Friday, May 23, 2008

How To Lower Your Body Fat Percentage Fast

Lowering your body fat percentage is not difficult at all you just need to know the most effective methods. How low your body fat percentage should be depends on your own personal goals. If your goal is to show off your six pack abs then a body fat percentage of 10% or lower is recommended. For males the essential body fat to survive is between 3 or 5% for women this number must be higher. In the next paragraphs you will discover three ways for a lower body fat percentage. Please note if you a dramatically change in your eating habits then contact your doctor first.

Eat more and smaller

Professional athletes and bodybuilders are boosting their metabolism by eating six healthy meals in a twenty-four hour period. If you have a fast metabolism you're burning calories all the time even if you are at rest. Of course you can lower your body fat percentage with proper nutrition and eating only breakfast, dinner and lunch. But if your goal bodybuilding or fitness then eating six meals per day is an absolute requirement. By eating every three hours that you are awake you won't have food cravings. Another tip is to eat much in the morning and less in the evening. The reason why is that you are burning fewer calories at night.

Drink more water

Most people don't drink enough water and perhaps sometimes you wake up with a hangover. The reason for this is that you don't drink enough water a good starting point is drink at least eight or ten glasses of water every day. Water is very essential for the fat burning process. If you are working out drink water before, during and after your workout to prevent dehydration.

Avoid saturated fats

Saturated fats are the most harmful and they are increasing the levels of cholesterols in your blood. Some professional bodybuilders don't consume dairy products for the reason that they contain to much saturated fats. Avoid saturated fats as much as possible is the message but surely there is nothing wrong with eating a chicken breast or red lean meat from time to time. But be careful peanuts for example contains good fats but they are very high in calories. If you want to lower your body fat percentage you must be aware what you eat and what ingredients your food contain. Make it a habit to read food labels as much as possible.

Lowering your body fat percentage with these three tips should not be difficult at all. No matter what your goal is it will takes work and effort from your side. Having the right information and a good motivation are essential factors for your future success.

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