Friday, June 20, 2008

Natural Rapid Weight Loss Ideas - Whole Grains for Weight Loss

Many research studies have shown that adding whole grains to your diet can have a significant improvement on your weight loss goals as well as providing many beneficial nutrients for good health. For some dieters, whole grains and what they are and what they are not can be confusing. Currently there is an emphasis on carbohydrates and their relationship to weight gain. This article will clear up some of the confusion by illustrating that whole grains help with weight loss, that not all carbohydrates are created equal, what natural whole grains you can add to your diet for rapid weight loss, and what health benefits these grains provide.

Let's start with what whole grains are and what they are not. Whole grains are cereal grains where the entire grain and all its vital nutrients are left intact. They are not processed as refined grains are. Grains that have been processed and refined are left with little nutritional value.

Natural whole grains are complex carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are broken down more slowly and release energy more slowly. Simple carbohydrates are those made with refined grains found in many processed foods and baked goods, are high in sugars and fats, and break down faster which results in insulin production. The increase in insulin production triggers the body to convert the carbs into fat and stores it. Whole grains regulate insulin levels that eliminate hunger pangs and provide a feeling of fullness that reduces food cravings.

Natural whole grains you can add to your diet are:


Wheat germ


Brown rice

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah)


Pearl Barley

These grains are a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, are high in fiber and plant based protein, high in iron and other minerals. Whole grains also are part of a heart healthy diet. They are linked to the reduction of cholesterol levels, insulin regulation, are a good source of energy producing B vitamins as well as immunity boosting from vitamin E, manganese and zinc, and the prevention of some cancers.

They can be added to your healthy diet quite easily. Flaxseeds should be purchased whole and ground only when needed. Ground flaxseeds and wheat germ can be added to cereals, oatmeal, yogurt, pancake and muffin batters, and quick breads.

Quinoa is a grain that is bursting with healthy nutrients, minerals, and is considered a complete protein because it contains 8 essential amino acids. Quinoa can be prepared like rice and be substituted for couscous, rice dishes, and barley in soups and stews.

Natural whole grain foods should be added to any diet for rapid weight loss and a healthy eating lifestyle. These whole grains provide important health promoting benefits, reduce food cravings, and regulate blood sugar levels and burn calories more efficiently. So why not make whole grains a part of your weight loss diet.

For rapid weight loss ideas, and the 10 Changes to Your Diet that you can make right NOW for immediate results, visit Healthy Fast Weight Loss.


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