Surefire Ways to Drop Weight Using Medifast - Super Keys to Fantastic Fat Loss
In this article I'd like to quickly point out some surefire ways to drop weight while using the medifast diet. True, for many people, simply following the plan itself is MORE than sufficient for reaching or surpassing all of their weight loss goals. But the truth is, if you REALLY want to amplify your outcome and optimize your efforts like I do, you sometimes need to reach a little bit deeper into the proverbial bag of tips and tricks to get the best results possible. So continue reading as I shine a bright light on the techniques that work best for ME, and others who are reporting phenomenal results as well. Read on..:-)
Filed Under: The Magic is in the Motion
If you aren't exercising, I've got to ask....why NOT? Simply stated, I don't care how much weight you are losing, or how averse you THINK you may be to working out, NO program for long term weight loss will work without some form of cardiovascular exercise. Of course you can lose LOTS of weight without it...but if you TRULY want to revolutionize your body, mind and spirit long term, you need to integrate some form of cardiovascular motion into your lifestyle. Yoga, Pilates, walking and even some of your favorite hobbies can make for a great workout. (think gardening, playing with your kids, and creative!)
Filed Under: A Lean and Green Lifestyle
Everyone knows about the lean and green element of Medifast - it's the 6th meal (yes, 6 meals a day!) and the ONLY one you will be preparing. But the key to long term health and vitality is incorporating this sort of meal planning AFTER you've lost the weight you've wanted on Medifast...and moved BACK into the world of everyday meal selection on your own. Lots of us, of course, keep using a "light" version of Medifast for maintenance WELL after we've reached our target weight, but I always recommend that the lean and green approach you integrate into your LONG term lifestyle as a HABIT. Not only does it taste great, no matter WHAT changes in the wild and wooly world of dieting advice, you can rest assured that veggies and protein will ALWAYS stay in style! Just as your new KILLER bod does as well..:-)
I Feel GREAT! No More Chubby Tummy I told My Hubby!
Read discover how you can lose weight, feel great, and turn heads on the beach, in the boardroom and in the bedroom...guaranteed!
(Even if you've never lost a pound on ANY diet ever before!)
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