Saturday, May 10, 2008

How To Lose Weight Fast And Effortlessly

There a significant number of strategies and approaches being taught about how to lose weight and many of them do work to some extent. The problem with most weight loss strategies is that the people that use them and see results tend to end up gaining the weight back after a few months or so of losing it and sometimes they gain back more than they lose.

Losing weight really comes down to 2 things and that is diet and exercise. However there is a third element that is critical. This third element is your commitment level. The fact is that most people know how to lose weight but they simply do not follow through. It is their lack of commitment that causes them to fail rather than their lack of knowledge. Thus you must first build an unwavering commitment level to losing weight before you start any diet or exercise program.

There are many approaches you can use to build your commitment level. Many people that lose weight and stay at a healthy weight have trained themselves to simply hate being overweight and love being at a healthy weight. Think about the negative consequences that being overweight is bringing into your life right now. Think about all the pain and suffering you are going through just because you have some extra weight.

Think about all the humiliation and the lack of self esteem and confidence that not being fit and healthy has brought into your life. You need to get sick and tired of your current health and fitness level otherwise you will never change. Also focus on the pleasure that having a powerful healthy body will bring into your life. Maybe you will now have more confidence to approach that special someone that you have always wanted to build a relationship with.

Focus on the pleasure of being fit and healthy and focus on the pain that being overweight and unhealthy is having on your life. Use the pain and pleasure to drive you to follow through and stick with a healthy weight loss program. Build your commitment level and grow it each day and you will find that you will have the power to follow through on any effective weight loss program you choose.

There are many effective approaches diet and exercise that can help you to lose weight. The key to diet is to break down your meals into smaller portions and simply eat less but more often. Also try to get as much natural food into your diets such as fruits and vegetables and minimize your consumption of meats and processed foods. This is a great challenge but if you have the commitment it will be easy.

Exercise is composed of two parts and that is weight training and aerobics. Both are important. Weight training will build that all important muscle mass that turns your body into a fat burning machine since muscle burns calories all the time. Simply join a gym or buy a good piece of weight training equipment and do a variety of exercises roughly once a week or even once every two weeks.

It is important to not weight train too much so the more weight you lift the more rest you will need to recover. Do aerobics 3 to 5 times a week however with aerobics the key is simply to move consistently for 30 to 60 minutes. If you work a job where you are always on your feet then you may not even need to do any aerobics at all since your job gives you the aerobic benefits you need. Base the amount of aerobic exercise you do based on your current lifestyle. Follow some of these weight loss tips to help you become thin and healthy.

Shakil is an online researcher, author and a regular contributor to a site that shows people how to attain better health and wellness. Be sure to stop by and learn how to lose weight too.

Fast Weight Loss - Miracle or Science?

If you want to loose weight then as per my experience, you do not need a miracle. You just need a plan which should be based on a science.

I am using the calorie shifting method from last 5 years for me and my clients to reduce weight and being healthy. So can you.

What is this calorie shifting method?

Before explaining this method I want to give you a brief idea about a calorie.

A calorie is the unit of energy which is equal to the heat given to raise th temperature of 1 kilogram of water to 1 degree.

your body needs certain amount of calorie to run your body for your day to day activity. If you are a doing a sitting job then you need much lesser calorie than an athlete.

In this method you need not to starve yourself as people usually suggest. In fact you will be taking proper diet as per your liking. The only difference in taking your diet is that you will take different foods in your diet to fulfill your calorie requirements. For your personalized food schedule, you need to take advice of your nutritionist who will make different food plans for different days of an week. You can even opt from one of several online programs by which you can make your food plan by yourself.

The only important factor for your success in this method is that you should follow your plan religiously. Some of my clients have even achieved the loss of 9lbs in just 11 days. So, plan and act now.

Wishing you success,

Urwashi Gupta is an author with 10 years of experience in fitness training, a nutritionist, and online fitness coach for weight loss. She has written a review of the most famous online fat loss program at

Healthy Weight Loss Requires Motivation

Healthy weight loss is a popular goal for countless people. And today, more than ever, we are heavier than at any time in history. And even though it seems that everyone is on a diet these days, the majority never seem to understand how to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Part of this lack of understanding is due, in part, to having too much information. With all of the resources available including countless diet books, magazines and all of the information available online, knowledge is definitely not the problem. However, too much of a good thing is.

With so many sources, it's difficult to know which weight loss program to follow and who to listen to. In reality, there are a lot of good plans out there and if you happen to choose one of those it would be difficult to go wrong. If you actually manage to get to this point, program in hand, the key to success is learning what to do and then doing it. Really - it's that simple.

So many people like the idea of learning and reading about the latest and greatest diet plan but never put any of the recommendations into daily practice. They become extremely knowledgeable about weight loss and know how many calories the most popular foods contain. What they fail to do however, is make use of that information. Instead, they buy another diet book because the first one didn't work.

If implementation is the real problem, how can you beat the odds and solve it for your own situation? The answer is simple, really. Once you determine the best plan for your needs, you must find a way to constantly motivate yourself to stay on track. Because everyone is wired a bit differently, this will be a highly individual undertaking.

Some people find that having another person hold them accountable works well. They will generally confide in a friend that they are trying to lose weight and ask the friend to give a gentle reminder when it appears they have slipped up in some way. Alternatively, the friend may occasionally ask about how things are going as a subtle reminder to stay on track. The friend may even be an exercise buddy and you can hold each other accountable for fitness activities. If this strategy works for you, then use it to you and your friend's best advantage. If not, there are many other ways to stay motivated.

The most important component of a motivational tactic is that it have meaning to you. You must be able to identify with and internalize it. Ideally you'll want to find several different motivators to have in your arsenal in case one isn't working particularly well at any given moment - you can just trade it out for a new one. Develop a list of motivational tips and you'll be well on your way to a successful and healthy weight loss.

Need additional motivational tips to stick with your weight loss program?

Visit for more information and diet plan reviews.

5 Super Weight Loss Tips For Beginners

There are many theories in the world on how you can lose weight easily. 90% of people who haven't got any problems with genes, maintain fit body if they exercise regularly. Same amount of people don't exercise regularly and the quickly gain weight they wanted to lose and they gain even more weight. In both cases if you are a person who wants to lose weight quicker and easier I recommend to read these five, free weight loss tips.

Weight loss tip number one: Choose your food carefully. A lot of people go to gym, work very hard but they don't care about their diet. They eat same amount of food whey they weren't aware that they are overweight and that is why they don't achieve the results they want. Did you know, that if you want to lose one kilogram in a week, you have to reduce your weekly calorie intake by 9000 calories! Even tho, scientists and doctors recommend that a person shouldn't lose more than one kilogram per week, half of a kilogram a week is a great achievement!

You should note that you should not eat less, but you should eat healthy food.

Weight loss tip number two: Do aerobic exercises. When you will do aerobic exercises, you will achieve your results quicker. Aerobic training is the simplest way to get rid of unwanted calories. If you want to lose weight for ever, you should combine weight loss tip number one and two and do them all the time!

Weight loss tips number three: Be patient. You won't have a six pack in two days time. Everything requires time. Trees don't reach their full height in a day. Yes, I am not saying that there aren't ways how you could speed up your weight loss, but anyway like I sad before, everything requires some time.

Weight loss tip number four: Don't forget about anaerobic exercises. If you add some weight training exercises into your weight loss program. Bodybuilding and weight loss are part of the same thing - improving your body and they are related to each other very strongly. Naturally if you do some bodybuilding, you will lose weight and this process will make your program more effective!

Weight loss tip number five: Exercise in the morning. There is one fact you should know. After training your metabolism increases and it stays the same for the next twelve hours after exercise! If you will to exercises in the morning, you will burn more calories during the day. The main mistake all people do is that they exercise the evening then their metabolism is increased without no reason. During the next twelve hours people will sleep.

You should remember that you are responsible for everything. To achieve the most you have to do everything regularly and by doing so, soon you will see how your body shape is improving!

Was this article useful? Are you looking for more information on how you can improve your weight loss plan, especially if you just started to lose weight? Go to my web site and find out how I've lost 10 pounds in 7 seven days and how I can help YOU do the same. Sign up for free e-course at

Winning Your Weight Loss War For A Lifetime

Are you fighting the uphill battle of weight loss? Stuck with not knowing who or what to listen to anymore? One person tells you one thing, the next tells you do the exact opposite.

Who should you believe?

There are so many weight loss diets and plans out there that it's growing increasingly harder to decide what actually works and what isn't even worth wasting your time on.

You've gotta know that all of these "miracle" weight loss diets and plans are not what they claim to be, simply because if they all did exactly what they promised to, there wouldn't be a single obese or overweight person left on earth!

The reason so many useless weight loss diets and plans are still around is because most of the useless ones promise "INSTANT Weight Loss!"

Now, tell me who is going to pass up at least trying something like that?

Us humans can be mighty lazy at times and wanting everything to be instantaneous is one of our chief bad habits.

We want our meals prepared instantly at restaurants, we demand web pages to load instantly or we'll just close them, and we also desperately want instant weight loss.

You suspect in the back of your mind of course, that this is impossible, but still you can't help being sucked in by those oh so tempting promises of instant gratification.

"Maybe this one will be different." You tell yourself "It has to be."

But the honest, and yes painful, truth is that weight loss is never instantaneous. You can't just pop some magic pill, go to sleep, and wake up 50 pounds slimmer.


Once your body has stored a certain amount of fat, it's going to want to hold on to it (for dear life it sometimes seems).

What you need to do is force your body to be more willing to burn up that fat, by revving up your metabolism.

You also need to make sure you're doing all the right things to accomplish this revving up. There are too many ways to rev your metabolism for me to go into them all here, but I'll give you a short list of some TRULY KEY things you can do to rev your metabolism until it's roaring along like the ocean surf.

1. Do NOT Skip Meals.

Never, never, never skip a meal if you truly want to rev up your metabolism. If your body thinks you are starving it will actually slow your metabolism down (causing you to burn fat much slower) in an attempt to "keep you alive."

Maybe you don't always have time for meals. Okay, I understand that. Just grab something easy, but nutritious and filling in place of a meal (nuts, fresh fruits & veggies can be quick fixes when you're on the go).

2. Live A Spicier Life

Eating spicy foods can dramatically speed up your metabolism. Try making a jalapeno salsa that you can use on sandwiches or salads. Chopped jalapenos also make a great addition to almost any meat, egg or vegetable dish.

3. Enjoy The Air And Your Favorite Game

Breathing deeply while exercising is also very important for giving your metabolism that extra little "push" it needs. You should do some form of exercise every day, for at least 20 minutes that will cause you to breathe deeply, get your heart racing, and make you break a sweat.

This doesn't have to be painful, do something you already love. Play your favorite "game" or sport. Go biking, skating, swimming, etc. The possibilities are really endless.

Exercise doesn't need to be boring, what it needs to be is something you truly love doing and will be sure to find the time for at least 5 days out of every week. Something you'll actually look forward to.

Do yourself a favor, get your metabolism raring so that you can stop worrying about your weight and start enjoying life.

Beth Scott is a veteran of the weight loss war (one of the victors) and has overcome all the same weight loss battles you are now facing. If you're serious about winning your weight loss war Beth highly reccomends you visit Weight Loss Revealed.