Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How to Lose Weight

How to lose weight is now such a complicated issue with all the different diet plans and fad diets that are on the go. You start cutting out carbs and then you think it is the GI that you need to look at and before you know where you are, you are trying meal replacement instead. None of this is really going to give you the long term result that you are looking for. To get long term results, first of all takes a shift in thinking, and what I mean my that is to stop thinking about diet as meaning weight loss, but think about diet as the food you eat, after all we all know deep in our hearts what is good food and what is bad food, and whether you like it or not, if you eat rubbish you are going to look rubbish. One of the things to be wary of when looking to lose weight is trying to get a quick fix by taking miracle cure supplements.

Now let me clarify this by saying that I am a believer in supplements, and I drink a certain type of Green Tea regularly which I know works on my metabolism, however I would not rely on that alone for me to lose weight and the same goes for any other kind of supplement like that, remember we are looking for a long term fix. Also, be wary of trying to do a really really strict regime to lose weight quickly. You see the problem with doing this is that you are going to deny your body of some of the nutrients that it needs, which in turn will develop cravings. Then once you have cravings you are fighting a constant battle in your head, which eventually you will lose and a bout of binging awaits for you. So, what can we do to safely and effectively lose weight? Well as mentioned before the first thing you need to look at is you food.

Is your diet high in refined white flour, sugar and the like? If so you may want to try cutting back on some of that and introducing more fruit and veg. Do you snack on potato crisps? If so why not try exchanging them for seeds or nuts (and I do not mean a packet of ready salted nuts here I am on about almonds or something similar). Also try to ensure that you are getting oily fish into your diet such as salmon or tuna (not the tinned stuff though). These are high in protein for you and also contain essential fats in the shape of Omega 3. And the best thing you can do with your new eating plan is combine it with some exercise. Now exercise does not have to mean running so hard that you cannot utter a word, exercise can be just anything that keeps your body and muscles moving. Exercise should be regular and consistent with at least fifteen minutes per day doing anything that is good for cardiovascular health, like swimming, running, brisk walking and even dancing. Before you start your new diet, think about and plan it first.

Do not be afraid to seek advice, but make sure the advice you follow is going to be a long term plan rather than a short term quick fix, and then make simple changes on a daily basis, focus on the positives you are getting out of it, and do not be afraid to reward yourself when you hit your weight loss goals.

If you want to find out more about how to lose weight for the long term visit where we have reviewed the best ways to lose weight and keep it off forever.

6 Foods That Help You Lose Weight Fast

Changing your diet to include the following 6 foods will help you lose weight fast. These foods will not make you lose weight by simply eating them (there's contrasting views about whether such foods even exist) but they will ensure that your metabolic rate and energy levels stay up which means that it'll be easier to lose fat.

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

1. High fiber food. Fiber has the ability to make you feel full and is highly nutritious, though it doesn't really contain a lot of calories. It helps the body and especially the intestinal system to function a lot better. To get a good dose of fiber make sure to eat vegetables, fruit, and unprocessed grains and cereals.

2. Lean protein. Our muscle tissue has a direct bearing on our metabolic rate. The more lean muscle tissue we have the faster we burn calories. As our muscles are made of protein, it's imperative that we eat enough of it in our diet. Good sources of lean protein are chicken, turkey, egg whites, tuna, and salmon.

3. Good Fats. Yes I said fats. Even if we want to lose weight our body still needs fat in order to function properly. But there's a huge difference between good and bad fat. In order to get good fat we should eat walnuts, almonds, flax seeds and other nuts, olive oil, avocados, and coconut. Remember, no fat isn't healthy and is bad for long term weight loss goals.

4. Snacks. This isn't a specific food but I had to include it because snacking can actually help you to lose weight. It has been shown that it's better to eat 5-6 meals or snacks each day than 3 square meals. Our body handles food better when it's in small doses. Snacking also keeps our blood sugar levels constant and helps the body burn fat faster.

5. Herbal tea. Drinking a hot beverage like tea helps you to lose weight faster for a number of reasons. First, drinking a hot beverage is a slow business meaning that it takes your mind off eating. Second, herbal tea has soothing affects on us which help to avoid craving and it's another way to increase our water intake. It also contains a lot of antioxidants which help to slow down the aging process.

6. Water. Most people don't consider water as food, but it's highly important to your weight loss efforts. Drinking enough water helps to stave off your hunger and also assists in all bodily functions, including the metabolism. Drink 8-12 glasses each day. You will look and feel much better.

Click here for more fitness and diet tips, as well as 2 free ebooks

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Calorie Shifting Diet

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks Or Less

What You Can Do to Lose Weight - Starting Now

Weight loss begins with knowing the principles of weight loss. While most people will start a weight loss program and fail, there are those who do succeed, and these are the individuals who understand the way our bodies work. There are certain functions our bodies undergo to lose weight, here you'll learn what you can do to lose weight.

To lose weight you have to educate yourself on how our bodies work. In order to burn off one pound of fat you need to burn off an estimated 3,500 calories from your body. A safe way to do this would be by eating right, let's not call it dieting, no one likes calling them "diets." Let's call it "calorie restriction" now with this idea, you can eat whatever you want, but try to keep it at a certain caloric limit every day.

So if you are a little bit overweight and you want to lose around 50 pounds you need to write some numbers down. You want to note that you may want to burn off around 2 pounds of fat every week. In that case you'd have to burn off an excess for 7,000 calories for the week. Now assuming you eat roughly 28,000 calories every week (4,000 calories per day), in this case you would need to restrict 1000 calories from your eating plan daily.

Now this may bring another problem, the desire to eat more food. At this point you can try to exercise every day, that way you can eat as much as usual but still be losing weight by expending the extra energies (calories) that you have stored in your body. There's no way of determining how much weight you will lose, but the rule of thumb is that you don't want to lose more than 3 pounds of fat every week, reason is your body will react to this fast fat loss and may gain the weight back up once you've started eating the way you normally eat, or perhaps you stop exercising.

Weight loss has to be consistent and continuing. Once you've reached a certain weight and you are happy with it, you can eat a little more pleasurably and exercise less often, and still be able to maintain your new weight. The hardest part about losing weight is actually losing the weight in the first place. If you can get to a weight level you are happy with, that's a success! After this you simply just have to maintain that weight, which isn't relatively hard.

Also what you can do to lose weight, your body has a default calorie expenditure every day. It's roughly ten to twelve times your body weight in calories each day. So if you're body naturally burns away 2,500 calories each day, then in order to maintain the same weight you would need to take in roughly 2,500 calories each day. The same goes for if you want to lose weight you can try eating 2,200 calories each day to lose an extra 300 calories every day. This works great for downsizing quickly for a special event and the like.

There's also a trick to lose weight by tricking your metabolism, the trick is to eat a set amount of calories for the week, but fluctuate the amount you take in every day. Some days you will eat a low amount of calories and some days you will eat more calories than usual. It's not a hard eating plan to keep and maintain, and the results can be great. Since your metabolism is the machine that helps burn away unwanted fat, this is vital for fat loss.

Ernie is a fitness enthusiast and weight loss expert, to find out more about tricking your metabolism to Burn Fat Fast be sure to check out what you can do to Lose Weight Fast and keep it off!

Lose Weight and Stay Fit For the Summer

The long awaited summer is almost here and soon you will be up and about and thinking less about eating healthy and more about just getting your fill on all the beautifully colored foods. But even though you are excited about summer remember that you do not want to erode the progress you have made in the long winter months.

Before you go out and ruin all the progress you have made on your weight loss goal, try loading up on some super foods that will keep you losing weight and keep you looking great.
What makes a food a super food. A super food is super because it makes you look better and live longer. It is unprocessed, fresh and filled with vitamins and nutrients. Examine these super foods against the foods that you should avoid which are processed foods which are not fresh and have no vitamin or nutrient whatsoever.

Summer is here and you should eat all the summer foods. But you should not only eat for summer but you should practice a seasonal way of eating. If you start this, you will be eating foods that are in their specific seasons , which will be fresh and filled with vitamins and minerals.

For the season you want to eat foods that are high in fiber . Such foods are fruits, vegetables, and whole grain. These foods will fill you up longer after each mean and you will eat less which will cause you to lose weight naturally. Weight loss will occur because you are taking in less calories and if you eat less calories, your body will be able to burn it off without having extra for storage which turns into unwanted fat.

For example when eating for weight loss this summer try eating a cereal rich in fiber in the mornings for breakfast. And because it is summer, all the berries are available to you in their freshest state. Berries such as strawberry, blackberry, raspberry and the best of the berries, blueberry. Get some blueberry in your meal at least once a day during this season. Studies have shown that these have the most antioxidants and they taste great too.

Again for example you when having your lunch or dinner you should be going for fiber and protein. By mixing both of these you will find that you will cause weight loss to happen much faster because they take the longest to digest and they contain fewer calories. Add corn, it is the season for it. Don't forget the tomatoes. These are delicious during the summer season.

Enjoy yourself this summer by going outdoors and having fun. One of the fun ways that you might enjoy this season, be outdoors and lose some weight is by walking. This is a great time for it and you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the time and all the while losing weight. You cannot get a better combination.

Do you want to discover the secrets of Weight Loss?

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Jackie Reid is a weight loss advisor who teaches people who want to lose weight how to use diet and exercise to create their ideal body weight through personalized classes and coaching programs.

Diet Plans to Lose Weight Fast

You've probably seen many diet plans that claim you will lose weight fast. Most probably work, but you also stay hungry, eat foods that aren't very tasty, and once you lose the weight it more than likely will come back. I am going to tell you about a plan that will allow you to lose weight faster than ever, and you eat real food!

Most programs have special pre-packaged diet foods, shakes, and snack bars. I don't know about the rest of you, but this is certainly not enough food to keep me satisfied! Trying to keep your calories to 800 or 1200 per day is difficult.

How would you feel about diet plans where you never count calories, fat grams, or carbohydrates, you eat foods you love, and still lose weight very fast? It's a real program, and it has worked for millions of people. You have never seen anything like this!

This plan is designed to turn your body into a fat burning machine by "switching calories". It's very simple really. You eat good nutritious foods for a certain number of days, then anything you like for a few days. You eat more than three times per day, so you never feel hungry. Most people lose 9 lbs in 11 days - amazing!

There are hundreds of diet plans that allow you to lose weight fast, but they not only are hard to stick with, it's impossible to stay on them to maintain your weight. This plan has been the most successful for helping people lose weight rapidly for the past several years.

If you're looking to lose weight fast, this is one of the best diet plans you will ever come across. Thousands of people have experienced the wonderful results this diet delivers - and remember, no starving or diet foods involved. Maybe you should be the next success!

Are you tired you diets that don't work, and leave you running for a Big Mac? Use the fast weight loss diet plan that has helped millions lose weight fast and keep it off! Visit The Skinny on Weight Loss for more tips, ideas and resources.

Natural Weight Loss Tips - How to Successfully Lose Weight the Natural Way

The most recommended method to get fit and healthy is to use natural weight loss methods. We can never deny the fact that a large chunk of today's society is either overweight or obese. Many just ignore this issue without even realizing that they are already a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

With that said, natural weight loss is the ideal solution to get in shape. It entails a chemical-free program that will let you lose weight by being conscious of what you eat and drink, and by performing proper exercise techniques.

How It Works

The idea of natural weight loss is to reduce weight without the help of synthetic medicines or dieting drugs to expedite the process. In fact, it takes longer to achieve than the "quick and easy" methods available today.

For starters, natural weight loss begins by balancing the intake of food into our bodies. The food that we eat must contain just the right nutrients -- vitamins, mineral, low calories, and reduced fat; enough to get you through the day without turning the excess into extra pounds.

Some dieters purchase fat-free snacks in order to reduce the possibility of turning it into fat - this is mostly a misconception and needs to be revised. In truth, low-fat snacks and foods still contain calories in their make.

If we eat too much of it in one sitting, then it is very possible that some of them will be turned into excess fat and will add to our weight.

Getting Started

If you are very adamant to implement a healthy lifestyle by losing all those fats the natural way, then here are some tips to get your started with your natural weight loss program.

1. Start off by coming up with a diet program that will help you balance food intake and reduce weight. You can consult a diet expert for this or your gym instructor if you want.

2. Instead of taking one big meal, with some snacks on the side; try to take in small meals every 3 to 4 hours interval. Go for healthy snacks like carrot sticks, green salad, and so on. Avoid junk foods at all cost.

3. Drink plenty of water during the program. Water can help clean our digestive system and remove any excess substances or harmful materials in our bodies that add to our weight.

These are just some tips to get you started with your natural weight loss program. It is true that going for this method takes quite longer than other means, but doing it the natural way is the preferred method by many health experts today.

Once you are already used to its little quirks, it will easily assimilate into your daily routine, resulting in a healthy lifestyle every single day.

Want to finally get rid of those stubborn fats? Grab a FREE revolutionary fat-burning course that reveals quick weight loss tips and secrets at

Eat More Often to Lose Weight?

If you're like me, you were probably raised on the concept of three square meals a day. Snacking between meals was discouraged.

It's time to forget that outdated advice. One of the best things you can do to accelerate your weight loss is to eat more often.

I am not saying to eat more food, just to spread it out more through your day. Take your total food allowance for the day and divide it into five or six meals instead of three.

I also suggest forgetting the concepts of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks as being carved in stone. Eat what you feel like that is part of your weight loss plan, at whatever time of day you like, as long as you consume the day's total food intake by the time you go to bed.

Why do this?

There are several reasons. First, by eating more often (even in smaller amounts), you will be more satisfied and less hungry throughout the day.

Second, by scheduling more meals, if you do get hungry, you can remind yourself that you have another meal scheduled in an hour or two. This will help you avoid an eating binge or going completely out of control.

Third, eating smaller meals is better for your body. You're less likely to suffer from indigestion or gas when you eat less at a time. Your body can process the food more effectively if you don't give it so much at once. This will keep your blood sugar more in check and make it less likely for food to be stored as

Fourth, this will make your weight loss plan more interesting and easier to follow, so you'll be more likely to stick with it long enough to reach your goals.

If your weight loss plan only calls for three meals a day, just divide some of the portions in half or separate some of the foods.

For example, instead of a whole sandwich, eat half of it now and half in two hours.

Instead of eating a bowl of cereal with a piece of fruit, save the fruit for later.

You don't have to make each meal exactly the same size as the others, just spread them out and keep the total daily amount of food the same.

By the way, this tip works even when you are just trying to maintain your weight, so don't think of it as just a diet trick.

You may be thinking you won't be satisfied with smaller meals. All I can say is just give it a try and you'll probably wonder how you ever got through life eating only three meals a day.

Rachel Robles is a fitness consultant and the author of "The Advanced Guide to Fast Weight Loss for Busy Women", available at

Five Free Tips to Help People to Lose Weight

Many people find it very difficult to lose weight, this is very understandable, there are many fatty foods that are tempting to eat, even though we would like to exercise we do not seem to have the time or the energy. Other people are able to lose weight but then find it difficult to keep the weight off and end up in an even fatter state only a short time later. In this article I am going to be writing about five tipe in which people can go about losing weight which when adhered to will also enable the person to keep the weight off, I hope you enjoy the read.

I am a person who has now thankfully managed to reach my own target weight. The tips that I am about to give are what I followed. I am very confident in keeping the weight off as unlike with any other form of diet that I have tried this one not only made sense but was actually quite easy to carry off.

1. It is not what you eat but is more when you eat it

For me this is without doubt the most important tip. In my opinion your main evening meal should be eaten no later than six o'clock in the evening and it should also be your smallest meal of the day. If you have eaten a nice big healthy breakfast, a large health lunch then you should only require a light dinner.

2. Cut out the snack foods

Eating in-between meals is one of the biggest weaknesses obese people tend to have. If you are serious about losing weight you need to cut out these snacks, unless they are healthy snacks such as fruit.

3. Own a dog

It may seem a crazy tip but owning a dog and taking that dog for regular walks is a great form of exercise and can seriously help when attempting to lose weight. There are many additional benefits of having a dog as a pet of course.

4. Buy an in-door gym

I often hear people say that they do not have time to go to a gym or that they feel out of place at a gym as it is full of fit people. These people have no excuse as they are now able to buy a gym for their home; this is proving to be ever more popular these days.

5. Stay off the booze

Alcohol is something that we need to either cut out or reduce our intake of when trying to lose weight as it is extremely fattening.

I hope these tips prove to be as beneficial to you as they have to me.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:

Alternative therapies
DVD authoring