Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Unknown Secrets of Weight Loss

You have tried everything. You have literally started a new diet every week for the last 3 years. Let's see how many of the old time diets I can remember and tried. How about the grapefruit diet? I was consuming grapefruit by the truckload until Tropicana came to my house and put the "squeeze" on me, saving my life was preferable and more important things than becoming grapefruit concentrate. How about the Atkins diet? That was a biggie because I love bacon and unlimited amounts of bacon were allowed on the Atkins diet. I remember I ate two pounds of bacon and was feeling "light" until I passed gas that killed the my parakeet. My next attempt was the Scarsdale Diet. That worked great until Dr. Townsend's girlfriend killed him in a jealous rage. His company still owes me the last 8 weeks of their wonderful diet food. Does anybody know the statues of limitations on suing the Scarsdale Company ? It was only 30 years ago . I must still have rights!

OK, OK, I am done ranting and raving about my trials and tribulations of dieting. Deep down inside, I knew that good nutrition and exercise are vital keys to successful weight loss. But, like everybody else, my mind was swayed by the diets that claimed to be easy, quick and that worked like magic. Today, 50 lbs. lighter, fit and being a lean cruising machine are my lifestyle. It's logic that prevails in losing weight. Diet and exercise make scientific sense and work every time (minor exceptions to the rule). But even under optimal conditions of healthy nutrition and exercise weight loss can be hampered by the PH of our body. Let me repeat that again. Weight loss can be hampered by the PH of our bodies. If you are eating healthy and exercising and weight loss is still very difficult try this little publicized secret. Follow an alkaline diet! This can make all the difference in the world in sustaining weight loss. I know it sounds too simple but it does make a difference. As an analogy, ask any good landscaper about the use of lime (a powder that enhances soil to a more basic condition) and what impact it has on the plant. It makes a HUGE difference. An alkaline diet can turn average diet results into outstanding diet results.

Here are some key properties of the alkaline diet. Our modern lifestyles create an overabundance of acidity. Acidity brings bad health and disease. Eating a diet that balances the PH never causes the body to gain weight. Our body's PH is slightly alkaline at 7.35 to 7.45. We can change the PH balance in our body by eating 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods that digest and bring our body into balance. God made the plant with abilities to grow and thrive. So we can observe the abilities of plants to heal themselves, thrive and grow and thrive and apply them to humanity. Nutrients of plants nourish plants and we can eat the same nutrients to nourish and heal ourselves. The acidic foods that we eat bring death and disease. Alkaline foods bring energy and bring healthy states to the body. The nutrients heal the plant and the human body as well, so we cannot over cook our foods, destroying the nutrients. Try to eat raw foods or slightly cooked. Alkaline foods consists mostly of all vegetables, some fruits, fresh water fish, almonds, tofu and low fat foods. Acidic foods consist of sugar, cheese, meats, poultry, etc.

The bottom line is this. Weight loss is never easy. But by understanding the various elements of diet with and emphasis on proper PH balance you are using the science of what we know to enhance weight loss. Good luck and happy losing!!



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