Sunday, June 22, 2008

Understand Natural Weight Loss Supplements

If you are currently in search to lose weight and want to know more about weight loss supplements, then this ezine article is for you. There are plenty misleading weight loss pills out there that are useless. However there are a few charms that stick out and leave incredible results behind.

Understand first that losing weight isn't just taking a capsule and sitting on the couch all night. To lose weight you need to dedicate your life to it. Whether it be the next six months, or six years. Understand that you won't lose 20 lbs in 1-2 weeks. Remember weight loss supplements work, but you need to work with them.

There are basically two types of weight loss pills. There are ones who contain all pharmaceutical made ingredients. Those are the type to increase blood pressure, make you urinate frequently and change your mood on a dime. Does this sound like the supplement you want on your counter?

Now there is another type of supplement.

All natural weight loss supplements. Now these are a different story. They are 100% natural and safe to take. Not only that but you do get weight loss effects that are wonderful. The herbs in them have been around since earth was here, so people have been taking them for centuries. Even more importantly they work.

To really get the full effect of the supplements you need to eat healthy and exercise. If you haven't figured it out yet, exercise is the key to weight loss success. But with natural supplements standing next to exercise, you will see rapid weight loss.

When it comes time for purchasing an effective supplements you need to watch out for these types of things.

- Check the ingredients. Make sure they are all natural.

- Scope out the customer testimonials to make sure it reputable.

- The companies guarantee needs to be clear with contact information there.

Even though herbs are not drugs you should still check with your doctor if you have a medical condition or under their care.

There are two main weight loss supplements out there that get a lot of credit for customers weight loss. That is Proactol and Proshape RX. They are both all natural and bring in excellent results.

The sooner you start losing weight, the sooner you will see your new self in the mirror.

Looking for Weight Loss Supplement Reviews check out

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How To Lose Weight Off Your Hips - 4 Exercises On How To Lose Weight Off Your Hips!

There are so many people that want to know "how to lose weight off your hips". Its one of the most common questions asked when it comes to weight loss. Its also one of the most common areas of the human body where weight is actually gained! So how does one loose weight off their hips? One proven way is to do sit ups and simultaneously eat a healthy food diet also! You can try some of the below exercises to help you improve weight loss around the hips area. You will need a stability ball in order to carry out these exercises!

Exercises -

Leg Press -

What you need to do is to lay down on the floor. Position the ball at your ankles and lift if off the floor. Keep your lower back pressed to the floor. Always may sure it remains this position throughout the exercise. Then, you need to extend your legs up and outwards and try to hold it while keeping your lower back pressed to the floor. You will feel a tightening within your stomach. This is good thing! The lower you try to hold the stability ball off the floor, the more difficult it will be.

Side bends -

With this exercise you may have guest that you need to lay on your side. Place the ball between your knees and ankles. Then try to pull your hips towards your chest.

Trunk curl -

With this exercise you need to place the stability ball against your lower back. Then slowly curl your trunk by bringing your chest towards your hips. Your shoulders and upper back should be moving away from the ball. Your lower back should be supporting your body. Then move back to your starting position slowly. Make sure that your lower back has maintained contact with the ball at all times. When performing this exercise, make sure to do it slowly to avoid injury!

Anchor reverse trunk curl -

Finally our last exercise is the anchor reverse trunk curl. For this particular exercise you need to be lying flat on your back on the floor. Your arms should be over your head whilst holding on to a stable object. This object could be something like a door frame, or a heavy piece of furniture that wont move. Then to position the ball you need to place it between your knees and ankles. You see the idea is to lift the ball up but using only your hips and your bum to leave the surface of the floor. Then lower slowly your hips and bum to the floor.

Performing these exercises should help you to lose weight around the hip area. So the next time you hear the common question of How to lose weight off your hips, you can advise these exercises to help someone with this issue.

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Life After Weight Loss Surgery - Don't Let Shame and Self-Blame Weigh You Down

A huge mistake that people make as they work to lose weight and/or maintain weight loss after weight loss surgery involves getting stuck in self-blame. Self-blame and self-criticism can seriously undermine weight loss efforts. Here are some of the reasons why they can create a trap that you want to avoid:

1. Self-blame breeds shame.

Shame is the most isolating emotion that there is. When we feel shame, we feel bad and we want to be invisible. We don't want anyone to see either our shame or ourselves and we start to feel incapable of connecting with others. We want to disappear. Solid support is one of the most important tools for success whenever we are making any major change and shame causes people to isolate, avoid others, and miss out on the support they can provide.

2. Self-blame and shame cause us to lose perspective.

When we blame ourselves and get lost in shame we also tend to lose perspective. If we believe that the problem is us then it becomes easier to believe that we are alone in our struggles and that no one else will understand. One of the biggest mistakes a weight loss surgery patient can make is assuming they are alone in struggling or having questions or difficulties after bariatric surgery. When we struggle alone and blame ourselves, a problem that was originally small can quickly become much larger.

I have worked with too many bariatric surgery patients who have avoided support groups because they are afraid of being judged or are embarrassed to admit they are struggling. Because they are stuck in shame and self-blame, these individuals miss out on learning that they are not alone. They miss out on learning about the strategies and resources that others have discovered or developed. Connecting with others is an incredibly powerful tool and shame can keep us from using it.

3. The heaviness of shame and the weight of self blame interfere with successful weight loss.

In fact, getting stuck in the self blame trap might be the biggest mistake that bariatric surgery patients can make. When people hit a rough patch with their eating or their weight loss surgery lifestyle and they are trapped in shame and self-blame, they get stuck. Instead of taking a step back, evaluating why the plan failed, and looking compassionately at what they need to tweak in order to be successful, people stuck in self-blame beat themselves up emotionally for their past failures and commit to being tougher or harder on themselves, or more rigid and strict the next go-round. This is a big mistake. When we stay stuck in self-blame and shame we limit our ability to be curious and to think creatively. We become less able to look at a situation objectively, identify what didn't work or how we got into the trap that we did. When we are stuck in shame and self-blame, our minds are less likely to work to create some new options, modify our plan for next time, or generate ideas about how we can be more successful. Self blame tends to leave us with only one option--"just try harder." Unfortunately that's not often a very helpful approach.

Learning how self-judgment and shame can get in your way isn't always enough to change it. Have you ever tried to stop being hard on yourself? It's really not so easy. It takes practice, persistence, and the right tools. So many weight loss programs don't address shame and self-blame at all, and even fewer provide the necessary tools and skills to help you move past it. Moving past self-blame and shame is crucial for creating enduring success after weight loss surgery and it is challenging work. But once you start to develop the right tools and you are able to step outside of that self-blame, it's absolutely amazing how much easier some of the other steps towards success can be.

Melissa McCreery, Ph.D. is a Psychologist and Life and Wellness Coach who helps her clients create and live the life they crave. She is also the creator of the Emotional Eating Toolbox (TM), Tools for Taking Control and Moving Beyond Dieting. Sign up for a free 5 part Self-care Package and learn more at:

Copyright 2008 - Melissa McCreery, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credit and follow all of the EzineArticles terms of service for Publishers.

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