Monday, May 19, 2008

How To Pass The Air Force Physical Fitness Test With Ease

If you're reading this, you probably either want to know what you'll have to do for the air force physical fitness test and/or how to train for it.

This article will cover both.

What Is Involved In The Air Force Physical Fitness Test?

You'll be doing exercises in the following 4 areas: aerobic (running), body-composition, push-ups, and crunches.

Now, you'll be rated on a scale of 1-100, but the trick comes with the age groups. You see, with different age groups comes different demands.

Just to state the obvious, the older you are the less you'll be required to do.

If you want a full list of these ages and the requirements you can visit if you're a male and if you're a female.

3 Steps To Training For The Air Force Physical Fitness Test

1) The first thing you'll want to do is write down the top grade you can get for each category. For example, 60 pushups would be a perfect 10 for a 20-25 year old.

After you do this, add a few reps and shoot for that. I would personally shoot for 70-75 just to be safe (and maybe impress your future officers).

2) Since you're going to be training to failure during your air force physical fitness test most likely, I would suggest training to failure while you are preparing for the test. However, this is taxing on your body so do not do it everyday. You can try it every other day or ever 2 days, depending on certain factors such as how much you eat, your genetics, etc.

3) The third thing you'll want to do to pass your air force physical fitness test with ease is to start learning how to visualize. It's going to help you tremendously through the grueling workouts the air force will put you through, and it's going to help you reach your goals faster.

The requirements for the air force physical fitness test aren't too hard, but if you're out of shape now they will prove to be a challenge.

Using these 3 techniques, and making sure you prepare in advance, the air force physical fitness test should be a walk in the park for you.

And if you need to lose a lot of weight to make it easier (remember, doing anything with your body will be much easier if you weigh less), there are a large variety of books that are available to help you get a fit body in the shortest amount of time as possible.

Jeremy Reeves believes he's found the best products on the market to help you get in great shape fast. If you're going to start training for the air force physical fitness test, you have to check out the book called "Turbulence Training" that he's reviewed for you on his website -

How to Get 6-Pack Abs Without Crunches or Sit-ups

Traditional ab exercises, like situps and crunches are hard on your back. So does that mean you shouldn't do any ab exercises? Is there anyway for you to get 6-pack abs without situps and crunches?

Yes! You should do ab exercises that take a different approach. Like the ab exercises in the bodyweight manual, that double as total body exercises - like the Mountain Climber, Spiderman Climb, and the Jackknife, and then of course some direct ab exercises like the Ab Wheel and the Side Plank.

Choose total body ab exercises. Take the mountain climber as an example. Now you'll quickly notice that this is not a traditional bodybuilding ab exercise. You don't lie on the floor and crunch or do sit-ups in order to isolate one muscle group. That's always been a downfall of the bodybuilding approach.

Instead, the Mountain Climber is another total-body, efficient and effective exercise that helps you get more total body results in less time.

Here's how to do it.

Start in the pushup position. Brace your abs. Keep your hips low and bring one knee to your chest. Feel your abs working. Slowly return the leg to the start position. Keep your abs braced and hips low. Alternate sides for as many reps as you want. Your entire body will be working hard, burning calories, and working your abs.

Other great, often-neglected total body ab exercises include the chin-up and push-up. Since I talked about push-ups yesterday, today I'll give an example of how chin-ups can give you 6-pack abs.

I once trained a woman that had never done chinups (it's really a shame that more trainers don't train women to get stronger and master bodyweight exercises).

Regardless, after her first workout of modified chins (she could only do the lowering portion of the exercise, also known in the gym as "eccentrics"), she showed up the next session marvelling at how sore her abs were simply from doing chin-ups. Years of ab work had never woken up her ab muscles like 3 sets of modified chin-ups were able to do. And during the workout, she continued to be amazed at how hard her were working during this upper body exercise.

The truth is, any good efficient and effective compound exercise will work your abs. So you don't have to lie on the floor and bang out hundreds of crunches to get a washboard stomach. Heck, that's not effective at all.

The 3 keys to abs are:
1) Fat loss through fat loss nutrition
2) Fat loss through interval training
3) Ab strength through efficient and effective exercises

Try a new ab exercise today.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Diet Plans To Lose 25 Pounds Fast!

There are so many diet plans to lose 25 pounds that fail. I am about to give you a quick overview of a diet that will help you lose 25 pounds pretty quickly. Not only that its in a healthy manner and if you keep doing it you can lose even more. This article might not be the most well written, but if you follow it you will lose weight.

-Eat oatmeal every other morning along with one fruit of your choice. On the other morning you should eat a small bowl of cereal or some lean chicken/fruits. Make sure you do not exceed 550 calories for this small meal.

-Eat a small meal of around 350 calories around noon that consist of mainly lean meats, fruits, vegetables or whole grains. Stay away from all fast food as well as any other fattening foods like pizza, fried chicken etc.

-Eat another meal thats around 300 calories around 3 pm in the afternoon. This meal will consist of perhaps some brown rice, lean meat and some yogurt. Just make sure you keep the calories right around 300-350. Many diet plans to lose 25 pounds tell you to eat less, but if you keep the calories low it actually raises the metabolism and helps you burn more fat.

-Eat your last meal of the day at around 7:30 pm and make it around 400 calories. Again this should consist of lean meats, fruits and veggies.

Keep in mind its ok if you slip up say once every two days, you will also need to increase your exercise of course. Run around a half mile to mile per day for 5 days a week. I must also advise that you consult your doctor first before trying this new diet as he/she should be aware of any diet changes. I hope you like this diet plans to lose 25 pounds and wish you good luck. If you need any more help check out my bio box below. Have a great day!

John is a self proclaimed Weight Loss Enthusiast. Hurry and you can get a step by step weight loss ebook and see a powerful weight loss method at his site at his site and see more Diet Plans To Lose 25 Pounds now!

Weight Loss With No More Guilt

I have just had a lovely weekend with old friends at one of the Proms in the Park. The food that we all took to share, yet again was supplied in an over abundance, as was the wine!

The evening was wonderful and at this year's event I enjoyed myself even more because...

There was no more guilt!

Have you ever wondered what it is that keeps you trapped, unable to re-motivate yourself when you had eaten something 'bad'?

It is the pattern of guilt . . .

- The thoughts that you 'shouldn't have eaten...'

- The shame of eating too much;

- The thought of how much weight you have put on;

- The thought of how 'bad', weak willed and useless you are.

With these thoughts you keep yourself trapped in a pattern of behaviour that brings only stress and the inevitable comfort eating. Its no wonder life is a struggle and permanent weight loss so elusive when your life is dominated by shame and guilt!

So here's how you stop the guilt...

Reflect on how much you enjoyed the food;

Tell yourself you are allowed to enjoy it;

Remember, one meal of excess won't be noticed on your hips;

Remember your motivation comes from positive thoughts;

Reflect on how much you enjoy the foods that gives you energy and happiness (your special fuel mix);

Reflect that without guilt there is no need to comfort eat;

Feel the motivation to eat the foods that lift your spirits.

Once in a while it is not 'bad' to eat foods that you have, in the past, labelled negatively. They may not be the best of fuel for your body but on a rare occasion it is not 'bad' to enjoy them. So enjoy them and see how easy it is to get back on track with you healthier eating habits.

Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

Her Blog and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

Having a Hard Time Building Muscle & Losing Weight - Metabolic Damage And Enzyme Deficiency

In a recent discussion with an elite field of training experts many of the well-known authors, trainers and scientists had noticed a growing trend in the general population about the inability to lose body fat. Most of the experts first witnessed an increase in the number of guys and girls in high performance sport particularly bodybuilding that was not responding to traditional dieting and training protocols.

It seems no matter what these individuals did their bodies refused to drop the extra body fat. I had noticed a similar trend in some of clients who had been exposed to high levels of toxic substances, females who had given birth, and in individuals who consumed high levels of processed food.

To date it does seem that in large part the medical profession is blind to the seriousness and scope of Metabolic Damage, its causes and effects, there are always those few individuals who are able by experience, specialized knowledge, and integrated application of sound nutritional and training practices who can provide solutions.

I too came about the same observations of metabolic damage although from a slightly different route. I would also like to add that this topic is a vast and sometimes technical topic, and by no means can I illustrate everything you need to know about enzymes, metabolic damage, weakness, or deficiency.

For a detailed account of how enzymes work, why we need them, and why its so hard to obtain them in modern society I strongly advise reading Dr. Howells book: Enzyme Nutrition.

Dr. Howell was the leading pioneer in enzymes for almost 70 years before his death around the age of 100. His work lives on through the researchers that work for the company he founded. I will talk more about that in a future post. History often leaves clues I will first explain how I came about the discovery of enzyme therapy.

A Growing Trend

I have been in around the health and fitness community for about 20 years, but in the last few years I have noticed distinct trends in clients who were coming to see me. The first group I observed was high performance athletes who recently completed a major competition or long season of training.

These athletes for the most part had been training for most of their lives and then suddenly experienced a significant drop in performance, motivation, and experienced more injuries, body fat increases, and reduced speed, and endurance.

The second group I have encountered were women who had recently given birth. These women, many who were tremendous athletes prior to becoming pregnant suddenly began showing extreme fatigue, large gains in body fat, coupled with digestive disorders after giving birth.

The third group were individuals both men and women who had followed extreme nutrient and calorie deficient diets, particularly followers of the Dr. Bernstein diets, as well as people who had come off the Atkins diet, individuals with a history of eating disorders, and individuals who had experience challenges with brain chemistry.

All of these individuals had gained tremendous amounts of weight in short periods of time and had become to resistant to proven regimens of weight loss. Now most of these clients were not high performance athletes yet they all showed similar symptoms; constipation, low energy, depressed immune function, emotional discord, sluggish metabolisms and digestive disorders.

Many of these individuals had been following exercise and diet programs for years but suddenly there bodies just stopped responding.

The most startling group in my range of investigations was a group of extremely fit women, who after pregnancy experienced a host of metabolic disorders resulting in numerous complications.

Having experienced the rigors of extensive contest dieting myself, and the accompanying symptoms, I have continually sought out ways or solutions to improve my own performance.

Since my own experiences, although not as severe, were similar to what my clients were experiencing I sought to find a way to overcome these challenges and provide a solution to the conditions leading to metabolic damage.

The Mystery Cause of Fatigue And The Low Calorie Diet

I have never bought into the belief that just because someone is on a low calorie diet they should feel fatigued, tired, listless and all the side effects reported by individuals currently undergoing such regimens. Like many others in my field, I felt there was some other factor involved that was not being accounted for, but this factor remained a mystery to me for over 10 years.

I retired from competing to devote more time to pursue this avenue as it had become so widespread in the individuals that were coming to see me from all different age groups, sexes, and backgrounds. I started investigating digestive functioning, metabolism, as well as patterns of food production throughout history.

After pouring over research, speaking with experts in the nutrition field, and the reviewing the latest medical journals on diet: nutrition, and metabolism, I was lead to one key individual. His name was Dr. Michael OBrien.

Medical Genius Rebuilds Dying Nutrition Expert In 8 Weeks

Now Dr. OBrien is more than a remarkable individual. Accolades, testimonials, or descriptions, would not begin to quantify or qualify the man or the wisdom he possesses. First off he was the former director of two medical clinics in California, he is also a master nutrition formulator for over 50 years.

Whats more remarkable is that he successfully treated himself of cirrhosis of the liver, as well as terminal colon cancer using enzymes, probiotics, and a patented amino acid formulation he designed.

Dr. OBrien also was the man behind literally thousands of recoveries from terminal diseases including: cancer, heart disease, lupus, AIDS and virtually every other terminal illness in existence. He was also the doctor who was responsible for orchestrating the complete and astounding recovery of legendary health expert Dr. Bernhard Jensen (See Chapter 13 Come Alive by Bernhard Jensen).

I had the good fortune of attending two professional lectures held by Dr. OBrien. Its hard to describe the sheer impact that seeing Dr. OBrien in person has on someone. First off although he is close to 90 years old he has almost no wrinkles in his skin. His countenance radiates light, his eyes sparkle, his actions are quick and fluid and his mind is extremely sharp.

In fact I have never been in the presence of ANYONE who radiated so much life, wisdom and compassion. In other words he practices what he preaches, which in todays world of false gurus is a rare occurrence.

Dr. OBrien illustrates that his lifetime work, like aforementioned Dr. Howell, has concluded that all diseases are actually Symptoms of Deficiency. In the course of his lectures, he provides a wealth of support to back up his claim. He also has proven that when an individual treats the deficiency the symptoms stop and the disease is cured. It is also Dr. OBriens belief that there are No Incurable diseases, just incurable people.

Now I know you might be asking, What does this have to do with Metabolic Damage?

Metabolic Damage, Obesity, And Enzyme Deficiency

In fact I asked Dr. OBrien this very question myself. He quickly stated and presented a wealth of information both research and anecdotal that the primary cause of deficiency is a lack of Enzymes present in our food supply. While this is not the only factor it is most definitely the prime factor and perhaps the easiest to correct.

Dr. OBrien stated that he had first come to this discovery after reading a book by Dr. Howell on Enzymes when he himself was on his deathbed. He then applied a series of aggressive enzyme treatments to himself over the period of 16 months and cured himself of terminal liver disease. Dr. Howell explains the reasons and causes of Enzyme deficiency in his book Enzyme Nutrition but I will try to summarize.

Enzyme deficiency over time puts tremendous strain in the human digestive system as the body must use Metabolic Enzymes to digest Enzyme Deficient food. This drain on metabolic and systemic enzymes over time, leads to most of the symptoms of disease as well as the primary cause of the effects of what we call Aging.

How Food Supple Became Enzyme Deficient

Since World War II there has been an extensive use of chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers used in the growing of our food supply, coupled by a leaching out of minerals in the soil. In all of these cases, the plants grown give up their enzymes in order to accommodate the compromised growing conditions. The result is that the enzyme content of our food is extremely diminished from that of food production a hundred years ago (For example: In 1900 wheat was 90 percent protein, today its just 9 percent, similar reports are available in nutrient depletion in the Medicine Today Journal, April, 2002).

The use of pharmaceuticals on livestock also contributes to enzyme damage in the animals human consume. Other factors that contribute to enzyme destruction include food cooked at temperatures above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat destroys any enzymes present in the food you consume.

Irradiation of vegetables and fruits, modern food processing, depleted soil, and the widespread use of chemicals, drugs, and preservatives all contribute to an absence of food enzymes in our diets. These combined factors contribute to considerably higher demands on the metabolic systems of humans. In other words there is a host of factors that are contributing to the problem not a singular cause as most of us are conditioned to believe.

Your Body Produces Enzymes But Is It Enough?

Now every doctor will tell you that the body produces its own enzymes in sufficient amounts to digest your food. What the doctor will not tell you, as he most likely is not aware, is the fact that no species on earth was designed to exist on enzyme deficient diets.

Dr. Howells research demonstrates clearly that in every single species he tested that was fed an enzyme deficient diet, developed metabolic disorders such as extreme weight gain, Type II diabetes and a host of other conditions including pre-mature death (see studies in Dr. Howells Food Enzymes and Longevity).

Numerous other researchers in the field duplicated these studies and are cited in Howells books. Whats worse is that these enzyme deficiencies were passed on to subsequent generations.

In all cases, species fed enzyme deficient diets for a period of three generations developed extensive genetic disorders, such as inability to reproduce, extensive and unusual behavioral disorders, development and acceleration of various diseases, as well as severe metabolic dysfunction (see the classical study done by F.M. Pottengers over 10 years on 900 cats).

Again I am summarizing a considerable amount of information and I strongly advise reading Howells books to get the Full Picture.

Enzyme Deficiency And The Diabetes Connection

Research has also shown that the Pancreas of humans has shown to be three times the normal size in bodyweight comparisons between species. Interestingly this exact pathology was demonstrated in Dr. Howells experiments on animals fed enzyme deficient diets.

In all cases, Type II diabetes, excessive weight gain, as well as other metabolic and genetic disorders became prominent in the Enzyme deficient populations compared to the control group, even when the animals were fed exactly the same amount of calories. Whats interesting is the result coincides with observations I, and my colleagues have made in relation to our clients.

It became apparent to me that the Enzyme deficiency in the food supply had become so common and widespread for so long it isnt even considered a factor by the medical community. Keep in mind that FDA testing and grading of food does not include testing for the presence of enzymes. So there is no pressure for farmers to produce high nutrient content food.

The classification of food is primarily determined by the look of the food, and the weight of food. Another factor contributing to the Enzyme oversight is the fact most doctors have only a few credit hours of basic nutrition and are not really qualified to make nutritional assessments of their patients. The medical field is primarily concerned with the treatment of disease not disease prevention. Big Difference so pointing fingers does little good.

Dont Blame The Doctors!

Doctors have a tough enough job as it is and discovering the cause of Metabolic Damage in general is not high on their priority list considering the current challenges facing most medical practitioners today.

While there seems to be a correlation in food enzyme deficiency and metabolic damage or the conditions leading to the onset of disease, I needed more information to support the case. This is where Dr. OBriens experience and expertise completely obliterated any rational objections one might have against the Food Enzyme Concept as presented by Dr. Howell.

Dr. OBrien developed a regimen, which included enzyme therapy to control, reverse and eliminate virtually every major disease known to mankind. The regimen was relatively static and only varied in the dosage the individual could take based on the current state of his patient, the economics of the individual, and the speed at which the person desired their conditions to cease.

Deeper Down The Enzyme Rabbit Hole

I personally subjected myself, and a group of 12 individuals of different ages, backgrounds, sexes and conditions to Dr. OBriens regimen. All 12 of the subjects experienced radical improvements in metabolism, body fat reduction, improved muscle building, recovery, digestive, and eliminative functioning. We all experienced positive changes in dietary selection, emotional well being as well as improved cognitive function.

OBrien states that in most cases 4-6 months of aggressive enzyme therapy was enough to eliminate the symptoms of deficiency and cure almost any symptoms of metabolic dysfunction. In some patients he stated 1 year to 18 months was required to completely eradicate serious states of metabolic dysfunction, such as those conditions present in advanced conditions of AIDS, Lupus etc.

Now Dr. OBriens interest was primarily in the treatment and prevention of disease as well as the field of longevity but I knew that his discoveries could be applied to the area of athletic performance including more mainstream goals such as weight loss.

I speculated that if athletes and ordinary people began supplementing their diets with digestive enzymes it would improve performance by reducing the drain of metabolic enzymes to digest food thereby correcting metabolic damage in the population at large.

Treatment dosages were the primary limiting factor in how fast one recovered from any condition or how fast their performance improved in a given athletic endeavor. Unlike traditional therapy with drugs, enzyme dosages were not limited as side effects such as the breaking of the GI barrier did not occur in patients on dosages as high as 1000 capsules a day (this is Extreme to say the least).

Finding The Right Formula

Since Dr. OBriens company was not able to provide me with his Enzyme formulation as he could not provide enough enzymes to meet his current demand I immediately set about formulating an Enzyme Product geared particularly for athletes. In other words, people who followed dietary and training practices such as bodybuilders, fitness competitors, and every one else involved in cosmetic training.

What I learned will come as no surprise to anyone else on the inside of the supplement industry is that most products sold commercially on the market were of little to no value. The extreme costs of developing and stabilizing enzymes that would work in the broad PH range experienced throughout the gastro-intestinal tract is considerable.

The sheer economics of the situation had reduced most supplement companies to produce cheap enzymes that do not work in order to make viable profit margins. These enzymes are often animal based, or come enterically coated, and can be bought for a fraction of the cost of effective enzymes. This is one reason why enzyme therapy has traditionally been reserved for pharmaceutical companies or for individuals with extensive resources to afford private treatment.

Undaunted by the costs of development I engaged the expert formulators at Dr. Howells company to produce an enzyme product designed for the dietary and training demands of myself, my personal clients, and athletes in general.

After several months we came up with a new product that included a proprietary blend of Enzymes, precursors and stabilizers specifically designed and formulated for athletes interested in increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat.

Tried, Tested And True

We then spent 6 months testing it out on a small group of bodybuilders age ranges of 15 to 72. The results have been encouraging to say the least.

Recently, I met with other industry professionals and discussed my findings and positive experiences with Enzyme Therapy as well as the potential solution to individuals suffering from metabolic damage. To say the least many of my peers are overjoyed and excited about what could be the greatest nutritional breakthrough of the last century.

I will also be making a small amount of my product available to individuals on my website who wish to undergo a regimen of Enzyme Therapy. This protocol is rather intense and expensive but its results are quite impressive. Our team is confident that the protocol we have developed can improve and alleviate the symptoms of metabolic damage and/or to improve individual athletic performance and health.

I look forward to sharing my experiences and information with you as well as answering your questions on this fascinating and exciting field.

Wade McNutt is a Natural National Bodybuilding Champion and an IFBB Mr. Universe World Champion. He combined the secrets of Eastern Yoga Masters with, scientific, muscle building to produce a revolutionary new health system, called Freaky Big Naturally, find out more at

Medifast Weight Loss System - A Quick Overview

I've lost nearly 65 pounds on medifast and am still going strong. From the questions that I am often asked, I find that there are a lot of misconceptions about this diet plan. Here is a quick overview which will hopefully give you an accurate idea of what this system is all about:

Medifast is a meal replacement diet which means that you replace some of your daily meals with prepackaged options provided by the company. There are over 70 different meals from which to choose. There are some liquid choices, but the plan is definitely not a liquid only diet. Typical meals include shakes, bars, puddings, teas, lattes, cappuccinos, chilis, stews, crackers, eggs, and oatmeals etc.

In addition to eating five of these meals per day, you will provide your own "lean and green meal." This is usually your largest meal of the day and although you can have it at any time, most people prefer to eat this main meal at dinner time. The lean and green consists of lean protein and veggies or salads. It may sound difficult to eat six times per day, but it really isn't because the foods are pretty much grab and go and very convenient.

I find the taste of the foods to be pretty decent, but you can make them taste even better by adding sugar free syrups. You can add these to the shakes, puddings, lattes and oatmeals. I like adding either caramel or cherry flavored syrup but there are countless choices. You can also make muffins and cookies from the pudding and shake ingredients. I also take the liberty of adding fat free cheese and sour cream to the soups and stews.

The company states that the typical weight loss is 2-3 pounds per week. I have found that if I add a bit of exercise (power walking, roller blading, or gardening with a weight vest) I can get this even higher, usually as much as five pounds per week. This program works by putting your body in ketosis and tricking it into burning its own fat. Since exercise also burns fat, moving your body means doubling your efforts.

The cost is about $8 per day, but there are usually coupons available. For me personally, this has been the only plan that has been both effective and easy for me stick with. Eating the company's foods does take some getting used to initially, but adding the syrups and being motivated by the changes in your body can really help.

Lindsey Price is the author of the ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast" which includes the latest coupons, recipies, and tips. To get a free copy (immediate download / no information required), click here.

You can also visit her diet review website at

Hoodia 750

Hoodia Gordonii is a proven, natural weight loss aid that many people swear by for fast, safe weight loss. Hoodia pills come in many sizes and forms.

Some diet pills simply add Hoodia to their already jam-packed pills. Other sellers offer pure Hoodia in doses of 200, 400, 500, 750 mg and up.

So which dosage is right for you? How much should you take to get the weight loss results you want?

First of all, you have to make sure that the manufacturer you're buying from actually does put the stated amount of Hoodia in their pills. With the skyrocketing demand for this miracle appetite suppressant, there are several crooked companies that are using fake Hoodia, filler products or not putting the stated amount of Hoodia in their pills.

(A recent Truth Publishing report revealed that two thirds of all products on the US market contain no hoodia at all!)

So make sure you by from a trusted company that also displays their C.I.T.E.S. certificate and lab assays.

What dose of Hoodia should you take to see results?

After pouring over the research, articles and personal testimonies, I believe you need at least 750 mg of Hoodia 3 times a day to see appetite suppressant results.

This dosage guarantees you a higher possibility of successful results. Depending on your body size, composition, health, weight, etc, you may need a little more or less.

A good rule of thumb is to start slow and see how you feel. Some people start with 400 mg before meals three times per day. If they don't see results they increase it to 750 mg before meals three times per day. If they still don't see results they can then try 1000 mg before meals three times per day.

Also, remember to give yourself a couple of days to see results.

Why 750 mg?

Because that seems to be the dosage where most people have the most success. It's also the most popular dosage with buyers. However, again, start slow and give it a couple of days before making any changes.

Also, consult with your doctor before taking Hoodia or making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

With many people finding they get excellent appetite suppressing results taking at least 750 mg three times a day, many manufacturers are coming out with a 750 Hoodia pill.

In conclusion, make sure to listen to your body, consult your doctor and combine Hoodia with a sensible diet and exercise program for maximum weight loss results.

Vienna Miller is a contributing writer to Best Hoodia Reviews - offering an easy way to compare Hoodia pills, patches, liquids and free sample offers.

To compare Hoodia diet pills by capsule size check out the Hoodia Diet Pill Comparison Chart

Guaranteed Super Fast Weight Loss - Here's the Secret

There's only one way I know for absolutely guaranteed super fast weight loss!

And here's the secret...!

Go on a 28 day "water only" or "vegetable juice only" fast!

So I absolutely do not recommend this for you. It's too dangerous... especially so if your health is already compromised with obesity and all its concurrent health issues. I don't want the responsibility and I don't imagine that even your Doctor would take on the responsibility of recommending this for you.

There is an easy, safe way to lose weight quickly which I'll share with you in a moment.

But I'm reminded of a story: Years ago in Australia I did meet a young 25 year old couple just after they had returned from a month long vacation in isolation in the far north of Queensland on the Great Barrier Reef - and they had fasted, water only, for a month. I have to say they were absolutely glowing with health. Their eyes sparkled and their skin was glowing and blemish free.

They told me that after 20 days they had gone into the nearest town and stood gazing with desire at the cakes in a store window. They managed to get out of town without breaking their fast... but it was touch and go.

I was very taken with how healthy they looked and thought how much I would like to look like that. But I could never last past 24 hours... so much for the fasting idea... besides being dangerous it's just way too difficult to go the distance. But there is an easy way to lose weight... and quickly. And you don't need to battle with hunger while you're at it.

The trick is to get control of that carbohydrate craving so we're not continually driven to grab those forbidden high GI snacks that have defeated us in the past and caused us to fall off the weight loss program.

Kill the carb craving and you've got a shot at some serious long term weight loss.

Let me show you how to kill the carb craving without ever having to feel any hunger. If you do feel hungry... well you can just eat some more! I can show you how to get this started in just 5 days! You'll lose 5 pounds in 5 days or 10 pounds in 10 days and you won't be hungry... it will be easy! I have recently written a book entitled "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry" which lays out a plan for overcoming Carbohydrate addiction and losing weight.

You can download it FREE here: "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry"

Go Below Your Weight Loss Plateau

Why is it that the last few kilos of a weight control diet program are the hardest to shake? It seems that you can get into a pattern of weight loss and lose steadily till you are within a whisker of your goal weight, then...nothing. Or worse, you start to put weight back on.

The 3 main reasons for this frustrating situation are simple, finite and fixable.

1. You may have relaxed your exercise program as you have gotten closer ever closer to your goal, either putting less time and effort into each session or cutting out one or more sessions in your weekly program.

2. You may be eating a bit more freely than before as you see the end of "deprivation" in your sights, having treats a bit more often than you should or indulging in larger portions than your body needs.

3. You may have reached the weight where you no longer have a calorie deficit, so despite no change in diet or exercise you are no longer able to lose fat.

Whatever your situation, the solution is simple and readily achievable. It requires organisation and self discipline, but is well worth the effort if you really want to be fit and healthy for the rest of your life.

1. Keep a food and exercise diary. Not just for the duration of your weight loss diet, but as a lifelong habit. Weigh yourself daily on a scale that measures accurately to 100gms and gives out a fat reading as well as a weight reading.

Recognise and respond to your weight and fat trends and be prepared to deal with them as they occur, not when you have gained 2, 5 or 10kg.

Only if you are fully aware of the calories you are taking in and those you are expending and your resultant weight gains or losses, can you make informed decisions about your diet and exercise program.

2. Realise that keeping excess weight off means that you have to change your diet and fitness routine for life, not just for the short or medium term.

People who do not commit to limiting saturated fats and simple carbs do not keep weight off. All the time and effort of losing weight is lost if you return to the habits that made you overweight in the first place.

If you have lost your excess weight using a very low calorie diet with little or no exercise, (otherwise bluntly but accurately known as starving yourself) your quest for a trim and healthy you is doomed from the outset.

You have to eat at least 1500-1800 calories a day accompanied by a decent multivitamin in order to get the nutrients you need to have a fit and healthy slimmed down body. You need to exercise to feel good, build up your immunity and resistance and to gain muscle tone and great looking skin.

If you have reached a plateau due to a lack of calorie deficit, you can increase your fat burning metabolism by drinking more water, exercising a bit more intensively and making sure you eat a decent breakfast and lunch every day, with healthy morning and afternoon snacks, while cutting down your food intake at night.

Fat inhibiting supplements like protein bars and shakes are well worth considering as between meal snacks to stave off food cravings and to supply your body with essential nutrients.

If you can manage it, cutting back carbs at night may give your body the jolt it needs to get back on track for steady fat loss.

Many people find a low carb diet difficult, but to give your fat loss a kick and shove it off the plateau, you can probably live without potatoes, rice, bread and pasta for your evening meal for at least a few weeks.

Weight loss plateaus are common. They are not the end of the world and not an excuse to give up. They are a sign that you need to change something or several somethings that you are currently doing in order to get what you want.

Be assured that you can go below your weight loss plateau.

Rosie Peters gives common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Sometimes it's not what you want to hear, but what you need to know. Visit Rosie at

Rosie's e-Book Weight Loss is Simple may be what you're after. Check it out & get a FREE copy of her popular e-Book Fat No More, while you're there.

The Best Cardio Workout To Lose Fat Fast

Let's face it there is no effective fat loss programme without proper nutrition but no fat loss programme is complete without talking about cardiovascular exercises. In order to lose body fat you have to create a calorie deficit. There are two ways you can use to create a calorie deficit.

1) Decrease your calorie intake from food.
2) Burning calories trough exercising.
Tom Venuto, a worldwide bestselling fitness author said it already in his book. Burn
the fat with exercise and feet the muscle with good nutrition. After reading this article
you will discover the best cardio workout for proper fat loss.

Low intensity vs. High intensity

Perhaps you may have heard that low intensity training is better then a high intensity workout. This is not true if this was the case you should burn the most body fat while sleeping. High intensity cardio exercises burns the more calories while lower intensity workouts are burning a greater percentage of calories from fat than carbohydrates. It is important for you that you select an intensity that is not to light but also not to hard.

We call this the fat-burning zone or target zone.

Duration of the workout

If it is your goal to decrease blood pressure or cholesterol then it is enough to train for twenty minutes. But if your goal is to burn body fat off then you have to train for at least thirty minutes otherwise your training won't be effective. Never train more then sixty minutes in one session if you train so long there is a risk for injuries and over- training. Training more then sixty minutes in a twenty-four hour is possible but then you have to split your cardio workouts. One workout in the morning and one in the evening would be your best bet.

Frequency of the workout

For maximum fat loss I recommend you to train at least three days a week. Even if you don't suffer from overweight to much do cardiovascular exercises as well it is good for your health in general. Perhaps you are not blessed with a fast metabolism then adding an addition day or even two, three, four days will maximize your results.

Cardio is not enough

A "secret" that top fitness models and bodybuilders are using is combining cardio exercises with weight training. Cardio is very effective with weight lifting for maximum fat loss. Although it is very rare doing large amount of cardio can result in losing muscle mass. With cardio exercises you can burn calories during the workout but with weight training you burn calories after the workout.

I'm sure you have a good idea now how to create your own best cardio workout for maximum fat loss. Keep an eye on your nutrition as well and you will get results.

Who else wants to know the fat loss secrets of bodybuilders and fitness models.

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How To Exercise To Lose Belly Fat

You can have the most divinely shaped abdominal muscles in the world, but no one is going to see them if they are covered in a layer of belly fat.

By adding targeted resistance training exercises to your daily routine you can assist the muscles in those areas to support and tone your body. And by doing abdominal exercises you can firm and tighten your abdominal muscles where they will assist in better posture. This alone can help to flatten your stomach and give the appearance of weight loss through the better posture you will achieve.

How To Exercise To Lose Belly Fat:

The absolute best exercise to lose belly fat will involve more than one form of workout. You can try Resistance Training to help create a lean and toned body, Aerobic Exercises to elevate your heart rate over a sustainable period of time, and Stretching to extend your limbs and muscles to their full extent.

  • Start with a light warmup - To prepare your muscles for what is to come, warm up with light stretching and aerobic exercise, by walking, running or cycling. At least get to the point where you break out a sweat.

  • Continue your warmup with a few minutes of body weight exercises - Basic push ups, crunches, leg raises, squats - This will really get your body ready to work hard and burn belly fat, and in the meantime, you're working hard already, by having fun!

  • Strength Training by way of Circuit Training, where you have a predefined circuit or group of exercises that are repeated in a cycle. First you need to define both a primary and secondary muscle group to work out. Then decide two exercises each that will work these two muscle groups (so you have four separate workouts). The best exercise to lose belly fat are done with your body weight and a stability ball.

  • Cardiovascular Interval Training - Interval training can be described as short bursts of less-than-maximum work, alternating with shorter periods lowered intensity work, the idea being to work at high-intensity to push your pulse to its target for a short period with an interval of partial recovery before working again. A simple example is a 10 second sprint, followed by a minute of light jogging, and then repeating the sequence for several minutes. No other form of exercise is this effective in working the body, burning calories, and blowtorching body fat like interval training!

Take it easy at first and educate yourself!

Be aware of the fact that you'll end up making more progress in less time if you start slowly and make small improvements as time goes on.

Educating yourself about exercise and working out is critically important. You would do well to get the help of a personal trainer, at least for a while, in order to learn how to perform the exercises properly. Also, there are some great guides available on the internet, you might want to get yourself one of these.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!.

10 Things You Need to Know About Kettlebells - Part 2

This Part 2 of a 2 part article series covering the top 10 reasons kettlebells are relevant fitness tool for almost any fitness program.

6. Athletic Conditioning:
a. Kettlebells are incredibly mobile, much easier to have available while conditioning or even at skills practice.
b. Kettlebells provide valuable variety in conjunction with speed, agility, endurance, and quickness work.
c. Additionally, what athlete couldn't use a little development of hip drive along with learning to accelerate and decelerate load?

These are some of my favorite athletic conditioning drills and kettlbell combinations:

-Two-handed Swing + Hill Sprint
-Snatch + Suicides/Ladders
-Horn Squat and Press + Squat Thrust with Jump
-Cleans + Box Agility Drill

7. Strength Development - One of the knocks on kettlebells has always been that "they are good for conditioning but poor for strength development." This argument becomes pretty much a moot point when you run into the likes of Steve Cotter and Mike Mahler, both of whom are pretty damn strong guys. Of course, then the argument becomes that it doesn't transfer. Again, the answer is that it does transfer. Coach Ken Black was recently here in Phoenix and did some strongman training. He was easily able to lap a 300 lb stone and flip a 900 lb tire for several reps. Not too bad for the first time on both implements. By the way, Ken does the majority of his training with kettlebells. Are kettlebells going to make you a 600 lb bench presser or a 1000 lb squatter? Probably not. However, for the majority of people out there who want to look good "nekkid" and have a good amount of strength to boot, there is definitely merit in using kettlebells for strength training. Given that kettlebells are available for a good price up to and beyond 105 lbs, most guys will be able find a bell that provides more than adequate load stimulus.

8. Unilateral Lifting - The traditional programming for the kettlebell is unilateral. One-arm cleans and snatches are the basis of a lot of kettlebell work, but that is just the start. Two of the most compelling reasons for performing unilateral kettlebell lifts are:

a. The carrying position of the load while performing press drills allows the shoulder girdle to open up which is very beneficial in this day and age of shit posture. Anything you can do to work against a kyphotic upper back posture is huge.

b. The height at which the kettlebell hand is held when performing drills such as the single deadlift is perfect for quick and smooth transitions through a workout. When performed in a traditional manner, single leg squats or pistols place a massive demand on the trunk to provide stability throughout the entire movement.

Want more unilateral movement and trunk stabilization?

Perform some one-arm cleans and snatches using a kettlebell. You'll have it figured out after just a few reps. Sure, all these drills can be performed with dumbbells, but they are definitely enhanced when performed with kettlebells, enough to warrant their consideration.

9. Easy Grip Strengthening - About 90% of the people who walk through the door to my facility have the grip strength of a nine year old girl. The kettlebell is a very appropriate tool for improving grip strength because the handle gets incrementally thicker as the weight gets heavier. This works perfectly. As clients get progressively stronger, they are challenged with thicker handles. One of my favorite introductory drills that kills two birds with one stone is the kettlebell farmer's walk; simple yet very effective at accomplishing several training goals at once.

10. Only One Priority - Whether you are a coach or someone training hard for a particular goal, there is only one thing that matters - Getting Results. The majority of trainees with whom I have contact are very novice and the mere sight of a barbell could send them running out the door and leave me with an empty pocketbook. In contrast, I can have clients deadlifting, squatting, pressing, and sometimes even cleaning or snatching a kettlebell within one or two sessions. To me the sacrifice of the barbell is well worth it, not only from the business aspect, but also because my clients lay down a solid base of good technique due to the aforementioned benefits of using kettlebells. Does this mean I have thrown out my barbell? Hell no! It does mean, however, I have learned a new way to skin a cat. A faster tool to teach = faster results. And that's what really matters to me, and to my clients. (Note: Most women do well starting with a 12 kg/26 lb bell and a somewhat experienced male could start with a 24 kg/53 lb bell).

Could you and I argue the pros and cons of kettlebell training until we were both blue in the face? Yes, and we probably wouldn't come close to a consensus. Do you need to own as many kettlebells as I do? Probably not. But you would be ignoring a very valuable training tool if you didn't at least consider having kettlebells in your training toolbox. In addition to everything that I have discussed here, it's a well-documented fact that kettlebells can help you become bigger, faster, stronger, and more athletic. I am pretty sure each and every one of us is looking to develop at least one of those aspects with our various training programs.

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Copyright (c) 2008 Anderson Training Systems

Lose 5 Pounds In A Week - And Week After Week

Many of us would love to shed a little weight and in many cases the quicker the better. Losing 5 pounds a week on a continuous basis is a great way to lose weight quickly and this article is going to explain the method that can make this happen.

There are dozens of diets available which will allow you to lose 5 pounds in the space of a week but what good is that when none of the results last. Many low calorie diets lose you weight at first but they are only ridding your body of excess fluids and soon the weight loss will come to an end and gradually that weight will return.

Thankfully there are a few diets, and one in particular, which allow you to lose 5 pounds in a week and continue to do this week in, week out.

The one in particular I was talking about is a diet based around something it has labelled as calorie shifting. This is based around the idea that by swapping, rotating and shifting the foods you eat each day you can manipulate your metabolism to work at an higher rate and lose weight faster.

I didn't think it would work to be honest but surprisingly it does and it isn't just me that has achieved great results using calorie shifting. Visit any weight loss message board or forum on the internet and you will find satisfied users of shifting calorie diets.

The added bonus of the diet though is that the results are continuous. You start an 11 day cycle and then at the end of it get 3 full days to eat as you wish then if you want to continue losing weight you simply start the cycle all over again.

As I've stated many diets will achieve the loss of 5 pounds in a week but all I'll say is whats the point doing it if it is only going to come back a week later. A continuous diet is the only way to go after all at least then there is a lasting result for your efforts.

Get more information about calorie shifting at the following blog:

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

The Secret Of How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

Everyone goes on a diet sometime. Whether it's for a day, a week, a month, or a year, odds are that at one time or other you will need to shift a few stubborn kilos in order to feel better about yourself. That's where knowing the secret of how to lose weight fast and easy comes in.

Dieting is an industry that makes millions. Actually no, it makes hundreds of millions of pounds every year. Why? Because no-one wants to follow the age-old equation that hard work and exercise plus a good diet equals weight loss. Everyone wants to know the secret. Who wants to work for it if there is a way to shift the weight quicker and more easily?

So, fad diets, packaged foods, vitamin drinks, specially-designed clothing, weight reduction pills, and home exercise equipment (usually easily stored away) are sold on a massive scale. If there's a trick or a knack that will help shed those kilos, the masses want to know. That's where the money lies, in people's desperation to know how to do this.

However, you need not spend millions to learn the secret of how to lose weight fast and easy. In fact, it's no so much a secret as a change in attitude. It comprises five different aspects, each as important as the other and needless to say, that if you follow it rigidly, you will have learnt how to do it.

Firstly, you have to change your way of thinking. By thinking or saying "I'm on a diet" automatically you place yourself under stress and temptation to break it. It's like someone saying "Don't look down" when you're up high - as soon as the words have been said you have an overwhelming urge to look down.

Instead, you should be thinking, "I'm changing my eating habits" which is a lot less daunting and much easier to actually do. Changing your eating habits can take place immediately and provide instant results.

For example, replace salad cream with a little olive oil and lemon juice; white bread with brown; boiled vegetables with raw ones; fruit juice and soft drink with water; fried food with grilled food; and sugar with honey.

In this way, you have not deprived yourself of anything, nor cut down the amounts of food you are eating, but with very little effort, you have reduced major sources of fat and calories.

Secondly, you need to change the way you spend your energy. The idea of replacing taking a lift with walking up the stairs is unbearable if you have to go to the 30th floor, however, if it's just one floor, then chances are it's no more than 25 steps, which is not so bad.

By improving your food intake, and increasing your energy output - even by just a little - it's logical that you will lose weight. How much weight you lose and over how long a period of time will just depend on how rigidly you stick to these two criteria, neither of which is particularly difficult in its own right.

In reality, no-one wants to work really hard for a very long time, however if you know that it's going to be for less than 15 minutes, it can seem a lot more bearable. E-books such as "12 Minutes to Fit and Fabulous" available from are a cheap way to learn how to lose weight fast and easy.

Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Let's face it, being overweight has become a real problem for us. Diet companies, diet pills and supplements and gyms have become a very large business. Every single day there are hundreds of thousands of people who watch advertisements on television, read magazine ads and who do research on the internet. Everyone is looking for a quick and simple solution to their weight problem.

What makes matters even worse is that a large portion of these people try one method of weight loss, achieve some degree of success, gain the weight back and then try another method to lose weight. The big companies know this and use it to their advantage. It is an industry standard that the average consumer that habitually indulges in weight loss programs and products will change what they are doing every six months or so.

This is down right frightening. Real, healthy and enduring weight loss can only be achieved by doing our homework and implementing what we have learned. Healthy, long term weight loss requires a significant lifestyle change and not a quick fix.

The following are the things that you should seriously consider when embarking on a weight loss program that has enduring and healthy results.

1/ Before you do anything, do your homework. In this day and age, with access to the internet, anyone can learn almost anything in a relatively short period of time. The down side to this is, of course, information overload. However, with a little effort and patience one should be able to separate the important information from the junk.

There is not one single diet for everyone. Also, it is never, ever necessary to join a weight loss program that either sells you food or tells you how to eat. It is simpler and cheaper to learn what to eat and to prepare it for yourself. After all, this is not rocket science.

Get a primary education on whole, natural foods. Gaining weight and becoming fat does not happen in a vacuum. It is self evident that it is what we eat and how we live that permits us to gain those extra pounds and to get out of shape.

2/ Take the time to figure out what organic exercise program appeals to you. What I mean by that, for most people, joining a gym is not necessary and is not the best way to work out.

Do you like to walk? How about swim, jog or ride a bike? Do you enjoy an aerobic workout following along with a tape or dvd on the television? Figure out what it is that you enjoy doing and make the commitment to do it. It is that simple.

This is what you will discover. If you make the transformation of your lifestyle your primary goal, the weight loss will be effortless. The weight goals that you achieve will be healthy. It takes focus, determination and effort, but the benefits are priceless.

Join the Weight Loss Club where you will receive free ebooks, tips, information and advice on how to lose weight.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Juicing For Health And Weight Loss

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for, but rather something to be achieved. William Jennings Bryan

Juice Fast

Did you try a one day fast?
To really feel the benefits of a fast, you must actually do it yourself.
Why not try a one day fast this week?

Find out which one day fast is best for you.

Which Fast will help you best clean your body?

  • The water fast;
  • The one raw fruit/one raw vegetable fast;
  • A juice fast;
  • An herbal tea fast.

Fresh pressed juice Fast

  • Fresh raw fruit juice
  • Fresh raw vegetable juice
  • Fresh raw herbal juice

Juicing freshly, organically grown, fruits and vegetables as well as herbs could be compared to a rich and concentrated nutrients blood transfusion.

In no time the nutrients enter the blood stream.
It is especially beneficial to people who have difficulties eating fresh vegetables.

It is very important to juice organically grown products which are richer in nutrients and contain no toxins, no chemical fertilizers, no pesticides or other poisons.
We want to benefit from the fast, not add more toxins to our body.

You will reap the most benefits from freshly squeezed juice.
There will be no nutrients loss if you drink the juice as soon as it is squeezed. (Nutrients loss occur when juice is stored, as well as when it is exposed to oxygen.)

Plants and vegetables are our best healing friends. Since the down of times they have been use for health, vitality and longevity.

Never add sugar or any sweetener to fresh juice.
This would undermine the goodness of the juice.

Drink the juice slowly.
Drink at least 4 glasses of juice and 4 glasses of water during a day fast.

Fresh Raw Fruit Juice
Freshly squeezed raw fruit are delicious and refreshing.
They may also have a high content of sugar. Better refrain from those rich in sugar if you want to lose weight.

Better use fruits that are high in beta-carotene such as: cantaloupe, mango and apricots.
Juice can be diluted: half water + half juice.

Some people find citrus fruits juice too acidic.

Juice for better bowel movement:
2 pitted dried prunes soaked in a glass of water.
You can blend the prunes and the water together.
Juice 2 apples and one pear together.
Add the juice to the prune juice, stir well and enjoy the drink.

Fresh Raw Vegetable Juice
My favorite health cocktail to help the body detoxification:
juice 4 carrots, 1 apple, 2 celery ribs, a cup wheatgrass or parsley together.
The carrots and the apple will sweeten this juice naturally.

My favorite summer drink:
refreshing cucumber juice

Fresh Raw Herbal Juice
Wheatgrass is very rich in nutrients, especially chlorophyll and antioxidants.
It is nature's gift to help detoxify the body.
If wheatgrass is not available, try parsley.

The juice of Wheatgrass and parsley are very healthy but not very palatable.
The best is to mix them with fresh carrot juice or fresh apple juice.

If you feel adventurous try to juice together wheatgrass, spinach and apples.

You will need a special juicer to juice herbs. Not all juicer can juice herbs.
Personally I use the green power juicer and I find it very efficient but a little difficult to clean. Definitely the best juicer I had to extract herbs' juice.

Enjoy juicing and enjoy a one day fast.
Let me know which one was more helpful.
Maybe you have a favorite cocktail you would like to share? favorite cocktail

Isabelle Epstein, Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style. If you would enjoy motivation and tips for a healthy weight management, sent directly to your inbox, sign up for Isabelle's free newsletter at:

What to Expect from a Weight Loss Surgery Information Center

The weight loss surgery information center is not just a place to find information on the best weight loss doctors, surgeons, and hospitals where surgery can be performed. In fact, you can gain more knowledge from a weight loss surgery information center regarding obesity, its effects, and its complications.

A center for information

A weight loss surgery information center provides you with essential information about anything regarding obesity and surgery. It is your guide for those who want to undergo weight loss surgery but do not have enough knowledge or information about the matter.

Kinds of technology

At a weight loss surgery information center, you can also learn about the kinds of technology being used in performing weight loss surgery. For example, the LAP-BAND or the laparoscopic band technology is one of the latest techniques being used for gastric bypass surgeries.

The procedure

You can also learn more about the different types of procedures in performing gastric bypass surgery through the information center. With that knowledge, you can have an idea on what the weight loss surgeon is going to do to you.

You need to be informed

Weight loss surgery consists of various types. Each procedure can cause a variety of restrictions to the body so you need to have a complete understanding on how each procedure can affect you during and after surgery before going under the knife.

Be guided

The weight loss surgery information center is also the place where you can be guided on what you can do to prepare yourself before surgery. It is also where you can be guided on what you can do and what you can expect after surgery. The information center can also advise you on how you can live healthily after you get better from surgery.

Before jumping in

Let your new knowledge from the information center guide you when it comes to making your decision on whether to undergo weight loss surgery or not. Remember that being informed is crucial especially if you are planning to go through a life-changing event, such as surgery.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Slim Fast Optima

If you own a television then you probably have seen the old Tommy Lasorda commercials where he drank Slim Fast and lost all his extra weight. These days they use fitness models but the fact that we have all heard of Slim Fast still remains - in fact Slim Fast has been around for 20 years. Their weight loss program is based on substituting meals with convenience products such as shakes, ready to drink powders, bars, and snacks. They built their whole program around their shakes and are probably the best known weight loss liquid meal replacement program. Within the last few years Slim Fast has expanded into the on line world by joining forces with the weight loss super giant eDiets. The new on line presence allows Slim Fast to provide some of the usual weight loss tools for their members.

Slim Fast has many good qualities such as encouraging exercise, drinking plenty of water, and eating often throughout the day. People have been using this program for years to maintain a healthy weight. Recently Slim Fast released their Optima Products. The benefit behind these new products is that they contain lower sugar content then their previous package.

Does Slim Fast Work?
Yes it does. Studies have shown that the program has caused sustained weight loss in over weight men and woman. When the study results came back they showed that people who followed the Slim Fast Meal Plan routinely to lose and manage their weight were, on average, 33 pounds thinner after a decade as compared to a matched group from the same community who chose not to participate in the study. The community based study is one of the longest studies ever to track people using a certain weight loss management approach.

Pros vs. Cons
When you have a meal replacement program people tend to question the results. It has been suggested that if the users of the program were to return to normal food all the weight they had lost would eventually return. However, this has more to do with the personal habits of the user then the actual program. When Slim Fast combined themselves with eDiets they opened new doors into their program. Through eDiets you can choose from 2 different plans Calorie-Controlled, Low Carb, or the traditional Low Fat plan so there are a number of different options.

Previous to the arrival of the Optima Program, many questioned the high sugar content of the shakes and bars. In order to address the issue Slim Fast introduced Optima foods. The advantage to Slim Fast is that its a good way to achieve healthy portion control, and thereby lose weight.

For a wide variety of the best weight loss programs, exercise programs, and some of the best FREE fitness information on the web visit

Tips For Fast Weight Loss - The 3 Most Powerful Ways To Lose Weight

Three of the best ways to lose weight are through walking, running, and yoga. Walking is great in itself, and I highly recommend you do it wherever you can. Let's go through the two other methods: running and yoga...

A Note on Running:

One major reason most people don't like running is because they're doing it too fast. Slow down, don't get out of breath and you'll realize how fantastic it really is. Running in a fat-burning zone should be just as easy as walking. You should not be out of breath and you should also be able to carry on a conversation.

If your knees are shot and you have other assorted aches and pains, don't run. Just go slowly. Walking is the most efficient exercise out there. Even if you've never exercised before in your life, you know how to do it properly.

A Note on Yoga

Yoga is fantastic because it strengthens, stretches, and burns fat all at the same time. It is an extremely efficient practice for the busy person. It's cheap to do also. Get a $10 mat, a $25 video and you're ready to go.

Let me be frank, if you give me the excuse that you still won't be able to find the time to do it, you need to go back and do a better job of assessing your goals. If you're still thinking that way, your goals are not strong enough.

By chance if you do happen to go out and do one, two or all of these activities and continue to not like them, then do something else. Play soccer, basketball, go rowing, rent a kayak or just keep trying other things until you find something you absolutely enjoy. You are meant to move. Your body naturally agrees with motion. You will find something. Do something-take action-and then decide what works for you.

By now, you should be motivated to get moving. So now it's time for you to actually do something. (if you haven't already!). These activities are so easy that it pains me to tell you that they are really all you need to do to get into shape!

You probably already know that you don't need to do anything dramatic to lose weight, but do you really believe that this is all it takes? I bet you don't. I didn't for years! Here are a few ideas you can use to start up and take action:

  • Go out for some exercise right now
  • Find a local walking, running or hiking club and mark the meeting time in your calendar
  • Visit a local yoga studio
  • Get a new pair of shoes at the local running/walking store
  • Call a friend to see if they want to join you for a walk, run or yoga class.
  • Find a local basketball, tennis, soccer, etc. club.
  • If you don't have time for that walk... do a one minute stretch routine right now. (Touch your toes, roll your neck, and then stand up and twist at your hips)

Ruck Stewart is a professional weight loss trainer with decades of experience. Visit his website right now at Burn The Fat Review to see the best weight loss course on the planet. Go there now --> Guide To Weight Loss.