Sunday, May 11, 2008

Weight Loss in Ten Minutes

Weight loss does not happen quickly for most people, but there is a critical point that becomes so motivating, success seems to be effortless and permanent.

This success has nothing to do with the latest supplement touted on infomercials. They may be helpful but they are not the reason people lose weight. New fangled gym equipment is not the secret either, although exercise is important and a convenient workout allows people to stick to a fitness routine. Pre-made diet meals are useful when pressed for time, but they are not the only ingredient in successful weight loss.

There is a critical point when someone truly desires to commit to a new health plan. For many people who have been overweight for years, being in shape is a long lost memory rather than a reality. The thought of beginning the challenge seems impossible. Over weight issues are so commonplace the underlying message is that it is the norm. When everything is super-sized the temptation is hard to refuse. Modern day diseases that are life-style related are now treated with maintenance drugs that ironically make it more difficult to lose weight. It is as if our culture is trying not to let us reach that critical point to welcome better health in our lives.

When people lose weight successfully and quickly there are two common denominators. They reach a point where they realize they were much too comfortable with their excuses and then they chose a manageable eating plan that did not leave them feeling deprived. Discovering these realizations helps people get past the indecision that prevents them from succeeding.

Of course, losing weight must be done in a safe manner. Although it takes a number of months to achieve weight loss, the benefits are felt immediately. The empowerment of a committed decision is just the beginning. A manageable weight loss plan restores someones energy level so there is a feeling of thin even if the scale doesnt reveal the goal weight yet.

Being able to replace an old mind set of impossibility with accomplishment is the greatest weight loss there is. If you can lose the weight of failure, the actual weight loss is easy.

Dr. Lisa Ann Homic is a chiropractor, mental health counselor, and wellness coach in Auburn, NY. She is author of The Numbers Dont Lie Diet & Happiness Doesnt Get Enough Attention: How Thought Sparks Ignite Your Life. Visit .

Fat Loss 4 Idiots An Honest Review

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a new diet program that claims you can lose 9lbs in 11 days, although if you ask any nutritionist they will say that any more than 3 or 4lbs in this time is dangerous.

So does the Fat Loss 4 Idiots work? Well this is my independent review of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

As mentioned above 9lbs of weight loss in just 11 days is quite fast weight loss, so first like me explain the system that the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet uses:

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is like any other diet except it is based around metabolism. The way it claims to work is that the human body is quite clever and will memorizes the calories and foods of the past days and speed up or slow down accordingly.

Also the body builds up a tolerance to some foods and puts them in a scale of what to burn first and what to burn slower. The way the body normally works is by burning the calories first and then the fat.

The points above is suppose to be why most traditional diet programs sometimes do not work that well. If you limit your calorie for months with a normal diet your body will adjust accordingly and the metabolism will not burn as much fat as you think therefore you will not loser much weight.

The way the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet works is not by watching the calories you are taking in but is based around a calorie eating pattern.

Obviously the next question is how does it work? Well, that is the million dollar question and the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet secret so I can't tell you in this review.

The idea is that you will teach your body to remember your calorie intake, then you suddenly change your calorie intake. This leads the body to make changes in your favor with the calorie burning. For instance if you were taking in 2,000 calories a day and suddenly change to 1,000 calories the body says I thought we were on 2,000 calories a day? and thinks it must start burning more fat!

That is the general gist of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet but you will need to know more like How long does the body need to memorize the calorie intake? And What different types of calories are there and which ones do I use?

In conclusion I would say the Fat Loss 4 Idiots is worth a look if you have found that conventional diets are not working for you!

Jean Daniels used to suffer with her weight but after finally getting her weight under control she enjoys helping other people and teaching about weight loss.

For more info on how you can drop 9lbs of weight every 11 days without fail! Click The Link Below:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Lose Weight Fast - Once and For All

Many people had asked me over the years how to lose weight fast and I answered each and everyone of them the same thing, with hard work, results will not come just by sitting at home all day, losing weight is as every other project hard at the beginning, but don't let that stop you, there are many things ordinary people can overcome with determination, willpower and hard work.

It's only too often that people quit their plans before they even get a good grip on them and especially since we need around three weeks to get used to new habits and other changes in our lives. There are also other things you can benefit apart from looking good. People will judge you by your appearance, whether is it a good or a bad one.

Obviously good looking people have advantages over certain things in our lives, they have more options to build their future on and other advantages in society. Only thing keeping you from becoming that good looking person is a few months of hard work and devotion. If you can get that tip and follow it, everything else will be as easy as a walk in the park.

And you can learn a great lesson from this, try to keep your goals where you can reach them and try to focus on visualizing them, if you won't forget why you are doing this you will not lose motivation. I don't get it why some people stay unhappy with their bodies through their whole lives and regret not going to gym day after day.

It will only take you a minute of your time per day to get your engine working. I know that nowadays life revolves so fast and leaves us with almost no spare time, but if you want something strong enough, you can make time and that is all that I need you to do, take that hour from your daily routines and change your body, you have to do it once.

Why not start now? Obviously best ways of losing weight are good diets and daily cardio exercises such as running or jogging. Since following a good diet might prove quite a challenge try to keep following them for at least a month since this is the time it usually takes for us to start noticing changes.

So only thing you need to do is start and keep on going for at least a month, take an hour of your time and convert it into some quality cardio training.

This is not all I have prepared for you, read more useful tips on CLICK HERE.

7 Ways How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

It's pretty safe to assume that most people in the western world have been on a diet of some sort at some stage of their lives. Majority of people want to lose some weight from somewhere on their bodies, though the most common complaints are from women around their buttocks, hips, and thighs. Based on this, the question of how to lose weight fast and easy is widespread.

The problem with most diets though, is that they take so long. Who wants to be deprived of their favourite junk food, alcohol, and takeaway for months at a time? Who wants to be locked into regular exercise? The answer is easy: nobody.

So, for the couch potatoes of you who want to know how to lose weight fast and easy, here are seven tips to help make things faster and easier:

1. Drink lots of water. Water fills you up and cleans you out. In fact, the Chinese and Japanese swear by it. They even have a "water diet" which begins the day with drinking half a litre of water before you've even cleaned your teeth! If you get sick of water, you can always eat ice, which can take the edge off hunger for a while, and numbs your mouth so you don't want to eat any real food anyway!

2. Halve your portions. It stands to reason that if you don't consume as many calories, you won't need as much effort to burn them off. Most fad diets or short-term diets are based on a low consumption of calories, around 1300 a day, but who wants to count calories? Pile on your plate the way you normally would, but only eat half. You'll be surprised at how easy it is. You may even discover that you didn't 'need' such a big plate to fill you up in the first place.

3. Eat slowly. It has been proven that chewing your food more times and eating slowly results in you eating less, therefore consuming fewer calories. Most people, particularly if they're hungry, eat relatively quickly not giving their stomach a chance to feel full when it really is and ending up "over-eating" without intending to. By slowing down your eating habits, you can lose weight without even changing what you eat.

4. No fizzy drinks. Soft drinks are renowned for their high sugar content, which definitely means more calories to get rid of later. In addition, they don't actually quench your thirst, so you need to keep drinking them when you're thirsty. Replace each time you would normally have a fizzy drink, with water and see the difference!

5. Sleep early. When you are sleeping, you are not eating. When you sleep early, it means you eat earlier, which gives your body a good chance to digest the food properly.

6. Move more. It's not necessary to spend hours at the gym working out, however you do have to do is more exercise than you do now. It doesn't have to be set exercises though. It could just be walking from the parking lot to the supermarket, but parking further away or it could be walking up the stairs instead of taking the escalator. Small things which, done on a regular basis, make a big change.

7. Eat more often. This is probably the best tip of the "7 ways how to lose weight fast and easy". By eating little and often during the day, you will naturally speed up your metabolism, meaning you will burn calories more effectively. Of course, it doesn't mean eat a 3-course meal, 6 times a day,snacks such as raisins, an apple, celery or carrot sticks are good options and because you are eating continuously, you are less likely to stray towards foods you should be limiting.

So there you have it. These tips can show you how to lose weight fast and easy. All you have to do now is put them into action!

Get in touch with the industry experts at for more help. Steve Magill has written several articles with regard to the weight loss business. As a Fellow in the (FBAE) he is considered an expert consultant when it comes to helping people to lose weight.

The Weight of the Holidays

It hangs pretty darn heavily, to tell the truth. It's not easy to maintain a moderate weight, much less lose some pounds over the holidays. There are just too many things going on, and also the stress of running around trying to get everything just right for these last celebratory days of the year seems to knock everything out of whack.

Stress eating is at an all time high, and consumption of fast food from food courts and eating on the run is also a big source of extra holiday calories. And last but not least, the fatigue you feel after all the prepping, shopping, wrapping, lighting, tree trimming, decorating and cooking for the big events leaves you not wanting to lift another finger, much less stick to your workout plan as usual.

So, here are a few tips to keep it all in check until the New Year's resolutions kick in:

Tip #1 - Have a plan. Whether it's for your shopping trip, house decorating, or prepping holiday dinner, create a time line in which you're going to try to get everything done. Make lists of all the things you need to buy, places you need to go, what you need to do, and then arrange everything in a sensible, easy to accomplish order. This will help you keep some structure in the midst of all the chaos.

Tip #2 - Eat BEFORE you go out to shop. Do not go thee forward into that shopping center or mall on a half empty stomach! Shopping, while not an Olympic sport, DOES burn up a lot of energy, and after you've exhausted yourself a bit at the big sales, you're gonna want to eat, because the body is then demanding some fuel. That's when you get into the food court danger zone. Eating a full meal (be it breakfast, lunch or whichever applicable meal it is) before you hit the stores will help to circumvent the bad, calorie laden, mall food temptations.

Tip #3 - Workout BEFORE you get to that busy part of your day. Even if it means getting up earlier to do it. Even if you can't make it to the gym. You can do a jog around your neighborhood, or just do a quick 30 minute to 45 minute workout at home, with or without a fitness DVD. Don't have one? Turn on Fit TV, or just put some music on and GO TO IT. Make it up as you go along, if you have to. And once again, get the workout in before you do the other stuff. If you wait until later, your energy will probably be depleted, and then you won't do anything. Not good. Get that workout in FIRST.

Tip #4 - Don't use the holidays as an excuse to fall off your regimen and fitness plan. "Everybody gains weight during the holidays" is NOT an acceptable excuse to slack up! Remain sensible, and while you can't help but to have some fun with holiday parties, goodies, and treats, be sure to balance it out with good healthy eating, and stick to regular workouts, even if you have to vary up the times. If you do go a bit crazy, throw a couple extra workouts in each week to make up for it. What you take out of your own personal fitness bank, you have to be sure to put back in.

And that's basically it! No need for a long list. Just a few good, basic, common sense solutions that will have you looking and feeling your best all the way past the ball drop. And then you won't even have to put "losing the extra pounds I gained during the holidays" on your list of New Year's resolutions. You can just hit the ground running. Not a bad way to go!

Happy Holidays!

You can get more weight loss and fitness tips by Yvonne Bridges at

Yvonne is a top fitness instructor and ex Golden Gloves champion boxer living in New York City.

Weight Loss - Lose 9 Pounds In 11 Days

You have most likely heard it all after all that is all they talk about on television; especially with the spring and summer months approaching us. Losing weight can be difficult; however if you are willing to stick to a new routine in your life you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. Many people have done it as a matter of fact you may know someone who has tried to lose weight and the weight seemed to just fall off of them and when you tried the same weight loss program that they were on it did not seem to work for you.

Do not get disappointed if you have tried something before in the past and it did not work for you; do not let that stop you from stopping to try new things. One of the best things anyone can do who is attempting to burn fat fast is to learn how to increase their metabolism. If you have been around any children or teenage boys you will notice that it seems that they can eat anything and everything without gaining a single ounce. So what happens to us when we reach a certain age and we can no longer eat the way we used to.

As you become older you can eat foods that will increase your metabolism and you just have to know what to eat, so I have taken the time to find some foods that will increase your metabolism and will help you on your journey to lose 9 pounds in 11 days they are as follows:

  • Eggs: they are a protein and they will boost your metabolism. So the good thing is you can enjoy your breakfast early in the morning without any regrets of eating eggs.
  • Coffee: I do not know about you I love drinking my coffee early in the morning; and the best part is that it cuts your hunger and it also increases your metabolism.
  • Oatmeal and Salads: These foods are filled with fiber. Fiber is known to cut your body fat and increase your metabolism.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: This may not increase your metabolism; however it will help your food digest a lot faster because of the acid in the vinegar; not only that I personally like the way it tastes.
  • Fish: tuna, trout and other types of fish will help you boost your metabolism and help you lose 9 pounds in 11 days.

If you set your mind to your goal that you want to lose 9 pounds in 11 days you can achieve it. Even if nothing has worked before for you in the past; why not get the information you require to find out how your body works. Everyone's body is different the only thing we all have in common with our bodies is that they were meant to protect us from all kinds of diseases and sicknesses. You just have to learn about how it works and how to treat it the right way. Take action today with your weight loss goals and in just 30 days your life can be different.

Learn more about how you too can lose 9 lbs in 11 days and the secrets that have been keeping you overweight Get all the facts here.

Weight Loss - Lose 9 Pounds In 11 Days

You have most likely heard it all after all that is all they talk about on television; especially with the spring and summer months approaching us. Losing weight can be difficult; however if you are willing to stick to a new routine in your life you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. Many people have done it as a matter of fact you may know someone who has tried to lose weight and the weight seemed to just fall off of them and when you tried the same weight loss program that they were on it did not seem to work for you.

Do not get disappointed if you have tried something before in the past and it did not work for you; do not let that stop you from stopping to try new things. One of the best things anyone can do who is attempting to burn fat fast is to learn how to increase their metabolism. If you have been around any children or teenage boys you will notice that it seems that they can eat anything and everything without gaining a single ounce. So what happens to us when we reach a certain age and we can no longer eat the way we used to.

As you become older you can eat foods that will increase your metabolism and you just have to know what to eat, so I have taken the time to find some foods that will increase your metabolism and will help you on your journey to lose 9 pounds in 11 days they are as follows:

  • Eggs: they are a protein and they will boost your metabolism. So the good thing is you can enjoy your breakfast early in the morning without any regrets of eating eggs.
  • Coffee: I do not know about you I love drinking my coffee early in the morning; and the best part is that it cuts your hunger and it also increases your metabolism.
  • Oatmeal and Salads: These foods are filled with fiber. Fiber is known to cut your body fat and increase your metabolism.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: This may not increase your metabolism; however it will help your food digest a lot faster because of the acid in the vinegar; not only that I personally like the way it tastes.
  • Fish: tuna, trout and other types of fish will help you boost your metabolism and help you lose 9 pounds in 11 days.

If you set your mind to your goal that you want to lose 9 pounds in 11 days you can achieve it. Even if nothing has worked before for you in the past; why not get the information you require to find out how your body works. Everyone's body is different the only thing we all have in common with our bodies is that they were meant to protect us from all kinds of diseases and sicknesses. You just have to learn about how it works and how to treat it the right way. Take action today with your weight loss goals and in just 30 days your life can be different.

Learn more about how you too can lose 9 lbs in 11 days and the secrets that have been keeping you overweight Get all the facts here.

How To Lose 35 Pounds Fast

There is more than one way to lose 35 pounds. However, I believe that the way I'll suggest in this article is one of the better if not the best one to do it fast.

In order to lose 35 lbs as fast as possible, I suggest that you begin by using the Master Cleanse diet for 5 - 10 days. The Master Cleanse is a famous detox diet which has the ability to flush you body clean of a lot of toxins, chemical waste, and undigested weight which has accumulated inside your body. This diet has been used by many many people including several celebrities like the singer Beyonce with great success. It can lead to a massive weight loss.

But before you use this diet you should know a few things: This is a hard diet to stick to and you should never use it for more than 10 days straight. This is because the calorie intake with this diet is very low. So use it for 5--10 days to give your weight loss a kick start and then stop.

After you finish with the Master Cleanse, I suggest that you switch and use the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. The reason why I'm suggesting this is that this diet can still provide you with a relatively fast weight loss and is not that hard to stick to. You may want to take a few days break between the 2 diets and that's alright, but once you start with Fat Loss 4 Idiots you can expect a continuous weight loss at a good pace (not as fast as with the Master Cleanse, but still good). The good thing about Fat loss 4 Idiots is that you get to eat 4 meals a day so you never go hungry. By following one diet with the other, you will be able to lose 35 pounds fast.

Of course, if you don't want to use the Master Cleanse, you can use only Fat Loss 4 Idiots to lose 35 pounds. It'll take a little more time, but it will certainly go easier on you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 pounds in 11 days with The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How to lose weight fast with the Master Cleanse and other diets

Click here to read more about Fat Loss 4 Idiots and the Master Cleanse: Diets To Lose 10 Pounds Fast