Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Weight Loss Through Diet and Hypnosis

Over the years you tend to put on a few pounds, and its only later on that you may realize you've become a little overweight. So then begins the battle of fighting the bulge and trying to lose weight, the visits to the doctor and gym. For a person to be successful at weight loss, they need to condition their mind as well as work on their body.

A good place to begin is by keeping track of your eating habits, thereby cutting down on food that adds calories and have a high fat content. Many people assume that if they eat less or starve they will lose weight, in fact it is quite the opposite. And there are some who eat when they are going through extreme emotions and have difficulty following a diet routine between their busy work schedules. There are some who have tried but been unsuccessful, and so have resorted to visiting a psychologist to help them tune their mind into losing weight.

An alternative that the counselors suggest is hypnosis for weight loss, which will not involve any dieting but sheer pre conditioning of the mind. Hypnosis is where a person's subconscious state is trained to aid them in reaching their goals and this is done after the person has listed down their specific goals. This could be through auto response or using certain words that trigger a kind of reaction, and help them rid of all the stress that is bogging them down. The person who has been through hypnosis will be asked to make a commitment to work out or stick to a diet regime. Hypnosis has been found to be a very effective way to build positive thoughts and motivational traits in the person and helps them get rid off any weight gaining habit they might have.

Weight loss through hypnosis helps the person change their outlook on life and become more focused, be it to do with exercise or diet in order to accomplish their goals. Using the commands given at the time of hypnosis, the person battling with weight issues will be pushed towards following them with no side effects.

Thera-diet weight loss program
Download Information

1 Cardio Trick To Lose Belly Fat - Maximize Your Belly Fat Burn Rate

One of the best ways to lose belly fat is through cardio workouts. Cardio can burn a lot of fat in a relatively short period of time, as long as it's done in the right way to maximize your fat burn rate. The sad thing is, that most people do cardio in a way which doesn't help them to burn the maximum amount of fat and also consumes way too much of their time.

So what is the wrong way to do cardio? Or better yet, what is the 1 cardio trick to lose belly fat fast?

The wrong way to do cardio, which is the more common form you see in gyms, is the long duration, low-medium intensity cardio workouts. You probably know what I mean: people who get up on the treadmill and simply use to it to stroll for an hour, barely picking up their feet. Others may run at a slow pace which may be great for a warm up, but it's not the best way to lose belly fat, not by a long shot.

Not that I blame those people, they've simply been filled with misinformation. They've been led to believe that they need to do long workouts in order to burn any fat at all. Of course you need to do things for a long time if you're doing it at a slow pace like a turtle. Your body barely feels any exertion.

The 1 trick to lose belly fat with cardio involves doing short duration, high intensity, interval cardio workouts. By doing such workouts you get the body to really feel the burden, work your heart through a whole range of beat rates, burn a ton of fat, and do it in less time. The downside is that you need to work hard. If you don't push yourself, you will not be able to burn enough belly fat to make it worthwhile, but if you are prepared to make the effort, you can have a massive cardio workout in 20--25 minutes flat.

So the trick to doing cardio to lose belly fat is to do it a high intensity level which means that you will only be able to keep it up for a short while, and then to lower your intensity level for a while to catch your breath, and push yourself into higher intensity again. If you do this cycle for the entire 20 minutes of workout, believe me, you'll be huffing and puffing, and sweating profusely. What's even better, is that your body will be burning calories a higher rate for a long time afterwards because you've really pushed it to the wall.

Try doing this kind of cardio. If you do just this 1 trick to lose belly fat, you will see and feel the results.

To read more about how to get flat abs, click here: Tricks To Lose Belly Fat.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life.

To read about a massive cardio oriented fitness program, click here:

Turbulence Training Review - Learn The Secrets Of Cardio.

What Are You Eating?

What are you eating? High fattening foods (even only once a day) can destroy any weight loss that may have occurred during your low fat eating. Fast foods, fried foods, foods and sodas high in sugar are detrimental to weight loss- Avoid them! Even if you only eat these kinds of foods once a day, they can really hinder weight loss efforts. Try to eat well-balanced meals with protein, carbohydrates and a small amount of fats. One good example would be: 1) Protein- a chicken breast or fillet of fish, 2) Carbohydrates/Fat- a small salad with vinegar and olive oil (the oil will be your fat for the meal) 3) Carbohydrates- a small baked potato or a serving of rice (either should be plain- no butter!).Meal Replacement Powders (MRP) such as Met-Rx, MyoPlex, Atkins Shakes, Balance 40-30-30, Ultramet or Complete Protein Diet are excellent fast meals, or snacks, that are effective when added to your eating plan. (All of which are carried by MaxLabs). MRPs are an excellent way to get a high protein, low calorie meal into your diet once or twice a day. This will keep you from eating fattening foods that hinder weight loss. (Plus these products yield many vitamins and minerals).

I eat low fat foods at the restaurants I visit. Why is this bad? An example of how normal food is bad, bad, bad!

You proceed to your favorite restaurant for: a salad with dressing, no fat pasta with sauce, a cola, and some bread! First, the dressing from the salad is usually 100% fat so there is 15 grams of fat. Second, the pasta is easily stored as fat because it is a starchy carbohydrate. (Starchy carbohydrates are easily stored as fat unless you are on a serious exercise program). Should we mention the sauce that was on the pasta (mostly fat as well- lets store that on the hips!)? The bread well, you guessed it, high-glycemic foods such as this are hard to burn off too! That cola you drank (depending on the size) had anywhere from 40 grams to 100 grams of sugar (which almost always turns to fat if not burned off with exercise). Did you have refills? CONCLUSION: You can see how what most people view as eating low fat, can be detrimental to a diet!

When are you eating? Do you eat more at night or during the day? If you eat at night right before bed, you have a greater tendency to store that food as fat! Try to eat your biggest meal at breakfast, a medium meal at lunch and a light dinner. Drink MRPs in between meals or as meals by themselves. Try not to eat within 3 hours of the time you go to bed. The metabolic process slows down drastically when we rest. If there is food in our stomach that has not been fully digested by the time we go to bed, there is a strong possibility that food will be stored as fat!This means that all the hard work you did during the day may be negated by storage of fat at night!

Are you skipping meals?If you skip any meals, you have a great chance of storing your next meal as fat. People who do not eat very often, "train" their bodies to believe it will not be eating for a while. Therefore, the body stores everything we give it for its future energy needs. In other words, the body stores much of what we eat as- .you guessed it, FAT! Do not put your body in a "starvation mode"; eat 3-5 very small (almost snacking) meals a day! This will boost your metabolism and allow your body to better burn off the things you eat.

Here is an example:

You get up in the morning get ready for work and rush out the door without eating breakfast. A hectic day leads to a late lunch at 12:30. You eat what you believe is a low fat, well-balanced meal. Now think about this, you have not eaten anything for around 18 hours (since dinner the night before). 18 hours, thats huge! And, believe me, your body knows this! So when you do eat, even if you do eat low fat, your body is going to store everything you eat, because you have trained it to know that there is a strong possibility it will not be refueled again for another 18 hours.

Another thing to consider is that our bodies can only digest so much food at a time. Consider this: person A is eating 1500 calories a day and person B is also eating 1500 calories a day. Both person A and person B have the approximately the same body structures and chemical make-up. Person A eats 5 meals consisting of 300 calories per meal and person B eats 3 meals at 500 calories per meal. Person B puts a lot of stress on his body because his body has a hard time digesting 500 calories at a time while person As body has no problem digesting 300 calories at a time. For this reason, person B cant lose weight while person A does lose weight by eating the exact same amount of calories. The reason for this is person B usually stores a little of each meal as fat because his body just cant handle digesting 500 calories at a time.[500 & 300 calories were just examples used for simplicity]

Are you exercising? This obviously has a great impact on weight loss. The more you exercise, the greater your metabolism is boosted! Also, what type of exercise are you doing? The best is to get 3 days of aerobic-type exercise (30-45 minutes per session) and then to get 3 days of weight lifting. Most women (and some men) do not want to lift weights because they dont want to look big and bulky. But getting big is very, very tough to do. With exercise, most people will end up just looking lean (this is good). The bottom line is that weight lifting is one of the absolute best ways to boost your metabolism and get your body to burn calories. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE! Plus, the more muscle you add to your body, the more calories you burn just sitting still. This is because one pound of muscle burns more calories than one pound of fat.

Are you drinking lots of water? This aspect of weight loss is often under-looked. Drinking water is very, very important to weight loss. Many people are under the impressions that they "retain water" and this is the reason they are overweight. RUBBISH! Water is a major contributing factor in aiding the weight loss battle. Drinking plenty of water is a vital component for weight loss.

How much weight are you trying to lose? The less weight you are trying to lose, the harder it may be. For example, if you are only trying to lose 5-15 pounds, every little thing you do will matter more to you than to someone who is trying to lose 50-100 pounds. As we get closer and closer to our ideal weight, our body tries very hard to hold on to those pounds. Now this doesn't mean we should take it easy if 50-100 pounds is your weight loss goal. It just means that usually the last pounds are harder to bring off than the first ones.

These are just a few of the topics you should look into, and obviously, these things vary from individual to individual. I also recommend for you to get a good multi-vitamin or antioxidant. The healthier your body is, the more efficiently it will get rid of those excess pounds. Also, educate yourself. There are about 10-15 very good health/fitness magazines out there to keep you well informed about fat loss, burning of calories, exercise programs and descriptions of what/when/why to eat.So learn, learn, learn, and as you build your knowledge base you will begin listening to your body and watching for signs that tell you "This works" or "This does not work".

Many people have a hard time losing weight, and this too is natural. It is the natural tendency of your body to hold on to extra calories and fat for future energy use. You have to shock it into losing. Thermogenic products like Max Ten, Max Fifty or Max Sports Fuel help significantly, but sometimes it takes that extra effort (the extra mile, the extra workout, one less soda a day) to get yourself moving in the right direction.

Loren Bailey is the webmaster and content advisor for, and other health related web sites.

How to Stretch Muscles Safely

An important aspect of your exercise routine, stretching muscles safely can increase flexibility, reduce risk of injury, and provide pain relief associated with exercise. As most aerobic and strength training programs naturally cause muscles to contract and flex, it's important to balance the workout with lengthening, or stretching, muscles afterward.

Regular stretching after a workout provides various benefits including increased flexibility and better range of motion of your joints. Stretching also increases circulation, sending blood flow to your muscles. Improved posture is also a benefit of stretching, as is stress relief. Finally, stretching maintains the full range of motion through the joints. Coordination and balance help keep you mobile and less prone to injury from falls, especially as you age.

To get started on a moderately difficult routine, you'll Need: floor mat or rug, comfortable clothes, tennis shoes.

To begin, incline your head forward, roll it from left to right, then right from left. Be careful how far you turn your head. Breathe deeply as you do so. Next, put your arm on your chest and grab the forearm with the opposite arm. Pull the arm until you feel your shoulder being stretched. Push the arm you are stretching the opposite way in order to contract the muscle if you feel your chest is stretching instead of your shoulder.

Extend your arms in front of you. Join both hands together and cross fingers. Push your arms further and try to push your scapulae in opposite directions. Next, lift one arm over your head, bending at the elbow. Hold the elbow with the opposite hand and gently pull your arm. This exercise should create a great stretch along your side. Repeat on the opposite side.

Now, standing upright and tall, pull one leg behind you and hold. Breathe deeply. Then repeat with the other leg. If you are concerned about losing your balance, stand a foot or so from a wall and hold yourself steady with your opposite hand.

For an effective calf stretch, stand a foot or so in front of a wall. Place your arm up against the wall while bringing one leg in towards the wall, while keeping your legs straight. Your body should for a 45-degree angle. Repeat with the other leg.

Next, sitting on the floor, stretch both legs out in front of you. Gently bending at the waist, stretch only as far as your arms will reach. Do not try to necessarily touch your toes. Keep knees flexible. The focus of this exercise is to stretch the muscles in the lower back, thighs and calves. Remember to breathe deeply.

Opening legs into the shape of a "V," bend slowly toward the right leg. Do not bounce. Then bend toward the left leg.

To stretch the lower back, lay flat on your mat. Fold one leg onto your chest and hold. Remember to breathe. Repeat with the other leg. Then, bring both legs into your chest at the same time and hold.

Now some tips & warnings, don't bounce. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. If you feel pain during the stretch, back off to the point where you don't feel pain and then hold the stretch. Don't hold your breath while stretching. Try to relax.

Stretch both sides of your body so the range of motion is equal on each side. Begin all exercise with light stretching after a warm-up, followed by a thorough stretching after a workout. As you become more flexible, you will be able to breathe more deeply during stretching, allowing your body to relax and achieve a deeper stretch.

Now available for home use to soothe the aches and pains associated with arthritis, psoriasis, tired joints and sore muscles from an active lifestyle. Thousands have benefited from the pain relieving power of these safe, natural, non-prescription treatments.

How To Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks

A lot of people want to lose weight fast for an event such as a wedding, a reunion or a party. If you find yourself wishing that you were 20 pounds slimmer but don't have a lot of time in which to pull off, read this article without skipping a single word because I shall review 2 ways in which you can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks.

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks you can do it in 2 ways:

1. Go on a juice based detox diet. This kind of diet cleanses your body of toxins and undigested food while providing you with carbs and sugars. Although this diet isn't suitable for a long duration, as a "crash" diet meant to help you lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, it can be extremely effective.

2. It you like working out and can spare the time, you can lose 20 pounds by doing a lot of cardiovascular activity over two weeks. I suggest doing 1 hour aerobic workout for 5 days on each of the 2 weeks. You can jog, power walk, cycle, swim or whatever you like. It you want to play basketball, tennis or take some aerobic classes, that's fine too.

Don't do massive workouts and go on a juice diet simultaneously. If your chose to burn off 20 pounds by exercising you'll need your strength. Reduce the ammount of carbs that you consume but eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and protein. Make sure that all your fats are healthy ones like olive oil and canola oil.

Losing 20 Lbs in 2 weeks isn't the easiest thing in the world but if you believe in yourself and are willing to put in a little effort, I'm positive the you can do it.

To read more tips and tricks on how to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks click here: Tips To Lose 10 Pounds Every week In you can spare 4 weeks instead of two, you can use a n easier diet which is based on the clorie shifting method and does not require any exercise, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He writes extensively on diet and fitness issues.

7 'Fat Loss 4 Idiots Tips' To Turbo-Charge Fat Loss

Fat Loss 4 idiots tailors a 11 day diet program to help you lose weight fast. The meals are varied daily to keep you motivated but more importantly keep your body satisfied.

However it is recommended that you look at the following 7 tips to further improve your results with Fat Loss 4 Idiots-

1) Exercise in the morning before breakfast - Research has proven that you will burn three times more body fat than working out at any other times.

Perform both resistance and cardio training at the gym, brisk walk, jog at the park to keep fit and burn more calories.

With exercise, you will burn body fat during a workout session, and will continue to burn more after the workout.

2) Drink plenty of water - A minimum of 16 Glasses of filtered or boiled water per day.

Not only is water good for you, but it flushes out the harmful toxins in the body, increases your metabolism which makes it difficult for the body to accumulate any body fat.

3) Light resistance training before cardio workout

Research has shown that during the first 20 minutes of any exercise ,the body will not lose any body fat.

Therefore, during the first 20 minutes of a workout, look at lifting light weights to get your muscles going. This will increase your metabolism rate by 100% and help you burn more fat quickly

4) Eat Breakfast - Not only will breakfast boost your metabolism, but it will give you the energy to burn more fat quickly. Fat Loss 4 Idiots will have a daily breakfast meal you should adhere to.

Breakfast will help you stop the cravings during the day.

5) Do not compare yourself to others - people are different and will lose weight differently.

Stick to your own desired weight loss goal, and follow the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

It is not a race, but a race to reach your objective, weight loss!

6) Change your lifestyle - Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the first step to assist you in improving the dietary requirements. By improving your eating habits and exercising more, you're putting yourself on track for long-term and continued success of Fat loss.

7) Take before and after photos - It is not pretty to look at yourself too overweight.

However, there is no easier way to illustrate your progress, but the "after" photos are far more fun to share with after you succeed.

In addition, it is great character building as it serves a good reminder how much you have achieved and can achieve if you put your mind to it.

The above tips are recommended to compliment the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

Need more information on Fat Loss 4 Idiots, visit for an extensive review.

A New Year, A New Body - Be Resolute and Ensure Those Personal Promises Are Kept

For most people, the Christmas period is a time of eating, drinking, sleeping and generally lazing around. After all, it's been a long, hard year so why not indulge, right?

Of course, it would be difficult to argue with this. There is no better way of relaxing and unwinding with family and friends at a time of year that is not only meant for reflection on the year just gone, but also for looking to the new year ahead.

Indeed, following this short period of hedonism at Christmas, many people choose to counteract it by making resolutions to turn over a new leaf in the new year and get fit, lose weight, give up smoking or even all three. Of course, no reminders are needed as to the difficulties countless numbers of people face in keeping these personal promises.

Why many people fail though, is because of the psychological barrier created by the excessiveness of Christmas consumption, meaning that they are already 'behind' schedule by the time the resolution even starts. This scenario is avoidable though, if the correct preparations are made in the build-up to Christmas. And the key lies in starting the resolution BEFORE Christmas and new year.

If we begin with the assumption that Christmas WILL be excessive, then that's a good start, as this is the hardest time of year to fight temptation.

In the month or so before the festive period, start calming down on the chocolate, burgers and beer and start walking more. Not only will this help drop a few pounds on the waist, it will also help save a few pounds in the wallet, in the build-up to what is usually a costly period. Don't join a gym yet though, as the best deals are often found in the new year, when fitness centres try and compete for the business of all the other resolution-makers.

This first step should hopefully negate at least some of the effects of Christmas, meaning there is less ground to make up when the new year starts.

But there are also other easy body toning techniques that can be used in the build up to the festive period. The Slendertone system, for example, uses EMS (electro muscle stimulators) technology to help tone and shape the body muscles. This system can be used at work, at home or on the move, and visible results can be expected in 4 to 8 weeks. If this system is used in conjunction with some light exercise and a healthier diet, in the month leading up to the festive period and a month after, the visible results will ensure that the 'get fit, lose weight' new year resolution stands a vastly improved chance of succeeding.

For most people, Christmas is a time of little exercise and excessive consumption, and there is little point in trying to fight this. To maximise the chances of a successful 'get fit, lose weight' new year resolution, plan ahead in the build up to the festive period and ensure that there is no ground to make up due to too much turkey and wine. Follow these simple steps and the new year should bring that long-awaited new, shapely body.

Andrew Regan is an online, freelance author from Scotland. He is a keen rugby player and enjoys travelling.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days and Look Awesome For Your Vacation!

Everyone I know wants to lose weight fast. We live in that kind of instant-on society. We want instant gratification. Give me results and give 'em to me right now!

Show me how I can lose 10 pounds in 10 days and look awesome over the holidays!

And that's not all bad... is it? Or do I lack moral fiber?

It seems to me that if I can have something now, rather that wait 6 months or whatever... then I prefer to have it now. No delayed gratification for this puppy if I can avoid it.

And that usually applies to weight loss too!

I think there are two reasons that we want fast results from a weight loss program:

First, as I said above, we just want to see some results.

But secondly, and I think much more importantly, our experience of dieting is that it's cruel and inhuman suffering. So we just want to get on that diet, suffer for a couple of weeks, blow off some pounds and get rid of the suffering and struggle.

And therein lies the whole problem with diets... we don't plan on making them a lifetime, lifestyle change. They're just a band aid solution to a chronic overweight condition, which just seems to balloon the older we get.

I want to introduce you to another approach to the whole universe of weight loss. What if we were to look at a program of eating that would contain delicious, nutritious foods, take off the weight quite quickly, alleviate the symptoms of diabetes and keep us all healthy for life?

Would that interest you?

You see the process of changing from one way of eating to another involves some transition time while we get used to the new foods and learn to really like them. Think about it... do you still eat the same foods as you did 10 or 20 years ago? Probably not! Yet you like what you're eating now.

It's just like salt on our food... if we have high blood pressure and start on a program of gradually reducing salt (which I've done), we begin to like less salty food and actually find the levels of salt we used to eat are now distasteful.

The little told secret is to make this transition in such a way as to never feel hungry while you're doing it.

I can show you how to get this process started in just 5 days! You'll lose 5 pounds in 5 days or 10 pounds in 10 days and you won't be hungry!

I have recently written a book entitled "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry" which lays out a plan for overcoming Carbohydrate addiction and losing weight.

You can download it FREE here: "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry"

Ultimate Weight Loss: Fight Fat and Win

As if you needed another reason to hit the snooze button, recent study concluded that your odds of being overweight are 24% lower for each additional hour you sleep. That's great and all, but what are those of us who work 50 hours a week on top of training and watching reruns on TV supposed to do with such findings?

Now there are different ways you can lose weight while you sleep. Some of us are spending the big bucks and taking products like 5-hydroxytryptophan, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Gymnema Sylvestre, Glucomannan, Guggulsterone, fish oil and Gamma-Aminobutryic.

Guggu what? Yeah these products all help. But this can be complicated trying to work in all these pills. And some of us cant afford $400 a month in products.

So how do we cut the cost and lose weight while getting the limited amount of sleep that we get? Well try getting some natural and easy to find supplements such as Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger Root, Garcinia Cambogia, Cayenne, Bladderwack and Bromelain.

All of these will help speed up your motabolism without getting your heart going like a lab rat and they will work for you while you sleep. Not only will they help with weight loss, but they will help your body in general.

Also Green Tea and Black Coffee can boost your metabolism without adding significant calories to your diet. Its the little things or changes that will help you keep your weight down where you like it.

Copyright protected 2005 by M.Landry

Michel Landry lives in beautiful Kamloops, BC in Canada. He has a huge interest in health, fitness, and business.

Moms & Fitness - Tips for the Busy Mom

Some moms have a busy lifestyle. They cook, they clean, and they drive their children to classes. They teach, they referee, and the list goes on.

If you're a mom, you know how to get things done for everyone else, but chances are, you don't take time to take care of your self. While busy schedules keep moms on the go, moms find themselves without much time for fitness.

School schedules and car pools combined with household tasks and a full-time job don't leave mom much time for moms to get the full benefits of exercise.

Moms manage to squeeze in dentist appointments for their children and can make time to show up, without a moment to spare, at a class play, mentioned at the last minute. Super mom can somehow manage to find time to do the things she needs to do to successfully manage her schedule, keeping everyone happy.

The "I don't have time to exercise" isn't a good excuse. If you really want to find time for fitness and exercise, there are many things you can do.

Finding time to take care of your self, with plenty of rest and exercise, should be one of those things you do for yourself without hesitation. Schedule the time in your day planner or make a note on the dry-erase board your "me-time." Procrastination is a word that has no meaning for moms when it comes to taking care of your children. The same should apply for making time for fitness.

Diversify your fitness schedule to include solo walks, a quick round of tennis, or horseback riding with the one you love. Be creative in planning your schedule.

If you know on Monday you have to pick up one child at 2:00, but you have to pick the other one up thirty minutes later, make good use of the time between pickups. You could toss your walking shoes in the car, having them ready to slip on when you pick up the child at 2:00. Both of you could take a short walk while you wait for the second child. If your daughter has a practice 25 minutes across town at the high school, you could take your swimsuit and use the school's swimming pool to swim a few laps. Most schools don't mind you using the pool if you call ahead. Some offer free swims on certain days of the week. If your son's football practice is held over 45 minutes, continue walking around the track until you hear him tell you, "Mom, I'm ready to go now."

The important thing to remember is, because you are a mom, you may have to jump in and take advantage of a thirty-minute window to have time for fitness. Be prepared for those opportunities and learn to expect the unexpected, taking care to use those extra few minutes wisely. The results will amaze you.

Thanks for reading. If you found this article helpful you can read more of my health tips, information, and more articles on my website:

Master Cleanser Weight Loss - Make it Last

The Master Cleanser weight loss plan has gotten a lot of hype lately, but it's actually been around a long time. With some Hollywood starlets extolling its virtues, many everyday folks are now giving the Lemonade Diet a try. Weight loss is fast and furious when you are consuming only this spicy lemonade concoction. The obvious question then is does the weight loss last?

If you are doing this particular lemonade fast just for weight loss you must be aware of a few key points. First and foremost look at the Master Cleanser weight loss as the first step. If you in need of dropping some weight, you'll notice a pretty substantial loss once you've completed the program. Your clothes will be looser and you'll have a smile on your face when you step on the scale. If you want to reap these weight loss benefits into the future you've got to make a promise to yourself not to go back to your unhealthy eating habits. The weight loss you enjoy while you are on the Master Cleanse can be permanent if you adopt a new healthier lifestyle.

A big part of success with the Master Cleanser comes from a new attitude. Once you've experienced the initial weight loss from drinking only the lemonade you should design a healthy eating plan that you know you can stick to long term. For most people this means a good balance between fresh ingredients and lean protein. It can be difficult to exercise while you are following the Master Cleanse Detox, but afterwards try your best to make exercise a part of your weekly routine. If you're not one for heading to the gym, take a walk around the block, or purchase a treadmill to use at home. Dancing is even a great form of exercise and all you need for that is some of your favorite music.

In addition to the maple syrup, cayenne pepper and fresh lemons, water makes up the biggest component of the program. Keep the habit of drinking water throughout the day even when the cleanser is over. Water is essential to helping flush out fat and toxins. If you tire easily of plain water, a little twist of lemon juice and you've got a great refreshing and familiar treat.

Once you've experienced the Master Cleanser weight loss you'll be pumped and ready to continue to lose weight. Nothing feels quite as fulfilling as looking in the mirror and seeing your body shrinking. Long term, we all want to be healthy, and being at our optimal weight is a great first step towards that.

On average, you can expect to lose between 15-20 lbs in just 14 days on the Master Cleanse. You can change the way your body looks and the way you feel. To find out how to get the best results possible from this proven weight loss method visit How to Succeed on the Master Cleanse.

It's not just about drinking lemonade!

Healthy Weight Loss Choices

In this ever-changing world of the health-conscious trying to make healthy weight loss choices (and also the not-so-health-conscious) there is one link, one problem that seems to always defy capture. That one tiny piece of information seems to so far have eluded the searchers for decades, or at least since the start of the pencil-thin body era. This is the secret to easy, sure-fire, no diet weight loss and body shaping. It is a very elusive creature, and people look high and low to find it. They all believe it is there, if just one more product, one more secret formula, one more little pill could be put on the market. This cure-all will erase the hunt for perfection forever! No more searching, no more working out, no more counting calories, no more health issues. The problem is - there is no such thing as a 'magic' remedy.

When the interests of society started to become so ensnared in the advertising and marketing of products - from shoes to skin-care, from shampoo to poodle skirts - the whole of this society became enamored of the idea of one-size-fits-all and that everyone should look the same. It was at this very time in history that weight loss became so important, so mystifying, that an entire multi-billion dollar industry has thrived for years, pumping out pill after pill, product after product, idea after idea. It is no longer about how to be your healthiest, it is about how to look like someone else.

Times have passed of those long days of hard labor, working in the fields and factories with only your hands, torso, and legs to do the work. It was a time of physical fitness, and if the medical research was as progressed as it is today, people would be living very healthy into their centenarian age. They had a steady diet of meat, vegetables, fruits, and whatever else they could grow or gather from their own property. The benefit of obtaining food in this way was the very act - the physical exercise - that was required to produce, gather, and cook it was also the way an earlier people stayed fit.

Nowadays the healthy weight loss choices have been left up to the drug manufacturers and scam artists who would love for you to believe that their 'magic' pill, their 'magic' potion, their 'magic' fad diet is the one you must have to be healthy. There are some very beneficial programs on the market today, but finding and weeding them out can be a major undertaking due to the very massive amount of false information that is in marketing today. Most of those parts of society that are looking for this 'magic' will jump from program to program, pill to pill, and still never find what they seek - an easy, effortless way to become more healthy, particularly with losing weight. It is what keeps the weight loss/health industry in the mega billions of dollars every year.

There is only one safe, effective, permanent solution to the healthy weight loss choices people are making today. You must eat the right foods, in the correct amount and at the right time, and you must get enough exercise in your daily routine to keep burning those calories and keep your muscles the efficient machines they were intended to be. There is no other way. Anyone looking for a fast fix will only be disappointed in the end, and will keep the diet industry blooming with false promises.

It must also be remembered that each body, no matter how similar, is still unique. The healthy weight loss choice you make must be individualized for your specific needs and capabilities. One size still does not fit all. One choice still does not fit all. Know what you require and make the best choice for you and your healthiest body possible. Make your decision based on common knowledge and not on some 'secret' scientific research or 'magic' elixir. Your overall health and healthy weight loss choices are up to only you. You will ever only have one body. Take care of it and it will reward you for all the years you have to come.

Although not an advocate for a quick fix, I do believe there are programs on the market that can give you an edge on trying to be your healthiest. My opinion is just that, but check it out for yourself at

There are also a lot of 'secrets' out there to choose from -

Learn How to Burn Tummy Fat And Boost Muscle Growth At The Same Time

Most people try to burn tummy fat believing the aerobic exercise - or pumping away mindlessly on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, or coasting on an elliptical machine, whilst watching the TV screen at their state of the art gym is a great way to lose weight.

But research into study of obesity has shown that for the amount of hours you put into a standard cardio exercise is not that effective for fat burning.

In other words, this indicates that steady pace endurance cardio work may not be all it's cracked up to be.This is the main reason majority of people get bored and lose motivation with their workouts, and quit after a couple months without seeing results.

However, it only requires a simple change to the variety in the intensity level and frequent change in a workout program for more fat burning results in less workout time.

And for many reasons, strength training is often ignored by many people, but studies have shown that it can boost metabolism by 10% after exercise and increases fat burning by 100%.

Best of all, Resistance Training elevates our metabolism for up to 48 hours after a workout. It definitely pays fat loss dividends after your workout ends!

In contrast, with cardiovascular workouts (an hour of running) you will find your metabolism is only elevated for less than an hour before going back to normal.

So take note female readers, Weight lifting isn't a macho guy thing - it is a great way to burn tummy fat. The critical thing here is that in order to be fit and toned you NEED TO lift weights or do some type of STRENGTH TRAINING. Resistance training can literally change your entire body, let alone your self confidence and self esteem, and keep your body looking and feeling years younger.

So in order to overcome fat loss plateaus and maintain continual fat loss and muscle gain, look at a combination of interval training and strength training, and continually change your workout.

As long as you 'mix it up' and constantly change your exercises, the number of sets and repetitions for each exercise, the length of rest between each exercise and other variables, will demand your body to adapt and burn more fat (and energy).

By using challenging strength training, and choosing intervals over monotonous cardio, research has shown that your post workout metabolism is significantly greater.

Put it simply, the harder you train, the greater the increase in your post exercise metabolism.

Not only do will you save time in the long run; you will burn more calories, and strengthen and condition almost every muscle in your entire body if performed at the right intensity.

And you don't need fancy machines or an expensive gym membership -- all you need to do is eat healthy, and use a professional program, like Turbulence Training Routine which is a combination of interval training and strength training that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Or do it yourself.

This is the way to burn tummy fat and be in the best shape of your life!

Discover the Best Exercises to Get a Flatter Stomach at and Eliminate Your Love Handles for Good.

Calories Fat Protein And Carbs And Water In Your Diet

One gram of protein or of carbohydrate yields 4 calories. One gram of fat gives 9 calories-more than twice as much. Since proteins and carbohydrates in equal amounts yield equal calories, you might think them interchangeable in the diet.

Far from it!

Temperament counts! The new knowledge of nutrition gives proteins an increasingly important role, especially in reducing diets.

It is well worth your while, if you yearn to become a high-stepping, high-protein girl or a gentleman of vigor, to see what the scientists have to say about the role of these energetic food elements in giving you a slim figure.

During the World War, thousands of Europeans became overweight from under-nourishment.

They weren't really fat. They were waterlogged. Their tissues held fluids in such abnormal amounts that when a fingertip was pressed into the flesh, a pit-like depression remained for some time. They also suffered an emotional depression. No steam, no zest for life, no come-hitherness or even any interest in it.

Later, when well-balanced diets became available, this torpidity vanished. The fat, puffy bodies became normally slender and once again the Europeans whistled while they worked. No doubt they also whistled once more at the pretty girl passing by across the street. The water retention from which they had suffered is called edema, and their particular brand of it, caused by inadequate diet, is called "hunger edema."

What element was it in the new and better diets that drove out this surplus water? To a large extent, protein! Experiment has repeatedly proved that adequate protein helps to keep the liquid balance of your body at normal levels. Since 70% of your weight is represented by water in one form or another, you can see what a difference protein can make on your bathroom scales.

A protein calorie is a busy, energetic little fellow running a high temperature. It is unequalled in what nutritionists call specific dynamic action. All you have to remember of this technical term is the exciting word "dynamic". It is an apt description of proteins.

Suppose that every bite of food you ate contained within itself some property that stimulated your body to dispose of every single calorie in the food.

After using what you needed for heat and energy, the surplus calories would be disposed of by your body's chemical activities and none would remain to be stored as fat. Happy days!

Food does have this property of stimulating the body to increased output of energy. That is one reason why you can eat a little bit more than your theoretical needs and not gain an ounce of weight. Eat 100 calories of fat and the food itself stimulates you to burn up an additional 4.1 calories of energy, or a total of 104.1. A like quantity of pure carbohydrate causes an increased energy consumption of about 6 calories.

But suppose you eat 100 calories of protein. Miracle of miracles, it causes an energy output of 130 to 140 calories under ideal conditions!

The beauty of it is that you don't have to exercise or do any voluntary work whatever to dispose of this 30 to 40 calorie bonus-it's all done for you by the action of protein in whipping up your metabolism. In a way, it makes your body exercise internally while you loaf. Calories flutter away from you in the form of body heat.

These 30-odd calories could just as well be stored in your body as fat if proteins didn't make them go to work. As slave-driver calories, proteins are six to eight times as efficient as fats and carbohydrates.

For more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my Green Tea weight loss info or my turbulence training review.

Bodyweight 500 Workout - What If You're Not Fit Enough For It

The Bodyweight 500 Workout is a new and intensive short exercise session created by Craig Ballantyne. It basically involves doing 500 repetitions of various exercises in which you work every muscle group in your body against nothing more than your body weight.

The Bodyweight 500 workout is especially good for busy people who don't have a lot of time to exercise but still want to lose weight and burn fat quickly. The only problem is that this workout is very intensive and isn't recommended for people with a low level of fitness (it's pretty advanced). Craig Ballantyne has a preparatory exercise sessions called the 100 Bodyweight workout, which is really a miniature version of the the Bodyweight 500.

The bodyweight 100 workout consists of 100 reps spread out like this:

  • 20 Prisoner Squats
  • 20 Pushups
  • 10 Jumps
  • 10 Inverted Rows
  • 20 Forward Lunges (10 reps per side)
  • 15 Close-grip Pushups
  • 5 Chin-ups or Inverted Rows

Again, you need to do these 100 reps without any pause. This session still works all the major muscle groups in your body but at a much lesser intensity. Do this exercise session 2-3 times a week for 3 weeks and your body will be ready to handle the intensity of the Bodyweight 500 workout. I suggest that you also spend some time doing interval cardio training during those 3 weeks, because doing the 500 reps of the original workout also strains the heart and lungs, so you need to make sure they're at tip top shape.

You should check out more of Craig Ballantyne's fitness on this website: It contains a lot of impressive testimonials.

To read how you can start to lose weight fast, visit this webpage:

Bodyweight 500 workout review.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about Turbulence Training, click here: Turbulence Training Review

Secrets Of The Biggest Loser

The other night I was watching a special on Larry King Live about the hit T.V show "The Biggest Loser." The winner, Bill Germanakos, along with his twin brother Jim were both guests on the show after each lost about 150 lbs and completely changed his life forever.

The show was truly powerful and inspiring.

Something that Bill said struck me as very interesting.

He said, "I didn't really understand how to eat healthy. What I thought was healthy really wasn't."

Then he went on to discuss how the whole team of experts on the show educated and helped him to make the dramatic changes in his life.

He was thrilled that he not only made these dramatic changes in his life but he now knew how to make them permanent.

Now let me ask you:

Do you REALLY know how to eat healthy?

Now, I hope I'm not being overly direct but I've got tell you... Nowadays it seems like everyone knows how to eat healthy.

Wouldn't you agree?

But the reality that no one can deny is that by in large, we kept getting fatter.

One of the biggest problems here is that as Bill mentioned, most people have no clue how to eat healthy. More specifically, it's obvious that millions of people have become brainwashed by the marketing of large companies that advertise that their products are "healthy" when in fact they are anything but.

Whenever I go to the supermarket it seems to me that almost everyone is buying foods that are advertised as "healthy" or "heart-healthy" or "low fat" or "low carb"...etc

Ironically, it seems like most people fail to acknowledge the foundation of "nutritional intelligence," which is:

Healthy foods don't say it on the package!

In other words, the ultimate brand of premium quality fuel is "natural."

Robert Van Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Vitality Publishing LLC, a company that helps people eliminate excess fat, while making breakthrough transformations in their physical vitality and overall quality of life. He's the author of "Living Life Lean: Discover How to Transform Your Body and Your Life -Quickly, Naturally and Permanently." To learn more and sign up for his popular 10 day course visit

Weight Loss Obstacles - How To Avoid Weight Loss Burnout

Have you ever woke up one day, usually a Monday, and told yourself that this was the day you were going to start living a healthier lifestyle. The extra weight you are carrying is coming off and for good this time. You're going to eat all the right foods and go to the gym loyally. You are feeling highly motivated and you're ready to roll! How long did it last? Was it a month or two, a week or two, a day? You are not alone!

This is a very common problem, people don't live up to their own expectations and then they dismiss it, usually by saying 'I don't have any will power'. So that's it, you tell yourself you don't have any will power and you let that excuse you from what you need to do to get it. The beginning stages of any exercise program are always the toughest. This is when people have the greatest fall off rate. Why? There are a few reasons. The biggest reason is that people do too much too soon. You want to lose weight and you want to lose it now! Well, if one day you're eating pizza and ice cream and sitting on the couch and the next day you're eating bean sprouts and working out for an hour and a half, a red flag should be going up. This is not going to last! These are examples of two extremes and going to the extreme in either direction is not healthy and not necessary.

I cannot emphasize enough how important small lifestyle changes can be if you want to lose weight. With diet, that may mean adding more fruits and vegetables instead of fatty snacks, avoiding red meat and fried food, avoid nighttime eating, if you eat because you are bored, do something so that you are not bored, just to name a few.

With exercise, that may mean going for a walk after dinner or at lunch, exercising 3-5 days a week for 30 minutes, actively playing with the kids, finding an exercise class that you enjoy, just to name a few.

Another top reason that people give up on themselves and their weight loss is impatience. When people start eating better and exercising they tend to think that the results should come very fast. There is a lot wrong with this way of thinking. First of all, it is very unhealthy to lose weight fast. In order to do that you must deprive your body of many calories and therefore vital nutrients as well. This also slows down your metabolism so you will have a greater tendency to gain the weight back. Secondly, you did not get out of shape overnight, it is wrong to expect it come right back to you overnight as well.

On average, a weight loss of two pounds a week is considered healthy. The key is to enjoy the process and all the great things that happen along the way to your goal. It has to be about more than losing weight. You will have more energy and that feels good, you will be in better spirits as well. You may start to feel more confident and strong. These important changes come a lot faster than the final goal, so savor them. Let them act as motivation to keep you going. Remind yourself that when you were eating junk and not exercising that you felt lethargic, out of control, possibly even depressed.

Everyone hits bumps in the road to health and fitness. When you hit one of these inevitable bumps, you have two choices. You can either persevere and continue on your journey or take yourself back to where you started. Obviously, you were not happy at your starting point or else you never would have started at all. We all want to feel good, be healthy and active, have more energy, and be strong and confident. So, the next time you come to a fork in the road, remember this, tell yourself you are worth the effort, and choose the right way, the way towards health and happiness.

Lose that weight and feel great. You can do it. All it takes is a plan for success, consistency and perseverance. For constant tips and on line support check out my blog you can lose fat.

Barry Lovelace is an internationally recognized personal trainer and fitness coach. Visit his website and get FREE health and fitness tips and a FREE Ebook titled 'How To Juggle Your Health and FItness!'

The Truth About Weight Loss Myths

Lets face it every regime has its own supply of useless folklore and half-truths that get passed on down the line from person to person. But I'd put weight loss up against any of them for what has to be the most time wasting and even the most dangerous myths out there.

There is a ton of free advice seen in the media these days and if it is taken seriously, can really set you back on your weight loss endeavours. This can lead to the kind of frustration that makes people think they are "destined to remain fat for the rest of their life".

This in not true, Have a look at the Weight loss myths below and draw your own conclusions.

Exercise on an empty stomach and burn more fat.

Effective weight loss is the total amount of calories burned during the day, not how or why they were burned. It doesn't matter if it is night or morning, so exercise early in the day has no advantage to exercise later in the day.

Studies show that increased metabolism induced by anaerobic exercise is actually less after a large meal. Which probably means that more energy is being used for digestion than what is being used to repair muscle.

More exercise is better.

Every exercise session is beneficial to each individual, however more is not always better. It depends on what is trying to be achieved. There is a level and frequency required to achieve results.

After this level is reached, additional exercise can have the opposite effect, not allowing the body to recuperate and adapt to the stress induced by the exercise, which can be detrimental to your results.

After stopping exercise muscle will turn to fat.

This in not possible, Muscle and fat are two different types of tissues in the body and you cannot convert one into the other. This is like trying to turn water into oil.

If you stop training, the muscles will shrink in size but they will not disappear. The more calories taken in that are not burned off will be deposited as fat.

If you're not sweating, you're not working hard enough.

Sweating is the body's way of cooling itself down. Many factors contribute to body temperature, including room temperature, types of exercise done, body-fat levels, clothing, and exercise intensity.

The intensity for exercise can't be judged by the amount you sweat. A well-trained person will often sweat a lot because their body can more efficiently regulate heat.

Taking sugar before exercise raises energy levels.

Ingestion of sugar will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. This rapid rise stimulates a release of insulin, which quickly removes the excess sugar from the blood system, often causing your blood sugar levels to drop, sometimes below the level that it started at, leading to faster exhaustion.

Gaining weight is just a part of getting older.

Getting older is not an excuse for gaining weight! As we age and begin a more sedentary lifestyle we start to lose muscle mass.

The efficiency of your metabolism is directly linked to how much muscle you have on your body. The most efficient way of maintaining your body's muscle mass and keeping your metabolism from dropping is by doing a high intensity strength-training workout once a week.

If it's fat free I can have as much as I want.

Unfortunately fat free doesn't mean calorie free. The word fat free is misleading because if you overeat on anything, even fat free foods and you don't burn off those calories; your body will store the excess as fat.

Don't drink water when you exercise or you will get cramps.

By drinking litres of icy cold water in one go while exercising you will probably suffer from cramps. This is why it is important to drink water continuously before, during and after exercising to replace the fluid you've lost and avoid any discomfort.

By not having a personal trainer I wont make gains.

Hiring a personal trainer is one way you can use to reach your goals, but you are an adult capable of making decisions and setting your own goals once you have the knowledge of how to go about it.

Following a good exercise program and eating plan does not require someone standing over you and telling you how to do it.

By exercising my abs I will lose my potbelly.

Exercising your abdominals will help to tone and firm the abdominal region, but it will not reduce fat deposits that are responsible for a potbelly. Fat reduction comes from burning more calories than you take in. Fat is reduced uniformly throughout the body there is no such thing as spot reduction.

Your next step? To take what you have just learned and the next time you hear a weight loss myth evaluate it scientifically.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.

5 Tips to Lose Weight the Fastest & Healthiest Way Possible

Fast, healthy weight loss is not only achievable, but it can also be long-term weight loss. Even though it took time to reach this uncomfortable weight gain, no one wants to workout and eat right and get their results slowly. Fast Weight Loss does not have to mean starving through the day, living on fluids and a single meal. Believe it or not there is a natural and healthy way to lose weight quickly and some what effortlessly.

There are 5 things that you can do to maximize your weight loss. These tips can help you lose weight quickly and in the healthiest way possible.

1) Drink Plenty of Water - I know, you heard this a thousand times. I did too, before I took it serious. Let's just remind ourselves of the benefits of drinking more water. The most important reason to drink plenty of water is because it keeps your body well hydrated. When your body is dehydrated it tends to hold onto excess water weight. the next major reason is that drinking water helps your body eliminate toxins built up in your system and encourage elimination both through the bowels and kidneys.

2) Add More Fiber - It's not necessary to take a fiber supplement in order to add more fiber to your diet. There are some great foods that have a high fiber content that should be a part of your daily diet. Some of them are: Apples (5g), bran cereals (8g), whole wheat bread (4g per slice), grapefruit (6g), 1 cup broccoli(6g). These are just a few choices. It's recommended that you get at least 25-30 grams of fiber a day, so if you have 2 apples, 1 bowel of bran cereal(raisin bran is good choice), 2 slices of whole wheat bread and 1 cup of broccoli, you've covered your daily requirement.

3) Eat 5-6 times a day waiting 3 hours before meals - You can turn your metabolism into a fuel burning furnace by eating frequently during the day. 5- 6 mini meals during the day will keep your metabolism high. This technique signals your metabolism and telling it that there is fuel constantly coming in ready to be burned (which is true). So your metabolism burns what comes in and some of the stored energy just to keep up and make room for the constant supply of food.

I remember when I learned this little trick, I was surprised to see just how fast I dropped pounds. It's nice to know that you are actually allowed to "eat" while losing weight.

4) Completely eliminate or at least drastically reduce the sugar - Sugar is one of the most over looked cause of weight gain. Don't be misled by the fact that it doesn't contain fat. Sugar can cause a huge spike in your insulin production which can shut down your fat burning capacity and keeps it low which will promote fat storage.

5) Supplements to add to your daily diet - Add Enzymes, a good Multi-vitamin, and Green Tea to your daily diet. Adding Enzymes to your diet can improve your digestion and make sure that you have maximum absorption of nutrients in your food.

Taking a good multivitamin will make sure you get all of the essential vitamins and minerals that help regulate and support the function of key organs such as liver, kidneys and heart.

Green Tea is a superior tea because it contains polyphenols which inhibits the growth of cancer cells. This tea also lowers cholesterol, gives you energy and helps suppress appetite. All without the usual side effects of other diet stimulants.

Applying the 5 tips can help kick your fat burning weight losing furnace into overdrive. Making you lose the weight a lot quicker and get lean a lot sooner.

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. Now she offers this information in an e-book entitled Wrap Yourself Slim: Body Wrap Exposed. Monthly newsletter is also available at her web site. For more information go to Body Wraps Exposed

Fooled by Cardio? Here's the Better Way

Aerobics are a waste of time. You can burn fat and improve your health without cardio. Long, slow to moderate intensity cardio training, which is what you see most people still doing in the gym, is not really the best way to shed fat.

Interval training, which is periods of short hard exercise followed by short periods of recovery, works better for fat loss, according to both Canadian and Australian researchers (plus hundreds of advanced trainers throughout the world).

An interval might last 30 seconds to 60 seconds, and it would be hard work, harder than normal cardio. Each work interval is followed by 30 to 90 seconds of very easy pace. So if you're running on a treadmill you might run at 7 mph for your work interval and then go all the way down to 3 mph for a walk for your rest. That's what we use instead of slow cardio. All it takes is 20 minutes of interval training to get better results than 40 or 60 minutes of slow cardio.

Now the research and experience is showing that the intervals not only as effective, but it's even more effective in most cases. And also you're doing fewer repetitions. So, you know, every time you run we'll count that as repetitions, so if you run for 60 minutes you're looking at maybe 3,000, 4,000 repetitions in a slow cardio workout where you're doing probably one-third of that or even one-fifth of that in interval workout.

And that leads to less overuse injuries and that's one of the big problems with long slow cardio is that a lot of people end up in the physiotherapy office getting some type of therapy for their overuse injuries. Runners are in there all the time getting their injuries looked after.

So, we're trying to cut back on the volume of work, cutting back on the quantity and focusing on the quality. And like I said, we started off just by doing it to save time and now we're also finding out that we're actually getting more results.

Pick from a big variety of interval methods. It doesn't just have to be running on a treadmill. Clients have started to incorporate a lot of jump rope intervals, which jump rope can be very intense, so I think that's a great, you know, just think of ways that you can make things fun and things that you may enjoy doing.

You might not enjoy running, so find something that you do enjoy doing like jump roping or maybe getting on a stationary bike, but do it, make it real intense for a shorter period of time, then back up that intensity and do a interval type workout and I think you're going to have fun doing it.

To me it's more fun than walking for an hour on a treadmill and you're going to get more benefit out of it and it's going to take a less amount of time. Less amount of workout time, better results, and more fun. You're looking at probably at least a dozen different ways you can do interval training. Sports are intervals. And again that's more fun. You can also do biking or rowing. There's all types of traditional cardio machine that can be used.

We also use sometimes kettlebells and we also use body weight circuits, which are not really interval training but they're not strength training and they're definitely not cardio, but we find that body weight circuits are beneficial in a whole bunch of different ways.

They like interval training to help burn calories and lose body fat, but also because most people are doing exactly what we're doing right now, which is sitting in a chair all day, they're either driving or they're at work and they're in that one posture. Then they get in an elliptical machine and it's not much different.

Don't get stuck in a rut. Move your body.

So there's a whole lot to be said for the body weight circuit training. You can definitely find some of my circuit training videos on YouTube, will give you lots of ideas, but basically what we do there is we generally will take an upper body exercise and a lower body exercise or a whole bunch of them and we'll alternate between upper and lower. Maybe we'll do six or eight exercises in a circuit, take a minute rest, and then go through that again.

Twenty minutes of that, it goes by a lot faster. Interval training goes by a lot faster than regular cardio. Cardio is slow and boring. Bodyweight training is not. Interval training is over fast.

So what we're really trying to do is show people that there's so many other options to getting a better body than what they've read in the muscle magazines or Shape Magazine for the last 20 years since the 1980s that you have to do an hour of circuit training with machines and then an hour on the cardio machine.

That's not a great way to live life and it's not the best way to get results, especially when you look at the body in terms of everything from not only how it looks but also how it moves with the mobility.

And these days were just so immobile in our daily lives that we need to get more movement patterns into our training sessions. And again it's more variety and a lot more fun. So drop the slow cardio and do some type of fat burning interval training to lose belly fat.

Use fast fat burning workouts with bodyweight exercises and interval training

Building a Six Pack Stomach Starts With Core Strength Exercises

There is nothing that signals being in shape quite like a six pack stomach. It is a badge of honor in the fitness industry that signifies dedication and hard work to your fitness goals. It's also one of the most asked about and misunderstood subjects in the health and industry for the simple fact that most people go about trying to build washboard abs the wrong way.

Part of the problem is the way most people go about building their set of killer abs. Doing hundreds of sit-ups and crunches will build those muscles, but there is more to it then that. You have to see those abs and most people have a nice layer of fat hiding theirs. You see having a set of stellar abs is a function of not only muscle development but also body fat, and to take it one step further it is a function of overall fitness levels.

You see there is more to six pack abs then just being lean and having strong abdominal muscles. A truly fit person has overall bodily strength, endurance, and stability that comes from a combination of healthy diet and core strength exercises. Make no mistake, there is no secret shortcut to building a six pack stomach. It will take a lifestyle centered around nutrition and training if you want to succeed.

The key to a building strong abdominals is improving your core strength. Your core is your entire midsection that includes the muscles around your hips, waist, and back. If all you do is focus on your abdominal muscles you will create an imbalance that can set you up for lower back problems and pain. By focusing on your core you can develop your abs, your core, and your back which creates balance and prevents back issues.

You don't want to be one dimensional with your training. If you see the body as a whole system and work it as such you will see not only improvement in your abs but also your entire body. This is known as multidimensional training and it will allow you to develop a strong core and functional body.

Look at it this way, your stomach muscles are part of a system. You need to build the entire system for the best results. If you isolate and only work your abdominals without doing core strength exercises you will defeat the purpose of your training. By working your entire core you will become stronger and prevent injuries that will slow down any progress you may be making.

There is a program available called Firm & Flatten Your Abs that shows you how to build a six pack stomach using these concepts. It will outline what nutritional changes you need to make and give you a complete workout program that strengthens your core with its multi-dimensional training approach.

To learn how to build a six pack stomach with the solid nutritional and core strength program Firm & Flatten Your Abs Click Here.