Saturday, June 7, 2008

Gut Flora and Weight Loss

The bacteria that live in your GI tract are one of the most overlooked and vaguely understood components of both weight loss and longevity.There are a host of weight and health related problems that come from imbalances or problems with your intestinal flora.

Do you get a tummy bloat after eating carbs?

Is your fat relatively low but you still have a protruding stomach?

Do you not seem to recover well after exercise?

All of these can be manifestations of a problem with your internal flora. The old adage 'you are what you eat' gives way to our modern understanding that 'you are wh at you absorb'.

In this series, we will look at the role of intestinal flora. Our aim here is to education you on the nature of the vital role intestinal flora play in our health, weight loss, and longevity.

First, let's understand what we mean by the term 'gut flora'. The term gut flora refers to the delicate balance of microbes and other 'germs,' both good and bad, that live in the human gut (the stomach,small and large intestines and colon). The gut flora balance is the perfect scientific example of a commensal relationshipan otherwise symbiotic relationship where only one side benefits (in this case, the human).

There are billions of gut flora bacterial cells in the human body,compromising over 400 different strains. In fact, the bacteria in your stomach can comprise up to 22lbs of your total body weight! Though many of types of bacteria living in our stomach have been identified, there are still several types of gut flora that have yet to be explored, mainly because many are resistant to the latest culturing techniques, making them nearly impossible to study. The problem is that many types of intestinal flora can't survive outside of the warm, incubating human body and therefore can't be studied alive.

So what do the flora in our stomach and intestines do? How does what they do relate to losing weight and being lean and fit? Consider the following

Many of the flora in our gut work symbiotically within the human body. A partial list of the physiological processes that are influenced by our composition of intestinal bacteria would include our immune system, digesting carbohydrates, preventing irritable bowels, maximizing the absorption of nutrients, energy production and more.

For the purposes of weight loss and fitness we must consider that proper nutrition is essential to be lean and fit. Our intestinal flora have a very large influence over the assimilation and absorption of what we eat. Conversely, an equally important consideration that is usually overlooked is that what we eat can influence our composition of intestinal flora.

One example is the excess consumption of sugar. Certain types of flora that live within our gut thrive on a high sugar diet, most notably Candida Albicans. If you get a bloat in your lower tummy after eating sugar, this is a good indication of a candida bloom. These flora produce what are known as endotoxins. Endotoxins are poisonous substances that live within the bacteria themselves. When these bacteria die, the poisons within them flood into your body causing an immune response. If you have ever consumed sugar and felt nauseated,the endotoxins released into your system from bad gut flora are the culprit.This is just one example illustrating that if you want to lose weight and be fit and lean for life, you can't ignore the influence wielded by the little bugs living in your gut.

Learn more about weight loss at - Weight Loss Longevity Fitness.

How To Get A Flat Belly Fast - 3 Small Tips To Make A Drop In Your Pants Size

A lot of people have been asking how to get a flat belly fast but what we need to understand is that these things need time to take effect. So many weight loss programs in the market have been promoting the theme that the steps to getting a flat belly is as simple as A B C.

From having pills, medicines to books, we get blinded by all the fancy names of these products that makes great promises of guaranteed results, only to write in small imprint that they do not guarantee results can work for anyone. Always beware of products that promises immediate results. You know in your heart that it is probably too good to be true.

Always remember to apply simple logic and common sense. If you want to lead a fat-free life, remember that you need to take each stage one step at a time and not make any dramatic shift in the way you have always been used to. Although I am suggesting making small and gradual changes to your lifestyle, you must always understand what is the best way to achieve your target.

I have listed 3 tips that you can start applying now.

Tip 1:

What small steps am I talking about? For example, you can start off with coffee. How about not putting any cream into your coffee or replace sugar cubes with artificial sugar instead? You can also slowly reducing the amount of pasta or rice that you will consume everyday. Just do one thing at a time and gradually cut out more foods that are unhealthy or that will cause you to lose weight. If you can apply this first tip, you should be able to see results to getting a flatter belly soon.

Tip 2:

Eat fresh fruit in the morning, or eat some cereal. Always take your breakfast as this will be considered your most important meal of the day. Research have shown that people who do not take breakfast tend to gain more weight as they will compensate the energy needed during lunch and dinner.

Also for choices of food, remember to take more sweet potatoes and yams, avoid potatoes, white rice or pasta. Have more vegetables as well. The idea here is to prevent you from eating heavily for dinner especially. Most of the people who has a thick waistline attributes to having a heavy dinner every night.

Tip 3:

Choose the exercises that you will enjoy. Many people make the mistake of forcing themselves to jog even though they simply hate jogging. They may run for 3 months and just give up after that. So pick a sport that you will be eager to do and not drag your feet. If you prefer to spend your time in the gym, do different exercises and variations to shock your muscles and enjoy the feeling of the strain in the muscles after a good workout.

Hope that these 3 tips on how to get a flat belly fast will prove useful to your small steps towards building your abs in the near future.

Set a resolution to make Year 2008 to lose those belly fats, find the fastest way on how to get a flat belly fast and challenge yourself to lose weight in our 60 days challenge. Let's all set our sights on throwing those oversize clothing away.

We are giving away 3 power-packed reports here for you to set your 2008 resolution to lose those belly fats in motion.

How To Eliminate Belly Fat Starting Today

As we all know belly fat is really bad for you. It has been linked to conditions such as diabetes. It can also increase your odds of heart disease. So it is really important to get rid of this horrid fat as it will only reduce your quality of life over time. There is no time like the present so you need to get moving.

Exercise alone I am afraid to say will not get rid of visceral fat. With that said exercise is a key component in the war on fat. Another key component is diet and you want to avoid foods that will add to the problem such as foods that are high in saturated fat.

The key to success is to burn more energy than you ingest. As a result the combination of exercise and diet combined will prove to be the most effective. Like anything else in life variety is the spice that will improve your well being.

Eating the same stuff and doing the same exercises day and day out will not get the results you desire. As a consequence you need to mix things up and at the same time you need to somewhat enjoy what you are doing as this will help you maintain motivation.

As for supplements they definitely can help to get things underway but remember they should never substitute diet and exercise. If you want to keep eating pizza while watching TV popping pills then I think your smart enough to know that all you are doing is avoiding the issue and your health overall will not improve.

So use some common sense and apply the basics and soon enough you will have that flat tummy.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".

Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs

How Mood and Food Affects Weight Loss

Your mood and food can trigger urges that can cause overeating. Eating for some people can be a way of suppressing or soothing negative emotions. These emotions could be stress, anger, anxiety, boredom, sadness and loneliness.

The connection between mood and food turn these emotional eaters toward comfort foods in times of trouble. They do not necessarily eat more food but they turn to more unhealthy foods.

Starchy, sweet, salty and fatty foods can seem to provide comfort but are usually short-term fixes. They can also lead to a long-term habit of unhealthy eating in response to negative feelings. This leads to weight gain and even more negative emotions that can be a never-ending cycle.

Understanding the reasons that cause you to crave unhealthy foods can help you avoid giving in to your cravings. Knowing some signs that trigger emotional overeating can help you recognize the path before you take it.

How your body reacts to these moods may indicate that some foods might have a seemingly addictive quality for many people. Scientists are studying the possibility that sweet and fatty foods might actually relieve anxiety.

For some people, eating comfort foods can be a distraction. While you are eating, your thoughts may be focused on the pleasant taste of the food, but the distraction is only temporary.

When you are finished overeating, you return to your problems and have now added the additional burden of feeling guilty about overeating.

Here are a few tips to help you avoid the unhealthy consequences of emotional overeating:

1. Learn to recognize if your hunger is real. Are you really hungry or is it emotional overeating?

2. Monitor your eating for the next several days, making note of how much and when you eat, how you are feeling and if you are really hungry. A pattern will begin to develop and you can recognize the negative triggers to overeating.

3. If you feel the need to eat because of your mood, try taking a walk, go to a movie or call a friend to distract you. This gives you a second chance for the feelings to eat to pass.

4. Don't keep starchy, high fat, high calorie, comfort foods in the house.

5. If you feel you just have to have something to eat between meals, make healthy choices. Keep fresh fruit, pretzels or low fat, low calorie foods available.

6. Try to eat your meals at the same time every day and stick to the basic food groups. Fill up on whole grains, vegetables and fruits, as well as low fat dairy products and lean meats.

When you eat like this you are more likely to feel full longer and avoid the need for emotional eating. Emotions can trigger cravings for food but you can take steps to control those cravings.

The correlation between your mood and food can affect your eating habits and ultimately your weight loss. Learning to recognize the signs is the first step to success.

Copyright 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

This article is supplied by where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to:

3 Tips To Lose Belly Fat You Can Start Today

There are a lot of weight loss plans floating around the Internet. The sad thing is a lot of them don't work, they promise over night results but that isn't what happens. I want to share with you 3 tips to lose belly fat that you can implement starting today.

These aren't secret tips to lose belly fat they're common sense, although in today weight loss crazy world a lot of common sense seems to be forgotten.

1.) Cut empty calories: There's no doubt in my mind everyone can cut some empty calories from their daily intake. Whether it be cream in your coffee, or the snack you have at break change it up for something with more fiber and less calories and it will make a difference. The key here is consistency, don't just do it today, but do it tomorrow and every day there after.

2.) Eat bran for breakfast: Bran is low in calories, high in fiber and fills us up. In reality bran is really a secret weapon to belly fat loss. Fiber makes up feel fuller for longer, and being low in calories means our body has less to burn off. Make this change and you'll find you won't be as hungry every morning come coffee break time at the office.

3.) Swap carbs for vegetables at dinner: Most North Americans enjoy their carbohydrates, whether it be breads, potatoes, or rice we love them all. At dinner time try cutting back your normal serving of rice or potatoes and add more vegetables to your plate. Vegetables are higher in fiber and generally less calories then most carbohydrates. This will server the same purpose as the second tip, help us feel full while taking in less calories.

Work these three tips to lose belly fat into your daily routine and you will start to see a difference.

Before you start any diet make sure you understand how to lose stomach fat by visiting a popular website for people trying to lose weight with a natural belly fat diet.

Herbal Weight Loss

Herbal weight loss is all the rage for many avid dieters. Whether you want to lose a lot, a little or even if you just want to maintain a healthy weight, herbal weight loss products are on the top of the list of effective strategies. However, there are some things to consider before using this kind of supplement.

The first thing to consider is looking into how herbal weight loss really works. The herbs are helpful because the rev up your metabolism. Since this is the case, you might feel some side effects. The side effects include increased heart rate, nervousness and sleeplessness. Herbal weight loss is definitely not for everyone, especially anyone who needs to avoid stimulants.

If you consider how you feel when you work out you will be able to understand the unusual term. The body temperature rises and you actually feel warmer when you work out. The herbal weight loss products work to rev and heat your body to promote weight reduction.

Safe products are on the market but you definitely want to talk to your doctor before going on any weight reduction program including natural ones. Herbal weight loss products come in different forms, some safe, some not so safe.

Cayenne is a really safe herbal weight loss product that is usually added to give your food a little spice. The product helps you digest your food, making the process run faster and more effectively. It also raises your metabolism safely.

Green tea is one of the hottest products on the market today. Not only does this herbal weight loss product help you burn fat. It also helps you get your daily dose of antioxidants. It also satiates your appetite and gives you something to ingest that is really satisfying. Drinking green tea is a great way to lose weight.

Seaweed is an unusual supplement that has proved to do wonders for the thyroid. This natural herbal weight loss aid does a great job but since it does affect the thyroid you really need to talk to your doctor before taking the product, especially if you think that your thyroid is the problem causing the extra pounds.

Herbal weight loss products that should be avoided at all costs are ephedrine, herbal laxatives. These products offer temporary results but they also may cause serious health problems.

Katarina Bader helps ordinary people become educated. She is a passionate advocate of education for children. Her work with adults has clearly shown that a foundation of education at an early age contributes significantly to ones overall confidence and full-self expression later in life., Blog

Lose 9 Pounds In 11 Days

Fatloss4Idiots is a weight loss program that can have you losing 9 pounds every 11 days. This can really be done if the program is followed exactly as shown. They even have an online diet generator which can help you generate your diet within seconds online!

The whole program is based on shifting calories, which means that you will eat different amounts of calories each day that you are on the plan and this calorie shifting actually helps your metabolism burn all of the calories consumed. This plan is based on a 4 meals per day during the 11 days and although I cannot guarantee you will lose 9 pounds in those 11 days, you will definitely lose weight. Some people lose 7 or 8 pounds while others may lose 9 or 10 if the menu is followed exactly. And the best part is, every time you do this diet, you will lose weight.

Some of the things you will learn in this exceptional E-book are: 10 rules for fast fat loss, how to stop retaining water, how to drink alcohol while still burning fat, how to shop at the grocery store to boost fat burning for your entire family, how to eat more than 3 times per day to speed up weight loss, and much more.

Get ready to be shown an eating program that is so unique that you will want to start using this amazing plan immediately. Learn how to give your body different types of calories to increase your metabolism and force fat loss to happen faster.

Learn more about how you too can lose 9 pounds in 11 days today!

Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss does not only hinge on watching the food that you eat and the pounds that you lose. It is focused more on an individual's overall health. In fact weight loss programs should never be about lifetime denial and abstinence from foods that make you happy. The ideal weight loss program allows one to adopt an enjoyable eating plan that is not tedious to follow. There are no drastic restrictions on the food and it does not subject you to extreme hunger. One eats well and eats right; there is variety as well as volume, the choices are pro healthy heart and a healthy mind. If serving sizes and the number of servings are adhered to, then the uphill task may be difficult but certainly not unachievable.

Exercise even if moderate is an essential component of any weight loss program. When one is active, one is using up calories that have been accumulated while eating. No activity means that the calories pile up and so do fat cells. Physical activity is not the same as exercise while both are recommended to make a weight loss program a success. Physical activity may just mean being active around the house like cleaning, dusting, mowing, gardening etc. Exercise is the activity which is undertaken as a regime on a regular basis in a repetitive manner with varying intensity. Any form of strenuous exercise needs the doctor's advice more so if one has a medical condition. It is advisable not to push oneself to the limits where there is the possibility of a breakdown. One's stamina and physical fitness can be built up gradually by following the regime regularly. Patience is definitely the name of the game.

If one is clear about the ideal weight that one wants to achieve, then the trick is to start right away and to stay motivated. Remember, there are no magic tricks waiting to happen out of weight loss pills and diet programs. Emphasis on the targets, your determination to follow and achieve what you have set out to do and the motivation to keep your goals in sight makes the seemingly impossible, possible indeed. It is not the weight loss program that is a sure bet, it is your will, your resilience and your endurance that can turn it into a sure bet!

We have a list of some of the best weight loss programs along with diet & exercise programs available. Find a healthy diet fitness program with online.

Lose Weight Fast

The lemonade diet is also know as the master cleanse. This cleanse was originally created by the Nuturapath Stanley Burrough. Although you can lose tons of weight while doing this. There are so much more health benefits to consider. Here's a few.

1. You lose tons of weight quickly

2. It sets your body to a natural ph level

3. It reduce craving,

4. Remove toxin from out body

5. Clean your body digestive tract, kidney and livers.

When toxins accumulate. A number of things can occur. You might notice that your face is a little more puffy. Or that your digestive system is slowing down. These are the smaller problems. But without proper cleanse. These toxins can harm your organs and cause you your health. Don't wait until that happens.

The lemonade diets is use by many celebrity. In fact Beyonce used it and lost a lot of weight for her role in the movie "Dream girls" . The lemonade diet takes just 10 days. And most people who have done it says that they have a lot more energy. They lost a lot of weight and kept it off because they didn't crave junk food like before. And most see an improvement in their overall health.

Cleansing is so important. Many things we eat today are process and pre packaged. Our body is not made to break down the chemicals that is being put in out food. These toxins and heavy metals are causing obesity and disease. When the body is not working properly. Thats when many things goes wrong.

Weight Loss Excuses To Avoid

A lot of people complain about how difficult it is to lose weight. They allege that no matter how much exercise and healthy eating is done, their skinny jeans still do not fit and the number on the weighing scale has barely changed. More often than not, the reason behind the inability of many to shed pounds is due to a number of misconceptions about exercise and dieting. Below are some weight loss excuses that you need to avoid if you want to eliminate excess fat.

Strenuous Exercise Is Bad For The Joints

People who are overweight and obese usually have problems with their joints so they are advised to shed some pounds first before running or performing strenuous exercises. However, they can still perform other forms of exercises that can help them trim down extra fat. Several minutes of brisk walking and doing low impact exercises will often do the trick. Furthermore, weight training is important because strong muscles help strengthen the bones. Thus, not exercising because of fear of endangering the joints is just a lame excuse for people who simply do not have the conviction to be healthy and stay slim.

Complete 100 Crunches For A Flatter Tummy

You might have heard celebrities claiming to perform 100 or more sit-ups or abdominal crunches before shooting a sexy revealing video or a scene that requires baring some flesh. In reality, these stars do not only do these crunches, but also scanty diet and other high intensity workouts.

If you want to get rid of your beer belly, you need to do much more than 100 sit-ups. You need to start watching what you eat, do high-impact exercises, and squeeze in weight training to at least three days a week.

Exercise Should Be Done In The Morning

There are many people who think that they can only benefit from exercise if they performed it in the morning. Although there are some who really prefer exercising in the morning, you can actually exercise anytime you want. In fact, it is much better to schedule your gym visits to a time that is most convenient for you so that you don't have to be in a hurry to finish your sets. The key to successful exercise plan is consistency. For example, if you start to perform your weight-loss exercise program in the afternoon, it would be best to do succeeding sessions in about the same time of the day so that exercising will become a habit.

Lifting Weights Can Give Women Very Muscular Body

Body builders, both men and women alike, end up with big muscular body because they wanted to. They lift very heavy weights and train very hard to achieve their chiselled body. However, not all weight training programs can lead to big muscles. If you do not want to accidentally have biceps like Popeye, then you need to tell your trainer or gym instructor what you want to achieve. These people are trained and certified fitness instructors so they know what program and weights to give you in order to achieve your goal.

Skip Carbs In The Evening To Shed Pounds

No matter what time of day you eat, you are likely to continue gaining weight if you eat a lot, particularly unhealthy foods. There are really no studies to confirm if the habit of eating nothing after six in the evening can burn more fat.

However, some people really lose weight when they eat early dinner and skip midnight snacking because they end up eating less. Thus, if this should work for you, then go ahead and do this diet plan. Just make sure that you still reduce your intake of sugar-rich foods.

If you have been having a hard time losing weight, you can always couple your weight-loss training program with some diet aids, such as Zylorin. If you want to know about this product, go to

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

Tips for Weight Loss

For a healthy body, it is very important to have ideal body weight. Try to reduce your weight gradually. If you lose weight quickly, you will gain it back fast and sometimes even more! Quick weight loss is not the answer to obesity.

Given below are some tips for weightwatchers. You will lose weight gradually and become fit over a period of time.

Tips for Weight Loss

  • Reduce fat: Fats have more than twice the calories than protein or carbohydrate! Our body converts excess dietary fat to body fat.
  • Limit sugar & alcohol: Foods with a lot of added sugar and alcoholic drinks are just empty calories.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, & whole grains.
  • Eat slowly: You eat more if you eat fast, as it takes about 15 minutes for our brain to get the message from our stomach that we have eaten enough.
  • Include a low fat protein-rich food like tofu, beans, eggs, and low fat milk, yogurt or cottage cheese with every meal.
  • No prepackaged foods, powders, or bars will make you slim.


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This article has been written by Visit the web site Weight Loss for more weight loss ideas.


How To Lose 35 Pounds Fast

There is more than one way to lose 35 pounds. However, I believe that the way I'll suggest in this article is one of the better if not the best one to do it fast.

In order to lose 35 lbs as fast as possible, I suggest that you begin by using the Master Cleanse diet for 5 - 10 days. The Master Cleanse is a famous detox diet which has the ability to flush you body clean of a lot of toxins, chemical waste, and undigested weight which has accumulated inside your body. This diet has been used by many many people including several celebrities like the singer Beyonce with great success. It can lead to a massive weight loss.

But before you use this diet you should know a few things: This is a hard diet to stick to and you should never use it for more than 10 days straight. This is because the calorie intake with this diet is very low. So use it for 5--10 days to give your weight loss a kick start and then stop.

After you finish with the Master Cleanse, I suggest that you switch and use the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. The reason why I'm suggesting this is that this diet can still provide you with a relatively fast weight loss and is not that hard to stick to. You may want to take a few days break between the 2 diets and that's alright, but once you start with Fat Loss 4 Idiots you can expect a continuous weight loss at a good pace (not as fast as with the Master Cleanse, but still good). The good thing about Fat loss 4 Idiots is that you get to eat 4 meals a day so you never go hungry. By following one diet with the other, you will be able to lose 35 pounds fast.

Of course, if you don't want to use the Master Cleanse, you can use only Fat Loss 4 Idiots to lose 35 pounds. It'll take a little more time, but it will certainly go easier on you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 pounds in 11 days with The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How to lose weight fast with the Master Cleanse and other diets

Click here to read more about Fat Loss 4 Idiots and the Master Cleanse: Diets To Lose 10 Pounds Fast

Weight Loss Ebook - The New Weight Loss Bibles?

Weight loss ebooks can do wonders for your weight loss efforts, but it seems like only a fraction of the population even know what an ebook is and how it can help them. Ebooks are much more useful than regular books as they can contain live web link and video etc, and most of them are available by instant download. Read on to find out whether a weight loss ebook can help you.


A great thing about weight loss ebooks is that you can get them instantly. If you feel like you need to get some help and advice for your weight loss efforts, thanks to these ebooks you can find real expert advice from your own armchair. Gone are the days where you would need to visit your library or bookstore, as you can buy weight loss ebooks online and then get an instant download so you can be reading it within seconds.


Organisation is another things that's very convenient about weight loss ebooks. Many of them will come with some kind of pre-designed spreadsheet, which you can then print out and use for your food diary/calorie counter or whatever you need. This is very helpful, as it enables you to really stick at it and see the benefits much sooner than if you were just trying to lose weight unaided.


The truth - sometimes the guys behind the weight loss ebook will be more willing to tell the truth than the guys who publish the regular books. You can find some real shocking medical stuff in some of the ebooks, and it goes a long why to explaining the problems of being overweight. For example did you know there is a kind of plaque that lives in your gut and hampers proper digestion? Scary huh?


You can learn to lose weight the way that's right for you - a weight loss ebook like this will often have lots of different viewpoints and perspectives in it, so you can take your time and make a choice that you are comfortable with. It's not going to be all about losing weight on some fad celebrity diet which only lets you eat slices of beef with celery shavings or whatever.

Weight loss ebooks, like many other kinds of ebooks, are starting to have a bigger place in society as the internet becomes a more familiar part of life. If you aren't aware of such things you really could be missing out. Check out the links below to see 3 of the best weight loss ebooks, one of them will even show you how to remove the plaque from your gut.

CLICK HERE to see the 3 best weight loss ebooks available - You'll even see pictures of the plaque living in YOUR gut right now

CLICK HERE for the best weight loss resources on the net - we'll even show you how to get a free weight loss book right now

Emma Green is the webmaster at

The Secret of Weight Loss

In the medical community, "obesity" is generally said to be present in women with more than 30% body fat and men with more than 25% body fat. "Morbid obesity," a more serious condition still, occurs when a person is 50-100% or 100 pounds above his or her ideal body weight or has more than 39% body fat. Medical problems commonly associated with morbid obesity include diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers (including breast and colon cancer), depression, and osteoarthritis.

Obesity among the American population is a serious epidemic. The results of a 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicate that an estimated 64% of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese.

Millions of people approach weight control, focusing on the symptom. The symptom being the weight itself. These people put all their energy into baking it off, working it off, starving it off, or all kinds of fad diets.

They all experience the ups and downs on the weight charts and scale. This makes for a lot of upset and depressed people who think that they will never solve the problem of eliminating, permanently, those excess pounds and inches.

The only time that anyone has to be concerned with weight control is when they are eating. The fact of the matter is that people are concerned with weight before they eat and they beat themselves up after they eat. While people are eating there is no concern.

We spend a small amount of time each day eating and that is the only time that people have to increase their conscious awareness and focus on developing proper eating habits.

If you are overweight, you may be so because you formed a habit of eating improperly.

By re-educating your eating habits, you will find that you still enjoy eating and for much more positive reasons. You'll eliminate weight -- and you won't regain it.

The plan is very basic, simple, and easy. Every week, for a period of six weeks, you are going to practice a new and different mental exercise to help you change your eating habits.

WEEK ONE: Sit down to eat and drink. Even if it's only a piece of gum or a sip of water, sit down! This will help eliminate the unconscious snacking that is so much a part of being overweight. This also eliminates tasting foods for those who cook.

WEEK TWO: Relax! Take a minute to breathe comfortably and be thankful for the food in front of you. This will help you become aware of the foods that you eat and the way in which you eat them.

WEEK THREE: Chew your food well. Sip your drinks. Take small bites. Depending on what you are eating, chew from 25 to 40 times with each mouthful. By consuming small portions and eating more slowly, your taste buds will have a chance to get the full and wonderful flavor from the nutritious foods you are eating.

Your stomach will have a chance to tell your mind that you are full and satisfied and that you require a smaller amount of food than before. It can take the same amount of time to eat a small amount of food as it does to eat a large amount.

WEEK FOUR: Get rid of bad emotions and frustrations. if you have a problem or transaction that you are working on, clear your mind before you eat. Eating out of frustration is a very common bad habit.

WEEK FIVE: Think about the food you eat, especially the flavor.

WEEK SIX: Leave something on your plate (besides your fork). Were conditioned to clean everything from our plates and programmed to believe that cleaning our plates will help starving children elsewhere in the world or that its a sin to waste food.


1. Refer to diets as menus.

2. Refer to losing weight as eliminating weight permanently.

3. Use smaller plates and glasses.

4. Serve yourself smaller portions.

5. Use one room in the house in which to eat, perhaps even one chair.

6. Keep a diary of the food you eat.

In addition to these exercises, it is important that you utilize the techniques learned in altered- states (hypnosis) to effect habit change and visualize exactly the way you want to look.

Imagine yourself standing on your bathroom scale and looking down at the weight you want to be.

Some sample weight control suggestions:

1. I weigh ___ pounds and am slim, healthy, and attractive.

2. I eat only those healthful, nutritious foods that allow me to maintain my weight at ___ pounds.

3. I eat my meals slowly and enjoy every bite. I taste and savor my food better than ever before.

4. The desire to eliminate fat from my body is stronger than ever before. I am, on a daily basis, eating less and enjoying food more, and the desire to eliminate weight is stronger than the desire to eat.

5. I see myself as being slim, trim, firm and solid. I think thin.

6. I am staying satisfied for longer periods of time. The desire to eliminate unnatural fat from my body is stronger than my desire to eat. I see fattening eating behavior and I have no desire to indulge in such behavior. I enjoy being slim, trim, thin and slender.

By utilizing these behavior modification suggestions you will completely re-educate your eating habits and will have formed a successful pattern for creating and maintaining a slim, trim, permanent new shape.

Don L. Price -- Business and Positive Change Strategist -- International Speaker and Author He speaks on Optimizing Your Power to Succeed, with Strategic Performance Marketing and Closing Power, Winning Presentation Techniques and Life Enrichment Through Hypnosis.

Don can be reach at: 1800Succeed (800-782-2333)