Why Cardio Machines Are Horrible For Fat Loss
Have you ever noticed that just about 80% of all people in the gyms these days are running the treadmill in a dreaded attempt to lose weight? Has it been working for them? NO!! The average person out there feels that if they run the treadmill like a lab rat on a wheel they're gonna lose weight. I see hundreds of obese people spending 60-90 minutes on the treadmill just toiling away.
The cardio training these days is great for the heart but horrible for overall fitness and weight loss. Yet people just keep walking forever on these machines! In order to lose weight on a regular basis, the average person needs to eat healthy of course and mix up their training routine. The best way to shock the body into fitness and weight loss is to perform medium resistance exercises in a non stop "Circuit".
One exercise after the other with Cardio mixed in between. Muscle has memory and if you think you're gonna lose a ton of weight just walking the treadmill ,you have another thing coming. Performing large muscle group exercises back to back is key for speeding up the metabolism. This is why medium resistance exercises that work large muscle groups performed in a "Circuit" is your best way to go. I feel cardio training does need to be thrown in the mix but the old myth of burning calories is over rated! Cardio is great for fitness and the heart health but if you need to burn fat and re-shape your body, Circuit training is the key. 300 calories are burned on a treadmill but the body now will burn calories for over 36 hours after a circuit training routine is performed.
Would you rather burn calories for 36 hours after your circuit workout of just burn a tiny 300 calories on a treadmill? I feel bad for those that were taught by a bad personal trainer that cardio is the best form of exercise for fat loss. IT IS NOT. Any real trainer knows that mixing up medium resistance training,healthy diet and light cardio will produce a Turbulence effect on the body. Shocking your system to then burn fat. If performed correctly, you truly only need to be in the gym 45 minutes 3-4 days a week. NOT 7 DAYS PER WEEK FOR 90 MINUTES ON A TREADMILL. Look around. How many of your friends that walk a treadmill all week really look slim? A Circuit routine will guarantee you much faster results.
If you feel you're tired of the tiny fat loss results with the treadmill and need to really lose weight fast. Please visit http://www.PureFatBurning.com for over 30 Free tips and workouts regarding Circuit Training. It's not to late to lose the weight fast. Shannon Macri
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