Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Weight Loss Motivation - Weight Loss Is All In The Mind!

Ever wondered why people fail at weight loss? Why people fall off the wagon as they say? Its not because they seriously can't do it or that the exercise program was to difficult its all down to one thing and that's motivation.

A major component within your body to assist in losing weight is your mind and what you are thinking. Your mind believe it or not controls your actions whether it be "saying no to that extra helping of ice cream" or "making you believe you can't achieve". This is what puts a sudden stop to most peoples weight loss plans.

Actions you carry out can change the way you think about things but most importantly have your mind thinking what you want it to think while keeping you motivated to carry on. When losing weight the biggest motivational kick is witnessing the results staring back at you in the mirror and the feeling of achievement at the way you have changed your body.

But when you stare in the mirror and don't see the results you expected staring back at you it is enough to have you throwing in the towel. So what can you do to avoid this and keep you motivated?

Setting realistic goals is a huge way of keeping you motivated. If you look at it realistically and aim to lose weight slowly and surely you will stay ahead of the game. Nobody can lose weight overnight and as soon as you set an unrealistic target that you can never achieve that is when you are most likely going to throw in that towel.

So look at your lifestyle and your fitness levels and aim for realistic targets every month and this will keep you fulfilled. Whether it be 1 pound a week or 4 pounds a week make sure it's a goal you can achieve with hard work.

Keep a diary!

Diaries are full of motivational kicks and I'm sure if you have read through success stories on the internet or in books they will make you feel excited at what you can achieve. So why not go one better and keep a diary of your success story! Keep food diaries and exercise diaries and even photographs along the way. At any time when you feel disappointed with your results refer back to your diary and what you have achieved so far and I guarantee that feeling of excitement will return at what you can really get out of your body.

Diaries are essential packed full of results and previous goals in which you have achieved while allowing you to look at what you once were and what you have grown into today.

It's a fact though that a lack of motivation in anything not just weight loss can destroy any chance of you reaching your goals. By incorporating two little techniques into your routine it not only maximises the odds of you achieving but also reminds you not to forget what you have already achieved and how far you have come.

Most importantly keeping you effectively one step ahead of your mind.

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