Thursday, May 22, 2008

4 Very Persuasive Reasons to Opt for Push-Ups over the Bench Press

When it comes to the debate of bodyweight versus lifting weights, the arena is full and the sides are clearly drawn.

The fact is, where you'll take your stand in the debate will be decided by so many circumstances that no one gets to their stance in the exact same way. However, there are four very clear reasons you should consider making the change from the bench press to the push-up - or, at the very least, to consider getting the best out of both.

Reason #1

When doing push-ups and other bodyweight exercises, the amount of weight and resistance you're working with is in direct proportion to your body's inherent capabilities. Performing push-ups will be the equivalent of "lifting" roughly 60% of your body's weight.

If you weigh in at 185 pounds, that's roughly equal to 110 pounds. If you weigh 220, it's closer to 135 pounds.

Reason #2

Push-ups can be better for your health than bench pressing - especially if you've led a more sedentary life until now. Push-ups are a safer option because your shoulder joints won't have to support excessive weight, or risk winding up in an unnatural or compromised position.

Unlike bench pressing, which really zero's in on specific areas while neglecting the overall body, push-ups work a wider variety of your muscle groups, offering fuller, more wide-spread results. Hey, back in the day, when bench presses first entered the scene, serious athletes snubbed them as "a lazy man's machine."

Reason #3

Push-ups offer yet another reason to make the switch: they demand (and develop) greater stability PLUS better overall body control. This translates into improved balance and an optimized range of motion. Both of which will make a significant impact on your overall presence and persona, and perhaps more importantly - your quality of life!

Examined individually, these benefits are fairly impressive. However, when you add them all together, the results are simply spectacular.

Check this out..... With pushups....

Your body won't be stressed out from aggressive, excessive weight lifting. You'll always be working with roughly 60% of your body's weight.

Switching from strictly bench pressing to performing push-ups is better on your shoulder joints, which are often deteriorated and compromised in the course of rigorous weight lifting.

You'll also be enjoying an exercise that works a much wider majority of your body's muscles. Not only will your arms look fantastic, you'll see real results in your back, abs, and butt as well.

PLUS you wind up with improved balance, movement and control.

But, there's another benefit that you might have missed...

Reason #4

Once you've started maximizing the power of push-ups, there's a whole world of fitness possibilities that open up. It's called "bodyweight exercises" or "bodyweight training", and push-ups are just one of a multitude of your options.

Know what's even better?

Just like push-ups, other bodyweight exercises don't require expensive gym memberships, bulky equipment, massive amounts of your time, or any of the other obstacles that turn what should be a simple work-out into a Herculean effort.

Quit complicating things! Don't let "public opinion" make things harder than they have to be.

Get back to the basics and regain control of not only your workout, but the rest of your life as well!

Rhadi Ferguson is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Rhadi Ferguson trains World Class Athletes and in an Expert in Bodyweight Training. Ferguson is also a 2004 Olympian in Judo and a 4-Time National Judo Champion. If you desire to learn more information about bodyweight exercise and bodyweight training you may visit his websites at and for the best in bodyweight training and bodyweight exercise.


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