Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What Is Your Perfect Weight?

Too often people think they should weigh less than they do, when in reality they're right at the weight they should be. Your body has probably changed over the years due to circumstances such as pregnancy. We normally gain a certain amount of weight as we get older.

With all of the advertisements on TV and in magazines, it's no wonder we are confused about what our ideal body shape should be. Maybe you saw what you believe should be your perfect body in a magazine and have dieted in vain to try to reach that shape.

If your quest for your perfect weight is constantly frustrating you, maybe it's time for a reality check. The weight you are trying to reach may be totally at odds with your body style and metabolism.

When you go on a strict diet trying to reach an unrealistic weight, you could be causing health problems for yourself in the future. Don't starve yourself trying to look like the model you saw in the magazine.

If you ask any thin woman what she would like to weigh, she'd probably say that she should lose 5 to 10 pounds. Most women tend to want to be thinner than they should be. Why is this true?

1. Advertising, including advertisements for weight loss products, feature very thin women instead of more normally sized women. The standards set by the fashion models used in these ads are impossibly high. These models have access to personal trainers, cosmetic surgery and have their photos airbrushed to reach that perfect look. If you use those standards for your perfect body, you are setting yourself up for failure.

2. Trying to reach a previous weight can be another unrealistic goal. Changing hormones and bone structures mean that the weight that you were in your early twenties may not be possible today. You may be able to stay on a strict diet and exercise regime for a short period of time, but not for the lifetime that it would take to keep your body at that weight.

3. Many of us see ourselves as fatter than we really are, so we are constantly trying to slim down to too-thin proportions. These people can never get thin enough. This can lead to eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.

Trying for unrealistic weight loss goals can cause anxiety and stress as well as health problems, which cause even more stress. Reach for the goals that you can meet. Start with small changes in diet and exercise and then add more stringent methods only if you are truly overweight. As always, ask a doctor for his or her recommendations.

Jude Wright is the owner of "9 Weeks to Weight Loss" at 9WeekstoWeightLoss.com. Stop by and get your free report, "Losing Weight Without Starving Yourself."

18 Habits That Transform "Weight Loss Losers" Into "Weight Loss Goal Achievers"

1. We love ourselves. Our self-esteem is healthy and high.

2. We practice positivity and recognize that our positive attitude is key.

3. We squash our gremlin that continually whispers destructive self-criticism in our ears.

4. We work on busting through our self-limiting beliefs and thoughts so as to increase our self-awareness.

5. We monitor the content and quality of our thoughts. What we dwell upon in our mind becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.

6. Realizing that Knowledge is Power we will overcome any concern of the unknown.

7. We focus with confidence on where we want to go and anticipate what we want.

8. We have a passion for our purpose. We know our goals clearly and specifically. We plan each element out and write it down in the first person as though we have achieved it.

9. Not only do we know where we want to go, but how we want to get there. As well as how to set up our environment to ensure achievement.

10. We accept total responsibility for our lives, what occurs to us, and the results of our actions.

11. We consciously relax regularly and let go.

12. We associate with other high achievers.

13. We understand the truth behind conditioning of beliefs and behaviors. We become what we think about.

14. Although there might be times of discomfort, we move forward with patience and faith, always knowing that success is certain.

15. We strive to feel good at what we do, knowing the impression it will have on our stress, health, happiness, etc. Through this mindset, we establish balanced goals towards a balanced life.

16. We plan continuously. We also review and as our lives evolve, we rewrite our plans.

17. We are strong-minded and unrelenting. We expect to suffer setbacks, disappointments and failures. But, pick ourselves up, carry on and look for the learning in our bumps in the road.

18. We prioritize and focus on whats most important, rather than on the trivial to do lists. There is never enough time to do the small things but always enough time to do the most essential things.

Copyright 2006 Jeff Cadwell
Positive Coaching


Jeff Cadwell
Maximum Life Coach
"Welcome to the beginning of the New YOU!"

I am a Life Coach who is passionate about empowering people to live more robust lives - physically, emotionally and spiritually. My specialty is people who are considering or have had Weight Loss Surgery.


Latest Review About "The Truth About Six Pack Abs" Weight Loss System

This weight loss and muscle building program has been designed and created by a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer. the system reveals the real reason why crunches and cardio are not the solution to eliminate the excess belly fat and those not good looking love handles.

The Truth About Six Packs Abs is the ultimate program that will bring you tons of ideas to spice up your workouts and take them to a whole new dimension.

In addition, this weight loss program will open up your mind respect to your diet, and you will face the excess weight loss not as a problem, but as one more of the many sides of your health, exercise and diet programs, that should go all tied up and together as a whole process where in the end, the result is a better you, with a cleaner, healthier and leaner body. The program explains very clearly what most people do wrong when they try to develop rock hard abdominals. This system will save you from wasting long hours at the gym doing cardio, jogging, crunches and other exercises that will not help you to achieve the goal of a flat washboard stomach.

Here are a few of the objectives treated in the program:

- You will be introduced to several innovative and powerful strategies that will make your training and nutrition routines more exciting and result producing than ever before.

- You will find some brand new training techniques and some fresh ideas you have probably never thought of before.

- You will learn some brand new and original nutritional secrets and strategies. None of them is related to the low carb or low fat nonsense we have heard about lately.

This weight loss system will teach you about smart training and healthy nutrition tips that will help you reduce your body fat levels, feel healthier, and in the end, without noticing you will finally be able to see your abs, bringing our a long time hidden midsection but also an eye-catching muscle tone throughout all your body.

The Truth about Six Pack Abs program will show you how to get lean and stay lean for the rest of your life.

J.R. Villa is a health advisor, Internet marketer and researcher. If you want to take a look at his latest reviews on weight loss systems, click this link:


Juicing For Health And Weight Loss

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for, but rather something to be achieved. William Jennings Bryan

Juice Fast

Did you try a one day fast?
To really feel the benefits of a fast, you must actually do it yourself.
Why not try a one day fast this week?

Find out which one day fast is best for you.

Which Fast will help you best clean your body?

  • The water fast;
  • The one raw fruit/one raw vegetable fast;
  • A juice fast;
  • An herbal tea fast.

Fresh pressed juice Fast

  • Fresh raw fruit juice
  • Fresh raw vegetable juice
  • Fresh raw herbal juice

Juicing freshly, organically grown, fruits and vegetables as well as herbs could be compared to a rich and concentrated nutrients blood transfusion.

In no time the nutrients enter the blood stream.
It is especially beneficial to people who have difficulties eating fresh vegetables.

It is very important to juice organically grown products which are richer in nutrients and contain no toxins, no chemical fertilizers, no pesticides or other poisons.
We want to benefit from the fast, not add more toxins to our body.

You will reap the most benefits from freshly squeezed juice.
There will be no nutrients loss if you drink the juice as soon as it is squeezed. (Nutrients loss occur when juice is stored, as well as when it is exposed to oxygen.)

Plants and vegetables are our best healing friends. Since the down of times they have been use for health, vitality and longevity.

Never add sugar or any sweetener to fresh juice.
This would undermine the goodness of the juice.

Drink the juice slowly.
Drink at least 4 glasses of juice and 4 glasses of water during a day fast.

Fresh Raw Fruit Juice
Freshly squeezed raw fruit are delicious and refreshing.
They may also have a high content of sugar. Better refrain from those rich in sugar if you want to lose weight.

Better use fruits that are high in beta-carotene such as: cantaloupe, mango and apricots.
Juice can be diluted: half water + half juice.

Some people find citrus fruits juice too acidic.

Juice for better bowel movement:
2 pitted dried prunes soaked in a glass of water.
You can blend the prunes and the water together.
Juice 2 apples and one pear together.
Add the juice to the prune juice, stir well and enjoy the drink.

Fresh Raw Vegetable Juice
My favorite health cocktail to help the body detoxification:
juice 4 carrots, 1 apple, 2 celery ribs, a cup wheatgrass or parsley together.
The carrots and the apple will sweeten this juice naturally.

My favorite summer drink:
refreshing cucumber juice

Fresh Raw Herbal Juice
Wheatgrass is very rich in nutrients, especially chlorophyll and antioxidants.
It is nature's gift to help detoxify the body.
If wheatgrass is not available, try parsley.

The juice of Wheatgrass and parsley are very healthy but not very palatable.
The best is to mix them with fresh carrot juice or fresh apple juice.

If you feel adventurous try to juice together wheatgrass, spinach and apples.

You will need a special juicer to juice herbs. Not all juicer can juice herbs.
Personally I use the green power juicer and I find it very efficient but a little difficult to clean. Definitely the best juicer I had to extract herbs' juice.

Enjoy juicing and enjoy a one day fast.
Let me know which one was more helpful.
Maybe you have a favorite cocktail you would like to share?
mailto:Isabelle@healthynutrimania.com?subject=My favorite cocktail

Isabelle Epstein, Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style. If you would enjoy motivation and tips for a healthy weight management, sent directly to your inbox, sign up for Isabelle's free newsletter at: http://www.HealthyNutriMania.com

Best Foods For Quick Weight Loss

Yes water helps you to lose weight.Our bodies contain 70 percent water, so we must consume a diet that is 70% water just to replenish the water which is excreted and maintain the 70-30 balance. You have to drink 8 glasses of water a day. For weight loss, you should drink an additional amount of water. The more your weight, the more water you should consume to lose weight.

Will consuming lots of water help me to lose weight or should I have high water content food also?

Water i.e. pure water has many benefits. It decreases fluid retention, thereby increasing your thirst for more water, it enhances metabolism(the faster your metabolism, the slower you gain weight), declines appetite thereby reducing your need for eating every half an hour. All this does help to lose weight.

But drinking water does not have the enzymes and other life preserving elements which high-water-content food have which also help to lose weight. Every raw vegetable and fruit contains atoms and these atoms contain enzyme-the life principle in the atoms and molecules of every living cell. These enzymes are required for nourishing and replenishing the atoms of our body. Water carries the enzymes of the food into the intestines where these (enzymes) are absorbed.If you have more of water-rich foods in your weight loss diet that means you are eating food that have all the requirements of the body. The water also cleans your body of wastes and detoxifies it, thereby leading to weight loss.

Also if you have lots of water-rich foods then you would not have to forcibly drink those 8 (more if you are overweight)glasses of bland water everyday to keep your weight in check.

Sometimes the 70-30 balance may become 50-50 or 40-60 during weekends and parties. Don't worry. Just increase the quantity of high water content food the next day. Let the balance be 85% water-rich food and 15% of other food.

Just follow the simple, tasty and effective food balance given above and see yourself getting into shape quickly and staying that way forever. Weight loss and its worries will be thing of the past for you. No wonder dieticians all over the world recommend high-water-content foods as the best foods for quick weight loss.

To know the particular fruits and vegetables which you should have for quick weight loss see my blog.


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Unknown Secrets of Weight Loss

You have tried everything. You have literally started a new diet every week for the last 3 years. Let's see how many of the old time diets I can remember and tried. How about the grapefruit diet? I was consuming grapefruit by the truckload until Tropicana came to my house and put the "squeeze" on me, saving my life was preferable and more important things than becoming grapefruit concentrate. How about the Atkins diet? That was a biggie because I love bacon and unlimited amounts of bacon were allowed on the Atkins diet. I remember I ate two pounds of bacon and was feeling "light" until I passed gas that killed the my parakeet. My next attempt was the Scarsdale Diet. That worked great until Dr. Townsend's girlfriend killed him in a jealous rage. His company still owes me the last 8 weeks of their wonderful diet food. Does anybody know the statues of limitations on suing the Scarsdale Company ? It was only 30 years ago . I must still have rights!

OK, OK, I am done ranting and raving about my trials and tribulations of dieting. Deep down inside, I knew that good nutrition and exercise are vital keys to successful weight loss. But, like everybody else, my mind was swayed by the diets that claimed to be easy, quick and that worked like magic. Today, 50 lbs. lighter, fit and being a lean cruising machine are my lifestyle. It's logic that prevails in losing weight. Diet and exercise make scientific sense and work every time (minor exceptions to the rule). But even under optimal conditions of healthy nutrition and exercise weight loss can be hampered by the PH of our body. Let me repeat that again. Weight loss can be hampered by the PH of our bodies. If you are eating healthy and exercising and weight loss is still very difficult try this little publicized secret. Follow an alkaline diet! This can make all the difference in the world in sustaining weight loss. I know it sounds too simple but it does make a difference. As an analogy, ask any good landscaper about the use of lime (a powder that enhances soil to a more basic condition) and what impact it has on the plant. It makes a HUGE difference. An alkaline diet can turn average diet results into outstanding diet results.

Here are some key properties of the alkaline diet. Our modern lifestyles create an overabundance of acidity. Acidity brings bad health and disease. Eating a diet that balances the PH never causes the body to gain weight. Our body's PH is slightly alkaline at 7.35 to 7.45. We can change the PH balance in our body by eating 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods that digest and bring our body into balance. God made the plant with abilities to grow and thrive. So we can observe the abilities of plants to heal themselves, thrive and grow and thrive and apply them to humanity. Nutrients of plants nourish plants and we can eat the same nutrients to nourish and heal ourselves. The acidic foods that we eat bring death and disease. Alkaline foods bring energy and bring healthy states to the body. The nutrients heal the plant and the human body as well, so we cannot over cook our foods, destroying the nutrients. Try to eat raw foods or slightly cooked. Alkaline foods consists mostly of all vegetables, some fruits, fresh water fish, almonds, tofu and low fat foods. Acidic foods consist of sugar, cheese, meats, poultry, etc.

The bottom line is this. Weight loss is never easy. But by understanding the various elements of diet with and emphasis on proper PH balance you are using the science of what we know to enhance weight loss. Good luck and happy losing!!
