Saturday, May 24, 2008

Considering Quick Weight Loss Programs?

Most people agree, sure, there's a time and place for moderate, slow-results diets, but if you're out of shape and have a deadline to look better, quick weight loss is what you're after. No matter how tight your deadline is, it never helps to panic. Quick weight loss is a goal you can achieve, and there are a few ways to get there. Remember, extreme results are never easy, but then again what goal was ever worth reaching that was easy? Where do you go? Not the bookstore. Most of those diets are more mainstream, "lifestyle fitness" kinds of books that aren't catered to the extreme reader who really wants quick weight loss as a result.

Okay, so at a very minimum, you need to keep track of ALL calories you're taking in. Set a daily quota, and don't go over it. I don't know what your limit should be of course; that will depend on your size, weight, and typical diet up until now. Your plan of action for quick weight loss will be tweaked more to your individual circumstances. Absolutely take into account your lifestyle. If you work in an office all day, sitting down, it should be lower. More active people might want to allow for a little more. Spread the calories out properly throughout the day as well. It makes much more sense to have three to five evenly sized meals than skipping breakfast, having a light lunch, then gorging yourself for dinner. That's a recipe for hunger pains and being bloated, rather than quick weight loss. Start reading food labels as well. I tell all of my clients to stay away from anything hydrogenated, even though the bad publicity is forcing most companies to cut back on trans fat anyway. Serving size can be misleading if you're looking for quick weight loss, because since the mid 1990's, the FDA standard (if you're in the US at least) has been based on a 3,000 calorie diet. The Calorie-Count website is great for keeping track of all of this. Keeping track of everything is one sure way to achieve your quick weight loss goal. I like how a bodybuilder friend of mine put it, "If you don't track it, you didn't do it."

Liquids are another important part of this quick weight loss goal. Nothing carbonated. These just contain a lot of sodium and force your body to retain water, derailing your efforts to be more active. More and more authorities on nutrition and general medicine recommend green tea and water. Full grown adults should take in two liters of liquids each day (about three-quarters of a gallon). If you're serious about your quick weight loss goal, you might want to stay as close to that amount as possible.

And no matter what kind of quick weight loss program you get into, you just can't take physical exercise out of the equation. While some people hope to, jumping from one silly "lemonade cleansing" diet to the next "low carb" craze, they can never figure out why they stay in bad shape. Try to stick to activities you enjoy, that way you'll at least have a shot of keeping up with them. Most people are surprised by how much they can actually work more physical activity into their regular days. You can skip the elevator, ride a bike to work, or walk if it's feasible. If you're in an office go out during the day whenever you can, even if it's just to walk around. So you can combine decent physical exertion with an effective diet, and you'll realize your quick weight loss goal faster than you probably thought possible.

But even with all of this in mind, most quick weight loss programs are more of a "'last ditch effort" kind of thing. You can lose muscle tissue as well if your body isn't properly nourished. Most people want to avoid the negative image of looking "sickly", or "weak" when they drop several pounds quickly. That's why adequate nutrition is essential. The best all-natural diet programs are the best place to start if you're looking for the right fuel to keep you going in your quick weight loss objectives.

Rob Jacobs has consulted on weight loss and nutrition for 20 years. He helps world class bodybuilders and dieters alike on how they can improve their health, and overall life. For more information on Rob's approach to health, please visit Quick Weight Loss

Best Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe That Can Make You To Lose Weight

The best cabbage soup diet recipe claims that you can shred large amount of weight in a short space of time. As with always, you have to do it in right way to get maximum benefit out of it. Eat as much soup as you desire for seven days and you can lose 10 to 15 pounds. The recipe varies slightly, but includes a variety of low-calorie vegetables such as cabbage, onions, and tomatoes, flavored with bouillon, onion soup mix, and tomato juice. Each day of the seven-day program has specific foods that must be eaten, including potatoes, fruit juice, many vegetables, and on one day, beef.

Day 1: Eat all the fruits you want (no bananas). Drink unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice, and water. Also, eat as much soup as you like.

Day 2: All vegetables. Eat until you are full with fresh, raw, or canned vegetables. Try to eat green leafy vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas, or corn. Eat vegetables along with your soup at dinner time.

Day 3: Eat as much fruit, vegetables, and soup, as you like but no baked potato.

Day 4: Bananas and skimmed milk. Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much skimmed milk as you can today. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates, as is the milk.

Day 5: Have unlimited cabbage soup plus six tomatoes and also 20 oz of been. Drink at least 6 glasses of water today.

Day 6: Eat 2 3 beef steaks with vegetables or salad. No baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once!

Day 7: Eat all you want of brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices, and vegetables. Be sure to drink your soup at least once. No bread, alcohol, or carbonated beverages, not even diet soda.

It is important to use the best cabbage soup diet recipe daily. This it to fill up your stomach and to stop you from eating more.

Weight loss diet programs provides detailed information on Fast Weight Loss Diet

How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?

How Do I Calculate Caloric Needs Based On My Goal (gain/loss/maintain)?

Listen, figuring out how many calories a day you need to lose weight, maintain your weight or gain weight really isnt too hard. And with the formula Im about to give you plus a very cool website, you can easily track where you are and what you need to do daily to reach your goals. So lets begin!


Step 1:

Take your current body weight in pounds (lbs) and multiply by 11.

Example: 194 lbs x 11 = 2134 calories

This is what I need to just keep what I have, without moving. But remember, you do move. So you have to then calculate your metabolic factors into this so off to step 2

Step 2:

Figure out your metabolic factor according to the table below.

But first, some definitions to help you determine where you might fit in:

Slow Metabolism: You basically look at food and you seem to put on pounds. You can gain weight by eating salads but its difficult to lose the weight.

Moderator Metabolism: You can gain weight if you try. You can lose weight if you try. You really dont have trouble losing weight depending on what you want to do.

Fast Metabolism: You are the skinny guy or gal who can eat *ANYTHING* and it makes no difference. Gaining weight is difficult. Losing weight can happen overnight. Just by watching T.V. you seem to shed pounds.

Metabolic %

Under 30 years old
Slow Metabolism- 30%
Moderate Metabolism- 40%
Fast Metabolism- 50%

30-40 years old
Slow Metabolism- 25%
Moderate Metabolism- 35%
Fast Metabolism- 45%

Over 40 years old
Slow Metabolism- 20%
Moderate Metabolism- 30%
Fast Metabolism- 40%

Example: 2134 calories x 35% = 746.90

I took my calories needed above just to sit here and not move and multipled it by my metabolic factor and I find that I need an additional 746.90 calories because of my specific metabolism.

Step 3:

Put it together.

2134 + 746.90 = 2880.90 calories

I need 2,880.90 calories to maintain my current weight with my current activities.

Note: You can also adjust your metabolic factor if you do something that might take you to the next level. If you are a moderator metabolism person but you do distance running, it might make more sense to put your self in the fast category since you burn a lot more calories.

Step 4:

Now change the above with about 500 calories every day to reach your goals!

Lose Weight: I would take 2880.90 500 = 2380.90

Maintain Weight: I would just leave it at 2880.90 and continue what I was doing in my activities

Gain Weight: I would take 2880.90 + 500 = 3380.90

Note: 500 calories a day is just a general term everybody uses to say that adding this amount is within safe limits. Eat too much, and you end up storing fat. Cut too many calories and your body just goes into starvation mode and ends up retaining more fat. 500 is a safe, recommended guideline.

Step 5:

You must track what you are eating so youll know if youve made your goal for the day. And tracking food does not have to be complicated with weights and scales.

It's a shame that so many people just start training and never figure out what they need to eat daily to reach their goals.

You can keep doing the math over and over as you reach a goal. If you are bulking, your requirements will change as you progress. And when you lose weight they will as well. You might want to lose weight, reach a target weight and then maintain. So you will do this formula again when you have hit the weight you want.

Marc David is a bodybuilder, writer, and author of the the e-book "The Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding" (BGFB): What Every Beginner Should Know but Probably Doesn't. The Beginner's Guide is oriented towards fitness minded men and women who are just starting or have worked out for years without results. To learn more about the Beginner's Guide, visit Beginning-Bodybuilding at:

Weight Loss Program

Most weight loss programs include some insane long lasting exercises that burn your fat so that you can regain that fat later again. Others include insane weird diets where you must condition yourself to eat in a specific way, almost like a robot of this society.

Some of the programs include both of those, which in my opinion is a good idea, for as long as the program lasts, because once it finishes you gain that fat again. There are almost no programs that make you lose your fat and make it stay away. I said "almost" because there is at least one program that does all this.

Most of the programs focus on losing fat right at the moment, they almost forget that fat comes back again. They tend to focus ONLY on losing fat, forgetting how to prevent it from rebuilding. This sounds almost like you have to work forever to keep your fat away. Well, guess what, all you have to do is live your life almost like you always have.

All you have to change are a few little simple things that will change your life forever. If you live your life the exact way you always have you will get the same results you have always gotten. Would you better live with all the problems fat causes or take action and do something about it? Would you better change all your life to live like a robot and get some results or change a little your life and get much more results?

Think about it let me know.

Gentian Kasa is actually an ex obese person and a student in "Universit degli Studi di Torino, Facolta di Scienze M.F.N corso di studi in Informatica" in Italy. All the information he brought in this article comes from his personal studies and his personal experiences. Some of this information can be found at:

and at:

If you would like to contact him you can write at:

Types of Weight Loss Diets

There are many weight loss plans, but each is different. It's a good idea to study the different types of plans before getting started on your weight loss journey. Find the type of weight loss diet that best suits you. Consider how each affects your body and health, and how each plan fits into your schedule or routine. Let's see what types of diet plans are available and what is required with each.

Diets for Fast Weight Loss

Though fast weight loss is not recommended for the long term, there are some quick diets to help you lose 5 to 10 pounds in no time. These include the low-carb diet, three-to-five-day meal replacement shakes, water or juice fasts, and alternate vegetable/fruit diets in which you eat only fruits one day and only vegetables the next. These diets work great for a quick fix, but are very difficult (and possibly unhealthy) to maintain for the long term.

Low Calorie Weight Loss Diets

There are many low calorie diets with which you will reduce your daily calories to lose weight. There are several ways to monitor your calories. You can read food labels and count the calories of everything you eat. You can also use a calorie guide to determine how many calories are in certain foods or dishes that do not have labels. Weight Watchers provides an easy point counter that calculates points based on calories, fiber, and fat grams in foods.

Fixed Menu Plans

With a fixed menu diet plan, you will be given a list of all the foods you can eat. The meal plans are put together especially for you based on your likes and needs. This type of diet can make things easy for you as you lose weight, but keep in mind that you will eventually need to start planning your own meals again. So it's a good idea to learn how to plan your meals after you've lost the initial weight. This will help you keep the weight off once the fixed-menu diet has ended.

Exchange Food Diet

With an exchange food diet, you will plan meals with a set number of servings from several food groups. The foods are determined by calorie intake, and you can pick and choose among foods that have the same calories to give you a variety of choices at each meal. This diet is great if you've just completed a fixed menu diet because it allows you to make your own food choices each day.

Low Fat Diet

Another type of diet is the low fat diet, which requires lowering the intake of fat. This doesn't mean eating fat-free everything, but simply lowering fats (especially saturated fats) and oils to a normal level according to the food pyramid. Fat should take up around 30 percent of the calories eaten. Lowering saturated fat promotes healthy weight loss and helps lower cholesterol levels to promote good heart health.

There are many foods that advertise "low fat" but many of these are also very high in sugar. Look for foods that are low in fat and low in sugar for healthy weight loss. Also, limit fast foods or make healthier choices from the menu such as salads or grilled foods. Many fried fast foods are loaded with fat.

Weight Loss through Reduced Portions

There are also weight loss diets with which only the portions are reduced, but you basically eat anything you want. You eat only small portions of foods and basically follow your stomach. When your stomach is empty, you eat slowly until you feel satisfied, but not overly full. You only eat when you're really hungry. This type of diet gives you freedom to choose what you want to eat, but limits how much you can eat. The concept is when you eat less food in smaller portions then you're also eating less fat and calories with every meal, no matter what the food.

There are also pre-packaged meals and formulas to help promote weight loss. Almost any diet can work if you adhere to its rules, add activity or exercises, and drink plenty of water. Study each type of diet to find one that will work for you, and check with you doctor before starting a new diet plan if you have a health condition or take medications. You can easily research diet plans online and find many free weight loss tips to help you develop a plan.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Weight Loss Diets and Tips or Majon's Health and Beauty directory

The Key to Healthy Weight Loss

You want to lose weight and change your body image. There are the right ways to do this and the wrong ways. The wrong ways are the obvious situations where you are taking unhealthy measures to get rid of the weight and lose the pounds. The right way and the most popular is to take what is called an all natural weight loss pill.

There are many natural weight loss pills and some are better than others. The natural pills work in ways that other over the counter weight loss pills don't. First of all with an all natural pill you don't have to worry about side effects. It seems to be a common theme among prescription drugs that they need to come with the most uncomfortable side effects imaginable. Don't worry about any of that with herbal supplements because it doesn't use any type of chemical to help you drop the pounds, instead it uses herbs and nutrients which are safer and actually work better!

You are probably wondering why some herbal weight loss pills are more successful than others in the market today. Well for starters the leading weight loss pill was voted by the British newspaper The Telegraph as one of the "Top 5 Ways to Lose Weight". Using the 100% organic composition, It is able to reduce fat intake by 28%, act as an appetite suppressant, and reduce food cravings.

The concept is simple, any fatty foods you eat while taking the industry leading weight loss pill will have 28% of the fat not even touch your body. By utilizing the appetite suppressant you will reduce the food cravings that helped add to your excessive weight. The appetite suppressant will trick your brain to make you "feel full" so you don't feel like eating when you shouldn't.

You've read why Proactol is the #1 natural weight loss pill, now experience why Proactol is right for you

Rev Up Your Metabolism For Faster Weight Loss

One you first start watching what you eat, the weight starts coming off easily. Then after a few weeks, the scale stops moving downward and you hit a plateau. Whats happening? Your metabolism is slowing down.

As you eat less to lose weight, your body goes into survival mode and your metabolism slows down. A slowed down metabolism means you are burning less calories. Yikes! Not exactly what you were trying to accomplish, right. After all the idea behing losing weight is to burn more calories to get rid of all that unwanted body fat.

Lets talk a bout some simple things you can start doing every day to speed your metabolism up. One of the first things you should do is to get some exercise. Any type of exercise that gets your heart rate up will also speeds up your metabolism not only while you exercise, but for hours afterwards. Find something you enjoy and can stick with for the long run. Go for a walk, chase your kids around the yard, get an exercise DVD, or join a local gym. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.

The other strategy that seems to work really well for me in combination with walking every day is to eat several small meals throughout the day. My body doesn't feel starved so my metabolism doesn't slow down. This works best if you include some sort of protein with each meal. Lean meats, hardboiled eggs, protein shakes and lowfat cottage cheese are all great sources of protein. Combine them with some whole grain products or a piece of fruit for a small meal or snack.

Give these strategies a try and speed up your metabolism. Youll lose weight faster and youll feel better with all this extra energy. Once you get in the habit of exercising and eating smaller, more frequent meals, it will become easy to stick with and the benefit is obvious. You feel better and have a smaller waistline.

Susanne has been losing weight by eating well and walking more. Visit to find out how you can start walking off the weight today and visit for meal ideas that are healthy and low in calories.

The Theory Behind Atkins Diet Attractive To Dieters

Knowing about how the body works is what makes followers of the Atkins weight loss diet believe it will benefit for them. The body is essentially fueled by sugar, whether it is organic sugar found in lots aliments, processed sugar added to a mass foods or the kind heaped on your cereal or into coffee or tea. As far as your body runs short of normally extracted sugar, it heads towards the carbohydrates and breaks it down into sugar. The theory in back of Atkins soft diet limits the carbohydrates within reach for conversion, forcing the body to rely on unlike reserves such as fat stored for in reserve use.

In search for ways to lose fat drives dieters to all types of methods, various original and excellent not so groundbreaking, but many have been drawn by the theory in back of Atkins weight loss diet to the point of high recognition. Being able to eat straightforwardly all the red meat, fish and even many deserts they might crave, a mass are enticed by the theory in back of Atkins high-protein diet, which allows them to eat aliments other diets forbid although burning the fat built up in their system.

Appreciating the Atkins Soft diet basics
The Atkins weight-watch results in a process called ketosis, where the body burns fat rather than carbohydrates. The basic plan of the Atkins diet is to unbendingly interdict carbs for two weeks and eventually re-introduce a limited supply of carbs and other foods, including promoting the use of exercise.

Throughout the ongoing weight control stage, the carb intake is increased to 25 grams everyday. The Atkins soft diet primarily allows the consumption of plenty of meat, poultry, fish and eggs, and gradually allows the consumption of additional vegetables and fruit as well.

Starting the Atkins Weight-watch: The Induction Phase
These aliment should be avoided: milk, pasta, potatoes, bread, carrots, and beans. In this stage of starting the Atkins soft diet, it is essential to check the carb content of your foods so you can avoid anything with stashed carbs. Reaching the process of burning fat by preference to carbohydrates is the first step in starting the Atkins weight loss diet, and the top vital one. This process of starting the Atkins high-protein diet is recognized as the induction phase.

Restricting Fuel Intake Forces Use Of Reserve
Looking at the theory in back of Atkins diet like a car and its gas tank, may make it easier to define. Placing an extra five-gallon could in the trunk makes the driver feel greater, knowing they have a reserve if there is not a station obtainable whenever the main tank runs out. If the body believes it may be awhile between meals, routinely whenever someone skips collations or oftentimes unpaired has one meal a day, it stores strength in the form of fat to be used although it runs shy of energy.

While on the trip, the car runs short of gas but by preference to ending the ride, the extra five-gallon can, carried for emergency, will satisfy the vehicle needs. The theory in back of Atkins diet is that by restricting the fuel intake, in this case carbohydrates, the body is forced to go to the reserve tank of stored fat in order to have bare minimum fuel to keep running. The theory behind Atkins low-carbohydrate diet does not completely cut down out carbohydrate intake, but it is badly limited in the first of the four stages of the weight-watch plan.

The weight-watch has proven successful for plenty people, but the problem comes in maintenance as the low-carbohydrate diet helps establish the amount of carbohydrates every person may ingest empty of gaining or losing weight, and the person must stick to that portion. Although the theory behind Atkins soft diet sounds easy, considering all the aliments that contain carbohydrates, cheating could be a problem, which just adds more fuel to the tank of reserve fat.

Marc Simard
Fitness Author

More on the theory behind Atkins diet:

Lipovox For Facilitating Weight Loss

Medical science has progressed by leaps and bounds in recent times and scientists have been successful in devising different modes of treatment for treating various ailments. One of the biggest health concerns threatening human beings at present is obesity. Different factors have contributed to obesity and in most of the developed countries more than half of the total population is affected by obesity. Being overweight can spell doom for one's health as it would make the body more conducive to contract diseases like diabetes, heart ailments and even cancers. The increased intake of junk and fatty foods, unhealthy lifestyle and lack of physical exercising has contributed greatly to the steady growth in the number of obese individuals in recent times.

While it is true that the most effective means of losing weight is by ensuring the consumption of a healthy diet comprising of fresh fruits and vegetables and also by following a regular and rigorous exercise regimen. However, most people are too impatient to follow this path as it is a bit time consuming though it is capable of producing permanent results. Therefore, under such conditions, people more often resort to the various weight loss supplements that are available in the market. Here, the herbal and natural supplements are the ones more in demand as it most individuals are inclined towards the natural products known for their healing quality and reduced side effects. Lipovox is a very effective supplement in this case and it is composed of a series of natural ingredients which not only play a very significant role in causing weight loss but is also equally useful in preventing aging as well.

Buckwheat is a familiar component of lipovox which is obtained from rhubarb related plant and it plays a very important role in regulating the blood sugar levels which is in its turn effective in preventing diabetes and obesity as well. The efficient workings of the enzymes of the body are also useful in resulting in weight loss. But as one ages, the efficiency of the enzymes are greatly reduced. In such cases, alfalfa sprouts contained within lipovox facilitates the functioning of the enzymes aiding weight loss. Lipovox also contains certain amount of wheat and barley grasses which are commonly used in powdered fro min various weight loss supplements. This is because barley contains soluble and insoluble fibers which function in full potential to aid weight loss and regulate blood pressure levels. Other prominent components of lipovox include soybeans, cayenne pepper fruit extracts and garlic which are instrumental in causing weight loss.

Buy weight loss products online and avoid long store queues!

Medifast Weight Loss System - A Quick Overview

I've lost nearly 65 pounds on medifast and am still going strong. From the questions that I am often asked, I find that there are a lot of misconceptions about this diet plan. Here is a quick overview which will hopefully give you an accurate idea of what this system is all about:

Medifast is a meal replacement diet which means that you replace some of your daily meals with prepackaged options provided by the company. There are over 70 different meals from which to choose. There are some liquid choices, but the plan is definitely not a liquid only diet. Typical meals include shakes, bars, puddings, teas, lattes, cappuccinos, chilis, stews, crackers, eggs, and oatmeals etc.

In addition to eating five of these meals per day, you will provide your own "lean and green meal." This is usually your largest meal of the day and although you can have it at any time, most people prefer to eat this main meal at dinner time. The lean and green consists of lean protein and veggies or salads. It may sound difficult to eat six times per day, but it really isn't because the foods are pretty much grab and go and very convenient.

I find the taste of the foods to be pretty decent, but you can make them taste even better by adding sugar free syrups. You can add these to the shakes, puddings, lattes and oatmeals. I like adding either caramel or cherry flavored syrup but there are countless choices. You can also make muffins and cookies from the pudding and shake ingredients. I also take the liberty of adding fat free cheese and sour cream to the soups and stews.

The company states that the typical weight loss is 2-3 pounds per week. I have found that if I add a bit of exercise (power walking, roller blading, or gardening with a weight vest) I can get this even higher, usually as much as five pounds per week. This program works by putting your body in ketosis and tricking it into burning its own fat. Since exercise also burns fat, moving your body means doubling your efforts.

The cost is about $8 per day, but there are usually coupons available. For me personally, this has been the only plan that has been both effective and easy for me stick with. Eating the company's foods does take some getting used to initially, but adding the syrups and being motivated by the changes in your body can really help.

Lindsey Price is the author of the ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast" which includes the latest coupons, recipies, and tips. To get a free copy (immediate download / no information required), click here.

You can also visit her diet review website at

How to Lose Weight Fast? Eat More!

If you are too lazy to exercise and dieting, I have good news for you. If you are undergoing exercise or dieting but still find that they did not help you to lose much weight, you will love what I have to tell you.

If you managed to lose weight, after vigorous gym training or strict dieting, but gained back the weight that you once lost, what I am going to share with you will definitely reignite your confidence in your weight loss target.

From my personal experience, after a regime of strict diet, or even body building, my excess weight would be reduced. This would definitely lower my guard and revert to my old ways of eating and as a result, I always get back my weight. I will inevitably, go back to dieting or weight training again ... This yo-yo effect on our body weight is unhealthy.

Normally to reduce weight, one would restrict their diet and aim to eat less. Your body will interpret that message to store more fat instead because of the reduction of fat consumption. The result is that you get less nutrition, with little or no fat reduction.

I discovered a better way would be to eat normally, but to include or replace some of these food with other kinds of wonderful food that aims to boost your metabolism and burn more calories than the food you consumed. Such food is also known as 'negative calorie food'. The beauty of eating these fat burning foods is that the more you eat, the more you lose weight.

Sound simple? Yes, but the challenge is to love them and eat them as some of us would hate fruits or vegetables.

What I have come up is a list of fat burning food in different categories for your reference. I suggest you print them out and highlight your favorites. Your objective is simply to consume as many of these food that you like.




Brussels sprout

green bean
red cabbage
string bean



Dairy Products (Must be Low-Fat)


Do not be surprised that I have included dairy products as fat burning food. As against normal belief, consuming low-fat milk or yogurt, or cheese will increase the intake of calcium which causes fat cells to produce less fat and assist the body to break down existing fat.

How do you incorporate consuming these foods into your daily diet? I have some pointers for you to consider. For salad, you can start with lettuce, add shredded carrots, cucumber slices, diced apples and pineapples. For snacks, you may want to replace your chocolate bar with an apple, or you can make sugarless Jell-O with prunes. Alternatively, you may want to have a solely fruit salad as snack and top up with a sugarless whipped cream and serve cold.

Be creative. Use fat burning vegetables to replace other types of food, and you may use garlic in your cooking and reduce the use of salt. Your food will taste nicer too. From today, aim to eat more of the food listed as they are healthier, and make you slimmer.

Although I suggest you eat as much fat burning foods as you like, as these foods will help you lose weight and keep it off. However, never go for a crash negative calorie food only. You should increase eating these foods, but not to replace total diet with them.

A balanced lifestyle that combines eating the right foods and exercises will help you reaching your target weight quicker. Keep your list of fat burning foods as your secret weapon and by eating these negative calorie food daily, will help you to lose weight faster than you thought. Trust me, there is no better way than to eat more and lose weight.

Terence Ng is a lazy weight loss expert and owner of How to lose weight fast. How to lose weight fast helps people who want to lose weight easily and quickly, using Terence's lazy but easy lose weight methods. You can instantly download his secrets by visiting

How To Burn Belly Fat Fast

Are you ready to burn your belly fat?Have you tried every all new secret solution only to fail?Stop looking for the all new super fad diet pill and exercise machine. 99% of the advertising is total crap. So what's the real solution to burn your belly fat?

Forget about celebrity diets and gym rat fads. You need to finally learn what is true and what is false. Lose your belly fat for good. It's time to learn the truth.

Abs exercises will not burn the fat off your belly. The average person has been misled and spends way too much time doing abs specific exercises. Now don't get me wrong here, your abs muscles may get stronger. That will help with protecting your back from injury. But, I'm sure what your looking for is hot abs that everyone can see. If you continue to do abs specific exercises you are most likely going to rip your shirt off at the beach only to reveal a layer of belly fat hiding your hard work.

Multi-joint exercises are the key to belly fat loss. These full body exercises of the back, legs, and chest will release the fat burning hormones within your body. A good full body workout increases your metabolic rate enough to burn fat.

So when you go to the gym have your workout planned. Do bench presses, squats, dumbbell presses, and other exercises that concentrate on the big three areas - legs, chest and back. Leave the cell phone at home and don't use gym time to socialize. You need to make your workouts intense. Maybe 30 seconds between sets and 2 minutes between exercises.

The goal of your training program should be to enable you to reach your body' potential and maintain and strengthen the most essential and functional muscle groups. What we are looking for here is functional strength. This is how you get a lean muscular body one without unnecessary bulk. Hitting the weight room twice a week for an hour can help prevent or at least slow "middle-aged spread.

Once you get the right workouts down don't forget to eat right. Feeding your body with the proper nutrients will have two results. You will not be adding anymore excess fat to your belly. And you will be giving your body the energy it needs to complete the exercises necessary to lose the belly fat you have.

Looking for the facts about how to burn belly fat? Do you want more information on workouts and nutrition facts that truly get results? Get the true belly reduction strategies at How To Burn Belly Fat Fast

Sugar Is Not Your Friend In Weight Loss

Do you know that the average consumption of sugar is two to three pounds each week? As you read labels, the word "sugar" is diguised in many ways. The ingredients of sucrose, dextrose, and high-fructose corn syrup are other forms of sugar. Sugar is added to all sorts of food you wouldn't suspect contain it. Bread, mayonnaise, peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, frozen diet foods, and microwave meals. Some restaurants add sugar to their french fry batter. Sugar is used to add and enhance the flavor of food.

In the past 20 years, our sugar consumption has increased to a whopping 26 pounds per person per year! The rate of people with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer have increased as well.

Sugar is an empty-calorie food. It contains zero nutrition. If you want to lose weight, foods containing large amounts of sugar are detrimental to our weight loss, maintenance, and overall health. We are eating less food so it is important to make certain what we eat counts nutritionally to our bodies,

Have you ever noticed that when you eat an item that contains mostly sugar or simple carbohydrates, you want more? You don't feel satisfied. You want more and more. Sugar and simple carbs are not satisfying or allow you to feel full. Eating sugar is a vicious cycle of eating and wanting more resulting in excess calories and weight gain. With you decrease your intake of sugar, you truly lose the taste for it. Lose the habit of sugar for successful weight loss.

The "glycemic index" measures how specific foods affect blood-glucose levels, with food being assigned a numbered rating. The lower the rating, the absorption is slower in the digestive tract process. This slower absorption provides a more gradual, healthier infusion of sugars into our bloodstream. Alternatively, a high rating means blood-glucose levels are injected into our bodies much faster. This "dump" stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin to drop blood-sugar levels. The drop of blood-sugar levels results in rapid fluctuations which are not healthy because of the stress they place on the body.

Sugar has many negative consequences to impact our health. Some of the dramatic ones are:

* Sugar can suppress the immune system.

* Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.

* Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children.

* Sugar can reduce the important high density cholesterol (HDLs).

* Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).

* Sugar can cause kidney damage.

* Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

* Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.

* Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.

* Sugar can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease.

* Sugar can speed the aging process.

* Sugar can increase total cholesterol.

* Sugar can contribute to diabetes and osteoporosis.

* Sugar can decrease insulin sensitivity.

* Sugar can dramatically increase the amount of fat in the liver.

* Sugar can cause hypertension.

* Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.

* Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.

* Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly. Sugar may be sweet to consume but the results to our body and health are not so sweet. The ultimate sweetness of all is weight loss success and to enjoy our good health.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition. Visit Cathy's website:

Put The Snack Down And Step Away From The Freezer!

Life is certainly not easy, anything that you want is difficult and things you do not want are sometimes damn near impossible. It is so easy to gain excess weight, and it is pretty enjoyable doing it! It is a pain to get rid of the extra weight though, and it is a truly horrible experience.

If you think about it, putting on weight is easy and enjoyable. You just eat more and more, but it is pleasurable! Dieting however is always a nightmare.

Recent studies have shown that our bodies do not react to dieting in the way that we thought it would. Your body will start to learn about any regular dieting patterns, and will prepare itself for these lean periods.

Another problem with our modern lifestyle is the convenience of fast food. Almost everyone these days is rushed off their feet, they just do not have enough time to work, look after the kids and to eat properly. This just makes fast food so much more of a tempting idea than cooking.

Treats can also be really damaging to your waistline. Snacks contain lots of calories and little to no nutritional value. The only really healthy snack food is fruit, and then you should only eat them at meal times.

You can kick the habit if you really want to, you just need to work hard enough. Once you have broken the habit you probably would not miss whatever it is you have just given up anyway! offers you the latest information on weight loss, articles, and reviews about the numerous weight loss products that are on the market.

FREE weight loss articles, exercise tips and tools to help you lose weight.

Green Tea Weight Loss Miracle

Green and black tea originate from the same plant, but green tea hasn't been fermented and retains more tannins. It contains powerful antioxidants which help to fight aging as well as many diseases including cancer. As well as being a very healthy drink it can also help you to lose weight...Read entire article

Green Tea Weight Loss Miracle

How Drinking 3 Cups of Green Tea a Day Can Help You Lose Weight and Improve Your Health.

Green and black tea originate from the same plant but the difference is that black tea has been allowed to ferment whereas green tea hasn't. As a result green tea retains more tannins and has less caffeine.

Green tea has great health benefits as it contains powerful antioxidants which promote anti aging as well as help to fight diseases including cancer. Just a couple of cups of green tea a day will help to boost your immune system.

It can also lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels.

Make sure that you leave the tea bag in the cup for minimum 3 minutes to allow infusion of it's powerful properties. Unlike black tea green tea is drunk without the addition of milk, this alone saves you calories especially if you enjoy your daily cupa but want to lose weight!

Tea contains polyphenols which have anti cancer, anti viral and anti inflammatory properties. Green tea contains a type of polyphenol called catechins which seem to have an effect on fat loss by helping to burn calories and reduce cholesterol. Catechins are thought to help prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.

Green tea is also a great aid to weight loss as it increases the metabolic rate and may also help regulate blood sugar levels. This is also good news if you are diabetic.

Just drinking between 3 to 5 cups a day will burn about 70 calories a day, however green tea can be an acquired taste and some people just can't stand the taste.

If you are one of these people or just don't have time to make yourself 3 or 5 cups of green tea every day then you may be happy to hear that green tea can be purchased in tablet form.

It's very important if you are losing weight to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Green tea alone isn't the answer to weight loss however many cups you drink a day!

Kathy Joyce can help you to find a new slimmer, fitter and healthier you with valuable tips and resources on weight loss, fitness and nutrition.

Increased Physical Activity For Those Who Work In Shifts

Physical activity has always been linked to improved health and longer lifespan. It can boost the performance of your heart and lungs and defeat stress as well. More importantly, being active will help you maintain an ideal weight and bring you a more positive outlook in life.

But how can you enjoy the benefits of an increased physical activity if you work in shifts? Regular exercise and other activities rely on routines; after all, these are habits that you need to build over time. More often than not, you will have less amounts of sleep and you will have a hard time squeezing physical activities in a work schedule that keeps on changing.

So if you work in an ever changing schedule exercising and other forms of physical activities will be likely placed on the back burner. Still, the benefits of increased movement are so important for your health that you can not afford to just ignore them. The good news is that there are ways to add physical activity into your life without disrupting your already erratic work schedule; and the only requirement is for you to be a little bit more creative.

Physical Activity And Ordinary Household Chores

Working in shifts can definitely make it hard for you to insert physical activity into the picture. But sure enough, you still need to perform ordinary household chores like taking out the trash or going to the nearby grocery store. Well then, you can insert exercise and put in more action into your ordinary household chores.

Do some stretching and a dozen of pushups on your lawn right after you're done with the garbage. And instead of taking your car, you can always walk on your way to the 24-hour grocery. Walking the dog can also be a good way to exercise your leg muscles. Always think of ways to incorporate physical activity into your shifting work setup and you will reap the benefits that regular nine-to-five guys get when they go to the gym.

Exercise During Graveyard Shifts

If you work on shifts, you are sure to hit the graveyard schedule, if not always then at least occasionally. Well, some employees find graveyard shifts to be boring. If you have not experienced it yet, just ask the night guard in your building and he will tell you why. One thing is for sure, it will not be called a graveyard shift if it was fun!

If you are working during unholy hours, chances are, there are not much people around you. So instead of singing to yourself or stealing some time from your company, why not inject some exercise routines while doing your job? If you can not exercise during your official work hours, you can always put more action during your breaks. You will definitely stay awake and be healthier.

Organize A Fitness Or Sports Group

Unless you are a grave digger, you are probably not alone in your work. Whether you are working in the wee hours of the morning or during irregular hours of the day, you will always be in a company of other employees, maybe not in the same department as you are. What you can do is form a fitness or sports group so that you will not be alone at increasing physical activity; after all, your co-workers have the same health needs as you.

A graveyard brisk walking club, a noontime badminton society, or even a 3AM yoga class can help you put the physical activity that you need even if you have a daily schedule that is different from the rest of the world.

When it comes to fitness and physical activity, fluid movements are essential. Make sure that you do not experience pain in your body, particularly in your joints. Ensure the health of your joints by using products like Flexcerin. Visit for more details.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

Laxatives For Weight Loss

Laxatives are initially used to cure constipation and such. But nowadays, these laxatives are selling hot off the shelves for the purpose of weight loss. Many women now view laxatives as the new weight loss pill and they are popping them in desperate attempt to get the desired figure.

When these laxatives are taken in excess, they can cause several side effects such as bloody diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. It is definitely not an ideal way to a healthy and long lasting weight loss.

The purpose of the laxative is to increase the bowel activity. At the same time, they would disallow the large intestine to absorb food. If these laxatives are taken in large amount over a greater period of time, it can lead to greasy diarrhea, and hence resulting in weight loss. However, one must remember that the consumption laxatives can also cause damage to certain organs of the body.

These laxatives help to remove water from the system, hence causing rapid weight loss. But the weight loss is only temporary. As you re-hydrate your body, the weight will come back in an instant. At the same time, if your body gets too dehydrated, you might suffer from other very serious health problems.

Laxatives consumers failed to realize that they actually lose more than just their weight. There are so many health risks relating to the consumption of laxatives and many of these are fatal. A study conducted by the Eating Disorders Association stated that 1 out of 5 women consumed weight-inducing laxatives. The figures for male consumers were much less. More appalling is the fact that most laxative users remain unaware of its massive health risks especially since laxatives are relatively cheap and can be easily purchased anywhere.

The most popular laxative product available in the market takes the form of tea. These form of laxatives are very affordable. Slimming tea and dieter's tea may seem to be very effective, but what they failed to know is that it can actually harm them. These products help to ensure swift bowel movement and aids in the removal of toxins. It is best if one choose a slimming tea that is made up of herbal products, as they can be quite beneficial.

These laxatives in the form of slimming teas does not have a direct effect on the woman's fertility and menstrual cycle, but they should watch out as drinking these can cause them to shed off weight rapidly, and this can be very unhealthy and dangerous for their body.

These laxatives have more negative effects than the positives. It is best if one does not consider taking laxatives as part of losing weight the easy way. Laxatives and weight loss is a lethal combination and it does not work! So, do try to avoid it at all costs.

Choosing Supplements for Diet can be a confusing journey when you embark on your weight loss journey. Click Here for more information of how you can make the right decisions

Weight Loss the Natural Way

Almost everybody struggles with their weight at some point in their lives. For most of us, this turns into an ongoing struggle that only gets more difficult as we get older. Unless we are able to get a handle on our weight, it may become more and more difficult for us to lose it. Even though all of us would enjoy having some kind of pill that would magically melt the weight off of us, it just isn't that easy. That isn't to say, however, that we can't help our weight loss along through the use of herbal supplements.

Weight loss is as simple as calories in, calories out. If we take in more calories than we are burning off during the day we will gain weight. On the other hand, if we keep ourselves at a deficit, as far as calories are concerned, we will lose weight on a daily basis. Many of us have several things that are working against this weight loss, such as poor dietary habits, a slow metabolism and lack of physical activity. If you have a strong desire to lose weight but do not have the time or motivation to do so, these herbal supplements may be able to help you overcome your problems.

The first type of herbal supplements that you can take actually helps to curb your appetite. I don't know about you, but I often find myself eating when I'm not really hungry. At times, especially when I'm stressed out, it seems like I could eat all day long. By taking an herbal supplement to help control your appetite, you take this compulsive eating away from yourself. You might find that this is all you really need in order to begin losing weight. Once you see the weight start to come off, you would be surprised at how motivating it can be.

Another problem that we have to deal with is slow metabolism. This can be as a result of a glandular problem, such as low thyroid or a simple matter of lack of physical exercise. There are herbal supplements that will be able to help you to pick up your metabolism and balance your body out. This will have the effect of helping you to burn additional calories throughout the day and even while you are sleeping. If you are at a slight calorie surplus now, these supplements may put you at a deficit without changing your eating habits at all.

Of course, the best way to combat weight loss through the use of supplements is by combining these two. By taking a multi-supplement that helps to curb your appetite and build up your metabolism at the same time, you're giving weight loss efforts the 1-2 punch. Not only will you be eating fewer calories, you will be burning them at a faster rate. It's one of the easiest ways to kick start your waist loss program and get yourself on the road to that trim body you have been dreaming about.

Inform yourself about natural weight loss Rice N Shine

Therma Zan Supplements For Causing Weight Loss

In case of choosing one among the various weight loss supplements available in the market, it is necessary for one to keep certain factors in the mind. The first and foremost among them is to ensure that the product must be accredited or certified by the United States Food and Drugs Administration. This is extremely vital as often the weight loss supplements are composed of ingredients which are quite ineffective in causing weight loss and on the other hand they can cause harm to the body. Evidences show that in a premier country like the united states of America, 65% of the adult population is overweight and among the 50 million who attempt to lose weight each year, a mere 5% are actually successful in their endeavor.

In most cases, people go for weight loss supplements available in the market which ensure quick weight loss as in the hustle and bustle of contemporary life, not many people have the time to dedicate to rigorous physical exercises which are most successful in resulting in weight loss. While various weight loss supplements are available in the market, it can be noted that most people prefer herbal products as it is commonly believed that natural ingredients have better healing power and most importantly lesser side effects. Therma Zan is an herbal weight loss pill which causes effective weight loss by suppressing the appetite. It is necessary to remember that there are certain conditions under which the consumption of the Therma Zan diet pill is strictly prohibited. These conditions include pregnancy, diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid and heart diseases. Those suffering from the above conditions are not liable to use this supplement.

The main components that compose Therma Zan include natural ingredients like guarana, cayenne, hoodia gordonii and yerba mate. Therma Zan causes effective weight loss by ensuring the melting of fat within the body and this is made possible with the help of the process of thermogenesis. The cayenne component helps in the reduction of fats by liberating the energy from the dietary fats and thus restraining appetite. The yerba mate is instrumental in increasing the rate of metabolism and therefore resulting in the reduction of fat from the body. The energy that is contained by the stored fat is released by guarana which reduces appetite and thus results in weight loss. No proportion of ephedra is contained within this supplement. Till late, Therma Zan has not been reported to have any side effects.

Buy weight loss products online and avoid long store queues!

Bodybuilding: Building a Standout in the Crowd Chest

Since the beginning of bodybuilding time, men have wanted to build a chest that enters the room a good 2 seconds before the rest of their body. They want a chest that stands out and commands attention, a chest that steps up and sticks out. A broad chest that women seek to lay their head upon.

And ladies too, seek a beautiful chest, one that accents their natural assets. But they also want their chest to be sleek and feminine like the rest of their physique at the same time.

Well, achieving either of those goals is easily attainable with a thorough chest routine. And add a few expert tips and tricks into your overall plan, and youll have the chest of your dreams without the shoulder injuries of your nightmares.

Shoulder injuries have always been the rain on the chest training parade. Injuries are often due to overtraining, improper form, or simply not applying a back training ying to the chest training yang.

So when you do this routine, it will train your entire upper, upper body. By that I mean your chest, your rear delts, the rhomboids between your shoulder blades, your traps, and your rotator cuff muscles. From your ribs to your collarbone, at both the front and back of your body, your muscles will be exhausted, but trained to just the right level of exhaustion.

With just the right volume, but without overloading the shoulder joint, we are going to use basic chest exercises, but with a twist in a few cases, to make the most of the least. By training with supersets, youll get in and out of the gym if you do only the 6 exercises below. Talk about a beautiful chest fast.

While the full program offers the optimal volume for mega-chest-mass, Ive included some substitutions for women that are a little concerned with adding too much mass too fast to their chests. So make sure to read training substitutions, included below the workout, so you can customize the program to your goals.

Ive also included a summary of the methods, and a bonus instant chest building technique you probably never think of, after the workout. As well, a complete set of exercise descriptions is included at the end of the article.


Superset 1:
Rest 60 seconds between exercises. Rest 90 seconds before repeating the superset.
A1) DB Flat Chest Press (4 sets x 6 reps) Tempo: 3-0-1
A2) Barbell Row or Seated Wide-grip Row (4x8) 2-0-1
Superset 2:
Do not rest between exercises. Rest 60 seconds before repeating the superset.
B1) DB Incline Press (3x8) 2-0-1
B2) DB Chest Fly (3x10) 3-0-1

Superset 3:
Do not rest between exercises. Rest 60 seconds before repeating the superset.
C1) Medium-grip Bench Press (3x12) 2-0-1

C2) DB External Rotation (3x10) 2-0-1
Female exercise substitutions:

Do only 2 sets of each exercise.
For exercise A1), substitute the maximum number of pushups you can do in place of the DB Flat Chest Press.

How to Instantly Increase Your Chest Size

This is something that everyone should be doing, several times per day. If you work at a computer, you should be trying to hold this position all of the time.

Heres what to do:

In a seated or standing position, hold your arms down by your side. Externally rotate your shoulders so that your palms are now facing forward. Use the muscles between your shoulder blades to bring your shoulder blades together. Squeeze extra hard and pull your shoulders back by contracting your rear delts. At the same time, try to pull your shoulders down (you might feel a stretch running along your neck between your shoulders and your ears the more stretch you feel, the more you need to work on holding this position). This should pull your shoulders back and pop your chest out at least two inches. You should feel tension between your shoulder blades as your muscles work to hold that position. You might also feel a stretch in your chest. Now hold this proud posture as much as you can all day and when standing around in the clubs or in line at the grocery store. Trust me, someone will notice!

Exercise Descriptions

DB Flat Bench Press

Hold the dumbbells above your chest with your palms turned toward your feet. Lower the dumbbells to chest level. Press the dumbbells straight up above the chest. BB Row

Stand with your torso bent and parallel to the floor. Contract your glutes, brace your abs and keep your spine in a neutral position. Keep the lower back in a neutral position and your knees slightly bent. Grasp the barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Row the barbell to the abdomen and bring your shoulder blades together. Slowly lower to the starting position and repeat. Do NOT round your lower back. Wide-grip Seated Row

Use a long bar and take a greater than shoulder-width overhand grip. Keep your arms and back straight, knees slightly bent. Row the handle back as far as possible bringing your shoulder blades together. DB Incline Press

Lie on a bench with the backrest inclined at 45 degrees. Hold the dumbbells above your chest with your palms turned toward your feet. Lower the dumbbells to chest level. Press the dumbbells straight up above the chest. DB Fly

Lie flat on your back on a bench and hold the dumbbells with your palms turned towards your body (palms will face each other). Maintain a slight bend in your elbows at all times. Slowly begin to lower the dumbbells out to your side until your elbows reach shoulder level. Dont lower the dumbbells any further. At this point, squeeze your chest and bring the dumbbells up and in to the start position under control.

Medium-Grip Bench Press

Keep your feet flat on the floor, legs bent, and upper back flat against the bench. Grip the bar half-way between shoulder-width and your normal bench press grip. Keep the elbows close to the sides to emphasize the triceps. Have your spotter help you take the bar from the rack. Keeping your elbows close to your sides, lower the bar straight down to the bottom of your chest. Pause briefly and then press the bar back up above the chest in a straight line. DB External Rotation

Sit on a flat bench holding a light dumbbell (start with 5lbs). Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the end of the bench. Rest your right elbow on the top of your right knee and hold the DB in the bottom position. Slowly, using the small muscles of your rotator cuff, externally rotate the DB up and back until it is in the finish position (your forearm is perpendicular to your body at the top of the movement).

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Quality Canada Weight Loss Prescription

These days, proper diet and exercise do not seem to be doing the trick anymore when it comes to losing weight that is why people are turning to a Canada weight loss prescription. Opting for a Canada weight loss prescription ensures safety and more guarantee that you can lose weight since doctors and experts are recommending the prescribed weight loss drug.

For obesity
Originally, the Canada weight loss prescription is only given to obese people or for those who are nearing obesity, which can be dangerous to their health. However, these prescription drugs do not just work like magic. These people still need to take those weight loss drugs while maintaining proper diet and exercise.

Are you obese?
If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 27 or higher and you are also at risk for heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, your doctor may need to give you a Canada weight loss prescription. However, some of these medications are for short-term usage only.

Types of prescription medications
Check with your physician first before taking on any of these weight loss prescription drugs that can be classified in two ways:

1. Appetite suppressants These are prescribed to people who have other medical conditions along with being obese and they need to lose weight to maintain perfect health. These are never prescribed to pregnant women, people with heart disease, those suffering from liver or kidney failure, and those with glaucoma. Examples of popular appetite suppressants are phentermine and fenfluramine, however, they have been taken out of the market because of their side effects linked to heart diseases. Other examples that are still available include sibutramine and diethylproprion.

2. Fat blockers These types of medication are for preventing the body from absorbing fats and expelling them through bowel movement. Popular examples of these are Orlistat and Xenical. Known side effects include frequent and oily bowel movements, gas, and discharge. However, these side effects are reduced along with the reduction of fat intake.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Is Turbulence Training The Best For Busy People?

Are you looking for a physical exercising training? Are you a busy, fat, plumbed person? Have you tried turbulence training? Have you even heard something about this training process? If not, this is the product that will help you to lose your fat. There are several facts to show why turbulence training is a good and well know product among the well know weight lose training.

First one is its training method. This means turbulence training uses physical training with mental training. Due for this you loose weight while gaining muscle. This might be too much but it is true. Also after benefiting from this product there is no chance to gain weight again.

Another cool thing in turbulence training is that less time is required to do this exercise training. This means if you normally take two hours a day and seven days of weak to do your exercises, but in turbulence training you need only one hour in a week and just three days of a week. Due to this you save extra four hour in a week and you can use them as you wish.

Another great thing is there is no difference on male or female. Both can enjoy and benefit turbulence training. Also another benefit is you can use this exercising training at any time you want. Not like a gym, you go the gym and lose weight and after several years you gain weight and want to follow it again. Even if you remember, you may miss certain steps. But buying this program you can read the process any time you want and there is a bonus give to you and by reading it you can maintain your weight at a constant rate without referring to the whole process.

Even if you are fat, thin or some one, this program will help to lose and maintain your weight while giving you some big muscles and I recommend it for every one.

If you need to get more information on turbulence training click the link given below

Turbulence training

How to Get Weight Loss Momentum

By nature I'm a pretty lazy person. By that I simply mean that most of my life I pretty much tend to do as little as possible in order to achieve my desired outcome. And don't worry you don't need to do anything close to this kind of regiment. And as far as the running... Well, I save that for a future article. Here is what you need to know if you ever want to make MAJOR progress effortlessly:


Get it. Do whatever you have to; just find a way to get it. Here's what I want you to know: when you eat junk food, you want more. I'm killed my momentum many uh times by cheating. And in retrospect I can clearly see that it isn't necessarily what you eat that is most damaging. It's the loss of momentum. Now some people just have absolutely no desire for junk food. They say it tastes bad and they would never put in their body...I kind of think of them as "health food evangelists"

Now there's nothing wrong with this. In fact, it's probably a good thing. Good for them. :o) But I've gotta tell you: this certainly isn't me. Now don't get me wrong I genuinely do enjoy the taste of LOTS of natural healthy food. But I also enjoy many foods. And I've found a way to eat a good amount of junk food and stay very lean and energetic. Of course I feed my body premium quality fuel most of the time but I think you know what I mean.

HERE'S THE POINT: You can create momentum in either direction. And crazy as it may sound, you can actually train yourself to want to exercise.You can train yourself to enjoy it. You can train yourself to be addicted to it. Now, please understand this only happens if you exercise correctly. If you go through the motions like 93.7% of people you'll stay stagnant. Let me ask you: What kind of momentum do you have in your life right now? In what direction is it going? Now is a good time to really evaluate what kind of shape you are in... Spring is just beginning and summer will be here before you know it.

The condition of your body will DIRECTLY effect the level to which you are able to enJOY these "warm weather seasons." I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Here's what you should do immediately: Go look in the mirror. *Take yourself out of your body* and just look at yourself.


Now this isn't a time to beat yourself up or anything like that... Just stand there for a good 2-3 minutes and really evaluate your activity over the past month. *Think.* Really think. What have you been doing? Visualize the exercises you have been doing. See yourself eating the foods you have been eating. What do you see? Reality check: If you continue this behavior, how is your body going to look and feel in in the coming months? If you're making progress then congratulations!

(I know many of you are)

KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING. But here's what I want you to be aware of. I notice that many people have their "little routine" They eat the same thing (that they think is healthy) and they make little change to their exercise regiment (which they think is effective) Do you see what I'm getting at? Bottom line: Step out of your comfort zone and you'll be surprised with the irony of your actions. It becomes easier not harder.

For more powerful and life changing content, visit to sign up for a FREE 10 Day eCourse and discover how you too can live in a lean, strong and energetic body.