Thursday, May 29, 2008

How to Get Super Skinny!

Losing weight can be difficult, and when you're talking about those last few pounds to make yourself super skinny, it can be especially hard. The truth is that starving yourself or eating less won't necessarily do the trick. The solutions has to be a combination of balanced, nutritious meals along with exercise at least three times a week. Sticking to a good diet and steady exercise can be hard but it is essential if you want to become super skinny!

Eat more balanced - more often!

The trick to losing that fat is to eat more balanced meals, and eat them more often. and still get daily exercise. You can eat just about anything as long as it's nutritious and in good portion. Smaller meals still satisfy your hunger but keep your metabolism up so that your body can be a fat-burning machine. Eating right and exercising is the key to feeling and looking great.

Don't skip meals - ever!

The most frequent mistake people make when trying to get super skinny is thinking that not eating will solve their problems. If you don't eat you won't have any energy to exercise and this will not lead to weight loss. It's important to get the idea of starving yourself out of your thoughts right away and commit to a healthy means of losing weight.

The body doesn't function without the proper nutrients it gets from your food. With insufficient food, your metabolism slows down drastically to compensate for the lack of food. So, you're actually doing more harm than good when you don't eat. And, any weight you lose will just be water weight.

So, why is it SO hard to get super skinny?

Why does it seem so difficult to get super skinny, but maintaining weight can be so simple for a lot of people? Most of the time, when people exercise they aren't being as efficient as they could be. They stop between exercises, rather than just laying back a little bit, and this will drastically slow down the fat-burning process. That burning sensation is a good thing!

Commit to a lifestyle change!

It's important to make a commitment that this is the day you change. Put down the potato chips and pick up some carrots or celery! Slowly add some healthy changes into your diet and build up your stamina by exercising for at least 20 minutes every day. If you keep up with a plan you'll be guaranteed to see the results!

Wonder why some people can lose weight so easily, yet it's so difficult for you? Want a solution that actually works? If you're looking for a sure fire solution, check out: Lose Weight Really Fast

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living.

How to Burn Fat Fast - 4 Suggestions to Get You Started

There are many people successful in losing weight, while others have a tougher time. For example, many try fad diets and take weight loss pills with the hopes of dropping a ton of weight in a month. However, most drop out within a month. Why does that happen? It could be a couple of things. Some fad diets are too strict and weight loss pills are irritating because they are loaded with caffeine. Plus, the instant gratification in our society doesn't manage our expectations to well. We want to get results way too fast. Most of the time we set our goals way out of reach without learning the things we really need to do to lose weight. That could be a very big reason why we drop our weight loss programs so quickly after we start them. Losing weight starts with knowing the right things to do and using the knowledge you learned to keep up healthy habits for the rest of your life. If you want to know how to burn fat fast, here are four suggestions to help you get started.

Before you start any diet or exercise program, be sure to visit your doctor. Get a check up and some blood work done to make sure you're healthy. Also, get advisement from your doctor. The doctor may have nutrition information specific for your body type. Remember, there is not a "one size fits all" program to burn fat, so seeing your doctor is a good first step.

Next, crash dieting should be out of your plan. Remember, your body has its own survival mechanism. So if you decide to starve yourself. The body will work harder to sustain your life and keep itself from starving by trying to keep the stored fat on your body. So you need to eat and eat frequently (like every 3 hours).

Thirdly, you'll need to incorporate a fruits or a vegetable into most of your meals during the day. This helps you in several ways. For one, they are very nutritious foods and they provide antioxidants (which are very healthy for your body). They also fill you up more when you eat them with your meal.

Finally frequent exercise should be included in your fat loss efforts. You should try to exercise 2-3 days a week to start and build from there. Exercise will help you burn extra calories. However, exercise will be very effective in your weight loss efforts only if you have a good diet.

Using the four methods described above will help you get started on the road to burning fat and losing that extra weight. The main thing is that you start and stick with the basics.

Do you want to know how to burn fat fast? You can with the book, Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Read our review here:

Weight Loss Pills - Facts About Appetite Suppressants

Appetite suppressant are one of the solutions for people are having problems maintaining there diet. Trying to control the feeling of hunger and the urge to eat have been the downfall of many people trying to lose weight. This article will explain about prescription and over the counter suppressants and how they could help you to keep on track with your diet.

Appetite suppressing pills are available with or without prescription. Prescription suppressants are generally only prescribed to people who are classed as obese. There use requires being monitored by your doctor and are used in conjunction with a strict diet and exercise program.

Modern society puts a high value on the way people look today. From models to movie stars, we are constantly being shown that being lean and thin is the excepted way to look. That is why there has been increase on over the counter appetite suppressants, these are aimed at people who want to lose a few pounds and are mainly targeting users for cosmetic rather than health reasons. They are generally made from natural or herbal ingredients.

Appetite suppressants are designed to trick the body into thinking that your stomach is full. The more powerful prescription drugs change the chemicals in the brain to increase the levels of seratonin that make you feel full.

Over the counter appetite suppressants generally work in the same way. Some pills like Proactol work by producing a fibre complex that slows down your digestion making you feel fuller for longer.

There are side effects of using suppressants, which can be unpleasant, these can be nausea, insomnia and increase in the heart rate.

In conclusion, if you are looking at using an appetite suppressant to help you lose weight then make sure you consult your doctor and follow the manufacturer recommendations when using the product. Appetite suppressants have, and are being used by thousands of people world wide to help them achieve their weight loss goals.

If you want to find out more about weight loss pills or want to read articles about weight loss and dieting then you can visit

Warning - Quick Fat Loss Programs Are Dangerous To Fat People!

Don't you dare risk your fat by using a quick fat loss program. If you do, you're seriously putting entire way of life at risk.

1. Fat loves misery. If you decided to lose weight quickly, you're bound to have less depression. Who wants to be happy anyway?

2. Fat hates skinniness. If you decide that the weight has got to come off, you're in for making your fat frustrated, and it's likely to leave. Who wants to be skinny anyway?

3. Fat loves to stay. Quick weight loss programs will make the weight come off so quickly that you'll be shocked. Who wants to be shocked anyway?

4. Fat hates exercise. If you do lose weight quickly, you're going to have to exercise. Who wants to feel good from exercise anyway?

5. Fat loves eating. Most weight loss diets make you not eat quite as much. Who wants to save money on food anyway?

6. Fat hates self-control. The fastest weight loss diet requires self-control. Who wants to be in control of himself or herself anyway?

7. Fat loves making people sick. When weight comes off, it makes people's immune systems stronger. Who wants to be healthy anyway?

It's really amazing that fat people would consider any of these quick weight loss programs. Fat people need to consider the changes their life will bring and consider if it is really worth it...

Do you really want to be happy? Do you really want to be skinny? Do you really want to be shocked? Do you really want to save money on food? Do you really want to be in control of yourself? Do you really want to be healthy?

Hey fat person, count the cost and see if it's worth it!

If you're a fat person, you definitely should read this warning about a quick fat loss program. It's incredibly dangerous to fat people. Be aware and visit NOW

Taking a Weight Loss Dietary Supplement

A weight loss dietary supplement has different functions in helping aid weight loss. Some act as appetite suppressants to help users eat less, therefore have lesser calories to burn. Some act as thermogenics, increasing the body's metabolism, which means increasing its calorie-burning abilities, while some, on most occasions, support a combination of functions for speedier weight loss.

More doesn't mean more

Some people make the mistake of taking a weight loss dietary supplement above its recommended dosages. This not only futile because studies have shown that increasing dosages have very little effect on its efficacy, but more importantly can be very dangerous. While most weight loss dietary supplements have natural ingredients, that doesn't mean that more of it in your body is good. Dosages are given for that reason. Because the ingredients in the weight loss dietary supplement have undergone testing and have yielded to be most effective in particular potencies, anything less or in excess will negate the benefits that a particular weight loss dietary supplement has in general. You know that anything in excess is bad for you and that also applies even if you're taking more of the good stuff.

Buy safely

Apart from taking proper dosages, safeguard your health by buying only from licensed manufacturers and distributors. The weight loss industry is home to a lot of amazing products, and consequently, to those who want to cash in on the many who are eager to use these products. As such, counterfeit products might be circulating in your locality. To be sure, buy only from respectable drug stores and health food stores. Be wary also of weight loss dietary supplements that are extremely inexpensive. You may be tempted to buy them because of the savings you'll get but there's always a catch. And your health isn't something so easy to get back once you get caught.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Fast Weight Loss Results

When people want to lose weight they want to do it as quickly as possible. The key to fast weight loss is following a strict diet and exercise routine, but it doesn't hurt to get some outside help. This outside help can come in the form of all natural weight loss pills. The weight loss pills will be able to help you achieve the goals you set for yourself and help you reach them quicker.

The most popular herbal weight loss pill is called Proactol. It is all natural which means that there is no risk for any side effects. This is an important issue for a lot of people who want to get fast weight loss. Side effects from over the counter weight loss pills can cause bloating, diarrhea, and other uncomfortable feelings that make losing weight more of a pain than it should be. Proactol is able to be so effective because it binds to fat stored in your body. Proactol also acts as an appetite suppressant which means it makes you feel full and less hungry. You can only put on weight if you are constantly eating, so if you are able to suppress your appetite for a few hours a day, this can help in the long run.

So if you are looking for fast weight loss, you should try an all natural approach. They are proven to work and in Proactol's case, has even been featured in Britain's most popular newspaper as the "Best Weight Loss Method". Remember, fast weight loss can be reached as long as you work hard and do the right things.

Discover what makes Proactol #1 and start losing weight today!

Shifting Calories - Theory or Fact?

Shifting Calories is the latest buzz word in the weight loss field. While in the recent past, the most popular diets were based on the deprivation of either calories or a certain food group such as carbs, fat or protein, Shifting Calories provides an entirely different approach to weight loss, one which provides a fast and continuous fat loss.

Shifting Calories works by supplying you with a menu of healthy, balanced meals which contain food which is right for you to eat at certain hours of the day. These meals are then constantly shifted around so your metabolism never gets used to any eating routine. This is important because it was discovered that deprivation diets (low carb, low fat, and low calorie) cause your metabolism to slow down, so you may lose weight with these diets in the beginning, but it gets harder and harder to lose more with time, and it is also difficult to maintain what you lost. But shifting your calories insures that this won't happen to you.

Is this just a theory or is anyone actually using it?

Calorie Shifting has been used by tens of thousands of people around the world. In fact, one of the most popular diets today, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet (also known as Weight Loss 4 Idiots) is based on it. To say it's a theory would be ridiculous as it has a proven track record with tons of satisfied customers.

Following the shifting calories is relatively easy, since you follow a predetermined menu. But it takes discipline. You have to stick to the menu and not deviate from it. However, if you do stick to it, you have every chance to succeed.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days in keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Diet Myths Part 3

It is really hard to tell the truth from the hype with all of the information out there in the world about dieting. I have compiled a list of dieting myths to assist you in your quest for truth and your journey to your weight loss goals.

Myth #1 If I skip meals I will lose weight faster
Truth: It has been proven in studies that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be heavier than those who eat a healthy breakfast and eat 5 or 6 times a day. Eating often keeps you from getting overly hungry and eating too much at your next meal. Eating often also keeps your metabolism running in high gear.

Myth #2 I should cut out dairy if I want to lose weight
Truth: Recent studies have shown that women who eat 3 to 4 servings of dairy daily, actually lose up to 40% more fat than those who don't. There is something nutritionally in dairy products that we don't get anywhere else. There are many non and low fat dairy products on the market today and the smart dieter is taking advantage of that.

Myth #3 Nuts are fattening and I should stay away from them if I want to lose weight.
Truth: Nuts are a great part of a successful weight loss plan. Nuts are high in essential fatty acids, these support many body functions and have been shown to aid in weight loss. Nuts should be eaten in moderation and only raw nuts have the nutritional benefits that support your weight loss.

Myth #4 The more strict the diet, the more weight I will lose
Truth: when a diet is really strict, eliminating whole categories of food, or only allowing you to eat certain foods, the less effective it will be. Chances are high that you will get tired of the diet, and tired of feeling like a failure because you can't live up to the strict rules, and quit. This starts the destructive beat up cycle that ends in more crash dieting, making your goal seem farther and farther away.

Myth #5 There are certain foods that I can never eat again
Truth: As soon as we tell ourselves that we can't have something, it is all we think about. When you agree to treat yourself to the foods you love once in a while, you will be less likely to binge. Also consider way to make your favorite foods lighter, maybe using light sour cream or whipped cream or using low fat cheese. There are many ways to enjoy healthier versions of your favorite foods.

By busting these diet myths you are further along the path to your goals. Keep your eyes open as new fad diets and gimmicks are happening all around you. Educate yourself and make changes that you can live with for a lifetime.

Over 90% of diets fail. Don't be another statistic! You can have the body you have always dreamed of! - Let me show you how Diet Myths

Enjoyable Weight loss

If you want to get back into shape it does not have to be all gym, gym, gym, why don't you lose weight by doing activities you enjoy. Most types of sports evolve some type of physical activity and is a great way to shed some pounds. If you want to lose weight you must burn off more energy than you consume on a day to day basis. This is why doing sports is good for losing some weight as it uses a lot of energy. Tennis, football, rugby, hockey, or any type of sport where you can burn off some energy and work up a sweat is all good for weight loss. It is important to enjoy the sport because if you do not enjoy it you are unlikely to keep doing it. You must do the sport at least 3 -4 times a week for a hour or two per session. It may take a month or so before you start seeing the benefits of it, but if you are enjoying yourself the time will fly by.

Obviously it is important to eat the right foods, doing 2 hours of physical activity then going home and pigging out on bad foods is not going to help you much. Try to set yourself a program each week where you might do 2 hours on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday and have a break on Saturday and Sunday. Try to make time for this and fit it around your lifestyle.

Swimming is another energy burning way to lose weight. Its great as it works all the muscles in your body at the same time, i bet you have never seen an overweight swimmer. However it is not considered the best form of weight loss as it increases your appetite more than other methods. Experts are not sure why but put it down to the cool water people swim in. As their research seems to indicate, by swimming in cold water people consume more calories afterwards than by swimming in natural water.

The bottom line is any type of exercise, be it swimming, walking, sports activities, or any other method where you can burn off some energy is all good for you. As long as you enjoy yourself and feel better about yourself , that is the most important thing.

Ian Bennett operates, a blog about weight loss. He loves giving away stuff and right now when you sign up you will get a great Newsletter. and its all FREE!

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The Sad Truth About Weight Loss And You

It's about that time of the year where maybe you have broken your weight loss resolution and have somewhat fallen off your focus tempted by the sins that keep you off track. You are probably now tempted to take a look at the latest info. product on television announcing the latest weight loss craze.

How many times year after year has there been new, revolutionary weight loss products only for you to be disappointed and depressed? Far too many lies have been said. Far too many tears have been cried. And it irritates me to know that there are people out there who fall victim to these blatant lies while the creators of these "systems" or "revolutionary" products are profiting from victims. I'm here to share with you that this is the time to straighten up and listen to people like myself who are out to share with you truthful, honest information delivered with integrity.

Today right now is the time to get back on focus. It's time to stay focused on what really matters to you most. Weight loss is only the outcome that you are looking for but there are other issues that need to be addressed. Such as your emotions. How are your emotions supporting your weight loss goals? How is your thinking supporting your weight loss goals?

Don't be fooled. Don't be mislead by the lies. The creators of these info. lies know that people would rather buy a lie than to seek truth. They know that people will easily pursue what appears to be easy and effortless. If you want to find out the simple truth, reading this newsletter and subscribing to it is a great start. My purpose is to help as many people as I can with this message.

I think it's sad that there are too many victims out there still dieting today. There are still people out there who are feeling terrible about themselves and who are having self-defeating thoughts. Life can be much better. This is my purpose. This is what I'm born to do. I'm here to help you.

Josue Cano

P.S. for honest, truthful information order a copy of my book: Don't Wait Get in S.H.A.P.E. You won't be disappointed.

"Cap" Josue Cano B.A. C.S.C.S., is a specialized strength trainer and author of the book: "Don't wait get in S.H.A.P.E.: drop body fat fast and get fit quick". He is also an entertaining, funny health and fitness speaker who speaks to college students about college weight gain and has a program called Tackle the Freshman 15. He can be reached at his website: or by phone: (805) 415-0497


Does Your Hoodia Weight Loss Regimen Work For You?

The miraculous benefits of Hoodia Gordonii have already been established by independent laboratory studies.

The plant's wonder molecule, P57, is touted to possess unrivaled appetite-suppressing qualities. Its original manufacturer, Phytopharm, completed a placebo-controlled clinical study in overweight, but otherwise healthy volunteers using the P57 extract from the plant.

The participants were split into two groups, with one group received the extract and the other received a placebo. Both groups were also told to continue their normal diet and exercise regimen. In comparing the P57 group to the Placebo group, the P57 group had a significant reduction in body fat, caloric intake and showed no adverse side effects.

Health Implications

According to independent laboratory studies, the implications of hoodia with regard to the treating obesity are quite significant. In animal studies using rats, it was shown that a significant decrease in calorie consumption was noted in rats that were given hoodia samples.

In addition, one major study conducted on obese humans saw an average daily calorie drop of about 1,000 calories by the 15th day of taking the supplement. Further research is still being conducted, as more studies are needed to study the immediate and long-term effects and safety of the supplement. Current research however, has not verified any immediate or long-term side effects when using hoodia.

General Indications To Follow

In ensuring the supplement is effective, users should know that dosages may vary. It's important to use the product as directed by the manufacturer. It would be best to also consult your physician before using this or any other weight-loss product.

The supplement was initially released into the US market in early 2004, and there more research needs to be done before the mechanisms of the medication could be fully understood. Consumers should use extra caution in choosing a good-quality supplement, and ensure that they are made by reputable product manufacturers.

Take in Less Calories, And You Lose Weight Faster

What makes Hoodia supplements quite unique is that they effectively work in preventing weight gain. As much as everyone argues about which is more effective, low carbohydrate or low fat, in the end losing weight is a simple equation.

Individuals are advised to take in less calories than they usually burn, and the faster they will lose weight. As you can not gain weight if you consume lesser calories than you burn, Hoodia gives you a powerful mechanism to fight hunger and therefore take in less calories. Most diet pills and supplements work by trying to increase the rate at which our body burns fat.

Individuals who take weight-loss supplements like these are advised that Hoodia may not work right away as you wish it could. Users generally feel the effects several weeks after taking the supplements.

The major effects of using the product includes a reduced interest in food, delay in the time after eating before hunger sets in again, getting a feeling of fullness more quickly, as well as garnering a general feeling of well-being. Hoodia is not a stimulant, has no known side effects, and appears to be safe for most people. - Hoodia Remedy

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Diets That Increase Metabolism and Burn Fat

The human body is a complex system made up of chemical and electrical reactions at the cellular level that is controlled by hormones that circulate through the blood stream. Our metabolism is the rate at which these reactions occur and is based on the amount of calories we burn at any given time. By simply controlling these reactions we can alter our metabolism either upward or downward and control weight loss and gain.

So how do you do this? What is the magic pill that allows us to gain control over our metabolism? Very simply the food we eat has a great bearing on how our body's engine responds. Put high octane fuel into your system and it will respond in a positive manner. Put sugary sludge into the tank and the whole system slows down and starts storing fuel (fat) for future use.

This is where the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet can become an integral part of your weight loss program. The idea behind this diet is to tap into the power of the food you eat to accomplish your weight loss goals.

This is not a diet that targets just one type of food or food group such as all the low carb, low fat, high protein, or low calorie diets that are on the market today. The point is all of these types of foods have a place in our diet because the human body needs all these different nutrients to function properly. By eating healthy foods with the right type of calories at certain times during the day you can increase your metabolism and start burning that excess weight.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots does just this by calculating the types of foods will work best for your situation because not everyone is the same or has the same weight loss goals. The online diet generator is able to generate menus and food lists from the personal information you put into it. There are no pre-packaged meals to buy as everything you need can be purchased at your local grocery store.

Losing weight is about changing your eating patterns and the food you eat to tap into your own internal metabolic engine. Lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, whole foods, and vitamins and minerals all play a part in the weight loss equation. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet helps you achieve this ideal nutritional intake to not only lose weight but to also live a healthier life.

For more information about how the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet can help you lose weight and improve your health please visit by Clicking Here.