Friday, May 16, 2008

How to Get Rid Of Love Handles - 3 Extreme Exercises to Get Rid Of Those Love Handles

"How to get rid of love handles?" Why do you ask such a question? How hard are you will to work to get rid of those love handles?

If you are willing to work hard to get rid of your love handles, then read on. If not, do skip this article.

Have you ever seen any body having sexy waistline and slim abs but also has flabby arms or fat chest or fat thighs?

I don't think so. Then why don't you understand the only way to get rid of those love handles is if you manage to get rid of overall body fat.

I am going to show you three extreme exercises to fire up your metabolism to a whole new level. These metabolism boosters will help you get rid of love handles faster than you could imagine.

-- Deadlifts.

This is one of the best exercises to blast your metabolism off the roof. This multi joint movement exercises will use many muscle fibers from your legs to your abs to your shoulders and arms, causing a traumatic effect for the entire body to work together.

-- Clean and Press

This too has similar effects like Deadlifts, but it is much more advanced and uses the momentum of your body to move the weight. With this momentum exercise, you will be able to hear your heart pounding real hard. This really is an excellent exercise to get rid of love handles.

-- Sandbag kickboxing.

Of course you will have to consider it at a very advanced stage because sandbag kickboxing is not only a strength workout, but it is a high intense cardio workout at the same time.

With every controlled kick and punch to the sandbag, you make use of a larger distance in your movements and also make the most use of momentum.

All leads to extreme fat loss levels, and in other words, a shortcut to get rid of those love handles.

If you want to make sure you found this information useful, try using at least one of these exercises in your strength training workouts, and you are guaranteed to get rid of love handles in less than a month.

Learn how to lose love handles in the fastest time possible with complete fat loss routines that are effective for fat loss by visiting the links below;

Fat Burning Furnace Program

Mike Geary's Truth About Six Pack Abs

Turbulence Training Workout


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