Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Quality Canada Weight Loss Prescription

These days, proper diet and exercise do not seem to be doing the trick anymore when it comes to losing weight that is why people are turning to a Canada weight loss prescription. Opting for a Canada weight loss prescription ensures safety and more guarantee that you can lose weight since doctors and experts are recommending the prescribed weight loss drug.

For obesity
Originally, the Canada weight loss prescription is only given to obese people or for those who are nearing obesity, which can be dangerous to their health. However, these prescription drugs do not just work like magic. These people still need to take those weight loss drugs while maintaining proper diet and exercise.

Are you obese?
If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 27 or higher and you are also at risk for heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, your doctor may need to give you a Canada weight loss prescription. However, some of these medications are for short-term usage only.

Types of prescription medications
Check with your physician first before taking on any of these weight loss prescription drugs that can be classified in two ways:

1. Appetite suppressants These are prescribed to people who have other medical conditions along with being obese and they need to lose weight to maintain perfect health. These are never prescribed to pregnant women, people with heart disease, those suffering from liver or kidney failure, and those with glaucoma. Examples of popular appetite suppressants are phentermine and fenfluramine, however, they have been taken out of the market because of their side effects linked to heart diseases. Other examples that are still available include sibutramine and diethylproprion.

2. Fat blockers These types of medication are for preventing the body from absorbing fats and expelling them through bowel movement. Popular examples of these are Orlistat and Xenical. Known side effects include frequent and oily bowel movements, gas, and discharge. However, these side effects are reduced along with the reduction of fat intake.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret

The Flat Belly Diet - Foolproof Method To Help You Lose Weight Fast

The flat belly diet is a new diet that is currently taking the diet world by storm. It helps you to lose weight both quickly and continuously over a period of time and is also completely safe to use. Find out more by reading this article.

The new diet is based around a new technique known as calorie shifting. The calorie shifting diet works by mixing up the amount of calories you consume at each meal which confuses your body and the metabolism.

With low calorie diets weight loss soon grinds to an halt because your body recognizes your eating patterns and so slows down the fat burning system accordingly. With the constant swapping and changing invovled in this method your body fails to get used to any eating pattern. However because of the confusion rather than staying at its usual rate it actually panics and begins to work faster.

The diet also consists of eating 4 meals a day. This helps firstly to stop you feeling cravings between meals but that isn't its main use. The real reason for eating 4 meals a day is that it keeps your metabolism working non stop meaning calories are being burned all day long.

Thousands of users are now using the calorie shifting method and many are recording amazing results. Weight loss forums are packed with members saying they've lost over the 9 pounds in 11 days that the diet promises and all these users can't be wrong.

The flat belly diet is one of the few ( if not the only ) diets around at the moment which combines fast, safe and continuous weight loss and for that it has to be recommended for anyone looking to lose weight and get a flat belly.

For more details on the calorie shifting diet and a review of the method visit here.

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. Click here.

Body Wraps Jump Start Weight Loss Programs With Visible Results

You may be fed up and tired of the many broken promises that a diet pill or exercise gave you just to slim down. These beautiful advertisements from herbal diet pills promised those vulnerable individuals that they would slim down after several weeks of daily intake of their pills. The only thing that happened to you is have a lost bowel movement and feel dizzy all the time. When you turned to doing some physical exercise, it just didn't work as you have expected. You have sweat a lot everyday and still your body measurement stayed the same. Well, you might not have tried these two options just for weight loss if you have earlier discovered the magic of body wraps on slimming down. This method is an effective, fast, natural, and safe way of slimming down. After a few weeks of simple body wrap treatments, you will surely be able to wear those sexy dresses you used to wear.

Body wraps are usually spa treatments that are marketed as slimming treatment. You might think that this is a fraud and just wants to get the money out of your pocket, but it is not. Body wraps work for slimming inches and compressing fat and this results in a much slimmer appearance. It can reduce your size to at least six inches, or even 9 inches after about 10 sessions of body wraps.

Body wrap works as what it is defined. You will be wrapped with mud, clay, or treated clothes for an hour or two. The purpose of this is to let the body fat that have been stocked in your skin to burn and be excreted from your body through sweating. The materials that have wrapped your body also work as the absorber of these excess fats. Imagine a sponge that is absorbing water. That is actually how the body wrap works. Another good thing on body wraps is that this method is not like taking pills or exercise in which you cannot dictate which part of your body will slim down. With body wraps, you can just put them on your problem areas like your belly, thighs, or arms. Fats on areas where the body wrapped is put on will only be the areas to sweat. That simply means that if you want to give emphasis to your breast or your behind, you just have to put on body wraps around your waist and thigh. Let it work for couple of hours and after that, you're already sexier than before.

Also remember that body wraps are not a substitute for exercise and a good diet. However, they can be a great start to getting those inches down and this in turn can get you motivated to start and continue an exercise program. Most people quite exercise programs if they do not see results in the first 15 days. This is where body wraps can really help.

Maria Wilson consults on body wrap formulas and ingredients for those that want to learn more about spa treatments and Sagging Skin issues as well that can happen with age or after weight loss.

5 Fast Weight Loss After Pregnancy Tips and Tricks

For fast weight loss after pregnancy, tips and tricks that emphasize the importance of physical exercise as well as knowing as much as you can about nutrition are the best forms of defense for keeping those extra pounds at bay. Although the rich and famous make it look incredibly easy, you really don't need a host of personal trainers and state of the art equipment for losing weight after having a baby.

Combining smart, healthy eating, exercise, and the right mind set, it really is possible to regain your familiar figure. Here are five fast weight loss after pregnancy tips and tricks that any new mother can do to quickly get back in shape while enjoying motherhood.

1. Breastfeed: Not only will your baby benefit from being breastfed, but you will too as you'll be burning more calories than mothers who choose to bottle feed. New mothers do have to consume more calories, however, studies have shown that most women tend to burn those calories faster than if they were not breastfeeding their babies.

2. Realize the benefits of exercise: Join forces with friends, family, your co-workers, or other new moms to get together to regularly exercise. Bring the babies along for a walk in the park and make pushing the stroller a part of your workout.

Walking is something you can start doing within a week of giving birth, unlike some exercises. For at least six to eight weeks, avoid any exercises that are particularly exerting, such as running or jogging, until your body has had the chance to fully recover from the pregnancy.

3. Stay well rested: Besides giving you more energy and helping you to feel better in general, sufficient amounts of sleep helps your body to properly regulate hormones, which in turn, directly affect your appetite.

Finding enough time to sleep is one of the trickiest tasks for new moms, but if you sneak in an hour or so every time your baby naps, you should be able to compensate for the sleep you're sure to lose during the night.

4. Snack frequently: Snacking on healthy foods frequently helps rev up the metabolism, gives us more energy, which ultimately increases our productivity, generating more endorphins in the brain and helping us to just feel better in general.

Satisfy your brain's need to snack as well as satiating your hunger by nibbling on things such as raw vegetables, which are crunchy and great with a low-fat dip, or pretzels, an excellent low-fat snack food, and fruits that provide a solution for the sweet tooth.

5. Use a smaller plate: The old saying, "The eyes are often bigger than the stomach" holds true for many people, but using a smaller plate is one way of battling this phenomenon. Actual studies have been done on both men and women who were given different sized dinnerware to see how they may have influenced how much the participants ate. Sure enough, the bigger the plate, the more food that was consumed, and the worse the person felt physically after overeating.

Portion control must be a priority for effective weight loss, and using a smaller plate can be an incredibly easy alternative than measuring or weighing your foods.

Shedding pregnancy pounds doesn't have to be a challenge. Visit http://www.pregnancyweightloss.net and discover what other moms already know, you can easily lose your baby weight without unhealthy fad diets and starvation techniques.

What's The Deal With Omega 3 And Weight Loss?

This article will talk about a popular topic these days: omega 3 and weight loss.

Before I go into briefly what omega 3 is, I would like to forewarn you that you should not depend on one particular supplement to lose weight. This instead comes from a variety of factors - surprisingly easy to apply, but still a multitude of factors to consider.

OK, so that being said, omega 3 is a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid. Many health practitioners suggest to their patients to help with a variety of circulatory diseases or other physiologic or autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

In general, the greater the ratio of omega 3 fatty acids to omega 6 fatty acids, the healthier it is for you.

Since losing weight is directly proportional to (but not exclusively dependent on) circulation, it is sometimes suggested by word of mouth to lose weight.

Here are some important things you should know about omega 3 and weight loss:

1) Omega 3 is essential if you want to have a healthy diet or lose weight.

2) Be careful when relying just on omega 3 supplements to lose weight. There is no evidence that omega 3 will help you lose weight by itself.

3) Although not many and far less than medical methods, there are some unwanted side effects if consumed in great amounts (and unfortunately the brainwashing attached with omega 3 helping to lose weight gets them to consume these large amounts). These range from a risk of a hemorrhage to high LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol), to reduced ability to heal and combat infections.

4) Losing weight is a holistic process. The exact method is beyond the scope of this article. You can access a very safe, fast, healthy method here. This type of method doesn't involve surgical methods (such as liposuction) or even exercise to lose weight. And they can help you lose 8-15 pounds in the first week, and keep helping you lose weight thereafter.

Ideally the answer towards losing weight is not a supplement or a gimmick or one fad method (or a reliable method for that matter) over another. The answer lies in a healthy process. Commonly this process is obtained with certain foods and not others. These are not "secret" foods, these are foods that we have all eaten at one time or another.

So, to summarize, omega 3 is essential if you want to keep healthy. However, don't rely solely on omega 3 to lose weight. The best news is, you can still lose 8-15 pounds in the first two weeks safely without using any "hocus pocus" formula or medical procedure.

Good luck!

By Patrick C. Martinez

Have you been searching for a proven method to easily lose weight quickly and safely online? If you are looking for a system which will work for the ordinary person no matter what level of condition, check out http://www.iweightpro.com

How to Lose Weight Very Fast Part 2

The first part of this series addressed the nutritional component of this equation.

In that article I laid the foundation to the kind of diet you need to consume in order to achieve "maximum weight loss in minimum time."

Before we dive in to today's lesson I think we need to make an important distinction: If you want to lose weight "very fast" then yes it is possible but it requires more focus.

Sure, you can lose weight by not changing your lifestyle dramatically but you can't make "dramatic changes very fast" without making dramatic changes in your lifestyle.

Makes sense, right?

OK, onward.

Part 2 of this series is exercise.

Here is what I want you to focus on:

Building Muscle. Well get to why in a bit...

But read on b/c this probably isn't going to be your typical advice.

See, most people have no clue how to build muscle.

When they hear this kind of advice they instinctively think "oh, I know that."

But when I look around at my local gym I can tell you that I know this isn't this case.

See building muscles begins with strength training (weight lifting, body weight workouts...etc -->whatever you want to do)

But this only where it begins.

Do know how muscles are REALLY developed?

I'm not going to go into a full blown discussion about muscle fibers, "the pump" and for the purpose of this article I'll assume you don't care. This might even by the truth. ;o)

Here the bottom line: Muscles develop through STRESS.

How do you create stress? You create stress by exercises your muscles to failure.

See, everyone wants to make this complicated.

"Do this routine." "Do that routine." "No that routines the best"

The TRUTH is that it doesn't matter what you do.

It matters how you do it.

Do whatever you want.

But if you are not experiencing muscular failure than you are not maximizes your muscular development.


Now, how many of your sets should result in muscular failure?

That depends but I would say somewhere in between 25-75%.

And let's be clear about what muscular failure is: it means FAILING!

In essence it means that you can't complete another repetition. You FAIL on your last one.

Now when you begin to apply this simple principle the results will be very exciting. Trust me.

You're body will begin burning lots of energy in order to fuel the growth of the muscles and that energy will come from fat.

Because unlike a body builder you are not going to consume lots of calories right? So instead of getting bigger you're simply going to get leaner.

Sound good? Of course this article is only for those who want to lose weight "very fast."

To learn more visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com to sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse.

The Weight Loss Lottery

This article will be VERY relevant to weight loss so keep reading...

But first... I have to say...

It still amazes me when I see people well into their golden years buying scratch off lottery tickets. Now, don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with lottery tickets. A little gambling for fun every now and then never hurt anybody right? But here's what I see when I look at so many of these people Desperation. Struggle. Despair.

Many of them looked so stressed out. They keep chasing that "elusive ticket." You know... the ticket that will change everything right? Do you know that virtually everyone who wins the lottery is returned to their exact financial state within 5 years? In many cases their worse off. Now if you look carefully, you will see the EXACT same behavior in the weight loss industry. People want to "buy" change, just like they want to buy a lottery ticket. And heck there are plenty of companies who are willing to play along with this game as long as it equals profit for them.

"Minutes a day"

"Eat as much as you want of whatever you want"

"No dieting and no exercise"

I guess we'll all just continue to play pretend. But if you want to know the truth it is this: Health is not something you pursue. It is something you attract by the person you become. Health is a journey not a destination. Now, this doesn't mean weight loss should be hard. It doesn't. But you have to invest the time and energy to learn exactly how to create the results you desire.

Without the knowledge you're only buying lottery tickets.

To learn more visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com to sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse and learn how you too can live your life in a lean, strong and energetic body.

Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Let's face it, being overweight has become a real problem for us. Diet companies, diet pills and supplements and gyms have become a very large business. Every single day there are hundreds of thousands of people who watch advertisements on television, read magazine ads and who do research on the internet. Everyone is looking for a quick and simple solution to their weight problem.

What makes matters even worse is that a large portion of these people try one method of weight loss, achieve some degree of success, gain the weight back and then try another method to lose weight. The big companies know this and use it to their advantage. It is an industry standard that the average consumer that habitually indulges in weight loss programs and products will change what they are doing every six months or so.

This is down right frightening. Real, healthy and enduring weight loss can only be achieved by doing our homework and implementing what we have learned. Healthy, long term weight loss requires a significant lifestyle change and not a quick fix.

The following are the things that you should seriously consider when embarking on a weight loss program that has enduring and healthy results.

1/ Before you do anything, do your homework. In this day and age, with access to the internet, anyone can learn almost anything in a relatively short period of time. The down side to this is, of course, information overload. However, with a little effort and patience one should be able to separate the important information from the junk.

There is not one single diet for everyone. Also, it is never, ever necessary to join a weight loss program that either sells you food or tells you how to eat. It is simpler and cheaper to learn what to eat and to prepare it for yourself. After all, this is not rocket science.

Get a primary education on whole, natural foods. Gaining weight and becoming fat does not happen in a vacuum. It is self evident that it is what we eat and how we live that permits us to gain those extra pounds and to get out of shape.

2/ Take the time to figure out what organic exercise program appeals to you. What I mean by that, for most people, joining a gym is not necessary and is not the best way to work out.

Do you like to walk? How about swim, jog or ride a bike? Do you enjoy an aerobic workout following along with a tape or dvd on the television? Figure out what it is that you enjoy doing and make the commitment to do it. It is that simple.

This is what you will discover. If you make the transformation of your lifestyle your primary goal, the weight loss will be effortless. The weight goals that you achieve will be healthy. It takes focus, determination and effort, but the benefits are priceless.

Join the Weight Loss Club where you will receive free ebooks, tips, information and advice on how to lose weight.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/ where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss