Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Free Weight Loss Tips and Myth Busters

Weight loss myths are as common as the cold. They've been repeated so often some have gained the status of "fact." The free weight loss tips I share in this article are centered on common weight loss myths. I'm taking aim on the myths and I'm going to shoot them down with the true facts. There's a ton of these myths and I'll just blast four of them today.

Drink up and lose fat - Myth Buster #1 (AKA - The first of my free weight loss tips)

Stated another way . . . drink enough water and you'll flush out the toxins along with the fat in your body. Sorry. It just doesn't work that way.

While it is true most Americans go through life dehydrated, we still can't magically flush out the bad stuff with gallons of water. The toxins stored in your fat will be processed in your liver in natural detoxification processes. Again, drinking excess amounts of water won't help this.

But here's a rule of thumb that will help. Each day - winter, spring, summer, and fall - you should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. Say what? If you weight 200 pounds, half of that is 100 and therefore you should drink 100 ounces of water each day. Rain or shine, hot weather or cold. Oh, and drinking ice-water doesn't help you lose weight either by raising your metabolism. Thought I'd toss it in here since I was talking about water.

Lose weight with many small meals - Myth Buster #2
It all comes down to the fundamental rule: Eat more calories than you burn, or need, and you'll gain weight. Do this long enough and you'll get fat. It's that simple.

On the other hand, you may benefit by eating many smaller meals. Or you may do just fine with 3 regular meals throughout the day. The point is to do whatever works for your lifestyle. What makes you feel the best and gives you the best results for losing weight and keeping it off?

If you have better success with several small meals - do it. If you have better success with three regular meals - do it. Your body will adapt to whatever you do on a regular basis. Regardless of which pattern of eating you choose, as long as you eat less (fewer calories) than your body burns you'll lose weight.

Carbohydrates equal weight gain - Myth Buster #3 of free weight loss tips
Bad carbs. Good carbs. Naughty carbs. Angelic carbs. It all makes the same amount of sense. It really isn't whether you eat carbohydrates or not; it's how much you eat. Moderation and control are the real secrets.

Certainly some types of carbohydrates are more nutritional for you (whole grain). Some don't load you with glucose and send your blood sugar on dangerous roller coaster rides (glycemic index). But again, when you eat more calories than your body needs you'll get fat whether the calories come from carbs or another type of food. Nonetheless, if you're addicted to carbohydrates you'll need to cut back.

So monitor your pasta, potatoes, rice, corn, bagels, donuts, cookies, cakes, bread and so on. Here's another related free weight loss tip for you: You CAN have too much of a good thing but you don't need to completely avoid it either.

Zippy Foods Boost Metabolism - Myth Buster #4
I get real "fired up" about this one. The premise is your metabolism is raised when you eat spicy foods which burns extra calories. If it were true this spicy Mexican food fan would be in his glory.

Although there is some scientific research behind this myth, there's not anywhere near enough to load up on spices and expect magical weight loss. Capsaicin is the star of this research. It is the active ingredient in hot peppers. A study showed when combined with caffeine, tyrosine and green tea extract, capsaicin did boost metabolism a tad over a four hour period. This resulted in an extra 20-calorie burn.

Problem is . . . researchers don't know how long that "boost" lasts in any given day. And 20 calories isn't very much. Plus, it's extremely doubtful any of us could consume enough of the right combination long enough to effectively help us lose weight. Eating spicy foods may help you drink more water so you're properly hydrated, but that's about it.

Those are four myth busters and each one is a valuable tip. And that's because these four free weight loss tips will keep you away from false hopes and unproductive rabbit trails. Knowing the real facts will help keep you focused on what DOES work for you. Good luck and remember, eat fewer calories than you burn and you'll lose weight.

Ready for more facts on natural weight loss supplements, or weight loss hypnotherapy? You'll find all this and many more tips and guidelines for exercise, meal planning, weight loss programs, topics just for women, and just about anything you want regarding successful weight loss at our website.

How To Lose Weight By Eating The Same Amount Of Food

Just look at these figures! 73% of Americans are overweight. 35% are officially Obese! Wow, if that doesn't make you sit up and listen then nothing will. Truth is, the "fast food" revolution means people eat more unhealthy foods unfortunately, but what most people don't know, is that they can lose weight without reducing the amount of food they eat.

Yes I know, generally people who are overweight eat too much. It is a simple fact of life. Not only that, as people get older, their metabolism slows down, meaning they do not burn as many calories as they once did. Eating habits have also changed. Fast food, TV Dinners, ready made supermarket food etc, are all a part of the problem.

So, how do you lose weight without having to starve yourself or drastically change your eating habits?

Well, it is important to understand that your metabolism is responsible for burning off the calories that you put into your body through eating. Some people have a very active metabolism naturally, while others struggle to keep their weight stable no matter what they do.

Although it is true that eating less will in time help you lose weight, providing you eat less fat and calories of course, but in truth, you can actually lose weight when you eat the same amount of food each day.

The trick is not really how much you eat, but what you actually eat. For instance, if you eat huge steaks each day, with a large portion of fries, all you need to do is eat a smaller steak, not so many fries and add more vegetables to your plate. It can end up the same amount of food, but because you are eating less fat, and reducing the calorie intake, providing you stimulate your metabolism a little more you will lose weight.

Understanding calories and how many you should eat each day will of course help when deciding on what to eat. Also, taking a natural supplement after eating can help to stimulate your metabolism and burn some extra calories without much effort on your part. A touch more exercise will help you lose weight faster, but for many that is not possible depending on how much time they have each day.

If you lose weight too fast, it has some terrible side effects, like lose skin, and that can lead to having to have an operation to remove it. Losing weight slowly and naturally is best so patience is needed.

By exercising more you can speed up the rate at which you burn calories, and it will help to build up your muscles and tighten your skin. Bare that in mind if you are serious about losing weight.

Eat more foods like rice, potatoes, cereals, chicken, fish. Try going a week without red meat but if you do eat red meat, reduce the size and add more vegetables to make up for it and do a bit more exercise too!

Try eating five smaller meals each day instead of one huge one. Tests have proven that eating smaller meals more often will stop you feeling hungry and help your metabolism to function better.

It may be advisable to speak with your Doctor first, or consult a nutritionist or expert in the weight loss industry.

Just remember that losing weight doesn't mean you have to go without food and feel hungry all the time. Simple, small changes to what you eat will do the trick just fine.

Gary J Kidd has been involved in the health industry for over 8 years. He highly recommends you put Cheia Vida Slim to the test and take their 10 Day Slim down Challenge. It is ideal for people who need to lose weight naturally and permanently.

Solutions for Weight Loss Failure YOU Need To Know About

Why is it that no matter what you try, fancy diets, expensive supplements, you just can't seem to lose weight? Today I'm going to tackle this question and hopefully provide you with some explanations to why this is.

Perhaps the most common reason for failure is when a person starves themselves for two weeks and loses weight, only to gain it all back. This has been called yo-yo dieting or the weight loss roller coaster. What you're doing is basically tricking your metabolism into helping you lose weight, and it's not going to help you in the long run. The answer to this problem isn't as harsh as you may think. Your goal should be to eat 4 to 5 small, balanced meals a day. In our fast paced culture, this can be hard, but you will reap large benefits. Lay off the sugar and fats aim for a consistent daily calorie intake.

The second reason for weight loss failure, and we can all relate to this one, is not enough exercise! If you don't exercise, you're not going to lose weight, that's the hard truth. But the good news is that daily exercise isn't as bad as you'd think. Again, what you're aiming here for is consistency. Start out by exercising about 15 minutes a day. You'll be surprised about how easy it is and it will become almost second nature to you in no time. The best part is you don't need expensive equipment, simple exercises like walking will show you results.

Your own psychology can even work against you and lead to your failure. Sometimes you'll have unrealistic expectations and beat yourself up over it. Perhaps you start out strong and give up as soon as you forge to exercise or give into temptation. Often you'll look for immediate results and throw in the towel when you don't get them. Whatever your personal problem may be, the important thing to do is to throw out this emotional thinking and think positive. Whenever one of these ugly thoughts rears its head, replace it with a realistic, yet positive thought. Also important, when you're feeling low about not meeting your goals, do not eat in order to feel better, this is a common trap for those trying to lose weight.

A tough reason for weight loss failure to accept is our genetics. Some people are just more geared towards weight gain than others. Don't see this as something that can't be helped though. You may have to put in some extra effort, and perhaps the best thing you can do is to see a physician with experience in the weight loss field who can prescribe for you a dietary and weight management program.

These are just a few of the obstacles that lead to weight loss failure so be on the lookout for others. However, if you can keep yourself exercising, eating healthy, and maintaining a positive attitude, you're bound to only get results, but to get results that last.

Kelly Lester is commited to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.

5 Tips To Lose 15 Pounds Fast

How many diets and exercise programs have you seen that promise to help you lose 15 pounds fast? I wonder how many people have used these products successfully? From my experiences I have found that the problem with these kind of claims is that although it may be possible to lose this amount of weight very quickly, it is not always the healthiest, safest option and very rarely does it lead to permanent weight-loss. This purpose of this article is to point you in the correct direction and to give tips and advice on how best to achieve your weight-loss targets.

Most diets available today claim to allow the dieter to shed pounds ridiculously quickly - who wouldn't want to lose 15 pounds fast?! - it is great marketing!. The truth is that although many of these diets do create an initial fast loss of weight, this rarely lasts and is more often than not due to water loss and muscle wastage. This type of dieting is extremely unhealthy and leads to dehydration and lowers ones energy and concentration levels. There are more effective ways to lose 15 pounds fast which can help you keep the weight off.

Other low calorie diets which are touted can work but it is important to realise that severe calorie restriction for too long leads to the body's metabolism slowing down significantly and heading towards its 'body starvation mode'. Once your body hits this starvation mode it will burn far less calories in a bid to stay alive!

The body will respond when entering body starvation mode by using its own reserves to provide energy, these reserves are not just the body's extra fat. Initially, glycogen stores (the storage form of carbohydrate in our body) are broken down for energy. Once this energy source is depleted within a few hours water is released and consequently a drop in weight is noticed.

The common problem associated with starvation-type diets is the resultant weight regain. When the starvation diet ends, the individual returns to the same old habits - there has been no life-style change which is really the key to losing weight and keeping it off. The composition of this weight regain is fat - this replaces the muscle mass lost during the diet and the individuals metabolic rate is decreased. The frustration experienced at this point leads the individual back onto another starvation type diet and so the cycle continues. This is why we see so many people seemingly on a constant diet. Remember - it is possible to lose 15 pounds fast, but keeping the pounds off is the real goal.

If you are one of those people that constantly seem to be dieting you will find that making the following small changes to your lifestyle will greatly improve your long-term weight loss goals;

1. Eat 4-6 small meals per day, balancing your intake of nutrients. This helps increase metabolism as your body is constantly working to process the food.

2. Start exercising - it may seem obvious but it is amazing how many people simply diet without any exercise. This helps your body increase its metabolic rate still further and will speed your weight-loss results.

3. Use weight training combined with aerobic exercise - you don't need to lift massively heavy weights - just do a little, it helps regain any muscle mass lost during dieting and the aerobic workout will help increase the appetite appropriately.

4. Eat Breakfast - this kick starts your metabolism for the day. Studies have shown that people who it a healthy breakfast actually lose more weight than people who skip it all together!

5. Drink Water - This is the energy source for all life, staying hydrated is vital.

There are few diets that enable you to lose 15 pounds fast and fewer still that can provide the continuous and long lasting results you are looking for. It is up to you to get motivated and want to lose the weight - permanently. I'm not saying it is easy but by following the guidelines above you'll be off to a fantastic start and you will avoid the notorious body starvation mode!

Should you wish to learn more about losing weight and keeping it off please visit my website at Lose 15 Pounds Fast where I review some of the products that helped me and many other people to lose 15 pounds fast and permanently.

I hope you enjoyed this article and I look forward to hearing of your weight-loss success.

Daniel Depp is a health and fitness fanatic. He is a former professional athlete who, since retiring found himself over-eating and piling on weight. He decided that enough was enough and embarked on a mission to gather as much infomation about weight-loss and fitness as he possibly could and then impliment these in his own life. He has since lost over 20 pounds of body fat, lives a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and is committed to helping others do the same. Visit his website at Lose 15 Pounds Fast to get more in depth advice on weight-loss, diets, fitness training and general wellness.

5 Fast Weight Loss After Pregnancy Tips and Tricks

For fast weight loss after pregnancy, tips and tricks that emphasize the importance of physical exercise as well as knowing as much as you can about nutrition are the best forms of defense for keeping those extra pounds at bay. Although the rich and famous make it look incredibly easy, you really don't need a host of personal trainers and state of the art equipment for losing weight after having a baby.

Combining smart, healthy eating, exercise, and the right mind set, it really is possible to regain your familiar figure. Here are five fast weight loss after pregnancy tips and tricks that any new mother can do to quickly get back in shape while enjoying motherhood.

1. Breastfeed: Not only will your baby benefit from being breastfed, but you will too as you'll be burning more calories than mothers who choose to bottle feed. New mothers do have to consume more calories, however, studies have shown that most women tend to burn those calories faster than if they were not breastfeeding their babies.

2. Realize the benefits of exercise: Join forces with friends, family, your co-workers, or other new moms to get together to regularly exercise. Bring the babies along for a walk in the park and make pushing the stroller a part of your workout.

Walking is something you can start doing within a week of giving birth, unlike some exercises. For at least six to eight weeks, avoid any exercises that are particularly exerting, such as running or jogging, until your body has had the chance to fully recover from the pregnancy.

3. Stay well rested: Besides giving you more energy and helping you to feel better in general, sufficient amounts of sleep helps your body to properly regulate hormones, which in turn, directly affect your appetite.

Finding enough time to sleep is one of the trickiest tasks for new moms, but if you sneak in an hour or so every time your baby naps, you should be able to compensate for the sleep you're sure to lose during the night.

4. Snack frequently: Snacking on healthy foods frequently helps rev up the metabolism, gives us more energy, which ultimately increases our productivity, generating more endorphins in the brain and helping us to just feel better in general.

Satisfy your brain's need to snack as well as satiating your hunger by nibbling on things such as raw vegetables, which are crunchy and great with a low-fat dip, or pretzels, an excellent low-fat snack food, and fruits that provide a solution for the sweet tooth.

5. Use a smaller plate: The old saying, "The eyes are often bigger than the stomach" holds true for many people, but using a smaller plate is one way of battling this phenomenon. Actual studies have been done on both men and women who were given different sized dinnerware to see how they may have influenced how much the participants ate. Sure enough, the bigger the plate, the more food that was consumed, and the worse the person felt physically after overeating.

Portion control must be a priority for effective weight loss, and using a smaller plate can be an incredibly easy alternative than measuring or weighing your foods.

Shedding pregnancy pounds doesn't have to be a challenge. Visit and discover what other moms already know, you can easily lose your baby weight without unhealthy fad diets and starvation techniques.

Fast Weight Loss Plan

Want a fast weight loss plan? It's easy to say goodbye quickly to 10 or 12 pounds of fat with these diet tips. Simply follow these tips and learn how to lose weight effectively.

The basics ..... eat plenty of good tasting, fresh, and healthy foods, fill up on vegetables, and keep your taste buds happy by eating lots of fruit. You should eat 3 small meals along with 3 small snacks each day.

No need to sacrifice! Just follow these simple guidelines to lose 10 or 12 pounds, or to give your weight loss efforts a boost when it seems to have screeched to a halt. Implement this balanced and flexible plan which shows you how to lose weight effectively.


Keep notes about everything you put into your mouth. No need to estimate calories. Just keep a record of what you eat and drink along with the approximate quantity. You will find that becoming aware of what you are eating helps you to plan healthy meals and snacks.


Cut your intake of all pure or added fats in half. Use half as much butter or spread on your bread, toast, muffins and potatoes; use half of your usual amount of mayonnaise or sauce on your salad; and use only half of the oil you normally put into the frying pan.


Eat treats containing sugar only three times per week. This includes the usual suspects: chocolate, ice cream, desserts, cake, pastries, and cookies.


Most meals should include a lower fat source of protein such as fish, chicken, cottage cheese, low fat yogurt, or beans. You can eat nuts, red meat, and eggs ..... just not every day.


Cheese and meat should be absent from at least one lunch and dinner every week. In order to increase fiber and reduce fat, those meals without cheese and meat can be built around whole grains, vegetables and beans.


Consume milk products containing reduced fat. Reduce from whole milk to 2% fat. Over time, reduce from 2% to 1%. Consume lower fat cheese and yogurt. Always read the labels to confirm that the yogurt you purchase does not contain sugar.


Eat a minimum of two servings of fruit every day as dessert or for snacks. Choose fruit that is in season.


Substitute water for sodas, juices, milk or alcohol. Do not drink diet soda because the sweet taste makes you crave sugar. Many people find that hot water with a slice of lemon can be very refreshing in the morning.


Include at least two servings of vegetables during lunch and dinner. You can have more servings of vegetables if you are still hungry.


Eat slowly in order to give your body time to understand that it is no longer hungry. This will reduce your tendency to eat too much.


Grated carrots are great for snacks and are much more filling than whole carrots.


The fiber in whole grains gives you a fuller feeling and will also help your digestion.


You can increase your fiber intake by choosing foods that need to be chewed. Chewing helps us to feel more satisfied. For example, eat some fruit instead of drinking juice. And always try to eat chunky soup instead of broth.


Plan your meals and snacks in advance. Plan your shopping in advance, too. Make your list and stick to it. Don't take the chance of loading up on high-calorie food when shopping while you are hungry.


Studies consistently prove that we eat more food while watching TV than we do when the TV is turned off. So, when you eat meals or snacks, leave the TV turned off.

Many of us are looking for a fast weight loss plan. We realize that a disciplined and consistent effort on our part is required. And, we appreciate the fact that most fast weight loss plans are doomed to failure. If you want an idiot-proof plan to LOSE 9 POUNDS IN 11 DAYS, go to

How To Get A Six Pack

Weight Loss With Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers believes that dieting is just part of long-term weight management. A healthy life style will result in a healthy body. Weight watchers has achieved lasting success with their weight loss program, and the program now has more flexibility than in past years. We are going to look at a few reasons their program works.

Part of their secret to success is the community involvement. The community in this case is a group of like minded people meeting on a regular bases to share their weight loss wins and failures. It is that feeling your not in this alone or I see what you did and I think I can do the same thing. Their pep rallies ( meeting) are encouraging and motivational.

The weight Watchers point system is probably he best known of their programs. A large number of foods have been evaluated and given a point value. If one stays within there daily point recommendation the chances are good that weight loss will result. Although they have booklets giving the point values of various food,this formula will be of help when the book is not available. Points= calories/50 +fat grams/12 - fiber grams/5'

So how many points are recommended? Weight Watchers provides these guidelines:

Less than 150 pounds = 18-25 Points

150 to 174 pounds = 20-27 Points

175 to 199 pounds = 22-29 Points

200 to 224 pounds = 24-31 Points

225 to 250 pounds = 26-33 Points

Over 250 pounds = 28-35 Points

Plus there some flex points involved. Flex points allow a person to pig out on a special occasion and and not feel that they have abandoned their comment.

Another program is the Core Plan. Basically this plan gives a wide scope on the variety of food recommended and relies on the discipline of the individual to limit the quantity. Most beginning dieters find that the community aspect,discipline and motivation supplied with the Points Plan is an excellent way to begin. When weight loss happens and they feel comfortable with the system, then the Core Plan may be advisable.

Their website ( contains a lot of helpful information. Your favorite recipe can be found changed to abide by the Weight Watchers guidelines. For people to busy to take time for a meeting or if a meeting is not available in you local they also have an online application of their plan.

Although Weight Watchers may not be for everybody the program can be very beneficial as it address the mental, emotional and physical health aspects of dieting. Weight loss is each individuals responsibility. See you at the meeting.

For more interesting articles on dieting and weight loss visit: Weight Loss Tips Site