Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Burn That Fat - The Fast Easy Way!

Here's what I think:

I wanna burn that fat the fast easy way!

If they tell me that it's going to take 10 months to lose 10 pounds then I don't want to go there!

I mean... gimme a break!

It may be slow and steady and easy on my body but it's going to take years to lose any appreciable number of pounds.

I guess if it was one pound a week and you could rely on it happening then it might be OK... that way you'd be losing 50 pounds in a year; which is OK if you've only got 50 pounds to lose.

But what if you want to lose 100 pounds or more... what then; what's the plan for that?

I think we have to see some serious results quickly or we'll lose hope real fast. I think something like 10 pounds in the first 10 days sounds like a reasonable plan and then 2 pounds a week forever, until you've reached your target weight.

And another thing... it should be easy!

I mean, I don't want to be going around feeling hungry all the time; hanging on by my fingernails as I struggle to resist the temptation to grab a quick delicious high carb snack!

Been there... done that!

So here's the scoop... the trick is to first get rid of that carb craving. Anyway you do it is good, but if you can find a way to do it without feeling hungry then you're on a roll.

That carb craving is your major enemy!

This is what has defeated you in the past and it will defeat you again and again until you find an effective way to get rid of it so you aren't continually challenged to fall off your program.

Let me show you how to do that.

I can show you how to get this started in just 5 days! You'll lose 5 pounds in 5 days or 10 pounds in 10 days and you won't be hungry!

I have recently written a book entitled "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry" which lays out a plan for overcoming Carbohydrate addiction and losing weight.

You can download it FREE here: "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry"

Exercise To Healthy Weight Loss

To loss weight effectively, it is necessary to take in fewer calories than the body is burning. In order to burn off excess calories, it is essential to exercise regularly. Talking about exercise, it is not necessary to join a gym or participate in aerobic classes to burn up the fats. Calories can be burn by just simply climbing the stairs, cleaning the house, riding a bike, working in the garden or just by walking thirty minutes every day. Calories can also be burnt during sweat-free exercises. It has been proven that people who take a brisk walk for thirty minutes every day burn body fat, improve their physical fitness and lower their blood pressure as much as people who work out at a gym three or four days per week.

Exercise will help to boost energy as well. With the advent of the computer age, people are forced to do less and less physical labor. It is only logical that this would result in more energy being available for other activities. Exercise improves the efficiency of the lungs, the heart and the circulatory system in their ability to take in and deliver oxygen throughout the entire body. This oxygen is the catalyst that burns the fuel, food taken in to produce energy. Consequently, the more oxygen taken in, the more energy is available for other activities.

Oxygen is the vital ingredient that is necessary for survival. Since oxygen cannot be stored, body cells need a continuous supply in order to remain healthy. Exercise increases the body's ability to extract oxygen from the air so that increased amounts of oxygen are available for every organ, tissue and cell in the body. Exercise actually increases the total volume of blood, making more red blood cells available to carry oxygen and nutrition to the tissues and to remove carbon dioxide and waste products from the body's cells. This increased saturation of the tissues with oxygen is also aided by the opening of small blood vessels.

The first step for energy, fitness and real weight loss is by exercising every day. Exercising regularly will help to keep a fresh supply of oxygen surging through the blood vessels to all the body's cells. Exercise and healthy diet comes hand in hand in any successful weight loss program. In order to lose weight successfully, it is necessary to eat healthily and exercise regularly.

For more information on Weight Loss Diet, Quick Weight Loss Tips or Weight Loss Surgery, you can visit this site: All You Need to Know About Weight Loss

Skyjoe. All rights reserved. This article may be freely distributed as long as it remains unaltered inclusive of the active links and the copyright notice. No alteration is allowed without express written permission from the author.

The South Beach Diet Plan - How I Made it Through Phase 1

I love to eat! I guess thats why I hate dieting so much.

Most of those fad diets either totally restrict you from eating the foods you love (and crave), or they make you eat an overabundance of the foods that are well, not my favorite.

After all, how many eggs, peanuts or oranges can you really eat? I guess thats why I was so hesitant to follow my friends on the South Beach Diet bandwagon.

They were all trying it, and yes, even losing weight. I watched enviously as their waistlines got smaller and smaller, but couldnt get their groans and complaints out of my head during those first few days and weeks on the program.

Give up all sugar, carbs and fats for two whole weeks! Not me! No way! Not even for a smaller dress size.

Then I went to see my doctor for an unwell feeling I couldnt shake. I wasnt really sick, I just felt tired and icky all of the time. After some tests, he told me my glucose levels were rising, my cholesterol was hitting an all-time high, and even my blood pressure was boiling.

Me? Ms. Healthy? I knew it was time to get serious, so I asked around and did some research and actually found out that, in addition to being a diet, the South Beach plan was being used by people not only as a safe way to lose the weight that affects your health, but it also teaches you how to eat in a more nutritious and satisfying way.

Okay, time to give it a try. And the very first thing I ran up against youre probably heard about it -- was the dreaded Phase I of the South beach Diet Plan: the hell of restriction, as my friends like to cal it.

Luckily, I knew so many people whove been on the diet already, I could turn to them for assurance and advice.

By the way, thats Tip #1: Get a Support System in Place.

For me it made all the difference. I honestly dont know if I would have succeeded without the support of my friends. They shared their tips and stories of surviving the first 14 days on the program and made me feel like I could too. Here are some of my favorite survival tips:

Indulge in one last favorite meal and dessert before starting the diet
Get everything thats not allowed to touch your lips in the first 14 days out of the house and threaten anyone who dares to sneak in contraband foods
Keep a daily journal about your feelings during Phase I (its great to read how those cravings and yearnings really affected the way you think and feel after its all just a distant memory
Avoid mall shopping during Phase I (the smells of the food court will kill you)
Dont plan on attending any family gatherings, school functions, parties, etc. for two full weeks (become a hermit)

Ill admit it, during those first few days on South Beach all I wanted was to dive headfirst into a bag of chocolate chip cookies, dipped in whipped cream, with a side a fries and a big slice of pizza.

But when a friend came over and cooked me the most delicious meal of lean chicken and sauted veggies sprinkled with low-fat cheese (yes, I said cheese!), I knew that Id make it.

Thats Tip #2: Presentation.

The plate she set before me could have rivaled one found in any five-star restaurant. I learned that night that a beautifully prepared plate of colorful veggies cooked to perfection out beats a bag of Oreos 10 to 1.

Within a week my grumpiness was subsiding after all, my sugar levels were leveling out and my blood pressure was coming down and I wasnt even craving junky stuff anymore. I was actually looking forward to finding new ways to prepare and serve my new healthier food choices.

Which leads me to Tip #3: Learn to Cook.

Since starting South Beach I have learned how to really enjoy cooking. Watching a variety of cooking shows and incorporating their ideas using my South Beach approved foods was one way I found to survive the first phase of the program, since you can always find new and interesting ways to prepare and enjoy the foods I was permitted.

I couldnt believe when the two weeks were over. It seemed to go by so fast, and then I was allowed to start reintroducing some of my favorites again into my daily eating plan, like fresh fruit and bread (thank God!).

The best part was I no longer craved some of those no-no foods like cake, ice cream and even, yes, those diet buster cookies! And I managed to lose a whopping 12 pounds, a true triumph for someone like me who had never been able to follow any diet for longer than a day or two before!

Was starting the South Beach Diet difficult? Yes, in the first few days, but it sure was worth it!

Did you know that most people who dont complete the South Beach Diet Plan drop out because they cant make it through Phase 1? Want to avoid becoming a part of that statistic? Check out my South Beach Diet Plan Survival Kit over on HubPages, my South Beach Diet Plan Making it Through Phase 1 page on Squidoo, and my South Beach Diet Plan review page on Rate-Diets.com. Arm yourself with the tools you need to succeed!

How to Improve Your Stamina

Having the ability to run and run and run without getting tired is what every ideal athlete wants. Heck, even the couch potatoes would like that ability, they just dont have the discipline to start and continue training. Well whether youre a couch potato or a seasoned athlete, here is the one thing that is the sure-fire way to help you improve your stamina.

Discipline. Just starting is one thing. But to continue training is in a whole different ballpark. Many people get the desire to improve their stamina, so they start a training regimen. They train for a few days and start to get in better shape. But one day they dont feel like training or dont have the time to train. So they simply dont. They take a day off from training. And pretty soon, that one day off turns into five days off Not long after that, theyre back to where they started. All that hard work they did to improve their stamina for those first few days soon wore off and they returned back to being completely out of shape.

This is how stamina training works. You start off at 100% out of shape. For the first few days you work out, you drop down to about 95% out of shape. Now, as you keep on training, that percentage will decrease until it reaches 0%. Only then will you be completely in shape and have the ability to run miles, jump rope for hours, and have a lot more energy each day. But, if you were to stop training, that 95% you worked down to will go right back up to 100%. Leaving you completely out of shape once again.

You want to improve your stamina for good right? Well then start a training regimen and stick to it. Habits are formed after 21 consistent times. So for the next 21 days you should follow your own training regimen non-stop. And if you dont feel like working out just remember this: The best time to work out is when you dont feel like it.

What that does is get you in the habit of working out no matter what. For example: there were some days when you didnt feel like taking showers, right? But you did it anyway so you wouldnt stink up the place. As a result, it became a habit for all of us (I hope). Well the same applies for stamina training. If you do it no matter how you feel, it will become a habit and youll be getting in better shape with each passing day. Working out will soon become part of your daily schedule and you wont have any resistance to doing it anymore.

So remember: Discipline is the sure-fire way of how to improve your stamina

Ryan Dodson - Personal Fitness Trainer - Learn how to build superhuman stamina in less than 2 weeks at http://www.ebookchi.com/inhumanstamina.html

The Killer - Excessive Belly Fat

A large number of populations out there today is obese and has excess fat over the abdomen. Lot of people are self conscious about revealing their body because they think the belly fat that covers their ab muscles and is ugly, the main thing they don't realize is that the fat is not only ugly but also is a large health risk.

Excess fat over the abs is equally dangerous as the general body fat and this is clearly proven by scientific researches. The two types of abdominal fats that are present are called subcutaneous and visceral fat.

Subcutaneous lies right under the skin and on top of the abdominal muscle where as visceral lies beneath the ab muscle and surrounding the organs in a deeper level and is also the reason for the beer belly in lot of men.

Although both subcutaneous and visceral are serious health risks, visceral is more hazardous than subcutaneous. Forms of risks related to both fats are:

-Various forms of Cancer

-Sleep apnea


-High blood pressure


-Heart disease

-Other degenerative disease

Visceral is comparatively more dangerous is because it seemingly releases extra inflammatory molecules into the body on a regular occasion.

Reducing your abdominal fat should be your main priority if you care about yours and your loved ones quality of life! And you just have no other option. Losing your abdominal fat will not only flatten your stomach but also if you lose it enough you will actually see those hot six packs of abs.

Do I have your attention now?

Most importantly you must know that there is just:

-No quick fix resolution

-No pill/supplements of any kind, which will make your fat, go faster.

-No gimmicks such as ab rockers, rollers, ab belts, etc. will help it go either.

-It simply does not happen that way.

-The only way to lose that abdominal fat is combining:

Proper nutritious natural diet [unprocessed foods]

Strategically designed exercise programs [stimulates the essential hormonal and metabolic reaction within the body].

Studies also show that diet & exercise combination proved to be more effective than just diet in terms of abdominal fat reduction.

It's very important to know that to activate the loss of that tight abdominal fat just getting into a good exercise routine is not enough, it also gets boring doing the same. Even adding some occasional crunches, outdated weights training, or side bends won't do any good either. Then they start wondering what's going wrong as they have been doing this for weeks and months with no results.

To cut the stress of finding what the right way of getting is it done there are programs like 'Truth about abs' and 'turbulence training' from experts like Mike Geary and Craig Balentyne in the market to give you the proper direction.

Lots of people have good intentions at first to adopt a new lifestyle, yet they fail in their fitness goals a few weeks or months later by abandoning their good intentions and relax back into their previous habits which got them into that body fat situation in the first place.


Easy Stamina Workout

Even if you dont have any time for stamina training, I know for a fact that this one exercise can be done no matter how limited your time is.

Running in place is guaranteed to get you in shape quickly, and make you shed off those extra pounds. If you do it for 30 minutes each day, youll begin to notice the difference in your stamina in a very short period of time. You can do it while watching TV. Just pick out one of your favorite TV shows that is about to come on soon, and run in place while watching it.

To get the most out of running in place, you must do it for at least 30 minutes each day (the length of your show), and run with high-knees when you do it. Lift your knees up to about abdomen level with each step and swing your arms. You can do it at any speed that you wish, just make sure its not too slow.

Running in place is used by many people as an alternative to running. When the whether is bad and fitness trainers cant go outside to do their daily training, they don't use the bad whether as an excuse to not train (well the success fitness trainers don't), they turn to running in place. It works equally as well and is actually a lot easier to do. Plus with the high knees, you'll also be getting a good calve workout as well.

So give it a try and see the results for yourself!

Ryan Dodson - Personal Fitness Trainer - There are a lot more easy, time-efficient exercises that you can be doing right now to greatly increase your stamina. Visit http://www.ebookchi.com/inhumanstamina.html to find out what I'm talking about.

Need to Lose Weight Fast?

Besides just looking at yourself in the mirror and being unhappy with how you look, make some changes. It isn't nearly as difficult as you might imagine. If I told you that I know of an easier way for you to not only shed some weight but to also get an improved complexion, help the process of digesting the food you eat and help decrease symptoms you might have with arthritis or diabetes, would you be interested?

A detox diet is your answer. Detoxification diets work by assisting your body naturally do what it does, only better. That's getting rid of all the toxins that we consume everyday out of our bodies. If you ponder all the junk that comes into your body every day, you would probably want to wrap yourself in bubble. We take in toxins in the air we're exposed to, our food consumption, the drinks we consume. Toxins are everywhere, and there's nothing you can do to rid the environment of them completely, you CAN clean your body of them.

Not like a typical fad diet that is all over the media that puts your body through over-stress just to end up a couple of pounds lighter, the detox diet actually promotes a healthy body. The detox diet will help you to use the nutrients that you take in effectively and with more efficiency Is it possible you've had IBS, constipation, or even indigestion? A good at home detoxification/detox diet can help lower problems you might have regarding those not-so-rare ailments

There are many detox diets available to everyone, that all seem to contain basically the exact same contents. The primary focus is to stay away from bad toxins for just the right amount of time. The predetermined time can go anywhere from many days to many weeks. Raising the amount of raw and organic foods will help clean your body and assist you absorb the good amino acids that you need. Most fad diets seem to last forever 'cause they're supposed to be harder working. Just because a safe detox diet isn't drawn out, doesn't necessarily mean it won't do a better job. With just about any safe detox diet you'll feel different within 48 hours. What if however, that 48 hrs. was the entire time frame to get a fast, effective whole body detox?

There's a brilliant 2 day safe detox diet available that will assist in not to only shed weight and boost your energy and stamina levels, lower your needs for unhealthy food, and brighten up your skin and eyes. The answer is the 2 Day Slim Down. As you look at yourself in the mirror, what if, in only 2 days, you could shed 12 pounds and be rejuvinated from within your body to out? Stand up and realize it's time to do something and make some changes. The 2 Day Slim Down safe detox diet is obtainable to you in assisting you to accomplish your body goals.

Jack Shaark is a health fanatic and a strong believer for alternative medicines. He truly believes in a healthful and sanitary body, and the importance of having a healthy digestive system. He only stands behind warranted, natural remedies as he truly feels that these types are the most beneficial therapies for the body If you would like to learn something more about this brand new technology, purely natural safe detox diet, check us out at http://www.2DaySlim-Down.com

Weight Loss And Aerobics

There are great benefits to aerobic workouts in your weight loss program. For instance, one of the best things you can accomplish to improve your health and to lose weight is to increase your heart rate. You can achieve this with an aerobic workout which requires constant movement without rest. In order for this to be truly effective, you need sustained movement to get your heart rate up for a length of time. One of the benefits to this is that it oxygenates your blood. This in turn enables you to feel better, stronger and more focused.

Of course this type of workout increases the strength of your heart and your lungs. Aerobic exercise also makes your muscles stronger from working them for increased periods of time. Regardless of which part of the body you are working on, you will continue to get stronger as time goes by. Aerobics alone is not enough. Healthy eating is equally important and compliments your exercise regimen. You should realize that your enthusiasm for weight loss and improved health is complemented by a holistic program that includes both diet and exercise.

The diet most suited for improving your health and losing weight is composed of whole grains, vegetables and fruit. These foods are the ones designed for human consumption. The body has its own incredible ability to cure and regulate itself, but only when provided with the appropriate building materials-natural foods.

One of the most significant aspects of an aerobic program is the way it enables your body to burn fat. Other benefits include increased energy levels, reduced stress, improved mental outlook, increased heart and lung efficiency. A regular aerobics routine will also help reduce blood pressure, improve the heart's resting rate and reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack. Weight loss is, to some degree, created by a calorie deficit. That is, by burning more calories than you consume. By undertaking activities that burn calories, you help your body lose those unwanted pounds.

As an example, half an hour of low paced jogging will burn approximately 300 calories. This makes an important contribution towards your weight loss program.

It is not necessary to join to get an aerobic workout. There are numerous exercises that you can perform in and around your home. There are an ever increasing types of affordable home fitness products. You can use steps, skipping rope and rebounders. NASA considers rebounding to be the most efficient and effective form of exercise. You also might consider the dance mats that can be used with game consoles.

However, the best exercise (when the weather permits) is outdoor exercise. Walking is perhaps the best exercise because it is low impact and available to almost everyone. The secret here is to walk hard and long enough to increase your breathing and your heart rate. Also, running, jogging or riding a bicycle are all great forms of aerobic activity. It is recommended that your exercise regimen consists of 3 to 5 times per week and for between 30 and 60 minutes. The essential point is that your heart and lungs are worked hard enough to enjoy the benefits of aerobic activity (but no so long that you hurt yourself).

Keep in mind that is important to start your program slowly. If you have been inactive for a while, don't try a long run. If a half hour of exercise feels like too much, try starting out with 10 minute sessions. The following week you can try to increase your time to 15 minutes. A lot of us consider exercise to be either difficult or inconvenient. The truth is that working out can be a great deal of fun with wonderful benefits. It is an important habit to develop and one that will provide positive benefits for years to come.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/fatburnerreviews/herbal_fat_burners.html where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

6 Surprising Weight Loss Tips

Researchers at Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab have been very busy exploring ways that food choices can be influenced by how we perceive them. They have watched hundreds of people in every day settings and have developed a set of tips that should help all of us develop easy ways to avoid overeating.

1) Some things look smaller than they really are. Consider short and tall glasses for instance. Chances are you will feel like you are drinking less when drinking from a short glass than you will when drinking from a tall narrow one. The tall one always seems to be bigger, even when the two glasses hold the exact same amount. Research has shown, even with experienced bartenders, that this size illusion causes us to pour an average of 34% more into short glasses. So, don't be fooled by short glasses. Better yet, let yourself be fooled by the tall skinny ones.

2) The closer and easier it is to reach those candies, the more candy we are going to eat. It sounds like oversimplification until you consider that the research found that people ate over twice as many chocolates when they were within arms reach rather than only 6 feet away. Conclusion? Keep those high calorie treats where you can't just reach out and get one. Another problem that this proximity effect will trigger is a zone we enter that you might call 'eating sessions.' When any foods are sitting out within easy reach, we tend to graze and eat more spontaneously and, unfortunately, more often and in greater amounts.

3) There is a reason food ads look so good- you eat more of their food when they do! How many times have you seen an ad on TV and suddenly started craving the food that was being pitched, or how about that 'Double-Chocolate Black Forest Cake' on the menu? The researchers found that people bought 27% more chocolate cake when the menu simply gave it a fanciful name. Remember then that advertising is, after all, only an illusion.

4) If you keep a stockpile of food around in view, you will end up eating it more often. The researchers call this the 'wholesale club store curse.' In their study of 219 adults, they found that stockpiled products are more frequently used when they are visible and in bulk. So, if you want to buy in bulk, at least keep it where you won't see it all the time.

5) Package size will influence how much you pour out of the package. If you buy the giant bag of chips, the researchers showed in a study of 691 adults and 48 product categories that large package size increases consumption an average of 22%. In another study involving different sized popcorn containers at the movies, it was found that people ate 45% more popcorn from the giant containers than the medium ones, even (we have to laugh at ourselves about this one) when the giant containers were filled with 10 day old popcorn.

6) If you want to change the way you eat, do it incrementally. This is particularly true if you are cooking for someone else who needs to make a change in diet. If you want to rebalance the percentage of fruits and vegetables on the dinner table, try making the shift over a few weeks. If you are the nutritional gatekeeper for your family, recognize your cooking style and understand that any modifications you make will probably have a huge impact on the people that eat at your table.

Everyone knows that it is always easier 'to say' what should be done than it is 'to do.' We know that the answer to weight loss is, simply stated, to eat no more food than our bodies require. We know that if we consume more calories than we burn, the excess will be stored as fat- in our bellies, bottoms, tops, thighs. We know that if we are overweight, it is very likely we will end up paying an unwelcome health toll. We also know from experience that this weight loss thing is hard to do! So, give yourself a break. You can lose weight over time if you make regular, incremental changes in your life. You don't have to make yourself miserable. Maybe you can start by acting on these six tips

Remember, too, that this article is for information purposes only. If you have or think you have a health issue, including weight or diet issues, consult your primary care physician for proper diagnoses and treatment.

Personal Fit Weight Loss Guide
2006 Healthiness, Inc.
This article may only be reprinted unedited, in its entirety, and with all links intact.

Wii Weight Loss - Yes You Can!

Is there really such a thing as a Wii weight loss program? Unlike other game consoles, the Wii requires that you move your body, arms and legs, to guide the controller where you want it to go. Some of the sports games and a few others really can give you a workout! Depending on the game, and how physical you want to get with it, you can really work up a sweat by playing for a long period of time!

The best Wii games for Wii weight loss are the games that come with the console: Wii Sports and Wii Play. The best game for Wii weigh loss is definitely Boxing. Two players team up, or one player teams up against the computer. To box, you throw punches, using left, right, upper cut and other punches. Your arms get a great workout, and you can even get a little short of breath. Just make sure you play for a longer period of time, at least twenty minutes or more, to get the full effect.

What about other Wii games? Can you get the Wii weight loss effect from playing any other games? The next best game is bowling. To bowl, you move just the way you would when you bowl at the bowling alley, without having to move forward so much, but if you incorporate the forward walking movement, you can really increase the aerobic effect.

How about tennis? The Wii Sports game disk has full court tennis, and Wii Play has table tennis. Just like with boxing, with tennis you can just stand still and flick your wrist to move the racket. But you can also move your body, move your whole arm, and really get into the game by being more physically active. Is it going to be the same effect you would get with a real tennis match? Probably not, but if your goal is to just use the Wii for Wii weight loss, by moving a lot more when you play, you can really enhance the results.

As for other games, such as soccer, football, and racing games, the effect will be a little different, since many of these you can play while just sitting. With the Wii, though, it's really up to you how much you want to play. Just remember to tighten the wrist strap so you don't throw it through your television or a window or a player standing next to you. Shake that thing and stay in shape with Wii weight loss!

Sue Calhoun writes on a wide variety of topics all over the Web. Find the best price on a Wii game console, at http://wii.my-sale-site.com and start losing weight today!

Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Really Work?

If you are like most people who have tried diet after diet with poor results then you are probably pretty skeptical of any new diet making weight loss claims. This is understandable because of the sheer amount of fad diets that pop up from week to week. If you are reading this then you are obviously interested in the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet and are wondering not only if it works but how it works.

First let's look at how it works because it is unlike most of the diets on the weight loss market today. Instead of restricting the types of food you eat it uses food as the fuel that revs up your internal fat burning engine; your metabolism.

It's common knowledge that if you burn more calories than you eat during the day you will lose weight. Most diets work on the principle that if you cut calories you will start to lose body fat. Unfortunately by doing this you cause your metabolism to slow down and you burn fewer calories, which is the opposite of what you need to have happen.

This is why the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is so different from other weight loss offerings. This plan actually works by allowing you to eat healthy foods that work with you body to increase your metabolism. Not only does it teach you which foods to eat it also helps you create a menu and eating plan that taps into your body's daily energy rhythms. By giving your body certain types of foods at certain times of the day you can further the metabolism boosting process.

So does it work? That is the question most people want answered. If you follow the plan closely it claims you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days until you lose the weight you want. Most people who follow the diet report that they lose between 6 and 7 pounds during the 11 day time period. The best part of this diet is the fact once you lose the weight you can adjust it to maintain your weight and keep the weight off for good.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a diet that teaches you how to use food to achieve your weight loss goals. If traditional diets have left you feeling hungry why not try a diet that goes against the grain and actually lets you put food in your belly.

For more information about how the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet can help you lose weight and improve your health please visit the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review page by Clicking Here.

9 Things I Noticed About Weight Loss Failure

As an expert and someone that has been in the community of fitness and bodybuilding for many years, I've seen people start diets and fail after 3 weeks even when they did lose 5 pounds the first week on their diet. Here are some facts about weight loss that you should know if you dare attempt to start a diet on your own.

  • If done incorrectly can cause serious rebound effects.
  • First week of initial Weight Loss is all water and glycogen -- Not Fat.
  • Second week of Weight Loss is water glycogen and muscle -- Not Fat.
  • Diets are a temporary solution to weight loss.
  • Your body adapts to your diet within 3-4 weeks.
  • There are different types of metabolisms and the diet that you are currently on might work against your metabolism. This is VERY common.
  • Healthy Fat Loss on diet alone does NOT work.
  • Beware of Diet pills, if it's not a drug it will NOT work. If it is a drug, it will NOT work without proper nutrition and exercise, however caution must be used as the fat loss will only be temporary once you come off the drug.
  • Losing 15 pounds does not mean you lost 15 pounds of fat (adipose tissue).
Fat burning should be part of the weight loss process if done correctly. A nutrition plan and exercise work best for ultimate fat loss. Losing fat greatly improves life expectancy, physical and mental well-being. The true goal behind weight loss is FAT LOSS. You want to lose weight from FAT which is mainly adipose tissue. Weight Loss is a generic term for losing unwanted scale weight. If your not losing fat, your losing water, glycogen and muscle. These are three of the most important things your body needs to stay healthy and function. No wonder people that go on so called diets feel like worse than when they started, see no beneficial results and don't meet their long term goals.

This can easily be solved by hiring an expert. With an expert, your obstacles and goals will be concretely defined on paper and you are guaranteed a success plan to losing fat for good.

Robert Lagana

Rob Lagana has competed in numerous bodybuilding competitions and is a multi-title winner. He currently holds the 2006 Mr. Canada Natural Bodybuilding title in the NFSO & IFSB. Along with experience, Lagana Fitness provides the ultimate pathway to achieving your cosmetic, health and wellness goals. Lagana Fitness offers unique motivational, bodybuilding and fitness tips with free subscription to his newsletter.

Secret Truth Behind Low Carb Diet Plan

For all overweight people or all aspiring dieters out there, there's one thing we all have in common, knowing and choosing the right diet tailored for us as an individual. Low carb diet plan is one of many that people have been hearing about, but generally don't know much about. People would be curious to know, how many types of low carb diet plans are out there and how it's best suited to them, in addition, wanting to know how the diet actually works and finally, how much food exactly to consume choosing this particular type of diet plan. This article will dissect all these aspects and shed further light into how low carb diet plan might be the one for you.

Whilst you've decided on choosing the low carb diet plan as your preferred choice of dieting, but knowing the exact one to choose is a massive job on its own. We have the Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution, The Life Without Bread, The Carbohydrate Addicts Lifestyle Plan, Neanderthin, The Protein Power, to name a few. In all of them, there's a common rule, this being - the strictest reduction in the consumption of Carbohydrates. As a general rule, most of these Low carb diet replaces carbohydrates with fats and proteins. Some people actually refer to the low carb diet as, The High Fat and Moderate Protein Diet. This is self explanatory with respect to the nature of the food consumed, and this is alright for some, but there might be others wondering whether this is best suited to them in order to lose weight. Well, is it?

People sometimes often choose a particular diet plan, be it low carb diet plan, and only to find out further down the line it's not suited to them or their lifestyle. For those of us who are classed overweight and, or those with diabetes, the most popular diets forever drummed into us by the Government is, "the low-fat and low-calorie diet", but we now know that this don't work well. In the case of diabetics, it has been found to have worsened their conditions. But in order to combat obesity, high-blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes, the only way to go is by choosing the low carb diet plan. Most nutritionists, doctors and consultants are now beginning to realize this fact. After finally decided on the low carb diet plan as the one for you, another fact you will want to consider or discover is, how much food indeed should one eat, and to point, which ones?

Whilst on low carb diet plan, or indeed on any other type of diet, the amount of food one consumes and what type of food to eat unearthed whole new debates around the world. However, whilst on low carb diet plan, it is suggested that you eat as much as you like or until you're full. This is permitted as long as you stick to the allowed foods such as, cheese, egg, meat, and poultry, in addition to a very small amount of green vegetables. These allowed foods are to be strictly observed if the low carb diet plan is to work for you. But one still wonders how the low carb diet plan actually work.

This curiosity or this doubts surfaces in low carb diet plan as well as any other chosen diet plans out there. But to eliminate these fears, it is to be understood that low Carbohydrates dieters should get 60-70% of their daily calorie intake from fat. Carbohydrates is recommended to make up less than 10% and in some cases, even make up less than 5% of your daily calorie intake.

Low carb diet plan conclusively might be a new form of diet for some people, but I can assure you, it has been around for so long. It is only now being paid serious attention after years for which our Government has been telling us to eat low fat diets and high-carbohydrates. Looking at the world around us today, especially Americans where obesity is rife and continues to grow year after year. The adult on-set diabetes is rapidly increasing. And for the doctors and nutritionist to start recognizing the positive effect of the low carb diet, this in itself speaks volumes.

If you want a complete list of low carb diet plan allowed foods and non-allowed foods visit: http://www.bestlowcarbdietplan.com

Sam Niche is a serious weight loss fanatic and an avid follower of all aspects of dieting. He constantly dissects and lists the best and worst of various aspects of all types of diet plans, and constantly voiced his views on each ones. He runs a blog that specifically gives various tips and information on low carb diet plans, with lots of other free weight loss tips. To take advantage of this visit: http://www.bestlowcarbdietplan.com

Green Tea And Weight Loss Herbs

Various clinical studies have been made regarding the benefits of green tea and its properties. Some believe that green tea extract combined with other herbs that have weight loss properties are extremely beneficial.

Weight Loss Herbs

There are a number of natural herbs that contribute to weight loss. Gugulipid, sap from the mokul myrrh tree in India, has been shown to augment the metabolic rate of the body and help with thermogenesis, thus leading to weight loss. Gugulipid has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects and to lower cholesterol levels.

It is a fairly nontoxic product. Some side-effects are possibly a mild skin rash or GI upset/diarrhea. Studies show that it does not adversely affect liver or kidney function or blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

How to Maximize Weight Loss with Green Tea

A standardized weight loss herbal extract is needed to maximize weight loss. There are several non-standardized green tea weight loss products on the market. They are cheaper but do not contain enough active substances to have any significant weight loss benefits.

You may achieve better weight loss results if you choose a product that contains a rich blend of green tea, herbs, minerals, and nutrients that aid in weight loss.

How to Buy a Green Tea Weight Loss Product

When buying a green tea product, determine if the manufacturer of the extract follows strict GMP compliance standards. This is the manufacturing standard used throughout the world. The GMP approval assures you that you are getting a product of the highest quality.

Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, herbal products such as green tea are considered dietary supplements. This means that the success or effectiveness of these products do not have a guarantee. You should not patronize companies or manufacturers that claim 100% success in their green tea products. This is false advertising.

Sandra researches and writes about topics that affect our every day life. Read more on green tea at http://www.a-green-tea-guide.com

What Is The Current Weight Loss Miracle?

More than half of the American population is overweight and the problem seems to be getting worse every year. Obesity is even trickling down to our kids; there are more children who are overweight than ever before. Most of us know that in order for us to lose weight we have to reduce the number of calories we take in and/ or increase the number of calories we burn off. Our bodies will use food we consume as energy, but the food that isn't used is stored as fat. The good news is Omegga-3 fatty acids can help us burn off those calories before they get a chance to sit around in storage as an end result we will end up carrying less excess weight.

If you increased the amount of omega- 3's in your diet and decreased your intake of pro-inflammatory high-glycemic carbohydrates (starches and sugars) and also saturated fats (found in meats, fried foods etc.) Then as a result, unwanted weight would eventually start to fall off. Not to mention other benefits like nourishing the skin, hair, nerves, glands and help to possibly prevent cardiovascular disease. Moreover, these essential fatty acids encourage the body to burn the excess fat as heat and to promote insulin sensitivity. The combination of burning the fat as heat and increasing insulin sensitivity helps to reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes.

When the food we eat is consumed there is one of two pathways the food takes in our bodies. The first one is food calories can be burned inside our cells in the mitochondria to produce ATP, which is used to store and release energy for work within the body. Another name for this process is called Oxidative Phosphorylation. The food can also be stored as body fat or stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. The goal would be to uncouple the oxidation from the phosphorylation. Then the food calories can be burned off by thermogenesis. If the majority of food that we eat could be burned up as heat then more of us would stay slim and lean. Omega 3's can actually uncouple the oxidation from the phosphorylation and also increase insulin sensitivity. Insulin receptors are found in our cell's plasma membrane. Essential fatty acids helps keep this critical and fragile portion of our cell flexible, thereby keeping these receptors intact. If you want even more information on diabetes, an insulin then go to the website located in the resource box below.


The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practioner/ patient relationship with its readers. The publisher isn't responsible for errors or omissions. The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. These products aren't intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


How To Lose 20 Pounds In 30 Days

There are a lot of us, you know! We want to lose a couple of inches around our waistline and have the scale show less. Why does it seem so difficult to make this happen?

Well, if your beliefs are anything like my beliefs was, you are probably thinking that dieting means so much trouble, will power and tormenting. You have to go hungry all day and when the evening comes you just don't have enough energy to cook food for your children and then put them to bed. Waking up the morning after and not really finding the motivation to keep going another day.

Stop! This is not what dieting is meant to be. Dieting should be fun and interesting. Of course, you should see less pounds on the scale every other day or so. Today, we don't have to feel like crap to do good. We could and should feel extremely well and you should feel an increase in stamina and concentration. Are there any diets working this way?

I don't have to tell you, but of course there is. Many of todays diets are not killers, actually you will feel better once you start the diet. The new diet is called calorie shifting diet. It doesn't starve you out, it won't make you rule certain food groups out and you don't have to read labels, weigh every calorie, no calculations and no upper limits. Do you see a but coming? There is a but, but it is only a small but. You have to cook your own meals from fresh groceries and you have to stop eating just short of full. Sounds easy? It is.

The purpose of this diet is not to starve every ounce of fat out, instead it affects your metabolism into burning fat better and at the same time your insulin level stabilizes and this prevents from putting new fat into the fat cells.

If you want to make the diet more effective you could combine it with exercising. There are new findings within the exercising area. Today there are more effective programs that take less time to use successfully.

Back to the dieting. In the calorie shifting diet you go on a diet for eleven days and then you get three free days. During the three free days you could eat whatever your heart desires but I recommend that you use some common sense, don't go to the local fast food bar or something like that. During the diet period you are given a diet that is based on the foods you like. Alcohol is allowed but only a glass of wine per day, no more. If you don't want to you don't need to consume any alcohol at all.

Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

New Years Weight Loss

Many people in America struggle with their weight. This struggle often intensifies with the coming of the New Year and the resolutions we all make. In the midst of the pressure to resolve or enhance one's life, many dieters feel like they should try to make yet another attempt at a New Years weight loss program. However, this attempt normally comes out of a quick and pressured decision to get on the resolution bandwagon and shed those extra pounds. As a result, most New Years weight loss programs only last for at most a few months before we end up going back to our old eating habits, and we once again bid adieu to our resolution to have a new body, new weight, more energy and healthier eating plan.

This year, try to prepare in advance. Go into the dieting season with a plan of action, goals and dedication to your goals. Here are some ideas:

Tips on how to make the right diet resolutions -

1) Prepare in advance. Many people fail in their New Years weight loss programs because they choose a diet in haste and don't have enough information and they don't understand the diet concepts.

2) Play matchmaker. The first step in creating a personalized weight loss plan is understanding your dieting style. Here are some questions to help you choose the right weight loss program for your needs.

A) What type of foods do you like?

B) Are you willing to alter your eating habits?

C) Are you willing to engage in regular physical activity?

D) Do you lead a busy lifestyle?

E) Are you looking to lose weight and then maintain that weight loss?

F) Why do you want to go on a diet?

3) Educate yourself. Now that you have answered the above questions, you probably have a good idea as to how, when and why you diet. These answers are important as they provide road signs pointing to what diet may be right for you.

For example, if you like eating all foods and want a flexible and long-term diet then it's likely the Weight Watchers diet is a good fit. Alternatively, if you like eating lots of meat, fish, cheese and eggs then the South Beach Diet plan may be for you. The fact is there are many diets; it's more a matter of finding the right one for you, than listening to what other people have done. Choosing a well-matched diet for your individual tastes and character and this will give you greater chances of weight loss success.

4) Don't set your sights too high. When dieting, it's important to take baby-steps and work up to your goal rather than setting a far-reaching goal the very first time. Therefore, to ensure you're successful, set attainable monthly goals. If you're not sure what to shoot for, one pound per week, or 4 pounds per month is a good weight loss pace.

5) Finally, Embrace your decision. Once you've become acquainted with your dieting personality, educated yourself on the many weight loss programs and weight loss products available, chosen the one that suits you best and set realistic goals you're in a much better position to diet. So make your diet plan, pat yourself on the back, embrace your decision to lose weight healthily and get started.

Dieting for weight loss management and better health is a gift. There are many people in the world who don't even have enough food to eat on a day to day basis, therefore, this year look at dieting from a completely different perspective. Consider your ability to diet, eat well and select healthy foods a blessing rather than a chore.

Check out Diet Concepts for tips on different diets as well as recipes and diet plans.

Proper Weight Loss Can Increase Your Chance Of Becoming Pregnant

Not many people are aware that being obese and overweight actually decreases a woman's chance of getting pregnant. According to a study conducted by Amsterdam's Academic Medical Center, women who have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and above are less likely to bear children than those whose BMI are 21-29, which is considered the normal BMI levels. In short, the higher your BMI is, the more difficult it will be for you to get pregnant.

More precisely, the statistics show that individuals who have a BMI of over 40 have 43% lesser chance of bearing a child than women who have normal body mass. Moreover, women who have a BMI between 35 and 40 are also 26% less likely to get pregnant using natural methods.

Underlying Reasons

If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for several years without any success, you may want to have your BMI analyzed and your weight checked. The main reason behind this phenomenon is the hormonal imbalance found in women who are overweight or obese. The link is found in Leptin, which is a hormone that controls appetite and the use of energy. This hormone is deficient in people who have high body mass index. Unfortunately, according to some studies, it plays a very important role in increasing women's fertility.

Excess body fat can also affect ovulation, which is crucial in getting pregnant; in fact, it is one of the first stages in child-bearing. If your ovaries are not releasing egg cells because of abnormalities caused by your widening girth, then it would really be quite difficult, if not impossible to conceive the natural way.

Lastly, the human body has a tendency for self-preservation. Thus, if you are still on the heavy side, your body will naturally keep you from getting pregnant in order to protect you, as well as your baby, from complications and dangers brought about by being overweight or obese.

Complications Of Pregnancy During Obesity

As obesity becomes common among Americans, the number of pregnancies among obese women will also rise. Overweight women who are pregnant face potential risks during gestation and other complications during delivery.

Obesity will definitely cause damages during pregnancy and even during conception. Worse, the impacts of this kind of pregnancy will affect your child even when they are older. Babies born to obese moms have twice the risk of having congenital heart problems and obesity as well. A condition known as omphalocele is also prevalent, this is a condition where the organs like the intestines are sticking out of the child's navel.

Diabetes and hypertension are also foremost among the health hazards that an obese pregnant woman can experience. Plus, there is a high possibility of delivery through cesarean section as well as increased likelihood of infection.

Attaining Healthy Weight Before Pregnancy

The health of your new born child will greatly depend on your well-being. And the best expression of love that you can present to your new baby is having a healthy body yourself. In other words, before you embark into the most important experience of your life as a woman, you need to be in tiptop shape.

Attaining healthy weight prior to pregnancy can be a little bit tricky because whatever happens to your body will definitely affect your baby. In short, weight loss methods in this stage should not be all about exercise and reducing the food that you eat. In fact, there are some types of food that you need to eat in abundance; for instance, you need to beef up Omega 3 levels in your body without having to increase too much calories in your body.

If you find it difficult to lose weight prior to your pregnancy, you can opt to use weight loss products that are made from natural ingredients which can help you burn off more calories; supplements like Zylorin can help you get back in shape safely. Visit http://www.zylorin.com/ for more details.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com