Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Truth About Fat Loss

I went to go meet Bill Phillips - the creator of the Body for Life Transformation Challenge...

And I came back with a set of 100 guidelines for my business and your fat loss program.

Here's the story...

Last November, I traveled to Mesa, Arizona, to hear Bill Phillips speak at a seminar. But at the end of the conference, it wasn't Phillips who I remembered hearing, nor was it Richard Branson, who spoke to us via satellite...but it was a man named Dave Kekich.

Mr. Kekich has written something called, "The Kekich Credo's", a set of 100 success secrets, and I review one secret everyday.

In fact, each morning I have a routine. After walking the dog, eating breakfast, and completing one major task for the day, I then review one of the 100 Kekich Credo's and relate it to my business and to your fat loss goals.

Yesterday, after a 2-hour walk with the dog in the Toronto Beaches (yes, we have beaches in Canada!), it was...

Kekich Credo #4...

"Real regrets only come from not doing your best. All else is out of your control. You're measured by results only. Trade excuses and "trying" for results, and expect half-hearted results from half-hearted efforts. Do more than is expected of you. Life's easy when you live it the hard way...and hard if you try to live it the easy way."

**** And here's my interpretation of how this success secret applies to your fat loss program...

-> Who are the ones on the cardio confessional every Monday? The people who did not do their best on the weekend with their diet.

-> Most people fail to control themselves, and end up only with regrets. They trade minutes of pleasure (i.e. fast food) for days, weeks, months, and years of regret. Do not be like everyone else!

-> Focus on quality workouts, not quantity. Focus on planning ahead to overcome obstacles, rather than trying to "out-cardio" your bad diet. You'll never succeed that way.

-> Always hit a personal best in each workout. This guarantees progress for both fat burning and muscle building.

-> Fat loss is easy once you understand how hard it is...and it's hard if you think it is easy.

That's the Truth About Fat Loss.

If you accept that in order to lose fat, you must...

1) Plan and prepare your nutrition in advance. That means spending some time on the weekend, planning what you need, going to the grocery store, and coming back home and preparing that food into meals for the rest of the week.

Cook a lot of chicken at once. Cut up all of your vegetables. Wash all your fruit. Package up your nuts in snack sized containers.

Take the "boy scout" approach to your nutrition and always be prepared.

2) Follow a professionally designed, structured workout routine that is more intense than anything you'd put together for yourself

3) Get social support from others who have gone through the same trials and tribulations that you face

...then you will succeed.

Discover the shocking top 5 fat loss myths at Turbulence Training and uncover all of the Turbulence Training Transformations in the Fat Loss Forum. Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and fat loss expert who writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. Ballantyne shows you how you never have to do slow boring cardio again!

Does Hoodia Work for Weight Loss, or Just Empty Your Pockets?

I bet you want to know... Does Hoodia really work to help you lose weight? After all, billions of dollars are being spent worldwide annually on this supposed "miracle" diet pill that, if you were to believe the hype spouted off by all of its manufacturers, you would think that hoodia is the miracle cure to obesity and excess weight that will save the world. Ahh, if it were only that easy to lose weight!

So... Does Hoodia actually work for lasting weight loss, or even have any effects whatsoever? Let's dig a little deeper beyond all of the marketing hype and see if it actually has any merit.

The fact is that you can't search the internet or listen to the radio without being bombarded by Hoodia advertisements promising all sorts of miraculous claims. The reason I wanted to bring up the subject and it's validity is that I don't want any of my readers to waste their money and fall for this scam.

Now let me preface this by saying that not all companies selling hoodia are crooked. Some are legitimate and honest and actually selling real Hoodia. However, with the lack of federal regulation on supplements, it is quite easy for shady smaller companies to get away with selling pills that don't even have any in them. Also, we are not even saying anything regarding whether Hoodia (if it were the real stuff) actually does work or not for lasting weight loss.

Sure, the Hoodia ads sound great... no exercise necessary, just sit on your couch, pop a couple diet pills, and you'll start melting fat off your bones like a furnace... Please, give me a frickin break! Let's get this straight... Quick fixes NEVER work, and they NEVER will work in the future. Even if a miracle weight loss pill is developed in the future, there will always be an adverse side effect... it's simply against the laws of nature, and homeostasis of the body.

I can't even tell you how many people I get writing me and they're totally sold on this Hoodia stuff by the slick advertising and hype. They buy it and they get no weight loss results whatsoever. Well, there was a good $50 or $100 down the drain! I can't blame them for being suckered... I mean these scammers are pretty good marketers.

You'll see in a minute that a large percentage of what is labeled and sold as hoodia may not even contain ANY Hoodia at all. A lot of it is completely counterfeit.

At first glance, it might appear that this supposed "magical herb" has some promise. All of the hype started a couple years ago when a popular night-time network TV show presented Hoodia as a new and potentially exciting weight-loss pill. Well, it didn't take long for the internet and late night advertising scamsters to follow suit, fill some capsules with any old crap they could find, and start spamming bazillions of people around the world saying that their pills were the magical answer to the dream body they've been looking for their entire life.

Hoodia has been used by the Bushmen of Southern Africa for centuries as an appetite suppressant for their journeys. The fact is thatin its natural state might actually work as a decent appetite suppressant (although that doesn't necessarily mean it will help with permanent weight loss). The problem lies in the fact that the supplement industry is not federally regulated in the US, and any scammer can put whatever they want in a capsule and sell it for huge profits.

The fact is that the quantity of Hoodia being sold throughout the world in supplement stores and online FAR EXCEEDS the amount that is actually produced. It is only grown in a small area of southern Africa and is a very slow growing plant, and there is a much larger quantity of "supposed hoodia" sold than is produced. Obviously, this means that a large amount of what is sold as hoodia is simply counterfeit.

Basically what they put in the pill doesn't even have to be Hoodia, because ever since the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, there is no regulation or testing to assure that what their label claims is actually in the bottle. Now even if they did put real Hoodia extract in the capsules, there is also no scientific proof at this point that these small doses that they are using will actually cause any type of weight loss at all in humans.

Even if it were to actually help curb appetite, that is not always a good thing, as it may simply deprive your body of the nutrition it needs to function properly and maintain lean muscle mass, all of which regulates your metabolic rate. If you did lose weight, this would not be a good weight loss, as you would lose muscle and end up with a slower metabolism, which would lead to excess fat gain in the future.

So you're left with these major problems:

1. A certain percentage of the Hoodia being sold out there might not even be real. You simply could be buying any old junk powder that they fill the capsules with.

2. Even if certain brands are honest (which a lot of the bigger companies ARE honest), and actually put the amount of Hoodia that they claim in the bottle, there is no proof that those quantities are ample enough to curb the appetite (compared to the raw plant that the bushmen eat), nor is there any evidence that it will result in lasting weight loss.

So does Hoodia really work? The answer is that no one really knows for sure, however with all of the uncertainties that we've highlighted here, it is highly unlikely that Hoodia will create long lasting permanent weight loss for you, even if you do get lucky enough to get the "real stuff".

As you've probably heard me say a thousand times before... the bottom line is that there are no "miracles in a bottle". If you want to be truly healthy, lean, and strong for life, it takes some actual real exercise and a nutritious diet full of natural unprocessed healthy foods... a healthy diet that you can live with for life! There are no substitutes, but there are plenty of scams if you want to throw away your money.

If you're ready to stop searching for the miracle pills and find out a true solution to a lean sexy body for life, you have some legitimate options below.

To discover over 27 fat-loss and metabolism-boosting secrets, go to Best Fat Loss Workout and Diet Tips

Another honest and informative website that gets past all of the scams and gives you the honest truth about fat loss is Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle

For the ladies, be sure to check out Sexy Butt Exercises

Motivation Weight Loss Games

The battle against being overweight is half won the moment realization strikes that weight is a problem and that it needs to be dealt with on priority. A healthy combination of the right diet and sufficient amounts of exercise can have the desired effect on those striving to lose some weight. It is needless to say that keeping off oily junk food is most important; replacing these with lots of fruits and vegetables together with plenty of fluids is often all that is required to do the trick. Help is usually only a click away and there are several sources from which one can derive motivation weight loss games are one of them.

Many a time the resolve to reduce weight is all about motivation. This term literally means what comes from within and hence while all the advice in the world may be available to you, ultimately it is you yourself who has to fight this lonely battle against the calories. Along with your own motivation, weight loss games and other fun activities can go a long way in helping you shed a few of those extra pounds and go back to your youthful and trim self.

As with any other otherwise serious business, such as health or disease awareness related activities, adding a comic touch to it or some other means of incorporating some fun into the entire episode can have pleasantly surprising results. Consider an otherwise boring session on the different organs that form part of the human digestive system being explained to 4th graders; if this is done with the help of animated organs complete with colorful and lively multimedia effects, chances are that almost 100% of the matter will be instantly absorbed by the students, as against a simple diagram on the black board with labels explaining their functions. Similarly, looking at the boring calorie chart and sitting down with a calculator can be rather uninspiring, to the extent that it will not help the person feel compelled to remain committed to reducing weight. Instead, using a weight loss game which calculates the calorie content associated with each food item that you click with the help of animated characters and reports presented aesthetically showing the progress you have made for instance can prove to be very inspiring.

Thanks to the coming of the internet, there really is no dearth of motivation weight loss games are aplenty and usually have no price tags attached to them. This is because most of these websites are run by those who have experimented with the various conventional methods of attaining weight loss and would like to educate wannabe weight losers on the ideal path to achieve their end. Completely equipped with a range of weight loss games and detailed calorie charts of various raw food items as well as commonly consumed preparations, these web sites are extremely user friendly and can be put to good use by the tech savvy and even those who are novices in the field of computers, alike.

Gen Mason does cardio and works out everyday. Discover more about teen weight loss at Natural Weight Loss

Day 4 - Follow My Weight Loss Program - Holiday Season Fast Approaching

Ok, so there are four days left until Christmas, however less than 24 hours left until all of the family gathering, foods and fun start. Our family will be getting together starting on Saturday and going all the way through next week. This means I have to get myself disciplined, and do so in a hurry.

I can not begin to tell you, if you do not experience it yourself, just how much and how many different foods there will be sitting in front of me over the next several days. You name it. Hams, turkeys, potatoes, stuffing, yams, I better stop, it is early morning and I haven't had breakfast just yet and all this talk about food...well you know.

Come to think of it I haven't even thought about the cakes, cookies, pies...yikes, I think I just did. So as you can see, the pressure will be intense over the course of this holiday season, but that's ok. I didn't expect losing 50 pounds to be easy. In fact I was and am expecting it to be hard. I call it punishment for packing it on in the first place.

With that said I see no reason why, even though it will be hard, that it can't be fun. Therefore over the next few days I am going to see if I can get a hold of different recipes for healthy food. If you have any good websites or ideas, please submit a comment, I would appreciate it. I enjoy cooking. Cooking is a great way to be creative with something, or feel a sense of completion when you make someone Else's recipe and it comes out great.

Also when it comes to the exercise portion of the program, I want to make that as fun as well. Besides the normal lifting weights, running/walking etc., maybe I will get myself involved some local sports club or something along those lines. A long time ago, in a galaxy far...oh wait that is a different story. Seriously, a long time ago I use to play hockey, both ice and street as well as do a lot of skiing. I will have to look into getting back into doing maybe that. It is enjoyable, definitely great sources of exercise, and something I would look forward to. I mean, lets face it, I really don't look forward to getting up at 5:00am to walk the dog. I love the dog, but does he really need to go out, that early in the morning? Doesn't he know how cold it is outside?

In any event, although losing 50 pounds will not be easy, it should not be boring either.

Regards, Mike P.

About the Author You can follow Mike's weight loss program on his Blog at

There you can follow Mike's progress as he details his daily fitness and nutrition program on his way to losing 50 pounds by December 31st, 2008.

Weight Loss After Pregnancy - A Realist Approach

Weight loss after pregnancy is a major issue with many women. During pregnancy, a woman can gain around 25-35 pounds. After delivery, she will lose around 12-22 pounds. This leaves around 12-22 pounds that she will have to deal with. The key is to remember that it is possible to lose all this weight and regain shape.

Be Realistic

Many women are influenced by celebrity moms and aim to lose their weight in a very short span of time. This is a very unrealistic approach to a complicated issue. Celebrity moms have expert fitness trainers, dieticians, etc., with them round the clock. It is thus, very important to keep realistic targets, have patience, and to work hard.

Therefore, after your pregnancy period is over you are surely going to be thinking about losing all the weight that you have gained. However, you should not rush into things. Before you start any exercise or diet after pregnancy, it is best to consult your doctor. After he/she gives you the green signal, you can start in all earnest.

Helpful Tips

Here are few weight loss tips to help you along the way-

  • For the first three months post partum, do not go on a diet. Dieting is not good especially if you are breastfeeding your child.
  • Eat a healthy well balanced diet. Ensure that you eat lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Remember that you have just delivered and your body needs time to heal.
  • Instead of eating few heavy meals, you should focus on eating several small healthy meals everyday.
  • Avoid sugar, caffeine, processed foods, and sodium.
  • You can begin with slow exercises, like walking. Just be active around the house and you will start seeing a positive trend in your weight loss.

  • Pregnancy weight gain is natural and unavoidable. Yes, some women gain more weight than others and some women lose weight faster than others do. It is best to maintain a healthy diet during and after pregnancy. Keep yourself active. Walking is a very good form of exercise to keep your weight in check. Once your body has healed after pregnancy, you can go on a diet and exercise plan for losing weight. Aerobics, jogging, swimming, yoga, etc. are some of the exercises that you can take up. Talk to your doctor about them and see which ones are suitable for your body.

    It is good that you are working hard to lose all the weight gain, but do not overexert yourself. Always listen to your body. Take rest when you feel tired. Take it easy and always keep in mind that you are going to make it. Losing your pregnancy weight is not that hard if you have realistic expectations and patience. Keep your energy level up by eating healthy foods and work diligently on your weight loss after pregnancy program.

    You must keep in mind that after delivering it is more important to take care of your body and baby than rushing to lose all the pregnancy weight gain. You should follow weight loss tips only after 2-3 months of your pregnancy or as per doctor's advice. After pregnancy there is ample time to get back into shape. Don't worry now. weight loss after pregnancy is possible if you maintain a realistic approach, work hard, and have patience.

    Speed up Metabolism

    Metabolism is essentially the speed at which our body's motor is running. The speed at which our body burns calories is called the metabolic rate. It's how fast your "motor" is running when you're still in a reclined position or sleeping. About 60-75% of energy is expended by the body at rest in such activities.

    The metabolism is based on the number of calories we burn throughout the day. Our body constantly burns calories to keep us going whether we are eating, sleeping, cleaning etc. People with a lower percentage of body fat (i.e. muscular) have a higher metabolism than others that are less muscular because muscle uses more calories to maintain itself than fat. Some people have a slower metabolic rate and have a harder time staying slim. Younger persons have higher (faster) metabolism because of the increased activity of cells. A slow metabolism actually causes to store fat. The slower the metabolic rate, the greater the weight gains. How to build muscles to improve metabolism? What type of exercise is ideal that speed up metabolism so that you burn calories even at rest or sleep? There are simple exercises that speed up the metabolism.

    Causes for Low Metabolism

    • Fasting
    • A low calorie diet
    • Snacking throughout the day on high sugared foods (candy, colas, cakes, gum).
    • Eating or drinking too much sugar containing foods.
    • Lack of physical activity.
    • Underactive thyroid.

    Metabolism Boosters

    There are some natural metabolism boosters (natural foods) that improves your metabolism. Do not take over the counter pills containing animal thyroid extract that claim to boost up metabolism. These products may have side effects as diarrhea, increased heart rate, excessive sweating, nervousness, tremors, bulging eyes, etc.

    How to Improve (Speed up) Metabolism

    • Do not skip any meals

    • Exercise daily

    • Build your muscles

    • Avoid alcohol, sugar, and fastings

    • Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.

    • Eat foods with high nutrition values

    Speed up Metabolism

    [You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all HTML hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info.]

    This article has been written by Download the Weight Loss Diet eBook: Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes Web site for details on metabolsim, metabolism boosters and how to reduce your weight.

    The Maple Syrup Diet - Is This A Serious Weight Loss Solution?

    The maple syrup diet has gained some attention lately, due in part to the singer Beyonce having used this diet to lose weight for a new movie she is starring in. And while this fad diet is unique, is it a diet plan that you should seriously consider trying? Here's a closer look that should provide you with the answers.

    What Is The Maple Syrup Diet?

    The diet involves using the following ingredients:

    3 quarts of water

    1 cup of genuine maple syrup (real maple syrup)

    1 cup of lemon juice

    1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper

    You then mix the ingredients together and drink 8-10 glasses of the mixture throughout the day for up to 10 days, which is when you must quit.

    What Can You Expect?

    Without getting too graphic here, this diet is a cleanser. That means you can expect to have a lot of diarrhea in the first few days.

    But that may be the least of your problems. You will also experience hunger, irritability, low energy levels, aches, pains and a roller coaster ride with your blood sugar levels. Needless to say, this diet plan can be dangerous for many people with other health related issues. It should only be attempted after getting your doctors approval.

    Does The Diet Work?

    The short answer is yes. There is no doubt that the maple syrup diet will create weight loss. Even with 10 glass of this mixture, your body is only consuming roughly 500 calories. Following this diet, it would be impossible NOT to lose weight. But, that weight loss come with a pretty steep price though.

    What's The Bottom Line?

    Although you will have to ultimately decide if this diet is one that you want to tackle, it goes without saying that there are much better, as well as much safer, diets than the maple syrup diet. Even if you use this plan to lose weight with, once you stop you will gain it all back quickly. Because of the damage this diet can do to your system it is not one that I could recommend for anyone.

    You can find out more on the Maple Syrup Diet as well as much more about all types of different diets and weight loss issues by visiting:

    How Can Men Lose Weight Fast?

    95% of men diet the wrong way. They starve themselves, they work out too hard, and they don't rest. Find out how men can lose weight fast. Do you have a big reunion coming up? Do you need to get ready for the summer months? Either way you are a man and you need to lose weight fast, so what do you do?

    Most Importantly, Remember to Eat!

    This is the most important item to remember. Your body needs fuel. The difference is your body needs lean, effective fuel, so it can burn fat, and build muscle. So, you have to remember to eat first thing in the morning, and 5 other times during the day - in small portions.

    ip #1: Lots of Water

    Water is your metabolism's life juice. Your body thrives on having the proper hydration to metabolize food into energy. Moreover, if you're drinking water, that means there is a good chance you're not drinking soda or other highly caloric drinks. Drink lots of water and stay away from empty calories, if you want any shot in losing weight fast.

    Tip #2: No Bad Fat

    Sounds kind of paradoxical doesn't it? Not really. There are good fats and there are bad fats. If our question is, "Can Men Lose Weight Fast?" we have to be prepared to cut out our most favorite food: red meat! Instead of red meat we need to concentrate on good fats which are available in kalamata olives, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and avocados. These good fats have been scientifically proven to reduce body fat, particularly in the stomach!

    Tip #3: More Fiber

    Your diet must consist of at least 100% of the daily recommended allowance if you have serious hopes of shedding any pounds soon. Fiber in your diet has an incredible ability to detoxify your system and rid your digestive tract of any unwanted matter. Did you know John Wayne is believed to have had over 50 pounds of matter in his colon upon his death? As men, looking to lose weight fast, step one should be ensuring that we get a good dose of fiber at breakfast time.

    In my personal experience, detoxification is of the utmost importance when attempting to lose inches fast. In detoxifying your system, you liver has a better shot at metabolizing food, and your confidence is often boosted immediately from the drastic inch and/or weight loss.

    Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living. He is dedicated to educating future generations to live healthy, and feel great. If you are looking to learn more about healthy living and would like to subscribe to his free, extremely popular newsletter, check out: healthy dieting.

    Are Wedding Diets Just For The Bride?

    While the first words which spring to mind whenever the word diet is mentioned are weight loss and reduced food intake, but is that really all that it has to offer or is there a little bit more?

    There is no doubt that a diet can and will help you to trim your figure ahead of the big day, but it can also help you in the run up to what can be a very stressful time. By eating the right foods at the right time it can give you the strength of mind and the strength of body to enjoy your day to the full and ensure that everything goes to plan. Many people are concerned that diets mean cutting out ALL of the food which they like, but this is not true. Simply by adding, or exchanging, parts of your diet for more health food and adding more exercise into your daily routine you can see a big difference very quickly.

    While the popularity of wedding diets continues to grow, many people seem to forget that the grooms also want to look good on their big day. Whether they have suit in mind which they want to wear, or simply want to get themselves into better shape, wedding diets can mean as much to a groom as they can to a bride. In fact there are many brides and grooms who will actually start a dieting and exercise plan together prior to their big day, each motivating and helping the other to each their goal.

    Dieting does not always mean shedding masses of weight, it can simply mean improving your diet, shedding a few unwanted pounds and basically getting yourself back into shape. So whether you are the bride or the groom, has there ever been a better reason to start that diet you have been putting off for some time?

    Whether your are looking for the latest Tescos Diet, WeightWatchers Diet or another of the well know online diet programs, check us out.

    Negative Calorie Foods - Aiding Weight Loss and Increasing Metabolism

    While all foods contain at least some calories, there are some that are classified as negative calorie foods due to their overall affect on the body. This simply means that these particular foods use more caloric energy to eat and digest than they actually contain to begin with. The calories from these types of foods are more difficult to breakdown and process, making the body work harder to digest them, thus burning more than the foods original caloric content.

    If we gain weight when we take in more calories than we expend, it only stands to reason that if we take in less calories than we burn, we will then lose weight. Roughly ten percent of our total daily caloric intake is actually used to process and digest the foods that weve eaten. If we decrease the calories we ingest, add more negative calorie foods to our diets while increasing our level of physical activity, the result is healthy weight loss and an elevated metabolism.

    A perfect example is a piece of cake that contains roughly 400 calories, but that also uses up 150 of those calories to eat and digest it. This then leaves a net gain of 250 calories, which of course turn into fat. Now, if instead you decided to eat a salad that contained 250 calories, but uses 400 calories to completely digest, you will have actually burned 150 calories simply by eating the salad. If you ate a piece of fruit that contained 100 calories but used up 200 calories worth during the digestion process, you will have burned an extra 100 calories just by eating the fruit.

    The more negative calories that you can incorporate into your diet while maintaining a regular exercise program, the more fat you will ultimately burn. Negative calorie foods should always be prepared fresh and naturally without any added ingredients such as butter or salt, which would only counteract the foods negative caloric affects. Negative calorie foods generally have a high fiber content, which is essential for dieters as it allows the body to feel fuller longer. Fiber also causes the body to work harder to process and breakdown the foods weve eaten.

    Although water isnt considered a food, ice cubes can be used as a negative calorie source. Water contains no calories at all, but the body must put forth energy to consume the ice, and also to compensate for the decrease in body temperature. Many dieters use frozen sugar-free juice cubes as healthy treats that also require the expenditure of more calories than they actually contain.

    When following a diet rich with negative calorie foods, its important to remember that these foods are comprised mostly of water and fiber, and while they are healthy, they also lack key nutrients, proteins, and certain vitamins and minerals that the body needs to thrive.

    Some vegetables that are considered to be negative calorie foods are:

    Chili peppers

    Some fruits that are considered to be negative calorie foods are:

    Honey dew melons

    Find out how you can easily and quickly lose weight with Nutrisystem visit Fast Easy at

    Weight Loss Motivation - 10 Tips for Sustainability

    Weight loss motivation is the bane of all dieter's lives. It comes and goes like the wind. For many of us, keeping hold of it is like trying to control the elements themselves - impossible. That is until you realise that a dieting mindset is the route cause of your loss of motivation!

    You may also be hooked into the belief that somewhere there is a 'quick fix' that will see you shed your excess pounds quickly and easily. Worse still you may even believe that it is your fault when the diets don't work. Therefore to create a successful change that leads to healthy eating habits we need to update our mindset to one that motivates.

    Think about it for a moment. What is it that a dieting mindset generates the most of? Negativity - a constant focus on food that is labelled by us as 'bad'; the feeling of failure when our motivation and will power wane; the emotions of guilt, shame and self-loathing and of course the constant nagging feeling that we are 'Not Good Enough'. Negativity cannot sustain motivation in the long-term, only positive attitudes and beliefs can do that.

    So let me ask you a question, "When did you ever buy a product or service (except for a diet related one) and blame yourself when it did not work?" That's what we have been doing for decades. It really is time to focus on the truth (from over 3 decades of research) that prove diets don't work, for most people, as a long-term solution to weight issues.

    The truth is that diets are the cause of much of our weight gain (dieters are 3 times more likely to become obese) and our loss of motivation. Not convinced? Since when did negative thoughts or feelings ever motivate us to do anything? How can we possibly feel motivated in the long-term when we believe it is our fault we can't lose weight and that we are just 'Not Good Enough'?

    The answer is you can't sustain motivation based on the foundations of negative belief systems, thoughts and feelings. So where does our motivation truly come from? The reality is that it comes from life and mindset changes that have their basis in the one thing that keeps us happy, joyful and motivated - self-love.

    So what are the ten top tips for changing your mindset to one that motivates us to lose weight permanently?

    1. Believe that you are perfectly normal and not a failure;

    2. Banish guilt and shame from your life - they only lead to more comfort eating;

    3. Slowly start to find ways of loving your body image as it is - you can still love it but want to change it. This way when you lose weight you will keep on loving your body and feeding it with the fuel it really needs.

    4. Acknowledge that food restricting brings with it craving, binging and overeating - make all food good whilst considering the frequency with which you eat them;

    5. Learn the habits with food that people who have never needed to diet use - how to replace comfort eating with comfort loving;

    6. Start to eat 'consciously' in touch with your satiety levels and how foods make you feel physically and emotionally;

    7. Train yourself to eat smaller portions of more healthily balanced foods - cut down not out;

    8. Tell yourself that all food is good and then carefully think about what you really want to eat that is loving and caring for your body;

    9. Increase the 'happiness hormones' in your body by taking regular exercise that is fun and enjoyable - you will never stick at it otherwise.

    10. Exchange the battle with life and food with a search for loving experiences and actions that 'Feed Your Soul'. The more you fill yourself with love, the less stressed you are and the less you need food as a comforter.

    It really is possible to lose weight permanently and find the weight you were born to be when you change a predominantly negative mindset for a positive one. How do I know? Well, I personally have lost over 5 stone and kept it off for several years.

    Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

    Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

    With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

    Her Blog and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

    Hoodia Feedback Encouraging

    The hoodia feedback is encouraging, to say the least. It is sometimes a little funny to read people arguing back and forth at chat rooms about which hoodia diet supplement is the best. For instance, at one site I read a woman saying that product X was working great for her. To which a gentleman responded something like, You must be working for the company, because it does nothing for me. Her response; Im not working for the product X company; you must be working for a competitor. And back and forth they went.

    If the hoodia feedback means anything, then Americans may have found a solution to their ever increasing waist lines. Not that some people in other countries could not benefit from a hoodia diet supplement, but the American weight problem is now recognized as a serious, chronic disease, according to the American Obesity Association. In the news we read that a major insurance company has increased coverage for obesity treatment and that a new government report finds surgery effective. Surgery seems like an extreme measure, but for some there is no choice. We can only hope that the hoodia feedback is true.

    The most common statement made by people using a hoodia diet supplement is that they just do not feel like eating. They do not feel sick, nauseas, dizzy, nervous or light headed, but they do not think about food. A nurse from Alaska reported that at the end of a long shift, she realized that she had not eaten all day, but that she was not jittery, which is often the case with appetite suppressants that contain stimulants. Hoodia feedback does not indicate that anyone who is taking a 100% hoodia diet supplement feels any of the side effects associated with stimulants.

    There are some hoodia diet supplements that do contain stimulants. Often, it is hard for the consumer to spot these. Most people are aware that caffeine is a stimulant, but so are green tea and cocoa. The most positive hoodia feedback comes from dieters using a 100% hoodia diet supplement and apparently the higher the dosage the better. A Desert Burn customer, who had used their 400mg product and lost 20 pounds, gained back 12 when she had to stop taking it due to an illness. When she was able to resume use, she chose the 750mg capsule and lost the 12 plus 5 more in about two weeks. These results seem amazing.

    There is no standard dosage for a hoodia diet supplement and length of time to experience results varies among individuals. Some people realize that they are not hungry after the first dose, but for others it takes a few days. Hoodia XR, a 1000mg extended release capsule (meaning that the hoodia gordonii is released into the system gradually, rather than all at once) recommends that customers take the product as directed for ten days. If after ten days, a customer is dissatisfied for any reason, they may return the unused portion for a full refund. Hoodia feedback indicates that some people think that they may have been ripped off when they do not notice an immediate result, but if they continue to take the product, they do notice a difference in their appetites.

    Doctors who have recorded the progress of patients using a hoodia diet supplement have noted that weight loss varies depending on the diet and exercise program the patient uses. Of course, including exercise increases success rates and pounds lost. Anyone who is considering using a hoodia diet supplement should be in reasonably good health and should consult their doctor before they begin. Hoodia feedback does indicate that most people are choosing to eat properly, because they can resist the high calorie, high fat foods that are everywhere and most hoodia customers are exercising more, feeling more energetic and pleased with their progress.

    Patsy Hamilton is an editor of the Hoodia Info Blog. Visit us at

    3 Problems With Weight Loss "Wisdom" - & What To Do About It!

    Would you like to lose weight? Have you lost weight and gained it back?

    If you're like most Americans today, the answer to that is a screaming, frustrated, "YES!" Let's cut to the chase.

    You gained your weight back for one of two reasons:

    1. You (and EVERYONE else!) is a "weak-willed failure". Or...

    2. The diet "experts" from whom you sought help failed to adequately train you.

    According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), ninety-five percent of all weight that is lost is regained in the first five years following the weight loss. This is clearly an industry problem, NOT a customer problem! Imagine a headline in tomorrow's Wall Street Journal that read, "95% Of All Airline Flights Fail to Reach Their Intended Destination". Not one customer would feel responsible for his or her failure to reach the desired destination! This would CLEARLY be an airline industry problem. Similarly, a ninety-five percent weight regain at five year follow-up is CLEARLY a diet industry problem!

    There are three major problems with the conventional approach to diet and weight loss.

    1. Weight loss is sold and defined as success. I say, "If weight loss was the cure for weight problems, we would have an epidemic of thin people not fat people!" Weight loss is like having a baby. No one would argue that there is anything easy about having a baby. As difficult as having a baby is, any parent will argue that pregnancy and delivery is the easy part. Weight management services should be marketed as weight control services, NOT weight loss services, and this perspective should be introduced in the marketing phase and built upon in the treatment phase.

    2. Diets, and almost all nutrition professionals assume that all overweight people are overweight for the same reason. Consequently, OVER-SIMPLIFIED weight loss (not weight control) services are offered in a one-size fits-all fashion. Services are NOT tailored to the causal issues related to, and the needs of, each individual!

    3. The psychology of weight loss - critical psychological difficulties - many of which are created by conventional diet "wisdom", are not understood, acknowledged or addressed in treatment. Weight loss counseling is substandard by nature. For instance, conventional diet "wisdom" holds that one should be on a "diet". Consumption of a piece of pizza is defined as "breaking the diet" and a "failure. If one "fails", that makes that person a "failure". If one is "a failure", isn't he/she doomed? Further, "stress eating" and "compulsive eating", family or origin issues, and body size issues, among a host of other critically important psychological issues and dynamics, are rarely addressed.

    In summary, the diet industry has failed miserably to deliver results of any lasting value - results that consumers of weight control services are paying for and entitled to. What is desperately needed is a forward thinking, cutting edge approach that understands the limited value of weight loss, and focuses on providing patrons what the REALLY want:

    Weight control for life...

    With a relative degree of ease...

    While they live and participate in the real world!

    Gary Avignon, a psychotherapist of almost 20 years, specializes with food, nutrition and weight issues. He is the author of a revolutionary new book, Weight Wizardry 101: Introduction to The Psychology of Successful Weight Control. YOU can nab Chapter One, "The Single Biggest Secret That Causes Diet Failure", for *FR*EE* for a limited time at

    Weight Loss For Busy Parents

    Parenthood is an exciting time to play with your kids, take them places, and teach them all your knowledge, as long as you don't teach them to be overweight. It is also a difficult time to balance schedules, push your career forward and get a good night's sleep. We spend less time on ourselves which makes the weight creep up. Moms have a battle with weight gain soon after giving birth but Dads also feel the pressure to stay busy with work while still providing quality time with their families.

    How did life get so complicated and why does it interfere with weight loss efforts? A short list would include:

    - Lack of time to exercise

    - Childcare issues interfering with exercise

    - Lack of financial resources to purchase gym memberships or home equipment

    - Resuming exercise after a long time off can be painful and discouraging

    - Time spent shuffling kids back and forth from school and activities

    - Less time to shop and prepare healthy meals while more time is spent in the drive thru

    - Kids are picky eaters and nutrition information is confusing

    - Work schedules are more demanding

    - Stress prevents weight loss due to hormonal and immune system disruptions

    - More errands, yard work, and fix it jobs

    - Lack of energy when all of the day's chores are finally finished

    Busy parents often feel depressed when they think about their poor health yet feel guilty thinking they might neglect their children if they take time for themselves.

    If these situations sound familiar, it is very common to feel overwhelmed enough to push weight loss goals on to the back burner. The usual grocery store gossip doesn't help either. How often do parents hear their peers tell them their age is a factor and it is so much harder to lose weight after children come along? Because parents want to be good examples for their children the internet becomes great problem solver.

    Busy parents need a weight loss tool that is not complicated and takes very little time to organize. The internet can be a great help by immediately taking away some of the financial and time constraints listed above. Health education available online is a time saver compared to driving to classes or doctors' offices which takes time away from family. Anonymous support on internet discussion boards can prevent embarrassment for those who are shy about their weight loss struggles. Real people can share their real experiences a few minutes each day encouraging participants to stay focused.

    The rewards will benefit the entire family giving children healthier, energized and enthusiastic parents. A few searches on the internet with the right keywords will guide busy parents to the type of website that meets their needs. The Numbers Don't Lie Diet is one program from a mother's point of view who experienced a weight problem when her first child was born.

    With a common sense approach tracking progress on the internet puts weight loss success at your fingertips making any busy parent an EZLoser.

    Dr. Lisa Ann Homic is a chiropractor, mental health counselor, and wellness coach in Auburn, NY. She wrote "The Numbers Don't Lie Diet" and "Happiness Doesn't Get Enough Attention: How Thought Sparks Ignite Your Life."


    Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #25

    Hello Magnanimous You!

    Isnt magnanimous an incredible word? Its a four syllable wordWHEW! Thats who you are! How could you not be since you are made perfect as a child of God?

    WOW! Each day keeps getting better and better, doesnt it? Imagine over the course of the last few months how your life has changed. Youre becoming more and more aware of the daily focus on you that is required for your life to be vibrant.

    What happens when you give to yourself? You become more connected to God. Giving to yourself is the key to receiving everything that you intend to attract. In Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsh mentions that it is truly about Self. Who are you being in every moment? Did you know Neale Donald Walsh used to be homeless? Now look where he is. He has learned to give to himself and let the abundance flow to him.

    What happens when you give to everyone else and leave yourself last? You become disconnected to God. Youre running around ragged and wonder why youre so exhausted. Can you really be loving towards your family when youre so run down?

    What is the solution? Make a commitment to you and spend time doing something that brings you joy. Listen to music, go for a walk, take a nice relaxing bath, light some candles, go to a park and stare at the clouds, journal, meditate, read a bookwhatever it is where you can have some quiet time.

    Just for today..choose at least 15 minutes to do something for you.

    You know what Im going to do? Right now.okay, after I write this newsletter.Im going to put on Earth, Wind and Fire and go sit outside in the sun and make clouds disappear. I may just sing really loud and dance which could alarm my neighbors. I love stirring up things. Its about having fun, isnt it?

    I believe in you and am glad that you are part of my life! My life is abundant because youre in it.

    Love and hugs,

    Tami Close is a weight loss expert and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight loss management practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others. She has also written several e-books.

    A Scientific Review Proved That Vegetarian Diets Result in Major Weight Loss

    There was an important study done in Washington in 2006 on the benefits of vegetarianism. The results showed that switching to a vegetarian diet will absolutely result in significant weight loss.

    This study also showed that the body weight in female and male vegetarians is 5% to 20% lower than that of your average meat eater. The anticipated weight loss on a standard vegetarian diet is 1 pound a week, again without additional exercise or any other changes in habits, and with no limits placed on carbohydrates, calories or portion sizes.

    The reason is the vegan diet causes more of a calorie burn after eating so, in essence, these foods are used more efficiently by the body, and do not result in being stored as fat, as meat would be. This also means anyone can consume unlimited amounts of what you would expect in a vegetarian diet, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and maintain an optimum body weight, without experiencing the hunger you would expect with many diet plans.

    This author stopped eating meat a month ago, and I have lost 5 pounds with no other changes in habit whatsoever. It is surprisingly easy to do. The reason I switched is I saw the film "Meet Your Meat", and that was the end of it for me.

    In addition, there was a study done in Sweden of 55,000 swedish women who stopped eating meat and switched to a vegetarian diet. These women gained significantly less weight than meat eaters over a five year period. This is exciting news for dieters. One pound a week with no extra effort is worth serious consideration!

    Here is an honest review from a serious dieter on:

    Tempo Bathroom Tissue - Who Makes it?

    Tempo toilet paper was a nationwide beta test of a few hundred thousand cases of the next generation of Charmin toilet paper from Procter and Gamble to see how customers rated it, without knowing its origin. Procter and Gamble released the new generation of Charmin under a private label called Tempo to a handful of distributors throughout the country and gathered feedback from thousands of users to gauge whether it was better than the old. So for all of the people out there looking for more of the soft Tempo toilet tissue, it will be hard to come by.

    So this secret launch of a next generation product begs the question of how many other private label products are out there in the market as beta tests to gauge the quality of the product, and how does a distributor get a hold of some while it lasts. You would need good contacts within the manufacturer to be notified of tests like this. But private labeling of products has been going on for years.

    One thing most consumers do not know is that most manufacturers private label their branded products for certain wholesalers in order to sell incremental volume at discounted pricing without affecting the pricing structure of their branded name products out in the market place. Paper manufacturers are a good example of this. The machines to manufacture paper are so expensive, that when they invest in one, it has to run 24 hours a day 7 days a week to pay for itself. So they can not just shut off the machines if demand slacks off for their products. So they are forced to strike deals with wholesalers to put the product under a different brand label at discounted pricing to sell off the supply.

    One of my clients is the last site left on the web still selling Tempo, Reliable Paper Inc and even they only have 73 cases left at the time of this publishing. They were nice, cheap cases of Charmin while they lasted. When asked about why they are the last company to have Tempo, the owner of Reliable Paper Inc Brickford Faucette had this to say, "When my vendor called and offered Charmin quality toilet paper at a fraction of the cost, I asked how many trucks I could get. I substitute it for my other commercial brands of toilet paper to my daycare customers at the same price, but the quality is far superior."

    Ecommerce and database specialist in the janitorial, foodservice, office supply, hunting, and fishing industries.

    6 Foods That Help You Lose Weight Fast

    Changing your diet to include the following 6 foods will help you lose weight fast. These foods will not make you lose weight by simply eating them (there's contrasting views about whether such foods even exist) but they will ensure that your metabolic rate and energy levels stay up which means that it'll be easier to lose fat.

    Foods That Help You Lose Weight

    1. High fiber food. Fiber has the ability to make you feel full and is highly nutritious, though it doesn't really contain a lot of calories. It helps the body and especially the intestinal system to function a lot better. To get a good dose of fiber make sure to eat vegetables, fruit, and unprocessed grains and cereals.

    2. Lean protein. Our muscle tissue has a direct bearing on our metabolic rate. The more lean muscle tissue we have the faster we burn calories. As our muscles are made of protein, it's imperative that we eat enough of it in our diet. Good sources of lean protein are chicken, turkey, egg whites, tuna, and salmon.

    3. Good Fats. Yes I said fats. Even if we want to lose weight our body still needs fat in order to function properly. But there's a huge difference between good and bad fat. In order to get good fat we should eat walnuts, almonds, flax seeds and other nuts, olive oil, avocados, and coconut. Remember, no fat isn't healthy and is bad for long term weight loss goals.

    4. Snacks. This isn't a specific food but I had to include it because snacking can actually help you to lose weight. It has been shown that it's better to eat 5-6 meals or snacks each day than 3 square meals. Our body handles food better when it's in small doses. Snacking also keeps our blood sugar levels constant and helps the body burn fat faster.

    5. Herbal tea. Drinking a hot beverage like tea helps you to lose weight faster for a number of reasons. First, drinking a hot beverage is a slow business meaning that it takes your mind off eating. Second, herbal tea has soothing affects on us which help to avoid craving and it's another way to increase our water intake. It also contains a lot of antioxidants which help to slow down the aging process.

    6. Water. Most people don't consider water as food, but it's highly important to your weight loss efforts. Drinking enough water helps to stave off your hunger and also assists in all bodily functions, including the metabolism. Drink 8-12 glasses each day. You will look and feel much better.

    Click here for more fitness and diet tips, as well as 2 free ebooks

    To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
    How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Calorie Shifting Diet

    John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks Or Less

    Cardio Is A Waste Of Time

    While the mainstream fitness media still insists that aerobic cardio exercise is a great way to lose weight, you should know interval training is the better way to burn body fat.

    Still not convinced?

    A recent study published by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, subjects aged 40 to 75 were instructed to do 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day for 6 days per week for an entire year.

    Obesity 15:1496-1512 (2007). Exercise Effect on Weight and Body Fat in Men and Women. Anne McTiernan*, et al.)

    Given the amount of exercise, you'd expect weight losses of 20, 30 pounds, or more, right?

    Well, the surprise findings showed the average fat loss for female subjects was was only 4 pounds for the entire year, while men lost 6.6 pounds of fat over the year. That's over 300 hours of aerobic exercise just to lose a measly 6 pounds of blubber. Not time well spent, in my opinion.

    So what's the better way? Stick with interval training and strength training to get better bodysculpting results. With intervals, you'll achieve more fat burning results in less workout time.

    The next time you are out exercising, perform a session of interval training. If you are walking outside, find an incline that can challenge you for 60 seconds, then walk down for 60-120 seconds, and repeat up to 6 times. If you walk on a treadmill, adjust the incline or speed to safely increase the challenge for 60 seconds, then return to the normal pace for 60-120 seconds, and repeat up to 6 times.

    Interval training is better than cardio for fat loss. Cardio just doesn't stand a chance against the faster, shorter, more effective fat loss workouts.

    You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

    Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fat burning interal training workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Fat burning interval workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight interval circuits help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

    How To Choose A Weight Loss Program That Gives Results In Just 3 Easy Steps!

    If you've found this article you're probably looking for a weight loss program.

    As you may know, there are a lot of programs out there and many of them are scams. They either don't do what they say they will, or the results simply aren't good enough for you. After reading this article you'll learn how to avoid those kind of companies and know exactly what to look for.

    The first thing you should do when trying to find a weight loss program is get a notecard or piece of paper and write down exactly what your goals are. Here are a few examples:

    Do you want to lose weight?

    Do you want to gain muscle?

    How about both?

    How much time do you have, and how committed are you?

    After figuring out exactly what you want, you should find websites that give reviews of a few different programs in the area you're looking for. Review sites are a great way to find out what programs are good and who they're made for.

    When you find something that peaks your interest, ask yourself the following questions:

    Is there a guarantee? If not, don't even bother.

    Can I afford it? With this, realize that for the most part you get what you pay for. If you pay $10 for a book I can pretty much guarantee you that it's not going to give you what you need.

    Next, you should figure out if that's the type of exercise you want to do. If you want to do high intensity stuff but they're telling you to do sprints, obviously it's not for you. Although I should caution you, anybody saying that you should do low intensity exercises isn't up to date with the current fitness research and doesn't know what they're talking about! Most of the current weight loss programs are up to date however so you shouldn't have to worry about that.

    And that's about it. Those 3 questions you ask yourself should give you ample information and you should be able to find a great program.

    If you eventually find a program and it's not for you, the guarantee is there for you to use! Don't get scammed like many other people trying to find a good weight loss program. Use these steps and you'll find a great program in no time.

    Jeremy Reeves has created a website just for you that reviews what he considers to be the best weight loss programs on the market. Show yourself that you're serious about losing weight and go check out before you do anything else today.

    4 Effective Weight Loss Tips

    Most of us are worried about how to loose those extra pounds. If you're like me, you've tried numerous methods, from only eating one type of food, to not eating any food at all. But Instead of getting slim, you only get frustrated and hungry before falling back into your old eating habits. I haven't found a magical diet that instantly makes cellulite disappear, but here are a few tips that have actually helped me loose weight. I'm confident they will help you as well.

    1. Clean Out Your Cupboards- Recovering alcoholics wouldn't keep a six pack of beer in their refrigerator, so if you're addicted to high calorie foods, why keep them around to tempt you? Changing your eating habits and loosing weight requires a complete lifestyle change. If you're serious about loosing weight, you need to trash the Twinkie's. Remove any foods that you have a tendency to binge on, especially high fat, high calorie foods. You can't always eliminate your cravings, but without all those foods lingering around they will be easier to control.

    2. Find Low Calorie Substitutes- After you raid your kitchen and remove all the fatty food products, you're cupboards may seem a little empty. Not to worry, now you need to replace all those foods with healthy substitutes. Buy low calorie snacks. Sugar free Jell-O is great, or you can try mixing yogurt with cool whip and use it as a fruit dip. Experiment with different foods; just remember to check the labels and to watch portion sizes. Low fat doesn't always mean low calorie. The best foods are ones you can enjoy without feeling guilty. Loosing weight isn't about starving yourself, it's about learning to adopt healthy eating habits.

    3. Create an Exercise Routine You Enjoy- You don't need to run a marathon, jut remember, the more active you are, the faster your metabolism, and the more calories you burn. Find an exercise program that fits your needs and that is enjoyable for you. If you dread exercising, try a different type of exercise. If you don't like the gym, work out at home. Try different things until you find something you like. It may seem like a chore at first, but if you make it a habit, it will get easier, and eventually you will see the results.

    4. Set Realistic Goals - If you weigh two hundred and twenty pounds today, and want to weigh one hundred and eighty pounds by next month, more than likely you're going to be disappointed. While it is very important to set goals, don't set goals you can't achieve; they leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Focus on one day at a time, and if you break down every once in a while and binge on a box of krispy Kremes, don't beat yourself up about it and quit, just do better the next day.

    Josie Thompson writes about weight loss, health, and other related issues. You can learn info by visiting Or going to

    Fat Loss 4 Idiots - The Perfect Exercise Routine Exploited

    Everyone sometimes needs a little bit of a change. Whether it is a new job, car, or wardrobe there is always something that everyone wants to change about themselves. Well it should be no surprise to you that when you work out you have to change them out because if you don't then you will be getting nothing out of it. So it is always good to make sure that you change your workout every week.

    So that is why now I have three new exercises that I like to do at the gym rowing, abs, and the stairs.

    The first exercise that I like to do when I am at the gym is rowing because this is a great cardiovascular exercise to get your blood flow in. You first go to the rowing machine than lean over and get the bar then bend your legs and pull on the bar to towards you chest.

    This will really get your blood circulating throughout your body and you should have no problem with breathing. Also this machine is great because while you are pulling you will be feeling the breeze from the fan that is in the machine and it feels so good.

    Another exercise that I like to do when I go to the gym is abs because there are a bunch of great exercises that you can use to work out your abs. I like the one when you put the weight on then sit in the chair and put your arms on a bar and move your body down towards the ground.

    Also the machine when you sit down put your hands on these to bars and then swing your feet from side to side working out you abs that you have on the sides. Working out your abs will make people be like wow you look like you lost so much weight.

    One more exercise that I like to do when I go to the gym is the stairs because it work out your lower body so good. It works out pretty much all of the muscles that you have in your legs like the calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and your butt.

    So those are the new exercises that I like to do throughout the week. Also remember that it is always good to change and don't shy away from it because if you do you will never get what you dream of.

    If you would like some more information on this subject, you should check out my Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review.

    If you would like to know what this Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet is, it has said to be a diet plan specialized to help people lose 9 lbs in 11 days.

    Our Children At Risk: Child Obesity From Too Much Food & Not Enough Play

    According to some statistics up to 25 percent of American children are overweight. Where did things go so drastically wrong that we should end up with so many youths being classified as overweight? Is it really just the PlayStation video games and the massive consumption of high-sugar foods? Are these the only reasons for obesity? Should we be satisfied with these answers, accept them, and move on to the next problem?

    Is this lifestyle really any different than the ones that a large percentage of adults live out daily at their desk jobs? Why isn't every adult obese? Oh wait, didn't you just read that over 50% of adults are obese? Apparently our original hypothesis is correct, that the PlayStations and sugary snacks are likely to blame, and correspondingly, the office computer and doughnuts are to blame for the situation many adults find themselves in.

    From the American Diabetes Association comes this report: "Our children and teens are becoming more overweight and at greater risk for disease". A recent survey showed that increasing numbers of American children and teens are overweight, continuing a trend that began two decades ago. It is believed that overweight children are at a higher risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other serious health problems. In a related story, a growing number of children and teens were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Obesity (from a combination of a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits) and genetics are to blame, according to the American Diabetes Association.

    Most important are the long-term health implications for adolescent obesity. There is a clear association between obesity and the development of non-insulin dependent (Type 2) diabetes (Kannel et al., 1996). In 1998 10.5 million Americans were diagnosed with diabetes (90% Type 2). It was suggested that it costs $11000 per year in health care for each individual with diabetes compared to $2500 per year for non-diabetics (Harris, 1998).

    Obesity is also a serious risk factor for type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, hypertension, and others. Researchers have also found that a strong relationship between fatness and CHD risk factors in adolescents and they concluded that the primary prevention of CHD during childhood should therefore concentrate upon preventing or reversing undue weight gain (Boreham et al., 2001).

    So where is the answer to our problem of obesity? Where can one start to change? Researchers at Boston Children's Hospital have concluded that the chances of a child developing obesity rises significantly when they increase their daily servings of sugar-sweetened drinks. According to the study, published in The Lancet (a medical journal), even a mild increase in daily soft drink consumption (high glycemic carbohydrates) gives a child a 60 percent greater chance of becoming obese. However, an increase in diet soda consumption made the children less likely to become obese.

    Daily participation of high school physical education classes in the United States has decreased from 42 to 25%. Furthermore, many coaches complain about the lack of overall athletic ability displayed by kids today despite the incredible performances by individual athletes. Adolescents need to find some sort of regular physical activity because it is essential for sedentary young adults to get moving.

    Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit