focusing on these consequences is key to developing self-discipline.

Discipline is necessary to achieve your weight loss goals and any goal that you want to achieve in life. After all, you dont have to employ discipline to do those things that you enjoy. For example, I wouldnt have to discipline myself to eat chocolate bars because I enjoy them, however I do have to discipline myself to limit them in my life. How do I do it? Discipline requires two skills: Desire and diversion.

Desire means that you have to want the goal that your discipline will help you achieve more than anything. For example, I wanted to lose weight and get healthy more than I wanted the chocolate bars. Each time I desired the chocolate bar, I had to remind myself of the alternate goal and make it real and vivid. I had to see myself with that goal already achieved and experience the pleasure of it. I had to make that pleasure more intense than the pleasure I imagined I would receive from eating the chocolate bar.

The second skill is diversion, which is simply engaging in an activity that diverted my attention away from the undesirable activity. In the chocolate bar example, I had to either give myself something that I would enjoy eating that was healthier for me or perform an alternate activity that would help me better meet my needs. For example, if I was angry, eating a chocolate bar would not help me, but taking a long walk to cool off likely would.

My co-worker was right: For many of us, losing weight is harder than gaining it. But we need to remind ourselves that, although it is harder to lose weight, it is not impossible. It is also worth the effort. Then we use our key of discipline to help us achieve what we want. It is the only way to get the body that we deserve.

A Registered Nurse for many years, Kimberly Floyd battled obesity for much of her adult life. She achieved her ideal weight and has written a new book entitled 'Moneywise Weight Loss' which teaches others how to lose weight and save money--at the same time.

Kim has written articles for the Georgia Nurses Association publication and Nursing Spectrum Online. Now a technical writer, she has written training programs for corporate clients, including IBM, U.S. Bank, and Cingular.

Kim also teaches an online course called 'Goodbye to Shy'. This course is distributed to over 1100 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and Australia through Thomson Learning. An accomplished speaker and trainer, she delivers presentations on health-related topics to enthusiastic audiences.

Are You Discouraged About Your Weight Loss Program?

You are working on your weight loss program and you have been working on it for weeks or months and you feel no closer to the goal. You can't believe you aren't there yet, and maybe people are criticizing you, and have stopped believing in your ability to pull it off. You are the one being overcome, not the obstacles you are facing. It can be so frustrating working on a project like weight loss and getting fit, and you can get discouraged.


Sometimes you've just got to put one foot in front of the other and keep going - even though it's tough, boring, uncomfortable, maddening, frustrating, upsetting, and depressing.

PERSEVERE - Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not - nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not - unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not - the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. - Calvin Coolidge

Another thought to Keep in mind:

Even a journey of 10,000 miles begins with one step.

You can only accomplish things one step at a time. That's how everything gets done. So your weight loss is taking more time than you had hoped. It's more difficult than you had hoped. When things get rough sometimes all you can do is put one foot in front of the other.

Try not to get bogged down in discouragement. You are not alone, and if the people around you have lost faith in your ability and you have too, just keep moving forward. You don't need confidence and you don't need faith in yourself. All you need is to take the next step in the right direction.

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative." -Woody Allen

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The 'No White Foods' Diet

There are many diet plans out there today, and the striking thing about a lot of them is how complex they are. Gone are the days of just counting calories. Todays diet plans come complete with a theory, a philosophy, a comprehensive diet plan, and exercise plan, and, more than likely, products that you can buy. In a way, thats a good thing it means that the theories behind these diets have been well thought out, and that the diets themselves are likely to promote good health as well as weight loss. On the other hand, there are some pitfalls to having and trying to follow a complex diet plan namely, its complicated and can be hard to follow!

How many of us really have time to learn a complex new way of eating? If you have to lose fifty or a hundred pounds, and your weight is severely affecting your health and wellbeing, you might be able to justify the time and expense. If its a matter of wanting to lose five, ten or twenty pounds, however, how likely are you to subscribe fully to a whole new way of eating? Not very likely, is the answer!

So here, then, is a quick, easy solution to your weight loss needs, if you are in need of a quick fix that doesnt require too much thought. Just stop eating white foods. Its as simple as that. If its white, dont eat it.

Of course, there is one notable exception you may want to make: Milk. Milk is white, and, especially if youre a woman, pregnant, or still growing, it may be detrimental to give up milk even for a short time. So lets modify that advice a little: no white foods that are solid. Or even, if you like, no white starches.

Thats what it really comes down to. If you do away with all the white starches white pasta, white rice, potatoes and replace them with whole grain choices, over time, you are almost guaranteed to lose weight. This isnt like the Atkins plan, that asks you to give up most carbohydrates. You can still eat brown rice, for example, and whole wheat bread and pasta. The white starches are refined, and they have the highest glycemic index. That means that they might cause insulin deficiency over time they can even lead you to develop diabetes in the long term. In the short term, these white starches cause you to pack on the pounds especially around your belly, which is the worst possible place to carry excess weight in terms of heart health.

If you want to go a little further with this plan, and lose weight a little more quickly, try giving up another category of white foods fats that are solid at room temperature. This means no butter or margarine (technically, butter is white, not yellow dairy companies dye it yellow to make it more appealing!) and no cheese (most cheese is white and giving up white cheese doesnt mean you should bulk up on cheddar!). Cutting out these high fat foods particularly if they happen to be an issue for you will let you lose weight a lot faster.

Of course, there are some white foods that are actually good for weight loss. Consider lean white chicken breast, for example, or white fish such as cod or halibut, or even egg white (the leanest part of the egg)! There is nothing much to be gained by avoiding those foods, and over the long term, you probably shouldnt. The point of the no white foods diet, though, is to give you a simple formula that you can apply anywhere. In a restaurant or at a special event no problem eat what you want, as long as it isnt white! There are no points to count up, no rules (except that one) to remember.

And heres the hidden benefit if youre not eating any white foods, it leaves more room for colorful foods that arent white vegetables, for example, particularly yellow, orange and dark green ones. These are much healthier for your heart and, indeed, your whole body than their white equivalent, potatoes and starch. Not all white foods deserve to be avoided, but the benefits of this simple and effective approach can be great nonetheless.

For more great information visit Gabae Weight Loss the premiere resource for weight loss, diets, nutrition and living a great healthy life style!

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Why Should Weight Loss For Men Be Any Different Than For Women?

It is quite common to find that women tend to follow weight loss programs and try out various fad diets while men tend to focus more on exercise as a way of losing weight. However, it is important for men to realize that a nutritious and well balanced diet will also help in reducing weight along with an effective exercise regime.

With the onset of middle age, paying attention to ones diet becomes very important for men. As one grows older their calorie needs tend to decrease by around 2 to 4 percent with every passing decade. For an average sized man who measures 5 ft 9 inches and weighs 170 pounds, the appropriate calorie intake is usually around 2500 calories per day when they are in their youth and this intake tends to reduce to around 2200-2350 calories as they grow older.

One reason why the calorie intake reduces as men grow older is because their muscle mass decreases. Higher calories are normally required in order to circulate blood to the muscles, maintain internal body temperature and repair the damaged cells among other functions. However as men grow older, their muscle mass decreases and hence requires fewer calories.

Another important reason is because of the lowering of the natural metabolic rate. This rate determines the base or natural rate at which the body burns calories for all its functions even when a person is asleep. On an average this rate accounts to burning around 70 calories per hour for most men. The hormonal and other natural changes that occur with age tend to reduce this natural metabolic rate.

As one grows older, there is glandular reduction that results in the biological process known as aging. For example with age, the thyroid and adrenal glands among others tend to become less effective in their functions.

It is for these reasons that men should be careful not to consume excessive calories in their middle age. The excess calories get stored in Adipose Tissue and result in body fat. For most this body fat is considered highly unappealing and even increases the risk of developing health problems.

When it comes to the topic of Body Mass Index (BMI) those with a BMI above 30 should be concerned about their weight because it borders on obesity. A BMI of 40 or a waist circumference over 40 inches is considered obese for an average male.

Men should be careful about what they eat as they grow older. Reducing ones daily calorie intake by just 50-100 calories a day for every decade past 29 will be beneficial in the long run and reduce the risk of developing body fat or growing obese.

Alternatively, one can also burn around 50 to 100 calories a day just by walking an extra mile daily. This will help to maintain optimal health and prevent weight gain.

Thus, the key to keeping fit and healthy is to stay active and reduce calories.

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